
(what the hel)

(The next chapter will be information about me not writing chapters for a bit)

(This takes place in his world)

I awoke in a...cold place. I walked forward past the dead souls and continued forward.

I felt the presence of someone watching me, but there wasn't any malicious intent, just pure curiosity.

I was able to lock on the gaze and moved right behind her and tapped her shoulder.

"May I ask why you watching me?" I said.

She turned slowly, and I had to say she was beautiful. I mean half her face was that of a rotten corpse and the other half a beautiful woman.

I tilted my head leaned forward and sniffed. Okay, I get it now, she's not hallowing, she was just born like that.

"I see, You must have been lonely you poor soul," I said as I brought her into a hug.

I ignored how half her body was that of a rotting zombie since I took know that feeling. Her cold and gloomy facade broke as she was in my hug.

She sniffed and then cried, I continued to hug her and we sat on the floor. This was quite literally her only form of human contact in thousands of years.

The ghost didn't notice her presence, and she had no one to talk to. Nothing... but this demigod from another pantheon simply didn't mind her ugly appearance.

I continued to hug her as I gently began stroking her hair.

"...my name's Percy," I said as I continued to hold her.

Hels grip clenched as she sniffed a final time. I continued to hold her, the snow moved around us but didn't touch us.

"Hel," she said as she looked into my eyes.

I gave her my famous smile.

"Now, then I don't suppose you know why I'm here?" I said as I smiled.

hel sniffed again and this time I wiped her tears away and I had to admit she was rather adorable.

"You...you reek of death. yet no one has claimed your soul. you... Just how many times have you been killed... no how many souls do you have," she said. Being a goddess of death, she was more surprised by this.

I tapped my chin, and I began wondering, how many times have I actually died. damn, it was pretty hard to remember now.

"I believe... 4,381 times. Give or take a couple hundred. I honestly lost count," I said.

I said that in such a monotone way that even hel flinched and had to look into my eyes to see if I was lying.

hels withering hand came up and gently pet my chin.

"How can such a pure existence come to be?" she said in an almost pitiful tone.

I just smiled and gently brushed her hair off her face.

"Sometimes, it's all about the condition of being raised. My mother, while I love her dearly raised me the best she could. I try to help where I can, but if I have to kill to save a life, then I will. I uphold justice to the best of my ability," I said.

I smiled again before I left her a spirit-calling bell, that would personally summon me if she was ever lonely.

"I will have to leave, but I will visit you. I have your coordinates so I could teleport if you ever need me okay?" I said gently.

If there was one thing for sure, I would definitely come and visit her. My body began turning into light and I gave her a [polite bow] before my body fully disappeared.

(the end)

So as many of you guys know, I haven't even finished Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne 🗿 and only played Elden Ring,

So should I complete DS3 first, or which do you guys want to see first? Bloodborne, Elden ring, or ds3. I'm fine with anyone.

Also out of all the votes Artemis won.