


I was eighteen years old when I could no longer wait, the questions were burning my mind with anticipation of the answers. I lay battered and bruised at the brink of complete exhaustion, at the feet of the man who claimed he took me in.

Blood pooling around me from the open wounds caused by the claws of the monster I seen too often. My breath was hard to catch as I found the last bit of strength left in me to sit up onto my knees.

As I felt the warm blood touch the naked skin of my knees, I felt the bubbling anger ignite in me. Only fuelling my attempts to find out exactly where I came from. I wanted to know everything.

Why was I here?

Why didn’t they just kill me?

How am I able to withstand this constant torture?

Looking down at my hands that lay flat across the floor holding me up I bit back a scream from the pain of the broken bones in my fingers. Tears surfaced as I took a moment to look back.