
(anor Londo pt2)

you know... getting to Anor Londo is pretty easy, but exploring is the difficult part.

since I'm walking into unfamiliar territory and enemies were new.

like the big giant knights I could handle, the hostile bat demons I could handle. but those damn archers man.

they were too far away and when they shot at Percy it would kick him back hella far.

however, Percy could hide behind this wall and the archers would return to normal. Percy took that time and ran up the rafters and took a sharp left and rolled.

this dodged was crucial because the second Percy got out of the roll he sent the silver archer into the sky where he fell off the edge.

Percy turned the corner finally safe from the archers and dangled his legs over the edge.

here Percy could just sit down and admire the beauty of everything.

no death, no killing. just Percy and his thoughts.

Percy couldn't remember much of what his life was anymore. the more Percy died, the more he seemed to lose.

but his mother was something Percy could remember.

even if it was just a face he could remember the face and the delicious blue cookies...

Percy sighed and rolled onto the platform again as he entered the fog wall that awaited him.

after all, Percy had a mission to do, and he will complete it.

inside the fog wall was a hallway where there were two doors.

Percy saw a silver knight on the right and noped out of there.

but on the left, he found Chad Solaire and a bonfire. so Percy greeted Solaire first.

"Oh, there you are. You've been quiet these days. Smooth summoning out there? Anytime you see my brilliantly shining signature, do not hesitate to call upon me. You've left me with quite an impression. I would relish a chance to assist you" he said.

I had no idea about the summoning thing, but it honestly seemed interesting.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me! Oh, no, dear me. Pretend you didn't hear that! Hah hah hah!" he said as he laughed.

(in a nonweird way. But that's his dialogue)

Percy was initially confused but didn't answer, since he couldn't talk.

Percy rested at the bonfire and finally took a break. Percy felt it in his guts, this place will be difficult.

the giveaway was because Night was laughing in his head.

gods... there were so many silver knights. and so when Percy found a room without any he was suspicious.

so Percy did a Percy.

he rolled through everything until he found the illusion wall.

'big brain' I thought.

"That was definitely tyche" Night sighed.

inside the room, there were five chests, and learning from his mistakes Percy hit them and found the imposter.

[occult club

havels gauntlets

havels leggings

havels helm

havels armor

havels great shield

dragon tooth]

now Percy was in a situation, should he wear this op armor at the cost of mobility?

... definitely.

the armor appeared around him, instantly equipping it.

for the first time in this world, Percy finally changed his armor.

Percy went up the stairs outside the bonfire door and when he saw two chests together... well do I need to say?

while going room for room Percy saw another titanite demon that he was probably going to not kill.

they didn't offer much, to be honest.

at the end of the hallway, Percy saw an archer, so he dodged the arrow and killed the silver knight.

Percy went through the only door that wasn't locked. and when Percy opened the next door he saw the tip of a sword and knew a knight was in the corner.

upon going up the stairs Percy saw two silver nights, and this time Percy chose left.

and that opened up a shortcut... how nice.

[demon titanite X2]

now it was time to go to the archer. which was easily dealt with.

and down the stairs, Percy saw two doors... and to the left was the titanite demon, so Percy opened right.

there were many dragon heads on the walls, like trophies.

(author note: pretty sure they were dragons. unless they were wyverns?)

the silver knights that were in the room were also killed. two more chests that were brutally hit and opened.

[silver knight helm

silver knight armor

silver knight gauntlets

silver knight leggings]

Percy went back to the bonfire and leveled up intelligence and endurance.

when Percy got back to where he was he went up the stairs leading to a big hallway that had three enemies.

Percy went to the left side and took the high ground.

upon doing so Percy met someone. a friend.

"Who are you... forge your weapons?" the giant blacksmith said.

Percy had just enough souls to buy a twinkling titanite and upgrade his sword to a +4.

you know, instead of fighting these guys Percy just ran to the fog gate.


oh shit


how will Percy deal with them... find out in the next chapter lol.