
babysitter of the greeks

"Who stole the lightning?" I said, looking at him.

"A Son of Hermes. He also had the Helm of Darkness the last time I saw him," Ares said with pain. I saw him and took the ax out of his throat before leaving.

"If Ragnarok is unleashed for you, Ares, I swear to Tyr that I will have your head on a silver platter. Other Pantheons will join me," I said as I left. Without them seeing, I spat up enough blood due to the blows.

Aphrodite looked at me with disgust. "Although he's fucking sexy, he's an idiot, and I like idiots," she said while healing Ares.

I invoked the Ansuz rune and thought about Chiron. "Chiron, one of your campers was the Thief, not only of lightning but also of Hades' Helm of Darkness. A Son of Hermes with a scar on his eye," I said, waiting for a response.

Meanwhile, Chiron was on the training grounds, teaching the youngest, when the rune given to him by Erik sounded. The words rang out like crystal, "Chiron, one of your campers was the Thief, not only of lightning but also of Hades' Helm of Darkness. A Son of Hermes." Chiron saw one of the Sons of Dionysus, Pollux.

"Pollux, bring your father as quickly as possible," Chiron said. Pollux ran to Dionysus's office, and a few minutes later, Dionysus arrived with his son.

"Chiron, why are you bothering me at this time?" he said angrily, holding his diet soda.

"Erik found something," Chiron said, showing the rune.

"Yes, after kicking your brother's ass, he told me that a son of Hermes stole the lightning and also the helmet of darkness. That's why Hades is desperate with Jackson. He believes that he has his helmet," Erik said through the rune. Campers had gathered to see what was happening.

"Little Demon, you're messing with us," Dionysus said, his anger evident.

"Yes, of course. To make it clear, I swear by Tyr. Ares said the child of Hermes has a scar on his eye," Erik said as light shone in the camp.

"Oh shit," said Dionysus and Chiron, running to Cabin 11.

"Where is Luke Castellan?" Dionysus roared, causing everyone to be startled. He rarely called them by name correctly, and when he did, his anger was evident.

"One of the campers who was there said, 'I saw him this morning leaving to look for some things,'" I said, sharing the information.

"Erik, the camper who left this morning was Luke Castellan," Chiron said through the rune.

"Audhild is with Percy. I'll go watch him," Erik said before ending the call.

Erik was sitting at a Burger stand, healing himself and eating to regain strength. He was enjoying his fifth Cheeseburger.

At that moment, Rune arrived with a package. "Master, your request," Rune said as he landed. Upon opening it, I found a black laptop with gold markings, along with 4 or 5 Pendrives. One of them had the name "Levi" on it. After reading the instructions, I realized it was a powerful laptop courtesy of Sindri and Brok. I configured everything necessary and connected the USB cable. I began searching for the video of the fight and confession. I copied it onto two of the Pendrives—one shaped like Mjolnir and the other like a ship, which I would send to Hephaestus.

"Alright, let's go. We need to follow two demigods who don't know what they're up against and a Satyr," I said.

Audhild had informed me that they had faced Medusa that afternoon and were carrying her head. Now they were on foot, camping in a forest.

I activated the Raido rune and disappeared, reappearing a few kilometers ahead of them. Audhild arrived next to me.

I saw them preparing to sleep. Percy was talking to Grover about the God Pan, the god of the forests. The satyr played Mozart imbued with magic to help them fall asleep. However, something ancient and terrible entered Percy's mind. It was as if a thread of divinity attacked his mind. I sensed it in the air, and it was around 6 or 7 in the morning.

"They don't have money or a car," Audhild said.

"I see. Let's give them a wake-up call," I said, handing Audhild a bag with a rock and 600 dollars. Audhild took it and flew over to Jackson, hitting him with the bag.

Jackson howled from the blow.

"What the hell? We're under attack!" Annabeth yelled, taking a defensive stance.

"No, something hit me," Percy said, rubbing his head. Annabeth inspected the leather bag.

"It was just a bag," she said, opening the string with her knife. Inside, there was a stone and money.

"Dude, this is lucky," Grover said, holding a pink poodle in his hands.

"Almost too lucky," Annabeth said, eyeing the branches where Audhild had taken flight again.

"First, that axe that Percy saw killing the Hellhound—nobody in the camp uses a weapon like that. Common metal can't kill monsters. And now this," she said, looking at Percy and Grover.

"There's a God watching over us," Grover mused.

"Or someone," Percy said, his worry evident.

"But who? And why aren't the Gods intervening? Also, there's no one using ravens today," Annabeth pondered.

Watching from a distance, I remained silent. Things weren't looking good for them. The Greeks usually didn't cover things well with Mist, so Percy was now wanted by the police. I had to act again, using powerful Mist on the three of them. Only mythical creatures could recognize them. Interestingly, I found the Nemean Lion again in a forest. Another pelt would be a great addition to the bar.

"Those two are bound to end up together," Audhild said as she returned.

"Well, Athena and Poseidon hate each other to death. I'm not sure if their children behave the same way," I said. Audhild had a penchant for romantic novels, and our conversation continued until they reached the Gateway Arch. Annabeth expressed her desire to become an architect. They also exchanged the reward for the pink poodle for more money.

They had to wait for three hours for the next train. The girl insisted on visiting the Gateway Arch. I followed them closely.

"There's a scent of a monster and something divine," Sköll alerted us. We hurriedly moved forward, and I saw a Chimera attacking. I manipulated the Mist to make everyone believe there was a fire caused by a smoking woman.

"Hati and Sköll, help Jackson!" I commanded, and they nodded in agreement.

Percy had lost his sword and was cornered. The Chimera was closing in on him. Fortunately, Hati and Sköll jumped down, attacking the Chimera and knocking it down.

"My son!" cried the woman with the forked tongue. Hati and Sköll surrounded her.

"Jackson, jump!" Hati shouted, and without much thought, Jackson leaped from the tip of the arch into the water. I had arrived and confronted the woman.

"Norse meddling in the affairs of Lord Zeus?" Echidna yelled angrily.

"Yes," I replied, attempting to split her in half. But shadows enveloped her, and she vanished.

"The same scent as in the camp," Hati remarked. I approached the spot where Jackson had jumped and found a small amount of blood, which I cleaned and sniffed to confirm.

"It's poisoned," I stated, observing that he had been dragged into a floating McDonald's.

Emergency vehicles from San Luis surrounded the arch, with police helicopters circling. I decided to withdraw and keep an eye on the children.

Zeus was getting desperate, using Echidna was a step too far. I sent the information to the hotel and then returned there. I saw them talking.

Percy recounted the story of the Chihuahua that had been Echidna and how two wolves had saved him.

"Maybe they're Lady Artemis's wolves. She might be on a hunt nearby," Grover suggested, but Annabeth had her doubts.

They continued their journey. As I watched Percy stop at a food store, Ares appeared, semi-healed, except for the mark on his neck that would take time to heal.

Ares used fear on the waitress, and as I observed, I decided to play a prank on her.

"So, you're old Alga's kid, huh?" Ares said to Percy, attempting to provoke him.

"What does it matter to you?" Percy replied angrily. Annabeth saw this and warned him.

"Percy, that's enough," Annabeth cautioned, but he gestured for her to wait.

"Nothing to see here. A bit of character isn't bad. Just remember who's in charge. Do you know who I am, little cousin?" Ares said with a menacing smile. At that moment, I whistled.

Ares looked around, searching for the source of the sound. Our gazes met from a distance.

"You're lucky that the brat is watching you," Ares muttered, sitting back.

Clarisse's father, Ares," Percy said, and Ares removed his glasses.

They conversed while he kept an eye on Ares. Levi and the others were ready to intervene and tear him apart if needed. The waitress had brought them trays full of food.

When everyone left, I paid for their meal and modified the waitress's memories. I checked the news and realized I needed a cover story.

"Was it just me, or did Ares seem to recognize that whistle?" Percy asked.

"That was eerie. Someone used the Mist against him," Grover commented.

"You're not wrong, seaweed brain. When that brat said, 'He's watching you,' first the bag of money, then the wolves, and someone who scared Ares with a cut on his neck... It's not easy to harm a god," Annabeth explained.

They went to a park and entered, but it was evident that something had happened. There was a mark indicating a powerful struggle. They looted the souvenir shop and took what they needed.

"That was one intense fight," Grover said.

"Yeah, and look at this," Annabeth said, pointing to an attraction with gold blood on the ground.

"Ichor," Grover identified.

They ventured into Hephaestus's trap, encountering bronze spiders. A terrible cry echoed from the love attraction.

"For all that's divine, why is the little girl screaming?" Hati said, covering her ears.

"Children of Athena, your mother turned a person into a spider just because he could spin better than her. They have that phobia," I explained, watching as they narrowly avoided being crushed.