
mmmm... dunno

I could say one thing for sure. This place smelled like ass. Everywhere I went I was drenched in the smell. Hell, I wouldn't know if it could come off even years later.

My kingdom would never let such a monstrosity occur. The entire city would have been clean, and spotless.

Water formed behind Percy, and it hardened into thin needles. And when Percy approached a new enemy the water flew and instantly impaled the enemy's head.

Percy had begun getting rid of all of the fires, and stench of this place. The water turned into ice spears

"Filthy peasants, getting blood on my new shoes," Percy said as he walked through a horde of now-dead people.

These jumpy ... Midgets dare Percy say we're kicked so had they broke through a wall.

Percy spent a couple of minutes cleaning his shoes that he was gifted when he became a king.

Now there was something Percy could say with absolute certainty... He was lost.

He was walking, and "fighting" for sure, but this place was tricky. So many places to go, and new places to see.

He walked through this messed up place and it just felt... Nostalgic? It reminded

Him about his first journey.

At first, it was... Hell? But the more you went on, the easier it got. Quelaag was definitely worth the journey.

There were people he was going to miss and to name a few off the top of his head Priscilla, quelaag, the mute fire keeper, solaire, and onion man.

But if there was one thing Percy knew, it was to keep moving forward. So onward Percy went.


A curious child of Athena looked at the golden mark out of curiosity at first, but she read the words that were clearly Greek.

[Περσέας βασιλιάς του δραγκλεϊκός]

(A/n: it's meant Percy king of drangliec)

Sure they were in a war and everything, but something about it.... She finally touched it.

Seconds later a man with a heavy suit of armor, that looked very badass appeared doing the [praise the sun]

The man looked... mature... Older... But very much kind. He held himself to a regal degree. Like he was born to be a noble.

"?????" The man said in a completely new language that she hadn't even heard of.

The man tilted his head before nodding it as if he recalled something.

"I assume you are the lady who summoned me correct?" The man said in broken English.

"Uh... Yeah," Annabeth blinked before recovering as the waves crashed ashore.

The man stared off where the fight was happening. He then walked forward, and suddenly the wind came to his whims.

Any monster unfortunate enough to come close was torn apart. Not even dust remained... And no chance to reform.

The minotaur tried to charge the man, but the man used his foot and made the minotaur eat dirt.

A great sword appeared on the man's back, and with a swing, the minotaur's head was flung from its body.

Instead of dust, it became a white orb of sorts and flew into the man's chest.

The waves that Percy (their world) had called to him began calming down. The man looked around before locking eyes with the main culprit of the fight.



They heard his footsteps before they saw him. (Some would swear there was heavy metal playing)

The man carried a simple great sword, but that wasn't what made him threatening...

It was the way he got to them. He manipulated the shadows to be used as footsteps and he climbed to match Leo and Festus who were keeping Gaea trapped.

The storm that Jason had surrounding her had dispersed immediately, and the mad stood on equal ground.

"Gaea," the man said as he looked at the woman who constantly reformed.

"You," she said venomously.

"Indeed. How long has it been... Sister?" The man said.

"Erebus, you have no hold in this world. YOU WERE EXILED" Gaea yell was heard throughout the battle.

Many paused and looked up. Some are in fear... Some are in confusion.

Why were there two primordials? And why was the sky suddenly getting darker?

"Indeed, EXILED or not, you know the laws, as well as I. Father explicitly said we primordials were to not interfere with mortal affairs," the man said.

His armor morphed into a pitch-black one, and his great sword turned blacker than even the pits of chaos.

"I AM THE EARTH. I have free rain here," Gaea screeched.

The next second she was pinned by shadows. Her powers sealed, and her mouth was also gagged.

"You know the rules, so do I. I'm the judge remember? If the law is broken, I come to collect," I said.

Gaea tried to struggle, but only to be swallowed by the darkness. The man turned to Percy and Annabeth.

"Do not attempt to trick my wife again demigods. Otherwise, you will be forced to deal with me. And trust me, no one wants a prank war against me," there was amusement in the man's eyes.

The man tilted his head as if listening to something far away. Then he nodded.

"I have to get back to what I was doing. I have demons to hunt and blood echos to find" the man said with a soft smirk before disappearing into the darkness.

"That's my uncle," Nico yelled.

Head turned to him and looked at him. Percy and Annabeth's pale faces slowly returned to their normal.

"That's your uncle?" Conner said in disbelief.

"Oh yeah, Uncle Erebus. He comes for the holidays with his wife... Wife's?" Nico said.

(The end)

Alright guys, took a break for a long while. I had some health problems, so taking a break too.

I feel deaf in my right ear and it's in pain. I am going to update my dying light fanfic soon though.

Have a good one.

Praise the fluffy tail.