
Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it

okay here we go waking up in a void is hard. but having no choice but to leave it is annoying. even worse when I can’t choose where to go. Percy Jackson isn’t that bad of a universe. just need to be careful. At least I’m not the Main character. wait what, I’m the main character. oh man everything is gonna hurt soon, isn’t it? *I don’t own Percy Jackson, that honor goes to Rick riordan*

ReaderOfTheSwords · Book&Literature
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chapter 16-What Choice?

Seeing Chiron with his look of distress made me weary of what was to come. He took a deep breath in and out.

"Percy, your father and uncle may enter a war and it's all because you were born."

"Wow, way to make a guy feel special, you really need to work on your delivery."

"My apologies, I didn't mean it like that. You see, after World War 2 Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades made a pact to never sire children again as their children had affected the world far too much for their liking. So they swore on the river Styx to never sire children." He said tiredly.

"So, that's why you said I never should have been born. Was my father the only one to make a mistake?" I quirked my eyebrow to convey my curiosity.

"No, there was another. A girl was born 17 years ago, by the name of Thalia."

"How come she's not around? She has to be pretty powerful."

"I was getting to that Percy. *Sigh* When Hades learned of this he sent the worst of his monsters to destroy her. A satyr was sent to retrieve her to camp, alongside two other half-bloods. In the end, it was never meant to be, she made the ultimate sacrifice so that the others may live. As her life was fading away Zeus took pity on her and turned her into the very pine tree that now protects the camp's borders."

I love this story, it feels like a final stand. One person against an army. I've always dreamed about that happening to me.

With how my life currently is I might just fulfill my dream; the annoying part is having to act ignorant as I just entered this world. It would be suspicious of me to know things I shouldn't. Just hope I don't make a mistake that gets me caught.

"Okay, I understand that much but was that the only reason you called me here?"

"No, there is more to why I called you here. The two have been fighting because of a crime. A crime that many believe you have committed."

"Whoa, I may be called a troublemaker, or a little criminal in the making but you know I'm not that type of person," I said defensively, it annoys me when people make assumptions about me when they know nothing.

"I know that Percy, but they don't know that. All they know is that there is a son of Poseidon on the loose that may be the thief they are looking for."

"So what exactly do they think I stole?"

"*sigh* they believe that you stole Zeus's lightning bolt." He looked as if he aged a few years after saying that sentence.

"Okay... well now I know they're insane," I said with a deadpan face.


Looking up and then down Chiron said, "We don't use the insane word, I prefer to call them... eccentric."

"Okay, so what do you want me to do about it?"

"Zeus does not believe that Poseidon is telling the truth thanks to past actions of his but a god can not steal another god's symbol of power which brings major suspicion to both you and Poseidon as a half-blood is not limited like a God. Well since Zeus believes that Poseidon stole his bolt then what better piece offering is there than his son retrieving it?"

"Okay, so I have to return a bolt that no one can find. Well, that'll be super easy, NOT. I mean seriously this is stupid. If a God can't find it, how can I do it?" I said with annoyance.

"This isn't something you can treat lightly, this is a matter that may create a third world war." He said with a worried look in his eye.

"Okay, you should have started with that in the first place. Alright, how long do I have to retrieve it and how am I going to find it?" I sat straighter to convey he had my full attention.

"There is a prophecy that I heard in the past, but before I get further I need you to go to the attic."

"The attic? Wow, what are you going to do, lock me in there as an offering for Zeus." I said sarcastically.

"WHAT, no, of course not. Why would you think such a thing?" He said in a confused but worried manner.

"Meh, I was just checking that's all," I said with a smirk.

"I need you to go up there and speak to the oracle, which will give you a prophecy that will help you on your quest."

I Stood up from my seat and walked to the stairs, entering the attic I saw an old shriveled female mummy in a tie-down dress. She had black hair that clung to her skull and glassy eyes that were starting to freak me out.

The moment I stepped forward the oracle began to speak in this raspy voice.


"What is my destiny?"

"You shall go west, and face the god who has *Static*Crackle* stolen, and see it safely returne *Static*Crackle* shall fail to save *Static*Crackle*."

"Uh, did I break it? Well if anyone asks it wasn't me. Now, how did the prophecy go? I'll try to remember it. Might not get it word for word though.

I head downstairs finding both Grover and Chiron waiting in their seats for me to come down. The moment Chiron notices I came back he asks me what the prophecy said.

"Okay here goes, You must travel towards the west to confront the god who has turned. There, you shall retrieve what was stolen and ensure its safe return. However, be aware that someone whom you consider a friend will betray you. In the end, you will not be able to save what matters most."

"Hmm, this is troubling. So many messages and double meanings in Prophecies. Especially with that of a God who has betrayed us for another."

Well, I already know who it is, Ares, but no one seems to suspect Ares of anything. Which I suppose makes sense with how he's a son of Zeus. This is still not a great defense but meh, what you gonna do? All I can do is be careful around him.

I should probably ask Chiron who exactly is the traitor before things get quiet.

"So who is it, the traitor?"

"Think Percy, it could only be someone who gains powers from the deaths of many. Someone left unhappy thanks to the actions of his brother. It can only be Hades."

It's a sad thing that a God who has the least amount of crimes against humanity is condemned this way. His stories always make him out as a guy who has helped others and is pretty chill compared to the other Olympians.

"Okay, so we have a suspect and we have a motive but how do we get to the underworld, do I have to get a shovel and dig myself down there?"

"As time passes so does the location of the underworld; it currently is at the D.O.A recording studios in Los Angeles. In your quest, two companions will be chosen to join you. Grover has been chosen to be one of those Companions. As a way to show his worth. Your other companion has been waiting to be announced."

"Right, so it's Annabeth isn't it? I mean she's the only person I know, well the only person that'll talk to me, that would want to go to the underworld for a quest."

"Wow, seaweed brain, it seems that you can deduce something. Also don't mock my decisions, a lot of people would kill to have a quest."

"Right okay so it's not like I don't want her to be on my quest but why was I not given a choice to choose?" I said facing Chiron.

"Because seaweed brain you need someone that can make a plan, not run in and punch everything in sight."

"I do make plans, it's just I never say them out loud."

"Very impressive, why didn't I think of that."

Okay now she's starting to annoy me, she may be cute and have this frown where her nose would crinkle up adorably, but still, she doesn't have to be so mean to me.

"I don't know, maybe I'm just that good." That frown is too much for me.

"Right, I doubt that."

"Now, children I do believe that there is no need for any animosity between you two as there is a quest that you need to fulfill", Interrupted Chiron.

"I'll try, won't be that hard if she doesn't insult my intelligence all the time."

"Give me a reason to and I won't, seaweed brain."

I can't believe this is my type. No, that's a lie, I can believe that.

"I'll grow on you, eventually we'll be the best of friends and this will all be a thing of the past."

"Like a moss, also what are you spouting right now."

"To be honest I have no idea", I responded with a shrug.

I then turned to Chiron to ask him a question.

"When exactly are we supposed to leave?"

"You leave in two hours."


"I assure you I am very serious."

"Okay fine, then you will be the one to tell my Mom why exactly I'm on the quest and not in bed when she wakes up."

He looked more nervous than I'd seen him before. I swear I could see him sweating.

"Right okay, get prepared and be ready to leave."

The other two began to leave first while I was behind them, but Chiron stopped me before I could get any further than a few steps.

" Oh, and Percy there is something I wish to give you."

Wait, is this where he gives me riptide? That is awesome. I may not need that, especially because I can make swords out of water but that is my signature sword.

He then takes out a pen and puts it in the palm of my hand.

"This... This... is a pen."

"No, Percy this is not just any Pen, this is Anaklusmos. Which translates to Riptide. Go on, take the cap off the pen."

Once I take the cap off the pen grows longer in my hand. Currently, there was a shimmering bronze sword with a double-edged blade, a leather-wrapped grip, and a flat riveted with gold studs. Just as beautiful as I imagined it.

" This sword is a gift from your father, he gave it to me for safekeeping. I never knew why till you showed up. Now this belongs to you."

"Thank you Chiron, I'll take care of it."

I then walked away to take a nap before we

had to leave.


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