
Percy Jackson: The God of Magic

One moment I was dying on a really uncomfortable hospital bed and the next... well, I’m alive... though this time, I'm not even human anymore... but who cares. If you want to read ahead! https://w w w.patreón.com/cornbringer

CORNBRINGER · Book&Literature
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176 Chs

Chapter 141

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The day to battle Shiva had arrived, a month of training with Thor and Sun Wukong had enlightened me about the limits of my power, which helped me understand how to fight more efficiently, either way, I was ready to face Shiva, or so I thought, because as I made my way to where we had agreed to meet, I felt something moving swiftly towards me, it felt familiar, in a distant sense. Curiosity took the best of me, and I decided to wait for the unknown entity that was making its way towards me, eventually the entity arrived shocking me to the core, mostly because I didn't expect what I was currently seeing, a monster devoid of human form standing in front of me. A monster whose flesh had no skin, and that it oozed out black blood on it's wake.

The creature had no eyes, but I knew it could still see me somehow, it was a bizarre feeling, but I knew the entity could see me, on his decayed hand the monster had a giant spear that seemed to be made of some sort of stone, I couldn't really tell for sure, for his blood covered most of the weapon making it hard to give an accurate analysis.

For a second, we both stood there silent, it was as if I had forgotten how to speak, the entity was terrifying, it reminded me of the time I saw the face of my father, and with the ever creeping silence, this feeling simply grew in size, until the creature screeched throughout the night by opening both of its massive jaws. Its screech was horrendous and somehow seemed to hurt me just from listening to it.

"Well, there is no doubt… you belong to that side of my family don't you?" I chuckled, recovering my composure as the creature approached me in a challenging manner, his jaws and body dripping with black acid blood that melted the ground.

Black blood like mine, however mine didn't melt the earth like acid, I had to admit, for the first time since my ass was dropped in here… I am genuinely lost, for one, I have no idea what in the name of Tartarus is the creature in front of me, and two… for what purpose had someone sent it.

I sighed, and looked at the monster with a wild grin, "Well, too bad for you ugly, but I am not in the mood to play," I stated, going immediately into the max power I could handle in my base form.

The creature hissed, and seemed to be dissuaded from approaching so casually now, with a smile I drew my weapon and made my way over to the creature, just in case it had something I had to be careful about.

However the hesitation my power had instilled in the creature was short lived, as the creature rushed at me, forcing our weapons to clash, immediately I noticed something, while my weapon was able to block his attacks, this attacks had no essence, no core, nor physical, nor magical, which shouldn't be possible.

For a while, we traded a flurry of blows that made me thankful for the training I had taken, whatever this creature was, was about Ares in terms of power and technique. But unlike Ares, the entity adapted to my fighting style shockingly fast as it started to swing his spear recklessly making his attacks nearly unpredictable.

"Alright," I muttered, teleporting away from it, "Burn," I snapped my fingers, summoning an inferno of flames around it, but instead of burning, the creature seemed unfazed by what was happening to its surroundings, almost as if the fire was nothing but a breeze to him, "Hmm, not a good time to fuck me Murphy," I sighed, changing my approach to a more direct one, an beam of pure and concentrated mana.

This time, the attack had an effect… not sure if the effect was good or not, but the point was the attack had pierced the creature, and while this might sound good and all, the creature regenerated the wound immediately, thus negating any progress whatsoever.

"Great," I sighed in annoyance trying to think of a different approach, if magic wasn't the answer, perhaps brute strength was.

As I pondered how to kill the beast, the monster practically teleported in front of me in a burst of speed as it took a big swing with the intention to bisect me, destroying several mountains in the process, and killing thousands of humans that lived around the area, with a single thought I teleported to his side, getting a second to fully absorb the amount of destruction a single swing had caused.

"You bastard," I growled in anger, slamming my fist into his head.

With a hiss, the creature looked up at me, only to get kicked into outer space, "Death… walk… among… us…" the monster hissed, as his body reached escape velocity.

"Right you are, and it's my foot in your ass," I growled, as the creature collected itself and looked at me menacingly.

"Death… walk… among… us…" The creature repeated, throwing its spear with devastating force back to earth as it transformed its arms into blades, with a sigh as the transformation took place, I teleported the spear that if I let unattended would've destroyed an entire fucking continent.

This apparently annoyed the creature beyond my wildest expectations, and in a fit of something akin to rage attacked me while it screeched making my ears bleed, which by the way made no sense, there should be no sound in the va… forget it Adam you are fighting a monster, logic is out of the window.

"Death… walks… among… us…" The creature repeated every three seconds on the clock as his attacks grew heavier and heavier, pushing me back more and more.

"Aren't you a eloquent talker," In a fit of creativity, I decided to mold my weapon into a new shape, a sword, in theory this idea was very possible, because my weapon was a part of me, ergo it should obey my commands, of course this was an idea based of nothing, because I had never needed to change its shape before, but… considering none of the attacks I was intercepting had anything to absorb, the shape my weapon currently had was useless.

"It worked, neat," I grinned, cutting the arms of the creature, who once again regenerated immediately, "Well.. this is going to be a long night isn't it?" at that I took a deep breath, because one way or another, this creature would die.