
Talking Before Fighting...

I was escorted out of the prison by two knights. The two of them are both wearing blue armor. It looks very sturdy and I thought it was very heavy.

But... I don't see them walk in heavy steps so it must be very light to wear.

I'm already inspecting the area around me and I can see that aside from the two dudes behind me, there is also another person and that was none other than the spoiled princess, Emma.

I used <Perfect Knowledge> and learned about the advanced spell <Light Coating>, it was a spell inferior to the legendary spell <Invisible>.

Although I can also use spells at the Legendary rank or even spells at the Divine rank, I can't show it off very much.

Our walking pace was not very fast but was not sloe either, we were walking at a constant speed and before I knew it, we have arrived at an open space.

It was a room that was very spacious, looking at the ceiling which as 8 meters high I had a feeling that this is definitely not an ordinary room.

I don't know if I'm correct but is this supposed to used when their is a sparing?

"How was are you Mr. Pervert. Did you sleep good last night?"

What the Flip? Mr. Pervert? I swear to Mr. God that I didn't do it on purpose. If I like to even if you have your clothes on I can still see your naked body with my skill <Perfect Inspection>.

But nevertheless, I didn't get through my head. If only I was not such a good person you would have died a hundred times.

"It was okay I guess."

I decided to just go along with her plans. I'm sure that she doesn't even know about the incoming invasion just fro the way how she leisurely walked around the castle.

I think the King is also unaware of this, so this should be their end?

"Now, I will give you a chance to be free again if you win against me. If not, you will stay here and will have to spar with me everyday."


She was saying this with a smug look on her face, she looks very confident on winning against me though.

This made think whether to laugh or cry at her. Just where did she get that confidence from?

"What do you say, are you in or out?"

"I'm in."

"Cause if you don't then you will have to stay in the prison for….. eeh??"

She looked at me in a shocked.

"What are you looking at? I agreed already."

"Y-You just agreed with that? Just like that?!"

"Hey, hey, what's up with that reaction?"

I am quite happy at how this girl overreacts on such small things. She looked very cute when she make that dumbfounded expression.

"I thought that you would disagree with me cause I did lock you up."

"Eh? So you also know your wrong doings eh? But even so, no matter what I choose, at the end I would still end up in prison."

Hearing what I said seems to have caused here to be shaken a bit.

"Besides, I never back down to any challenges."

"I promise you that I will surely release you if you win at me against swords."


I'm getting irritated though, why do people tend to talk so much?

"What's your name?"

"It has nothing to do with you."

"Why are you like that?"

"If I were you, would you be kind?"


I'm going to die!!! so much talking. Why can't we just fight?

"I just wanted to know your name."

"What can you do if I don't tell you?"

After I said that, the knights from behind suddenly pointed their swords at me, from the looks of it, they are trying to intimidate me.

"So if you don't get what you want, you will resort to violence? Is that it? Well I'm speechless then."

I don't care about them pointing their swords at me, it's not even scary (TL: Except for their faces though @.@). I just don't like others when they're threatening although it does not have any effect on me that doesn't mean that it has no effect to others.

"Put your swords away. Did I even told you to raise it?!"

She bellowed towards the two dudes, I mean knights.

I did not bother to pay any attention to her anymore. I stretched out my hand in air and pulled the golden sword I made earlier.

The Legendary sword Excalibur.

Emma was stupefied as she look at me in astonishment. Who else would not be if they saw someone pull something out of thin air?

"Y-You can use <Storage Magic>?"

"Ah? Isn't it obvious?"

She didn't speak after that but I can see clearly that she was mumbling something. Not only that, I can also hear what she was mumbling.

"A <Storage Magic>, with that I can move around without any worries if I went out to buy clothes. He will be very helpful when I buy stuff. This is great!"

Really? I don't blame you for not knowing that I can hear you. But why is your reasoning so low? You just want to use me for shopping??

"Can we start the fight now?"

I just don't know why but I really hate it when someone talks a lot in front of me. Makes me wanna slap their mouths.

The first one was Mr. God then the next one was this spoiled princess. Do they share the same blood lineage?

I was just kidding Mr. God. It was just a joke, don't mind this lowly one.

"Hey! What's that sword?"

She just noticed it now? Is she really that focus into making me into a bag holder?

"If you defeat me, I'll tell you what it is."

"Hehe. You sure are confident are you? If you don't know about it. I will gladly tell you."

Yeah, yeah, I already know about it. Thanks to <Perfect Knowledge> I learned that this princess right here was the number one swordsman or rather, the strongest swordswoman in the whole Calsam Kingdom.

But who am I? I, who posses the skill <Perfect Sword> and other overpowered skills can be compared to others?

It will be like comparing an ant to an elephant.

"Let me tell you. In the whole kingdom, I …"

"Can you just stop talking and take out your sword?"

I interrupted her because I can tell that she is going to tell a very strong story.

Why are the people I know love to talk so much. Even I'm the MC here don't talk too much. I blame the author…..

(TL: Disregard that paragraph.)

"You are really in a hurry to be defeated aren't you?Okay,I'll give you what you want. Prepare to receive the power of my Blue Rose Sword."

She unsheathed the sword on her waist. It was a blue sword crafted using a frozen metal and a rare blue rose.

Woah!! It's pretty..


"What's with the eh?"

"Your sword, why is it yellow in color?"

"Cause it's made of gold."

She nodded in agreement with me but then looked at me in awe. She just realized that it was actually made of gold. Pure gold.

Just how much would it cause to create this sword? From the looks of it, it was refined for who knows how many times. It will surely cause a fortune.

And by the way, she just realized it now? What a poor perception..

"It's made of pure gold?"

"Yes. This is made of pure gold. What's the matter?"

The two knight behind me are also looking greedily at me. Or should I say, the sword on my hand.

Emma was also looking at the sword on my hand with surprise.

"Are you some kind of an idiot?"

"Hey, hey, what do you mean by an idiot?"

"You use gold to make your sword, tell me who's an idiot?"

"Your the idiot here, it's just some gold, what does it have to do with you?"

I saw her looked at me with widened eyes. It's gonna pop out soon.

"You stole it didn't you?"

"What did I stole?"

"The sword! You stole the sword right?"

"Why would I even steal this sword?"

Girls can be quite unreasonable sometimes right? I think that even if I use <Perfect Knowledge> I wouldn't be even able to understand them.

"Let's start already, I still have to sleep."

"Sleep? You didn't sleep last night?"

"I dare to sleep at that place."

Honestly, I don't even the least bit sleepy even when I didn't sleep last night.

I think I didn't even eat yesterday even once. If it wasn't me I think they would have already starved. Thanks to you <Perfect Survival>.

Last night I was so busy making the magic puppet, I didn't even noticed the passage of time. But I was still successful to create one in one night. I dare to say that no one will be able to easily defeat this puppet of mine.

Right now, I stored the magic puppet into my <Perfect Storage>.

I also had other skills that I still need to try on. I'm a freak.

"Okay, if you defeat me I will release you."

"Okay then."

Right after I answered her I dashed in front of her. I waited for a bit until her sword was already in front of her before I slashed my sword towards her.

I just use the strength that her sword can take, if others were to do it, it will definitely not be able to but because I have the skill <Perfect Control> it was very easy for me.


With a bang, her body was shot flying towards the wall. Lucky for her I was a kind hearted person I instantly cast a spell to save her from that impact.

"Advanced Spell, <Water Cushion>."

My attack just now did not only contained pure strength, it also contain a little bit of my battle spirit.

I just realized it last night, I also have the skills <Perfect Battle Spirit>, <Perfect Demon>, <Perfect Angel>.


"Yeah, yeah, I won. So I'll be leaving now."

I ignored her stupefied expression as I run towards outside, but I was blocked by the two knights.


I yelled at the two of them and the two of them actually kneel down. Their faces lacks blood as they all have pale white expression on their faces.

This was all because of my skill <Perfect Dominance> that my command has some force behind it.

"I'll be leaving now princess, see you!"

"How did you know I was a princess?"

"I just guess about it I guess."

I then run lightning flash and I instantly disappeared from their vision.

Sorry about this guys. There's a typhoon in our place right now and I can't connect to the internet for days so I hope I can appease you all with this chapter.

UnknownPasserbycreators' thoughts