
Perfect Hosts of Hyperdimensional Parasites[Discontinued]

Earth was locked in the third dimension. Everything changed when the parasites arrived. They parasitized everything from humans to animals to plants. As a result, the life forms started to evolve and gain supernatural powers. This led to a whole new world order where humans were no longer at the top. In this world, a pair of perfect hosts are born in mysterious circumstances. They must learn to use their power to survive in this universe that wants them dead and to serve a greater purpose. ---- Hello everyone! Uh, this is my first ever book so I'll try my best to make it good. Please give me any feedback about the writing style, plot, characters, etc. And thank you for reading! ---- I have shifted the book for the WSA 2023 competition. I've decided to continue writing the book while putting my PoS on hold for now. This book will continue to be updated on its new title. Please do support it! And as always, hope you enjoyed~

Deranged_Lunatic · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


Inside Nova Academy, a young boy could be seen sitting at a desk. The room was clean and furnished with cabinets, desks, chairs, a carpet, and a chandelier.

The boy, sitting at the desk in the middle was working on some papers. He was wearing an immaculate suit, tailored for children. The sleek black and white suit contrasted with his beautiful silver hair. His soft grey eyes roamed the reports he had received during the day.

This was Morin Esten and he was one of the supremes, the 7 strongest humans in the world. He held the title of Defender supreme and was one of the safeguards to humanity.

Due to the speciality of his gift, he had almost stopped ageing at a young age. As humans were awakened, their natural lifespans increased. And depending on their gifts, their lifespans could reach up to a few centuries on average. But for Morin, he aged at an incomparably lower rate than all other humans. Currently, he was almost a century old, yet he still looked like a young 10-year-old boy.

Currently, he was mulling over the unusual reports of those beings, when he felt a surge of universal energy approaching. Lifting his head, he gazed in the direction of his door. Confirming that the universal energy was of someone he knew, he dropped his safeguards.

Getting up, he stood aside his desk ready to greet his visitor.

Universal energy condensed and Julian blinked out of the spatial layers. As Nova had mentioned, opening rifts was purely for theatrical effect and actually used more universal energy than just blinking between dimensions.

"Welcome teacher," Morin greeted, lowering his head respectively.

Julian nodded ruefully, "Morin....I'm glad you are well."

As Julian gazed at his past student, he felt a surge of guilt. Morin was one of his best students. Diligent, smart, and respectful. And most importantly, Morin was a perfect host. A perfect host was a great boon to any world as they helped defend against outside invaders.

Usually, hosts of gifts have differing percentages of compatibility with their gifts. A host that could match with their gift for 90% was incomparably stronger than a host that had 89% compatibility. And each percentage higher was another giant leap of power.

Morin was a naturally born perfect host, a pure statistical anomaly that matched his body and genes to perfectly accept a certain gift. And Morin's gift was one of the best gifts in the universe to have a perfect compatibility with.

Julian had taken him in as a student to train him as the leader of future generations. But in the end, Julian committed one of the biggest mistakes of his life. He had ended up crippling Morin's potential. Although his student didn't blame him for it, Julian still felt an acute sense of guilt for limiting his student's future.

The fact that Morin had still become one of the seven strongest humans in the world was all due to Morin's efforts. He wanted to prove that his teacher's efforts were not in vain. He also wanted to alleviate the guilt of his teacher even if it was just a little by becoming strong so that his teacher could be proud.

"Please have a seat teacher, I'll fetch some tea," Morin said respectfully.

"Ah, Morin, no thank you. I've come here to discuss 'their' recent activities." Julian's voice dipped coldly as he mentioned 'them'.

He, of course, was referring to the polikinnates. The beings of condensed universal energy that looked as if they fluctuated between different states of matter. These beings were the foreign invaders that assaulted planets, their goal being to wipe out all life.

The reason why Julian and Morin we're avoiding mentioning their names was because polikinnates were higher dimensional beings. Names had a power to them. Especially names of a higher dimension. Even uttering their names, could draw their attention to you.

Through countless trials and errors, Julian found that it was just better to use pronouns to describe the polikinnates when the need for secrecy was there. And surprisingly, curse words worked as well. Wisely, Julian told others only about the pronouns.

"Of course teacher. I've received some reports from my subordinates that 'they' have recently left 'their' positions from monitoring the other supremes. I haven't been able to feel 'them' around the outskirts of the city either," Morin reported dutifully.

Julian nodded, deep in thought. This matched up with what Nova had told him.

"What are the actions of the other supremes?" Julian asked after thinking.

Furrowing his brows, Morin replied, "They haven't made any moves. I believe that they are apprehensive that this may be a trap and chose to stay in their respective cities."

"Hmm," Julian responded, processing the information.

"Teacher, should I go out and find out what 'they' are doing?" Morin inquired.

"No, I need you to stay in the city," Julian denied his student's request. "I feel that something big is about to happen. I need you here to prevent anything that could be prevented."

Morin nodded and then asked curiously, "Teacher, have you finally found the perfect hosts?"

"No," Julian sighed. "They still haven't been found. Nova said that it's like they don't even exist. Now the fact that 'they' are on the move, makes me worry about how we are going to find them first."

Currently, only Julian, Nova, and Morin knew about the existence of the new perfect hosts. Though his student had his duties of safeguarding one of the biggest cities of humanity, Julian felt that Morin deserved to know, even if he couldn't help.

While Julian could've asked the help of the other supremes through Morin, he refused to do so. A single perfect host being born was a once in a millennia occurrence. While these new perfect hosts were born for the good of the planet, human greed knows no bounds. If the news got out, there would be countless greedy individuals hunting the perfect hosts to use them for their malicious intent.

While Julian was in his thoughts about what to do next, Morin suddenly said, "Teacher, is sir Nova still matching the appearance of the perfect hosts on the spatial layers?"

Julian nodded absentmindedly.

"I've been thinking about it, if the perfect hosts still haven't been found, then what if they haven't been awakened yet?"

A sinking feeling hit Julian as two faces appeared in his mind.

'No, it can't be, they aren't human so it would make sense if they awaken their gifts late. Besides they don't resemble....' Julian's thought trailed off as a realisation hit him. A pair of beautiful ruby red eyes flashed through his mind before disappearing.

Standing up, he told Morin, "Morin, make sure to keep an eye on the concentration of universal energy around the human domain. Inform the other supremes if there is any major fluctuation of power near their cities. This can no longer stay a secret."

Morin nodded, "what about the domain of beasts?"

"Don't stretch out your power too much. I'll be going now, I think I've found 2 perfect hosts." Julian said before tapping into his soul link.

Julian bade goodbye as he was teleported out.

'Nova get to me this instant. We need to go to Mia and Ica.' Julian urged.

'Are you sure they are the perfect hosts?' Nova asked while picking up the pace.

'I don't know, all I know is that they resemble Gaia.' Julian responded.

You know, each time I think of things to say for this section and every time start to write, my mind just goes blank. Well, thank you for 2 K views!! :). the story is starting to pick up pace as well. Maybe two chapters a day soon? Maybe~ Anyways, hope you enjoyed~

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