
Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it

okay here we go waking up in a void is hard. but having no choice but to leave it is annoying. even worse when I can’t choose where to go. Percy Jackson isn’t that bad of a universe. just need to be careful. At least I’m not the Main character. wait what, I’m the main character. oh man everything is gonna hurt soon, isn’t it? *I don’t own Percy Jackson, that honor goes to Rick riordan*

ReaderOfTheSwords · Book&Literature
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chapter 27-Roll With The Punches

It's kind of crazy how cool he looks. The edginess factor makes it even better. He should get some dark armor instead of that cloak and suit of his. That doesn't matter right now though, what matters is I get him on my side.

"Would you like anything before we start? It was a long journey for you to get here."

"So, how did you know we would be here Uncle?" I asked.

"Straight to business then I see."

He gave me a look of amusement and interest.

"You don't think I'm dumb do you nephew, you've been heading in this direction since the bus. There aren't many places around here that are known by you campers."

"Of course not Uncle. I didn't think we made it that obvious we were heading here."

That was dumb of me, it's like I was telegraphing my attacks in a fight. That's how I was feeling right now.

"So what is your plan now?" Asked Hades.

Annabeth then took this moment to interrupt.

"Lord Hades, we are here to ask you to return the lightning bolt," said Annabeth, bowing her head.

That seemed to bring a look of annoyance and anger from him.

"You think I would steal my brother's blasted lightning bolt? Your media has painted me in a horrible light, they always think I'm the bad guy," said Uncle Hades.

"But, weren't you planning to steal the lightning bolt and start a war to bring more death and make you stronger?" Asked Grover

That's when he gained an incredulous look and started laughing, a deep belly laugh.

"Me, start a war, to get stronger," his laughter then ended, and gave us a serious look " I don't want more people here, I don't want more death. I am perfectly content with what I have. All I want is my Helm back, not that stupid bolt, now give it back."

"What? You didn't take the bolt?" Asked Annabeth.

"That's literally what I just said," Hades said with an incredulous look on his face.

"But then who stole the lightning bolt?" Asked Annabeth.

My backpack then chose that moment to gain weight.

Hades's head then snapped towards me.

"You, what's in that backpack?" He asked.

"Just some necessary supplies, that's all. Uhh, would you believe me it feels heavier right now?"

He stared at me for a few seconds but then nodded.

"Yes, I would. I thought it was my imagination when I felt Zeus and a hidden gaze in the area but it was just you three. Now who gave you that backpack?" Asked Hades.

"It was Ares," Said Grover, me and Annabeth at the same time.

If this wasn't such a serious moment I would have said, jinx.

"So Ares stole the bolt? To be honest, I didn't think he would have been the one to do this?" said Hades.

"You didn't know, we thought you were helping him in jealousy and revenge. We told Luke who told Chiron who told the gods," said Annabeth.

"That's what you know kid,*sigh* I need the bolt," he said, giving out his hand.

"What but you just said that you didn't want it," said Annabeth.

"That was before this is now, and this isn't something I want, this is something I need to survive. Without my helm I'm weak. If the old man's coming back I'll need all the power I can get."

This seemed the perfect moment to deal with the issue in Annabeth's head…that came out wrong, whatever.

" I'd like to point out something before we can continue," he gave me a look but nodded," I want you to look at Annabeth very closely. Not just physically alright."

"What, why, there's nothing wrong with me," asked Annabeth.

"I never said anything was wrong with you, just that he should pay more attention," I said.

That's when Uncle Hades chose to get off his throne and immediately walked towards Annabeth.

"Hypnos to me now," shouted Uncle Hades.

A gust of wind appeared and a man was in the air. He had short curly hair, shadow-like skin, golden eyes, and wings on his back.

"*Yawn* Lord Hades how can I help you," he said sleepily.

"Deal with the issue in her head, NOW."

Hypnos didn't waste a second till he was in front of Annabeth, before any of us could do something he put his hand on her head.

A glow appeared and Annabeth started falling. I was immediately there before she hit the floor. Grover was right by my side.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" I shouted out.

Did I just get Annabeth killed? No, don't overreact Percy… but to defeat his father he may be willing to do anything.

"Calm down, Hypnos only removed the pest in her brain," he then gave his attention to Hypnos, "Did you succeed or fail?"

"I succeeded, lord Hades, with your permission I need to go. This energy felt…familiar. I need to find out if this is who I think it is," he pleaded.

"Go, take care of yourself. You see anything you can't handle, you come back immediately or call for me."

Hypnos then left in a gust of wind.

"It felt like my father but only a sliver of the energy was his, he must have gotten some friends to help him. Kid, I need that bolt, now or I could take it from you, you're choice."

I took out the pearls from the ground, gave one to Grover, and left one in my pocket. I picked up Annabeth and stood up.

"Uncle, I'll make sure you get your helm back, just wait for a bit. Oh, and tell Cerberus I said goodbye."

Me and Grover threw our Pearls on the ground and we disappeared from the underworld instantly.

We appeared near Santa Monica pier but we didn't arrive by shore, we were in the water.

I put a bubble around their bodies so they could breathe and survive the pressure of being so deep underwater, and then I immediately torpedoed to the top of the water, holding both Grover and Annabeth.

Once I got to the top I stood on the water, still holding Annabeth in a princess carry, and gave Grover a little ice platform so we could get out of there. I then dried their clothes from whatever water got on them before I gave them the bubbles.

"So, when were you going to tell me that Annabeth was being controlled?" Asked Grover.

"I... I don't know. You weren't exactly part of the plan," I said with a nervous look.

"PLAN, what plan?" He asked.

I winced at that.

"The plan to survive and succeed in this quest," I said.

"Right, okay. At least you made a plan to help us survive. Next time you tell us the plan," he said.

I expected things to get worse but it's like he just accepted it, was I that bad that he accepted this?

When we reached the shore I saw exactly what I expected, Ares.

"Grover, watch over Annabeth will you?"

He nodded and prepared to carry her. With those arms of his, he could never carry her. So I just made an ice box perfectly sized. I put Annabeth inside and then covered her with my jacket with my backpack right next to her. The box was then moved away from the oncoming battle.

I started walking towards Ares, preparing. I made a few ice swords in the sand. I had Riptide right out in the open. I had one more thing I wanted to do though. I wanted to make myself some kind of armor. Making one out of ice would work, even if it may break easily because of one fact, it's ice.

"So, you found out eh kid," Ares said.

"Yeah, I did. I know you have the helm, give it now!"

"HAHAHA, so you knew about the helm, so what? You think I would give it to you without a fight."

"No, I don't. You're supposed to be the god of war. You should pay more attention to your surroundings. Before we fight let's do first blood there isn't much I have on me that would be worth as much as the helm, so if I lose to you I'll be your soldier. If I win you give us our helm back. Fight till a fatal blow, something we can't stand up after."

I knew I wouldn't lose because the original won, if he could beat Ares how hard could it be?

"*Snort* Alright kid, you got yourself a deal."

I immediately used a water bullet on him to distract him. Then moved in close to diagonally slash up from the left.

He moved faster than my spider-sense could tell and I was hit in the gut. While blocking the water bullet one of his hands let go of the handle of his sword.

I was knocked back far, pretty sure I'm going to bruise but with all this water around me, I'm going to be just fine.

"Like you said little cousin, I'm the god of war."

In the distance, I heard sirens. Someone must have called in about the fight. I wonder what they're seeing right now. What with the mist hiding the mystical parts of our fight?

I then had all the prepared swords start to float, aimed, then fired.

"you're going to need to try harder than that to knock me down," I yelled out.

I took that time to start making the armor I was thinking of. I started with the chest plate, then the arms, the legs, and finally the head. All in all, I looked good for the first time. Just wish I had more time.

I increased the amount of swords but he bulleted through them and reached me.

"Armor, for me. You shouldn't have," he yelled out.

I did a downward slash which he dodged but I made a water bullet and shot at his head.

"Watch out for the head, wouldn't want you to lose it," I said.

He did a back step but then came back with an even greater force, with a manic smile on his face.

He slashed upwards at me but my sword met his.

Every move I did he responded with the same. Every slash, strike, stab, lunge, feint, sweep, block, advance was met.

"Stop copying me, if you start spewing out water attacks I'm going to sue," I groaned.

"What are you talking about," he yelled.

I was surviving on parries and blocks right now. He then got in my face and headbutted my helmet. Which had cracked. Before I could make another that could take its place he hit me with another headbutt.

I was disorientated for a second, but a second was all he needed.

He threw me on the ground and I could just hear my heartbeat.

*ba bump* ba bump* ba bump* ba bump*

"You did well kid, you almost impressed me but it ends now."

He put his sword away and started punching and punching.

I started timing the punches, to see the distance between each punch, I then grabbed one of his fists at the most opportune time and started giving him a pounding. If this was till first blood then I would have lost a long time ago. That headbutts oh his are no joke, especially those fists. My ribs are in so much pain. I'm pretty sure he made me float earlier.

Jab after jab, uppercut after back kick. Whatever I could do physically I would do.

"You should have used the sword when you had the chance, it ends here," That is when I thought to quote someone that I hold very dear in my heart, "One shall stand and One shall fall," I said seriously.

"Is that Transformers?" He asked curiously.

I immediately made an ice sword and stabbed it right through his leg.

"ARGH", he yelled out in pain.

He then looked up at me from the ground and yelled out.

"ENEMY FOR LIFE, how dare you use transformers against me!!!"

"I know, and I beat you now. Imagine when I'm older. I didn't even use most of my water abilities to beat you and I'm right next to an ocean," I said with a smirk.

"NEXT TIME I WON'T BE HOLDING BACK", he then took a breath in," The next time you use a weapon made of ice it will fail you when you need it worse."

"It's a good thing I didn't do this with Riptide then," I said with a smirk.

He just growled at me but disappeared into thin air. In his place was the helm. I immediately went towards Annabeth and put the helm in my backpack.

Grover ran up to me and started worrying over me. I immediately got rid of the armor, what with all its cracks.

"Percy, how much does it hurt," he exclaimed.

"If I rated it one from ten I would make it eleven. For the amount of abuse put on my bones. I'm going to throw myself into the water now, hope you don't mind."

He just shook his head.

Something that surprised me was how Annabeth hadn't woken up at all after all this commotion. Well, something else has been here for a while now though.

In the distance, I saw numerous cop cars destroyed in the fight. Seems that he did something while he was pummeling me that I didn't notice.

I walked back out of the water and saw the cops talking to Grover.

"We saw everything kid, whatever trouble that you were in, in the past will be dealt with. This damn child trafficker will get what he deserves, mark my words. Now you kids get yourself warmed up," he then turned his face towards the officer next to him, "Joe, go get the girl out of the cardboard box."

For the next several minutes was spent being interviewed and taken care of.

The interviewers were interesting. Well, more amusing. They were turning the past events into a story where the guy kidnapped us and my mom forced us to do crime for him, Who was also a child trafficker.

They then brought us to a hospital, thankfully the mist helped us out a lot. Turns out that during the fight he had a pistol and a shotgun while I had a submachine gun. Till the bullets jammed in my gun and he ran out of ammo. That's when it turned into a fistfight; the armor part was said to be a bunch of wood put together that didn't help much.

All in all, this was a crazy day. Now I just need to return the bolt.

Right next to my bed, I saw one of the furies, more specifically Alecto.

"Do you have the helm?" she asked.

"Yup, just go in my backpack. Right over there on the chair," I said.

Once she opened the bag she faced towards me and gave me her gratitude?

"Hmm, you weren't the thief, well Lord Hades sends his thanks. I will be taking my leave now."

"Hey uh, no hard feelings right."

She stopped leaving and turned towards me, "Yes, no hard feelings."

She then disappeared in a flap of her wings.

I wonder how Mom is doing right now.


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