
Perfectly flawed.

Ana Anaborhi is a social recluse with no sense of self-worth who feels the need to belong. She has lived her life dreading people, and feeling intimidated by their carefree lifestyle. After the death of her mother, Ana tries to fit into school in her final year at the university. She finds herself living a life that isn't meant for her. Ana tries to make someone who was only after her body falls in love with her. Realizing that she was only being played, Ana tries to fix the mistakes that she had made in her quest to feel among. *We yearn for love in the wrong places, forgetting the fact that there is love all around us just waiting to be grasped.*

brighteststar_17 · Teen
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8 Chs

Project work.

They had all agreed to meet up after lectures. After lectures, Ana went back to her hostel so that she could freshen up.

When Ana got to the common bathroom, she turned on the shower and closed her eyes as the cold water trickled down her skin. She had only one thing, rather, she had only one person on her mind- Samuel Adebayo.

She didn't care that they were so many other ladies in the common bathroom. She didn't care that she was naked and that people could see her. What mattered to her most at that moment was that she was going to see Samuel. 

She had left the hostel along with Blessing and her friend, Matilda. The broad bright smile on her face had been invaluable. 

They had all agreed to meet up at an empty class at the University. When they got there, Micheal and Samuel were already there waiting for them. They all exchanged pleasantries.

"So... Any idea for our project?" Matilda asked. 

"Yes, I did some research on our topic," Ana said, her voice coming out in whispers. Everyone turned to look at her almost immediately, Ana quickly looked away as she tried to avoid their piercing eyes.

"Okay, show it to us." Blessing said. Ana brought out a notebook that she had kept in her small handbag. She opened the note and showed it to them. 

"This is good but we still have to research more on the topic. It's a one-hour presentation." Samuel said.

Ana smiled to herself as his voice rang in her head. This was the first time she had been so close to him. This was the first time he spoke to her. Ana nodded and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"Yes, so let's discuss the topic first, then we can add the ideas that need to be added," Micheal said.

After discussing their ideas, they all agreed to meet again tomorrow. Ana made her way back to the hostel with a sullen expression on her face. She was not able to talk to Samuel. Her cowardice had gotten the best of her, once again.

Blessing and Matilda stayed behind with Samuel and Micheal. Ana wished she had also stayed behind, she wished she had spoken to Samuel but, then again what could she possibly have said? 

She wished she could be more like Blessing and Matilda, they were daring. They did and say things without even thinking, they just acted. Ana knew that was dumb yet, she wished she was more like them.

She had felt left out, like always. The four of them had discussed amongst themselves and Ana wasn't even able to chip in. So much for bravery.

When she got back to her hostel, she freshened up and went to the library. The library girl was there already, she sat down beside her.

"Hi." The library girl said with a smile.

"Hi." Ana smiled back at her. Somehow, the library girl always managed to put a smile on her face. It was strange how they had both grown fondling towards each other, even without saying anything.

After a few hours of reading, Ana went back to her hostel so that she could sleep.

The next day, Ana and her group members all met each other at the same place. They discussed their project work and worked on their presentation.

"So...Ana, you are going to talk about the effects and the causes," Micheal said. 

Ana's eyes widened in fear. She could not. She could never. She had never spoken in front of so many people. She shook her head vigorously, "No, no. I can't."

"Why?" Samuel asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Forget her, Ana isn't articulate. I'll speak on her behalf, besides I have a great voice." Blessing said in her chirpy tone. She had a huge grin on her face.

Ana glared at her secretly. Never had she found her chirpiness so annoying as now. She wanted to slap the grin off Blessing's face but she couldn't even bring herself to say anything.

"Is that true, Ana?" Micheal asked. Ana lowered her head in shame, she didn't utter a word.

"Of course. Why would I lie to you, Micheal? Ana can be very shy and boring most of the time. Right, Ana?" Blessing said with a giggle as if she had not just insulted her, as if she had not just casually degraded her.

Ana nodded her head slowly, she remained quiet. She bit her lower lips, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. She prayed for the ground to open up and swallow her, at least that would rid her of the embarrassment.

She was a twenty years old lady who could not even defend herself. A twenty years old adult who had tears threatening to fall from her eyes because her fellow human had insulted her and she was not able to do anything, rather she was too much of a coward to do anything.

"Alright, then it is settled. I'll talk about the effects and causes." Blessing said with a bright smile.

"Are you sure about this, Ana? You contributed a lot to this project work." Micheal said causing Blessing to frown.

"What are you saying, Micheal? It was Ana's decision, if she wanted it then she would have said yes." Blessing said as she replaced her frown with a smile.

Afterward, they all headed back to their hostel. "Can you lend me your research note? I just want to copy out the effects and causes." Blessing said so casually as if she had not just insulted Ana a while ago.

Ana turned to look at her roommate. She looked stupefied. "What?" Blessing asked with a friendly smile.

What? How dare you ask me that? Ana wanted to say but the words were unable to come out. "Sure." She said softly after she finally regained her composure. She brought out her research notebook and handed it over to Blessing.

"Thank you." Blessing smiled. "You know it's a good thing you're so shy. I will be able to impress Micheal when I speak in class tomorrow." She said, the smile never leaving her face. Ana gaped at her in horror and confusion.

Ana's phone rang and she quickly picked it up. It was her sister.

"Na wa o. If I don't call you, won't you call me?" Grace said.

Ana smiled slightly, "That's why you are the elder sister."

Grace chuckled, "Smart. How's school? Hope you are good?"

"I am. We are having a group presentation tomorrow." 

"That's nice. Make sure to make me proud." Grace said but Ana didn't respond. She was not even going to speak on the day of the presentation.

"So...what's up with you? Talk to your big sis."

"Nothing much, just schoolwork. How about you?" Ana said. She wanted to tell her about Samuel, she wanted to tell her how alone she felt, yet she didn't. She remained quiet, bottling up her feelings, as per usual.

"At least, one of us has an interesting life. I just finished working on one of my portraits and I've been getting so many compliments on it." Grace said, the excitement and happiness in her tone visible.

"Wow..that's awesome. Send me a picture of it." 

"Okay. I'll talk to you later." Grace said and hung up.

Ana sighed and rested her head on her pillow.