
Perfectly flawed.

Ana Anaborhi is a social recluse with no sense of self-worth who feels the need to belong. She has lived her life dreading people, and feeling intimidated by their carefree lifestyle. After the death of her mother, Ana tries to fit into school in her final year at the university. She finds herself living a life that isn't meant for her. Ana tries to make someone who was only after her body falls in love with her. Realizing that she was only being played, Ana tries to fix the mistakes that she had made in her quest to feel among. *We yearn for love in the wrong places, forgetting the fact that there is love all around us just waiting to be grasped.*

brighteststar_17 · Teen
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8 Chs

Samuel's party.

The whole University was talking about it. Someone even said he heard a lecturer talking about it. Everyone was ecstatic about it. It was going to be massive and no one could stop talking about it.

"I'm going to ask Micheal out. We can go together." Blessing said to her friends. Just like always, Blessing was obsessing over Micheal.

Ana sat down on her bed as she thought of Samuel. His birthday was upcoming. The whole school was talking about it. Her roommate and her friends were talking about it. Well, Blessing was thinking of a way to ask Micheal to go with her to the party still, they were still talking about Samuel's birthday party.

The party. It was going to be grand. Ana had heard about Samuel's extravagant birthday parties in the past three years, although she had never attended anyone of them.

This party was going to be different, it was going to be better than the rest. This party was going to mark Samuel's twenty-third birthday. It was a type of party that extremely rich University students threw in their huge houses. It was a type of party that was going to attract a lot of people.

No doubt, Samuel was rich, filthy rich. Little wonder, so many girls were always around him. Even the freshers wanted to be around the rich final-year student.

Ana sighed inaudibly. She won't also get the chance to attend his birthday party, just like the rest that she hadn't been able to attend.

"Ana." Her roommate called. Ana turned to look at her.

"What's wrong with you? I've been calling you."


"Aren't you going to class?"

Class? Right, she had forgotten about class. "Yes, yes." Ana picked up her bag and dashed out of the room leaving Blessing and her friends to stare at each other in confusion.

After lectures that day, Ana made her way to the cafeteria. The accounting lecturer had stayed in class longer than he was supposed to do and now Ana felt famished since she had not eaten anything.

"Ana," Micheal called.

Ana frowned slightly. Why was he calling her? "Yeah?"

"Sit with us, please."

Ana sighed inaudibly. She sat down in between Matilda and Micheal as she ate silently. Blessing's face was turning red from jealousy but Ana decided to ignore her. It was not like she was interested in Micheal.

"So... are you coming to Samuel's party?"

"No," Ana said softly, her gaze still focused on her food.

"Why? You can come with me."

"What?" Ana choked on her food and quickly drank some water. She glanced at Blessing who seemed to be fuming with anger.

"Yes, yes. You should come with us, Ana. It will be fun." Blessing snickered in a way that made Ana's eyebrows furrow. What was happening?

"Okay," Ana replied.

"Great, then we can all go together." Matilda smiled, a smile that wasn't so genuine.

Ana immediately regretted why she sat down with them. She wished she had politely turned down their offer but it was too late already.

"See you guys later," Ana said and hurriedly left the cafeteria.

When she got back to her room, she heaved a breath of relief. Her eyes widened in shock, it was then it dawned on her that she had accepted to go to the party. Not just any party, Samuel's party. Oh dear Lord!

What was she going to wear? Nothing was befitting for an extravagant party inside her bag. What was she going to do? She couldn't go to a huge party dressed like a nerd. She was done for.

What had she gotten herself into? She had never attended any parties. Well, except for her graduation party when she was in secondary school if that could even be counted as a party. Her unrequited love for Samuel would surely be her death of her.

"What was that?" Blessing yelled when she got into her room. She shut the door angrily which produced a loud thud that made Ana jolt in surprise.

Ana stared at her in confusion, "What was what?" She asked, ever so innocently. She had wanted to ignore her overly dramatic roommate but that would only make her angrier and Ana didn't want that.

"Don't start acting innocent. You know exactly what I'm talking about."

Ana shook her head slowly. What had she done to make her roommate so mad? She had always been cautious when dealing with her roommate so what could have possibly gone wrong now?

"What were you doing with my boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend?" Ana gasped. "Who is your boyfriend?"

As if Blessing wasn't already infuriated, Ana's question only made her even angrier. She looked like a volcano that was going to erupt anytime soon. Her eyes looked fierce.

"Everyone in this University knows who my boyfriend is." Blessing yelled as she stomped her foot on the tiled floor.

"Micheal? Is..is..it him?" Ana stammered.