
Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it

okay here we go waking up in a void is hard. but having no choice but to leave it is annoying. even worse when I can’t choose where to go. Percy Jackson isn’t that bad of a universe. just need to be careful. At least I’m not the Main character. wait what, I’m the main character. oh man everything is gonna hurt soon, isn’t it? *I don’t own Percy Jackson, that honor goes to Rick riordan*

ReaderOfTheSwords · Book&Literature
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chapter 18-Well There’s Food At Least

Walking through the woods all I felt like doing was swearing at Zeus cause then there's someone else beside me to blame for all this. Me and my idiocy. At least my powers protect me from the rain, the others at the moment not so much.

Which then reminded me about making ice umbrellas. I took some water, sculpted it, then froze it into ice. Before I could give it to them Annabeth walked up to me and pushed me into a tree, with her knife right next to my throat. Of course, I let her do that as I knew that I could push her away when needed to. She was also a little too close for my liking.

"How... how did you do that, one moment there standing in front of us, then there's absolute chaos, and they're dead. How did you do that." She asked tensely.

"I... just knew okay, my time at camp, I spent it practicing." That was a lie, no one would stop watching me. All those eyes made it hard to practice.

"No, I want you to tell me the truth. There's no way you could have so much control over your powers in just a few days," She said in suspicion.

"I'm not lying, why don't we calm down? I made something for the rain, so you don't get even more wet. Uh, and let's get rid of all that unnecessary water." I said, giving her an umbrella.

"Are you blushing?" She asked as she took the umbrella and looked at her clothes.

"What no, of course not." I said "confidently".

At that moment Grover saved me when he just fell on the ground.

"We're not done here, come on," Annabeth said, rushing towards Grover.

"Grover, are you okay talking to me," I asked, while also mentally thanking Grover for having the topic changed.

All I heard was little whispers under his breath and saw him shiver, which prompted me to get the water off his clothes and to get the umbrella close to him.

He then sat up braying in fear, "Three kindly ones, targeting us. All at once."

"Come on Grover it'll be fine, They're gone now," Annabeth said soothingly.

"It's crazy Percy, that was Mrs.Dodds right?" Grover said, looking straight into my eyes.

"Yes, it was," I responded.

"Mrs.Dodds, I should have known, with how she acted." Grover chuckled.

Oh dear, this isn't good.

"Percy did you know, and don't lie. It's harder to know when you lie to me these days. So did you know about Mrs.Dodds being a kindly one?"

That just made me feel guilty, lying to my best friend. What became of me? At times I feel like this is a mission I have to fulfill, not a life. Still, I'm going to have to keep lying, even if it hurts my conscience. A half-truth will work.

"Yes, I did know, not that long though. A week before the field trip. I had these dreams. It showed me her true face." All of this is true, but it's not the whole truth.

"You...he's telling the truth Annabeth," he said.

"Don't think this gets you off the hook. You're going to listen to everything I say from now on. If you hadn't created that mess of yours we would be dead... so thank you for coming back," She said in a huff.

We then quieted down from there. Until Annabeth broke the silence.

"What else can you do, you just made an ice umbrella and took the rainwater from us and our clothes. I know you killed the furies, but how."

I guess I could tell them the truth.

"To make the ice umbrella I first changed its shape and then cooled the water down enough to turn into ice. For the whole taking water away I think that explains itself. To kill them I used pressurized water and focused it on my hand, which I then aimed and fired at them."

That left her in silence, till she started nodding her head to me. Grover on the other hand just looked stunned.

"That... makes sense, pressurized water can cut through diamonds. The second one was a dumb question, and the ice umbrella trick is impressive. What else can you do?"

I was still hesitant towards her, I knew that in the future I could trust her but this is an Annabeth who has known me for only a few days.

"That's pretty much it, the ice trick and the water control. As time passes I'll probably be able to do more."

"*sigh* Okay, let's go. We may have these umbrellas but it's cold and I would very much like to find some shelter." She didn't look that convinced but she let it go at the moment.

She then walked away taking the lead. Not like we would argue against finding somewhere cold, I could make an igloo. It would keep the warmth in, and increase with the body temperature as it's preserved inside.

"I could make an igloo, it would keep us warm inside."

Annabeth looked at me incredulously for a moment till she looked in acceptance then nodded at me. Grover was up ahead so he didn't hear what I said.

"Grover, I'm going to make an igloo come back," I yelled.

"How is that even possible, forget I asked you are the impossible."

"Thanks for the compliment buddy."

I then thought about how to do this, then I remembered when the air temperature at the ground is less than 32 F, the precipitation begins falling as snow from the clouds. I then made the rain into snow crystals. Then I started clumping them all together to make snow. Then made them form an igloo, that would stay in place as long as I focused on it.

"Well, why don't you guys come in? It isn't that big but it's good enough for us." I said in excitement. This was a building, imagine a house in the future. Imagine the armor. Oooooh, runes. Wait, why were runes the first thing to come to mind with armor? Whatever, doesn't matter, not like I'll find runes.

"This is very impressive. Now I think that we all deserve a rest after the series of events we have all gone through." Even though she tried to hide it there was a sense of awe in her words towards the igloo.

Grover on the other hand expressed his excitement to the igloo excessively.

"It's beautiful Percy, even if it looks out of place."

"Come on guys, let's just go inside. It's too late to be awake right now," Annabeth interrupted Grover from continuing.

That much we all agreed on. Annabeth then took out a sleeping bag from her backpack. Grover did the same thing. I was wondering why I didn't think of that. Well at the same time, I didn't exactly have my backpack anymore. Upside, the shoes are gone and they aren't messing with my Spider-sense.

When Annabeth saw me without my backpack she had a look of regret.

"Sorry, for not getting your backpack in time." She said apologetically.

"It's fine, I didn't even have a sleeping bag, I just took whatever I found," I said with a smirk.

She then glowered down at me and then put her sleeping bag down, and entered it in a huff.

"Percy, you can join me in my sleeping bag, it's nice and cozy," Grover said.

"Uh, it's fine the cold won't do much and I've got my sweater on. So thanks for the offer but no thanks." I said with a shake of my head.

It was lights out for us all.


Hello darkness my old friend, I mean seriously I don't want to deal with a demigod dream. Walking through the darkness I see a light. Here we go again. Another hijacked dream by "the dark one".

"Hello Kronos," I said

"Hello Perseus, are you ready to take my offer?" He said ominously.

"Nah, no thanks. I'm okay with what I have. So can you get out of my dream?"

He didn't like that as he glowered down at me.

"I'll be back." He said tersely.

I may not be physically tired but I am mentally.


Waking up was great, instead of sleep being peaceful it was annoying. I hope today will be less annoying.

Getting off the floor, wait a minute. I'm such an idiot, I could have made a bed. Probably would have been hard to sleep on for all of us but it would have been fine. It's too late though, next time.

Walking out of the igloo I find Annabeth eating a... granola bar, and Grover eating a tin can.

"Morning guys, how was your sleep?" I asked.

"It was nice, but on the other hand, it didn't look so great for you. You were frowning in your sleep. Want to talk about what you dreamt about?" Asked Annabeth.

"No, it's fine. It was nothing."

I guess she didn't feel like being pushy as she only nodded and went back to her beef jerky.

I turned my attention back to Grover who was just finishing his tin can.

"I don't know about you guys but I think it's time to leave. Even if I wish to keep looking at the forest." Grover said.

"How about you let me eat some breakfast then we go," I responded to Grover.

Annabeth then threw me a Granola bar which I caught. I spent a few seconds eating it. Then we left.

We then walked in a random location till we saw a road. It was a run-down place, especially the buildings and decorations. I saw a billboard with some old 90s movie, a run-down gas station, and one open business with a neon sign. A smell of burgers surrounded the area.

"Do you guys know what the sign says?" Asked Annabeth.

"Aunty Em's Garden Gnome Emporium," responded Grover.

"Guys I have a bad feeling about this." Of course, I have a bad feeling about this. I know how this plays out.

"It's fine Seaweed, we should go in and ask for some food. We have the money to pay." Seems I'm not the only one who is still hungry. That Granola bar was not fulfilling at all.

"Percy's right Annabeth, this place is weird. It smells like monsters."

Annabeth just continued walking, ignoring our warnings.

I walked in front of Annabeth and stopped her in place.

"Annabeth, I want you to think things through. Don't you think this place is a little weird? Grover and I both say that this place is suspicious, how about you listen to us."

I saw Annabeth freeze in thought. She then sighed in understanding.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted something other than a granola bar. Something cooked on a grill."

"It's fine Annabeth, but how about we skedaddle."

At that moment she smiled. I... don't want to explain what that smile just did to me, nor do I want to.

The moment we turned and left was the moment the door opened. A woman showed herself, she wore a long black gown that covered everything but her hands, and her head was completely veiled. She looked of Mediterranean descent.

"Children, what are you doing here all alone? Especially at this time of the day." The woman who could only be Medusa asked.

"Sorry Miss, didn't mean to be a bother. We were about to ask for directions but we remembered where we were going."

"Hmm, well it saddens me when I see children leave, why don't you come inside," she said in a beckoning tone.

"Sorry we have to go, right guys."

The both of them agreed with a nod.

"Well, I'm sorry to say I can't let you leave son of Poseidon. Oh, don't act so surprised. I would recognize those eyes anywhere. Hmph, speaking of eyes, a daughter of Athena. I do believe I have been blessed by the fates."

"Listen, Miss, please let us go before things have to get any more drastic."

"Oh, you're such a sweet talker. Just like your father but no, I can't let you leave. I think I'm going to keep you here forever son of Poseidon, as for the other two they will be smashed to pieces."

She then started to take off her veil. At that moment I sprang to action. I brought Riptide out and slashed at her head. She couldn't do anything at that moment.

I felt bad for what I did, I just brought more pain and suffering towards her with my actions.

"Guys, I know this is wrong but look for any food. Since we came here for food in the first place we may as well eat it or take it with us."

They looked at me in surprise but just nodded. I helped out and we found two patties that were just freshly cooked, as well as french fries that we would leave to Grover. Me and Annabeth then got some buns and made full-on burgers. We didn't feel like making small talk at the moment.

"So, what are we going to do with the head," Asked Grover.

I then had a thought, something that was so savage and amazing.

"What if... and hear me out... we send it to Olympus."

We then spent the rest of our time there just arguing over what to do with the head.

I won in the end.


<2,251 words in text>

I feel like this book will get boring under me. So who wants to troll Percy?

Give me names of monsters, beasts, people you think would give him a hard time. Something to spice it up. I’ll see what I can do with my shitty writing.

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