
Grover meet Erik

"Hello, Sam. Difficult mission," I said, looking at her. I knew she went to kill a Jotun with a recruit.

"Difficult, a damn Jotun of storms was raising Lindworm with steroids. Who gives steroids to a dragon?" Samirah said, sitting down. I gave her the usual, plus an ice pack and ointment for the bruise. Then another person arrived at the store, wearing a dreadlock hat.

"Grover Underwood," I said, looking at him, to which Samirah turned around.

"One of the Greeks," she said, to which I nodded.

"You must be the Son of Odin who helped us throughout the journey. Thank you," Grover said, to which I pouted.

"Sorry, Erik, he doesn't have a good relationship with his father," Samirah said, looking at my face.

"That's weird. Percy said I spoke highly of you to Zeus," Grover said, to which I laughed a little.

"Appearances. Now tell me, Young Satyr, how can I be of service to you?" I said, giving him the letter.

"One of those herbal teas, and I need help," Grover said, looking at me.

"Interesting. This is going around the house now. What help do you need?" I said, heating water.

"It's about the god Pan," Grover said. He assumed he would ask for it. The satyrs have been searching for the God of the Wild for too long.

"Pan was the god of shepherds and flocks in Greek mythology. He was especially revered in Arcadia. He was the god of the breezes of dawn and dusk," I said, my eye taking on a metallic appearance, scaring Grover.

"Don't worry. It's divine wisdom," Samirah said, drinking her soda.

"Tough one. Give me a second," I said, taking a black stone and carving it with magic.

"I never use this. It's the Naudiz rune, intended for Skuld, the Norn of the future. Usually, I only see the future to know the music, and believe me, there will be good music," I said, giving him the rune.

"How do I use it?" Grover said, holding the black rock.

"Squeeze it and say, 'Nau-diz,' while you think about your question and be specific in what you ask," I said. He held it and dragged the 3 to the vision. It was Grover in a dark maze with Percy much older. At the end, they found Pan.

Then the vision changed again, but this time, I saw Skuld manipulating her and showing something to Grover and talking to him. Finally, it changed again.

"Well, Grover, it looks like you found Pan," I said, to which Grover smiled.

"Yes, but first, I have to save a person I failed to. Just in case, do you have a boat?" He said. I told him to follow me, opening a door to the basement.

Inside was full of weapons, armor, and other things. In the end, I found what the dwarf was looking for and gave it to him.

"You throw it into the water, and that's it. The ship will emerge," I said as he left after thanking me.

"Pretty suicidal mission. You saw the symptoms of that God," Samirah said as we returned to the bar.

"Yep, Forgot. He wants to disappear, but the love of the Satyrs holds him back and makes him suffer," I said with sadness.

"By the way, when are you bringing your fiancé?" I said, looking at her, to which she choked.

"How do you know?" Samirah said, surprised.

"Some little birds," I said with her looking at me.

"I don't want to put him in this world, not at the moment. And when are you going to find a girlfriend?" Samirah said jokingly, as I looked at her.

"Sam, I don't want anyone to share my destiny. My destiny is death, chaos, and fire, eternal torment. I won't let anyone suffer it for me," I said, looking at her sadly.

"Eric, your father doesn't want that for you. He has other plans. I promise you, Eric," Samirah said sadly.

"Sam, I know he wants me dead. I know what an uncontrollable variable I am on the board of his games," I said, with Samirah looking at me sadly.

"No, Erik, he loves you, and he loves you very much. But he wants you to be better than everyone. He wants you to succeed where he failed," Samirah said, standing up.

"Don't be alone, Erik. You are my sworn brother. Live a decent life," Samirah said as she left.

I was frozen. I wanted to laugh at that. My Father's love. I didn't feel it. If his way of loving is that twisted.

That night, I went for a walk through Central Park and ended up at the museum. "Come out, I know you are here. I can smell the mead of the wolves, and you have become careless. I felt how you came out of your crow form behind the tree," I said, looking at Darkness.

Odin came out of the shadows of the tree. "What are you looking for?" I said, looking at him, just in case I was prepared for whatever he was going to do.

"Nothing. I think we need to talk," Odin said, sitting on a free bench.

"There were many opportunities since I arrived at the hotel. In each one, you showed that you wanted to see me dead or severely injured. I imagine that when it comes to that, you want to strike personally to make sure," I said, looking at him, he showed sadness.

"No, it's time for me to tell you why, Erik. You are a variable, a very dangerous one, who can cause a lot of destruction or a lot of good. But the path is full of horrible things. You are destined to fight at the end of it all. But I don't know on which side, whether destruction or salvation," Odin said as my fury increased, and the dew on the grass slowly froze.

"I already knew. Thor left a copy of the prophecy in the library. Just once I wanted you to show some concern or sympathy. I was a damn kid. My mom had just died. But what I get is that my own family wants to kill me, and that's it." It started to slow down when I threatened with Grandma and Grandpa's contracts," I said, shouting angrily. Odin looked at me sadly, it made me sick. He looked at me sadly, the one who caused everything.

"No, I wanted you to become a better version of me. Better than your brothers, one where I failed, you triumphed. Everything you went through was to make you a strong Hero, who knows the hardships you went through. Thor was pampered since he was born. Nor do I have to talk about your brothers Baldur and Hodr or Tyr, Heimdall and the others," Odin said with sadness in his voice to whoever looked at him.

"One thing is hardship, another is sending a 10-year-old child to fight with the lineage of the God-eater and other things that I have done," I said, throwing a rock at a tree, which seemed to creak from the impact.

"But you succeeded where I failed. I could never touch them both, but they joined you. Where I failed with Loki, you succeeded with Samirah. Where I asked for knowledge of runes, I failed, I had to take it through my mother, but you achieved it without anyone giving it to you. My mother had to intercede for me, but you asked for it and you were heard. You never lost your fatal weakness that at the same time is your strength, your heart. You made it hard as a diamond, but soft for those who are worth it," Odin said to whoever looked at him. The anger burned so strongly in my chest that I was taking my Berserker form. On Odin's side were Hugin and Munin on his shoulders, and at his side were Geri and Freki.

On my shoulders were Rune and Audhild, like Hati and Skoll on my sides. We were both the same height, and our weapons were in our hands. Precision was slowly being exercised in the place. If someone outside looked at this, they would not see many differences between the two, only the difference in age between the two. My father put away his spear and looked at me seriously.

"Because now, why not explain this years ago? I know my weakness. If it weren't for my damned fatal flaw, I would have killed you even if it would have cost me my life. Even if it means taking a simple cut or permanent mark from you," I said angrily. The grass was quickly freezing and withering around me. Odin looked at me with pity, seeing what my mood was towards him.

"I know there is no turning back in the relationship, son. If attacking me solves this, I would gladly receive the blow of your weapon. But believe me, son, I say this because now you will face very bad things. Kronos is just the beginning. Worse things will come, and I don't want you to be the next Baldur or Hodr when I was on Olympus. I saw it. We can't stop anything anymore. One more thing, Erik. My children are born with a random divinity. You have all mine—war, wisdom, magic, necromancy—but possess a fourth, train her, and I give you the right to make Valkyries. And about the Wild Hunt, those old ghosts have been getting lazy in their apartment for too long," Odin said, disappearing again.

"Shit, I would have preferred him to stab me with Gugnir or throw me into a fight with Fenrir," I said while pulverizing a stone. A blonde girl was watching this exchange in surprise from the museum.

"Lord knows he saw something," Audhild said, to which I nodded.

"If you saw the future, you noticed it," I said calmly, withdrawing from my Berserker form.

"Bast, that boy and the man," said the girl to a cat that was with her.

"Demigod, Norse, and that man was Odin, the other must be his son. Well, it's time, Sadie, for you to know some things. Not only do we Egyptians exist, there are other pantheons," said the cat called Bast.

"Wait, others, that is, Nordics, Greeks, and all those, as they are free and not sealed like you," Sadie said, to which the cat nodded.

"I have a friend who is a severed head, Mimir, and a fat horse, Chiron. As for why they are not sealed, it is because no one wanted to seal them," Bast said.

"Chiron, the trainer of Heroes, and Mimir, the one with the source of wisdom. Because we never asked them for help," said Sadie.

"Because the Greeks cannot go to the old world, and I had no way to contact Mimir, our matter was urgent," Bast said, until she felt something watching her.

"Hence, fence, we have a little kitten here," said a voice to Sadie's right. The girl twitched, turning around to see a white wolf with silver decorations.

"It smells good, sister, although I don't know why they smell like those mummies," said a black wolf with gold decorations that came out surrounding Bast.

"Hati and Sköll, the devourers of the sun and the Moon. Sadie, when I tell you, run," Bast said, preparing to fight.

"Peace, our lord does not want to fight. He was wondering why an Egyptian Goddess was here," said a crow on the roof.

Bast saw this carefully as he saw the Demigod walking towards them. He was a young boy the same age as Sadie, with bewitching blue eyes. He was tall for his age, 1.69 meters, and he was made for war. It was noticeable in every step he took. Furthermore, it gave off a cold aura, but it was pleasant with a mint and berry smell.

"Bastet, Egyptian Goddess of the Felines, Daughter of Ra, what do you need?" The Demigod said. His eye had changed to a metal one with a jewel where the iris should be.

"No, it's impossible. You took from that pond," Bast said, surprised.

"What pond, Bast," said the girl, holding a staff and pointing it at the wolves.

"Maga, Hati, and Sköll, enough. Refers to the pool of Mimir, the pool of wisdom," I said, to which they both walked away and stood next to me.

"Wait, that exists," the girl said, channeling fog.

"Yes, and I suggest you don't do that," I said, looking at her.

"Make that," she said innocently but still chanting the spell.

"Use magic, I feel the flow of it, so you are Mimir's cat friend," I said, staring at her, to which I created an Egyptian letter and shot myself.

I took out Levi and used the Algiz rune. The magic impacted the shield and forced me to take several steps forward, so as not to lose ground.

"Good magic, powerful," I said, throwing two runes at his feet.

"Sadie, cover yourself," Bast shouted upon recognizing the Thurisaz rune. She expected an explosion, but what happened was that two copies of the boy emerged and snatched Sadie's staff and lifted her by the armpits, tickling her.

"Trick," I said smiling.

"Now you can stop attacking. I'm not an enemy," I said, watching as the clone held her by the armpits and she was upset.

"How? Those were Thurisaz runes," Bast said, looking at the stones.

"Mannaz runes. I only carved the Thurisaz pattern by hand on one side that I threw, but the Mannaz one is hidden on the other," I said, to which Bast looked at me.

"I should have guessed. Worthy Son of Odin, prankster and deceitful. You can put the girl down," Bast said, watching as Sadie began to cry with laughter, sighing as I put her down.

She fell on her butt. "Ow, gross," she said while I gave her my hand to help her, which she saw me and hit her to move her.