
Chapter 17

Hunter's Camp, Upper Peninsula Michigan

June 8th, 6:38 AM

3rd POV

Percy has woken up early, as usual, and was enjoying the rare moment of silence; basking in the morning sunlight and enjoying the natural beauty of the forest they were encamped in. Percy jumped up into a tree and pulled his backpack off his back, looking over the black material for his keychain. Once he found the familiar guitar shaped piece of wood, he pulled it off and watched as it grew into his battle-worn guitar. Percy's mind went back to the time where he wasn't paying attention and a hellhound snuck up on him while playing; that day, he finally understood what the saying 'taste the music' meant.

As he played into the morning, Zoë decided she liked the song and sat down at the base of the tree. Percy always smiles whenever she does that, it makes him feel like he was repaying her in some way for her companionship over the years. Percy was at peace; sunlight against his skin, wind in his hair, Zoë down below him, and a small tune playing on his guitar. He closed his eyes, still strumming his guitar, and relaxed for the first time since he started staying with the hunt. Of course, someone would come and ruin it, "Hey Elvis Presley, get down here."

"What do you want Thalia?" Percy said, eyes still closed. Thalia didn't respond, probably trying to annoy Percy into opening his eyes. Much to his ire, Thalia's plan worked and Percy opened one eye and looked at her, "Happy now?"

Thalia just grinned in response, eliciting a small groan from Percy: she wanted him to get down. He wasn't going to give her the satisfaction, he's been relaxing for multiple hours and nothing short of the entire Olympian council would be able to get him to budge. "Lisa's making hot chocolate."

Percy jumped down from the branch, startling both Zoë and Thalia, "Well why didn't you lead with that?" Since his return to Olympus, Percy has had the luxury of a lot of different foods; hot chocolate and coffee are prime examples. Percy's become so addicted to them that he's been carrying coffee beans and cocoa powder in his backpack, allowing him to make his new favorite drinks anytime he desires; which is a lot. Percy likes to think that he's pretty adept at making them, but Lisa is the crowned Queen of Cocoa.

"Well I wouldn't have been able to tick you off a bit now would I?" Percy just gave her an annoyed look and ripped the strings off his guitar, causing it to transform back to his keychain and return to his backpack - gotta love daughters of Hecate. Percy headed off back towards the camp, ignoring Thalia, he was upset that she didn't tell him earlier that Lisa was making hot chocholate. Thalia just shook her head at her cousin's childish antics, the guy could slaughter armies but still be upset over something as simple as hot chocolate.

As the smell of chocolate hit his nose, Percy picked up his pace, he was not going to let Jenna drink it all before he gets there; they have a small rivalry - for reasons obvious enough. Percy half sprinted into the camp, startling a few hunters and scaring some into shooting an arrow at him. "Sorry about the 'disgusting male presence' but an arrow seems a bit extreme for a guy trying to get some cocoa." Percy said while dodging another arrow.

"Don't let him get to the pot, he'll drink it all!" All of the hunter's immediately pulled out their bows, firing with the intention to hit - not kill, not yet at least. Percy ran behind a tree and pulled his Nemean Lion pelt out of his backpack and grinned. He ran back out, Nemean Lion pelt covering his whole body, and made a b-line for the pot of cocoa, dodging hunters trying to tackle him to the ground the whole way there. Percy dove to the campfire and touched the pot, "Safe!" This elicited a collective groan from the entire hunt, a few of them grumbling about how he cheated - which he did this time.

Percy grinned like a Cheshire Cat and poured himself a cup, taking small sips of the heavenly drink and enjoying every drop. One day, Percy was going to find out how she made it like this, and he will take that recipe to the grave. As Percy poured himself a second cup he noticed none of the hunters were coming for more, confusing Percy immensely. He felt a weight in his hand and realized that he had subconsciously uncapped Riptide - oops. Percy quickly capped his beloved pen and watched as the hunters let out a relieved sigh and start coming for seconds. Was he really that scary?

As Percy was pouring a little bit of water into a small bowl for Zoë, Artemis decided to flash in - probably coming from some meeting or solo hunt that she always goes on. After a quick nod of acknowedgement, he went back to pouring Zoë some water, he really wanted to find a way to give Zoë some hot chocholate or coffee without dying, then he'd have an actual excuse for making so much.

As Percy was waiting to see if Zoë wanted more or not, he let his gaze wander. As he saw Sophia, a young daughter of Athena, slip on a small puddle he grew concerned. As he went to help her, he noticed the water seemingly trying to hold the girl down. What in the name of Poseidon is going on?

Percy looked around and noticed that none of the hunters were having the same problems, except for two: Jasmine and Jenna - both daughters of Athena. Percy began to grow suspicious and went to find answers, "Artemis, I'm going to Atlantis for a second, I need to talk to my father."

Artemis looked at him strangely, "And how do you plan on getting there?" Percy have her his treademark lopsided grin, "Like this," and proceeded to jump into a puddle, disappearing through the liquid like it was a portal; causing a large panic within the hunt.

Royal Throne Room, Atlantis

Percy materialized in a corner of the throne room, not wanting to disrupt any meeting his father might have with one of his subjects. Percy was correct in thinking someone would be there and watched as two Atlanteans - apparently neighbors - argue about who put up a fence on the property line, both accusing each other. Poseidon noticed his presence and decided to end the meeting, "Enough! Why don't you just take the fence down and call it a day? There is no use in acting like children and arguing over who did what, it was obviously someone else if neither of you did it." As the two agreed and left, Percy walked out of the corner he was in.

Poseidon walked off his throne and gave Percy a hug, "Ah my son, how are you doing today? I'm going to assume a meeting like this isn't just a time to catch up is it?" Percy returned the hug and gave his father a stern look, "Why is water trying to kill children of Athena?"

Poseidon looked like a deer caught in headlights, "Well you see - uh, um -" Percy cut his father off with a glare, "Why did you do it?"

"Athena and her spawn caused you to leave for years, and in my anger, I cursed them and all future children of that wretched wisdom goddess." Poseidon said, gaining some confidence. "Well why did you curse them all? Why not just Athena and Annabeth?"

Poseidon looked flustered again, "Well, uh, you see Perseus.. I was angry?" Percy facepalmed, "Seriously dad? You were angry so you decided to curse young children, I thought you were better than this. I expect you to remove that curse soon." Percy said as if he was reprimanding a small child. He noticed Poseidon's sad and disappointed expression, as if he really liked that curse, "alright fine, keep it on Athena and Annabeth, but only those two... Gods and I'm supposed to be the child." Poseidon's face lit up like a Christmas tree and sent Percy off so he could get to work on removing the curse, he said he was going to redirect the curse, whatever that could mean. Percy decided to question it later and water traveled back to the Hunt's Camp.

Percy reapppeared, jumping right out of the same puddle he left in, scaring a few hunters in the process. "Good news kiddos, Athena's kids can go near water again without worrying about being ripped apart by a goldfish. Well most of you anyways, I had to keep my dad happy somehow." Percy was immediately bombarded with questions.

"What the Hades was that vanishing act you just pulled?!"

"I can go swimming again?"

"Who is still going to be cursed?"

"How did you change his mind?"

"Is it off right now?"

"Can a goldfish eat a person?"

Percy stomped his foot, causing a small earthquake that shut the hunters up, "Alright, alright calm down. Water travel. Yes. Annabeth and your mom. I gave him a stern talking to. Maybe, maybe not; who knows with gods. Maybe if it's determined enough."

"Well that's not fair, Nico has shadow travel, you have water travel and I get jack shit." Percy just looked at Thalia like she was crazy, "You can fly."

"Yeah, well, it's not as cool as jumping through a puddle like you're in Portal." Thalia said, slightly flustered. "What's Portal?"

This got a gasp from the entire hunt, which didn't help Percy's confusion, "Wow Kelp Head, I didn't know you were that out of tune with society. You could just kill any monster that came near you and you never once tried a phone or gaming console?"

Percy just gave her an indifferent shrug, "Well it's not like I can find an outlet -" Percy suddenly stopped, his instincts telling him something was off. As Percy scanned for what could be off he heard a loud clap of thunder in the air, "Weapon's ready!"

The familiar thunderclap and smell of ozone was soon followed by an ever more familiar army of monsters. "Hunter's bows ready!"

Percy didn't wait for anyone to prepare themselves - friend and foe alike - and immediately set off into action. Holding one of his knives in an ice pick grip and uncapping Riptide, Percy jumped into the fray.

As Percy crashed into the first telkhine, slashing it in half with a quick swing of his sword and stabbing a helhound between the eyes with his knife. Percy whirled through the monster horde, hacking, stabbing and dodging through arrows, ally and enemy respectively.

As the hunters watched Percy charge the enemies, some - the newer hunters mostly - thought he would die in a few seconds; how wrong they were. They watched in awe as Percy flowed through the monsters' ranks, a stream of gold dust falling in his wake, all while taunting the enemy.

"Is this the best you could do Ouranos? It's no wonder your children killed you." Another clap of thunder sounded in response and a Titan dropped onto the battlefield. "I just had to open my big mouth."

Percy didn't back away from the challenge and hacked his way to the monster's back line where a man made of what seemed to be made of rock and magma awaited him. As he cut down the last centaur in his way, he pulled on the sun charm on his neck and was enveloped in a black light. "Come on Dwayne Johnson, come reclaim Hyperion's armor. Or are you going to hide behind some monsters? Or maybe you'll go hide down in Tartarus like you did the past two wars?"

With each word, the Titan was getting visibly angrier, with the magma on his skin bubbling rapidly, "Do you know who I am fool? I am Perses, the Titan of Destruction, every step I take destroys the land, come to your death demigod, I'll make sure to reclaim my uncle's armor." Perses held out his hand and a war hammer came flying out of nowhere, killing multiple unsuspecting monsters. "Two can play that game," Percy held out his hand and his beloved spear Time's March came flying from the forest; his shield,which had been strapped on the spear, came flying along. Percy caught the weapon, strapped his shield on his left arm and got into a fighting stance.

Perses looked at the spear in confusion, he recognized it from somewhere, but he felt as if he would've recognized a weapon of that caliber. That is, until the weapon glowed a golden light, "You have my King's weapon and my Uncle's armor, I must say demigod: I am impressed." Perses said, in a deep, booming voice. Percy just rolled his eyes, he really didn't care for formalities or some Titan telling him 'congratulations on killing my family'.

Percy suddenly charged the idle Titan, catching him unprepared with his speed and agility. On instinct, Perses raised his hammer into the air and tried to squash Perseus like a bug. Percy rolled under the attack and came up slamming his shield into the Titan's arm, chipping a good portion of rock off and causing some magma to flow, 'is that stuff his blood?'

Perses roared in anger and kicked Perseus hard in the chest, catching him off guard and sending him flying. Percy got up with a groan and spit blood out of his mouth, thankfully his new armor took the brunt of the blow, "You'll pay for that." Perses just smirked in response, "How do you plan on beating me demigod? I am the embodiement of destruction, and I am more than capable of destroying you."

Percy was sick of the Titan's taunting and launched his shield at him, catching the Titan off guard and sending him staggering. Percy didn't waste any time and launched his spear straight into the unsuspecting Titan's stomach, or what would be his stomach. As the spear went straight through the Titan's rocky body, Perses let out a scream of pain that caused the world to shake, knocking everyone to the ground, monster and hunter alike - except for Perseus, who calmly stood his ground. As Perses collapsed to the ground, Percy willed his armor back into his necklace, he wanted for Perses to get a good look at the face of the man who was going to kill him. Percy calmly sheathed all of his weapons; checking that Riptide was in his pocket, making sure he had both of his knives and putting his shield on his back.

As Percy approached the writhing Titan, he called his spear back to his hand, prepared to end the immortal diety the same way he tried to end him. As Perses noticed Percy approaching, he quickly slammed his fist into the ground multiple times, and laughed manicially at the tremors he caused in the Earth. 'This will work perfectly.'

Percy noticed the Titan's change in demeanor and just put it down as an immortal's cocky attitude: they always think they're going to win; no matter how screwed they truly were. Perses looked at Percy defiantly, as if he was daring him to stab that spear between his eyes, Percy obliged. As Perses let out a scream that sounded something like he was in the worst pain of his immortal life and a laugh. A magma red light erupted from the Titan's chest and shot into Perseus, making him feel like his entire body was being destroyed from the inside out, but Percy persevered through the pain, he always does. 'Was this what he was laughing about? What's with Titans and trying to kill me when they're dying?'

As Perses dissolved into black dust, the ground cracked and split, it felt as if the very Earth itself was splitting down to the underworld. A loud clap of thunder sounded overhead and hit the ground right infront of Percy, breaking the Earth and creating a large pit leading to gods know where.

As Percy looked down into the hole, trying to discern where it could lead, a large gust of wind hit him, knocking him down into the seemingly bottomless pit. As the smell of sulfur hit his nose, he immediately knew where this pit led, a place harboring creatures no man should look upon, a place the worst nightmares couldn't conceive: Tartarus.