
Chapter 1

Kate looked at her bed it Looked soo different the wardrobe with expensive male suits and perfumes.she went to the sitting room found a picture of her and her late husband it was very difficult for her to accept her husband was no more

Everything in her house reminded her of her late husband and her late daughter who died just a week after her husband died Kate lived in a house with toys but no kids a house with everything but no love.

Kate had money, estates and luxury cars but had no happiness.

She looked in the mirror and saw a angry, disrespectful, bitter and heartless woman she didn't like herself but couldn't do anything because she was lonely and her loneliness made her so cruel.

Earlier at work she slapped her employee just because she gave her unsweetened tea.She finds little mistakes very irritating it's weird she doesn't even have friends, Never goes out or does anything to cheer herself up.

"Life has played a dirty game on me what's the use of living? Why is death so far away from me when I need it the most ?"she cried .At this point only wine would comfort her and give her some peace.

In morning Kate was lying down on the floor with an empty bottle of wine and an empty glass her hair was ruined and her TV and laptop was on. "Oh my God! I have a meeting with the investor Mr Khan and it's 30 minutes from now" she said.

She quickly went to the bathroom took a quick bath and did her hair choosing what to wear was one of the difficult tasks for her. "Why hasn't Sandra chosen my outfit?"she asked herself. she then remembered she had fired Sandra just because she chose a shirt which had a little stain on the back. It now took her 20minutes to find her outfit.

She quickly went outside and remembered she fired the driver too because he played a song she didn't like.

She took the keys and drove to the office she was 30minutes late.

"Well you all didn't have to come this Early it's not my fault you had to wait"she defended herself. "This is not funny I've been here for an hour I have important work too you needed to apologise not blame me" Mr Khan said. Kate in anger grabbed her bag and left the meeting

After a few minutes Mark her manager went to her office and told her they lost another investor because of her attitude.

Kate seemed not to care and gave no response

"Looks like Kate will continue being rude stubborn and arrogant I'm here to make sure you lose no more investors Mark" said Maya. Maya is Kate's cousin she's the only one who Kate listens to.After Kate saw Maya she was Soo excited she hugged her as she hadn't seen her for years.

"I had to come and see how you're doing but looking at you I can see that nothing is alright what's wrong with you ?"Maya asked.Kate smile and said "we have a lot to talk about you had a long trip let's go home and catch up with our stories as it is my mood is screwed up I don't feel like working." Kate and Maya drove home .