

Education is a very important part of our lives . When you are uneducated you are regarded as a nobody because when you are uneducated you many opportunities easily slip out of your hands. Then dreams take over your mind . Dreaming is also part of Education. Many people are unable to make their dreams come true because they lack Education. 

Everything seems so perfect in dreams as if it is that easy to make them come true whilst it is not that easy . Dreamland is our fantasy world where you can think of something then it appears without any effort but in the real world it is not that easy . Dreams are just there to push us and make us feel motivated at all times in order to achieve great things in life . But is there's such in this world? No it is not because in the real wold you work, work , work and work until you get rewarded. Dreams need assistance from us. They are not so perfect in reality.