

When should you fall in love? At the most PERFECT TIME, of course. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Leanne del Rosario has always been told that she looks like her great-grandmother, Josefa Diaz. When Leanne found Josefa’s diary, she was transported back to the Spanish regime era of the Philippines to resolve Josefa’s regrets. Find out how she went about her situation. (Disclaimer: cover photo not mine) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Transmigration starts in TRES!

PurplePotat · History
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Feeling the brightness of the sun on her face, Leanne slowly opened her eyes. Squinting, she looked around. It was the same room but it feels different.

"Is it just me or did the sun rose too fast?" Leanne said as she got up. She really got a bad feeling about this.

Looking at the window, Leanne saw a different scenery. "Where did the car go? The gate is also different… What the heck!?"

Turning around, she caught a glimpse of herself on the mirror. "I didn't remember wearing this when I fell asleep. My hair too… is different… and longer… and my face!!!" Leanne was murmuring worriedly as she checked herself.

Leanne felt like she was looking at herself and a stranger at the same time. Her hair was longer, her eyebrows were straight making her look gentler, her skin was a bit darker and she seemed shorter. She was also wearing a white kimona and a long skirt.

(Kimona= traditional Philippine clothing)

Leanne paced around the room as she chanted, "No way! No way! No way!..." like a spell that would wake her up from this nightmare. As she felt herself going insane, she heard knocks and the door opened.

"Josefa, may I ask what's taking you so long? Emilio is already waiting outside." A cute and small girl with long curly black hair, light brown doe eyes, small high nose and thin pink lips entered the room. The girl showed grace in her words and movement. The girl was wearing a white baro't saya with gold details. Leanne feels a 'Maria Clara' vibe from the girl.

(Maria Clara= the mestiza heroine in Noli Me Tangere that represents traditional, feminine ideal in the Philippines)

Leanne is beginning to panic again so she said a bit rudely, "Wait… Josefa? I'm not Josefa, I'm Leanne. Who are you anyway?... And why are you wearing that!?"

The petite girl slightly tilted her head in confusion, "What do you mean, Josefa? Isn't this what we all wear? You must not be fully awake yet. Though, you must make haste and get ready. Didn't we agree to go when the church bell rings? Emilio was complaining that we were taking so long."

Leanne was shocked and was not able to respond right away. Leanne robotically pointed to herself and to the petite girl, "If I am Josefa... and there is an Emilio… are you perhaps… Maria?"

Maria smiled brightly like the sun, "I will wait for you with Emilio downstairs. Emilio also told me that he prepared something for you." Maria then turned around and left gracefully.

When she was finally alone again, Leanne forcefully grabbed her head and crouched down in panic, "Oh my gosh! There are Josefa, Maria and Emilio here. What is going on? Where am I?... or more specifically, when am I!?"

Leanne suddenly stood up with a determined look on her face, "No! this must be a dream. I was reading the diary before I fell asleep, that must be why this is happening... I'll just go with the flow then…"

Leanne took out similar looking clothes to Maria. She tried hard to recall how Maria looked like in order to fix herself. "How do you even put this on? Do they even have make-up here? I can't go out like this."

When Leanne felt she now looked satisfactory, she went out while taking the chance to look around the house.

"Wow! This looks too real." Leanne quickly suppressed her rising nervousness.

Walking out the door, she saw a tall, rough-looking guy. His roughness made him look manly and attractive with those messy black hair, sharp eyes, brown skin and muscular physique. He was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt and brown pants.

Despite his appearance, the guy was gently smiling while looking at her. His lips parted and with his deep voice he said, "Josefa." She almost melted at his gaze when he suddenly said "You're too slow!"

Leanne was stunned for a second then rolled her eyes, "Chill bruh! It has literally been five minutes."

"What?" The guy asked, confused.

Leanne realized her blunder and quickly changed the subject, "Nothing… so where are we going?"

"You'll know when we get there. Maria and I have been planning this since last week. Let's go." The guy simply said as he already started walking away, followed by Maria.

As they were walking, Leanne quickly scanned the guy and thought to herself, "This guy must be Emilio. He looks different from what I've imagined. If great-grandpa was the princely type, this guy could totally pass as the bad boy type."

Leanne's gaze turned even more heated as she continued her musings, "Didn't my great-grandma like this guy? Maybe I could help her with flirting 101. Hahaha... and maybe this was her regret too, not being able to end up with him… But if they did end up together… then will that mean, I wont exist in the future? Meh! It's just a dream anyway... Why don't I go for it!?"

Leanne was too lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice Maria calling her name for who knows how many times already. Maria then softly touched her arm, "Josefa… Josefa…"

Leanne snapped out of her thoughts, "Huh? What?"

"We're here, Josefa. You may get on the coach first." Maria patiently answered.

Embarassed, Leanne stepped up the carriage with Emilio's help then Maria followed.

Leanne saw that Emilio did not sit with them on the coach, "What about Emilio? Isn't he coming?"

Maria giggled softly at her cluelessness, "Josefa, we are unmarried ladies. We should not be alone privately with men. Anyway, Emilio will help man the horses for us."

Leanne only hummed in understanding as she turned to look at the moving scenery outside the window, "This dream is getting crazier and more vivid. Everyone is wearing weird clothes, and the girls are too pabebe as well."


"We're here! Let me help you binibini." Emilio suddenly announced as he extended his arms.
