
Perfect Hybrid (Marvel)

A child born from an Inhuman parent and a Mutant parent, Nick had all the potential one could expect. But until he was 16, he never showed any signs of his powers. It wasn't until a major incident occurred, that the world began to see Nick for the man he was destined to be.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

First Mission

After the training session, Nick wanted to stay in his room for the rest of the night. As much as he pushed them, he also pushed himself. At least mentally. But there was no rest for the wicked.

Less than an hour after he got back to his room, there was a knock on the door. When he opened it, he saw that Logan and James were waiting outside of his room.

"X-Force mission. Meet us at the back of the mansion in 5 and remember to wear black," Logan told him before walking away to gather the other members of the team

Nick groaned to himself before walking into his room and quickly changing. He didn't have a 'hero' uniform so he just grabbed some random clothes. He put on a sleeveless hoodie, black jeans, and his boots. After gearing up, Nick jumped out the window. He was able to land without a sound before walking over to the door where he saw two other people waiting.

One of them was one of the people most recently discovered to be a mutant before M-Day. Her name was Elektra and she was a deadly assassin that had worked with the Hand and even was in charge of them for a short amount of time. She had some telepathic powers as well as very powerful instincts. Those combined with her martial arts skills made her an even deadlier killer than Logan.

The other person was a woman with pure white skin with the exception of a black mark over her left eye. Domino was one of the deadliest assassins in the world with the power of probability manipulation, although subconscious. But using her mutation, marksmanship, and martial arts skills made her one of the best assassins around who could survive situations that would kill most others.

"Nick. Been a minute," Domino greeted Nick. They had met a few times in the past when he would visit

"Neena," Nick greeted her back and saw her shudder. She hated when others called her that name.

But before Domino could complain about it, the other members of the team walked out of the door. Besides Logan and James, the last member of X-Force was a former member of the New Mutants called Rahne. She was basically a werewolf.

Everyone was wearing a fully black outfit or a black and grey outfit. Even Wolverine had changed out of his usual blue and yellow, putting on a grey and black suit that had red eyes.

"Nick, in the air. We are going west for a bit. Will tell you exact cords after we are far enough," Logan gave the orders since he was in charge of the team

Nick lifted everyone with his telekinesis and began flying through the sky toward the west. They didn't want the members of O*N*E to notice them since they didn't want anyone to interfere or know about what they were doing but they had an ace on their team. And by 'luck' none of the sentinel pilots looked in their

"We found a facility where they are working on a new type of sentinel. These things are much smaller but have the same firepower. They also seem cheaper to build. If these are let loose on the mansion, it will be hard to hold our ground," Logan notified them of why they were about to attack the facility. "We go in, destroy everything, and leave no trace behind. Kill anyone who sees us but our goal isn't to kill everyone there. Got it?"



"Let's do this."

The team gave various responses. Logan nodded, grateful to be working with a team of professionals like this.

"Nick. We are going to..." Logan told Nick the exact direction he needed to go in and informed him whenever adjustments needed to be made in their flight pattern. It only took about 30 minutes for them to reach their designation.

When they arrived, Nick lowered the others to the ground but did not land himself. Instead, he flew over to the building where the sentinels were being built and landed on the roof.

The others saw him going off on his own and were not sure what he was thinking. They all looked at Logan who looked furious.

When Nick landed on the roof, he knelt down and planted one of his hands on it. He then sent a small pulse of telekinetic energy through the building to sense everything inside of it. He was able to see where everything was stored, including the sentinels as well as any other information there. He then sent this information over to the rest of the team through his telepathy.

[Are we retrieving any information or just destroying this place?] Nick asked, already having found a way to get rid of the facility.

[Nothing for us to get from there. We already know who it funding them.] Logan told him, pretty sure of what Nick was about to do. But even what happened next caught Logan off guard.

Nick didn't crush the entire facility by releasing a large amount of pressure. All of his training with SHIELD taught him that sometimes a single bullet can cause more destruction than a nuke. He began undoing various screws and nails, leaking out deadly chemicals, and making various machines malfunction. While the people inside were dealing with the chemicals and basic malfunctions, they did not expect several generators and other large machines to explode thanks to what Nick did. And these explosions along with the loose support system, brought the entire building down on them.

Nick sent out another pulse to make sure all the sentinels were destroyed properly. He saw that some of them still had some parts that could be recovered so he destroyed those by twisting and crushing them. He also made sure to destroy any computer that might contain any data.

He then sent out a third pulse to see if he had gotten everything before sending the rest of the team the information from all 3 pulses to see if they noticed anything that he didn't.

[I get everything?] Nick asked, wanting to be extra careful. He knew this mission was important so he did not want to screw it up.

[You got it all, kid. I underestimated you.] Logan did not mind admitting this. He knew that he didn't tell Nick he couldn't do what he did so technically, he didn't break any rules. He followed the orders Logan gave to a T.

[Alright. Returning to pick up the team and bring us back to base.] Nick was careful not to use codenames or say where he was going. He knew that some people could breach telepathic communications and listen in so he wanted to be extra careful.

After flying over and picking up the rest of the team, the group returned home without a single injury or breaking a sweat.