
Perfect Avatar

Supernatural phenomena called Rift have caused the appearance of monsters and other disasters, gradually pushing the world toward its destruction. To face it, some humans having awakened various magical powers are fighting against this apocalypse. Dora, one of them, has a special "Avatar" class which gives him access to every class, despite great difficulty leveling them up. But despite his enormous potential, he chose to appear incompetent to get kicked from his team, so that he could live a lazy life with his family but his talents is discovered by the strongest woman in the Kingdom and she decides to enroll him in the royal academy. Reluctant at first, his mother gives him the motivation he needs to pursue this path, but little did they know what kind of monster they had thrown into the world. Dora is not a hero wishing for peace, but a monster getting addicted to the taste of power, wealth, and freedom. Dora pursues an unknown goal until he meets someone who knows more about his true nature than himself and sets him on a path that will nourish his eternal thirst, to the cost of his humanity, but in a world collapsing, isn't a monster the greatest weapon? [I am open to discussion Facebook: Yalatola Alter Discord: Yalatola#7758 Check technical sheets]

Yalatola · Fantasy
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327 Chs

Joy In Death

In the distance, the elves, with clasped hands, entered a religious field facing the statue, adding an ambiguous background to the astonishment of Hope and the Cid.

"...All the men...are dead?" asked Hope.

Cid's gaze shifted to the singing elves, a sudden realization hitting him.

Since they had set foot on this land, they had been surrounded by female elves; the warriors, the civilians, everyone here was female, but they never thought about why.

Nefertari looked absently at the sky again.

"Have you seen how the entrance to our tiny kingdom is a cliff? It's a safety measure. A long time ago, our kingdom was located outside, among all the other creatures. We were fighting daily, against giants, gladiators, anything. If we want to eat, we have to hunt monsters, if we sleep too deeply, we risk being attacked. We have learned to fight since we were children, and we saw children become orphans every day, that was our daily life, but one day..."