
Perfect Flaws and Imperfection

After encountering a big betrayal, Rebecca Smith is forced to join Reform Academy. It is the last year before she joins college so She perseveres. Rebecca hopes to have a peaceful life at Reform but as soon as she clashes paths with Benjamin Wadsworth a new part of life unfolds in front of her.

Ms_Metoo · Teen
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22 Chs

Chapter 4

I was looking at a large building written on REFORM ACADEMY in thick black.

Surprisingly, it was lively and green with so many students on campus minding their own business.

Mom parks her car and the two of us climb the huge stairs leading to the main building. Mother leads us to a woman sited behind a desk. The woman gives us a flyer and map of the school. She informs us to go to "crack" dorms.

When we go back outside, mom receives a phone call then informs that she has to go.She gives her usual advise of how I should not smoke, drink, boys and other things that are a distraction to my studies.She removes my suitcase from the car-boot, my bag from the front seat, gives me a kiss on my cheek and drives off. My earlier thought of  the possibility of me coming to a school for bad kids is finally true.

I follow the directions from the map and make my appearance to room 104.I just remembered that I had not picked up my keys.The dorm care taker was three floors below and I could go there this instant. The luggage sucked up all my energy. The door was not locked so I opened it wider. This time my eye balls go wider. Almost rolling off my face when I see a honey blonde girl gripping the hair of another honey blonde boy as his face is buried between her legs, her head back as she enjoyed the pleasure he was giving.

I drop my bag and turn my head to face the door closing it slightly to prevent anyone from seeing the two of them.

At least now they were out of view from anyone outside and they were not naked.

"I'm so sorry," I mutter loud enough so that they hear.

There is noise behind me. Probably them trying to look more presentable.

"You can turn around now," a soft voice calls out. I do so and apologize again.

The girl was shorter than the boy but slightly taller than me.

"No need to apologize. I am your new roommate.And this....." she taps on the muscular boy. "....is my boyfriend, Jace." Jace smiles at me and brings his hands and I shake them.

"Hi, I am Becky. I just arrived,"

"Make yourself comfortable,the two of us are going out to get what to eat.Would you like anything Becky?" The girl inquires.

"No,thanks. I did not get your name," I say.

"I am fine," she answers.

"No I mean your name not how you are," I state. Her smile grows wider.

"That's her name. She's called Fine," the boy clears my confusion.

"Ok," I reply smiling at them.They exit and I take the time to organize my side of the room. Thankfully, Fine is an organized girl which will make it great for us to share a room together.

It is a medium sized room having little white curtains pushed aside letting sunlight in. The walls were dark cream shade, there was a sofa chair for one next to Fine's bed that was by the window side. My bed on the other hand was next to the wall.

By six, I head out to buy what to eat leaving campus and going to a near by restaurant I saw while we drove here.

"Bite Me" was written at the entry with a couple of deliciously cooked foods at the sign. The restaurant has few customers when I enter. I order fries and sausages. Too bad the menu did not have guava juice so I get orange juice instead.Being without food for almost half a day can make you feel so hungry. The few people in the restaurant all had company but I was not interested to have any close friends at the moment. Still healing from Evans and Chloe's betrayal. Evans stopped trying to get a hold of me and Chloe did not even try. I end up clearing the entire plate. The waiter gives me my bill and I pay it.

I find Fine on her bed when I return.

"Where were you?" She asks.

"I went to grab what to eat," I answer her question.

"In that," her eyes scan my grey sweat pants and my black shirt.

"What's wrong with it?" I ask looking at my outfit.

"It's so descent," she says. Descent?

"You do not look to be bad ass and yet you managed to get expelled for vandalizing the principal's office," she notes.

Wow! Word does get fast in this school. Instead of replying I sit on my bed and chat with my friend. She is my roommate we have to be friends. Fine briefs me about the school. She says the school is fun,exciting and that she likes it here.She tells me that she is a sophomore student but here for a while and that the college students here were soon leaving. They would be leaving as soon as we get done with our final examinations and join other universities. The honey blonde also promises to be a-little more private on Jace. She pins the blame on Jace for having forgotten to lock the door because he was too impatient. It was a blessing in disguise that mom had an emergency to attend to and that she did not escort me to the room or else I would feel embarrassed if she saw what I saw the second I walked through the door. Fine gives me a key for the dorm saying she had two more copies. She also promises to introduce her friends to me claiming they were cool and easygoing.

We chat on for a while till Fine starts changing her outfit. She dresses up in a patra, a black vest with a ripped denim jacket to go for a party.

She starts to apply tonnes of make up while sited on the chair of her make up table. She applies a dark shade of purple on her lips, draws a thin line of eyeliner around her cat eyes and mascara making her eyes sharper and prettier.

"How do I look?" She asks while turning around for me to have proper view of her.

"Amazing," I tell her and she smiles looking at herself in the mirror and turning back to face me.She did offer me to go but I turned down. I was too exhausted and needed some rest.