
percy Jackson the cafe owner

Scathach_ · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

chapter 2

I clapped my hands and everything in my shop arranged itself to exactly where I wanted.

Micheal Jackson was also playing on the jukebox, along with some other songs that would play next.

I sat down in my hunter drip, the one the outer gods all knew me by and began waiting for a customer.

It wasn't long before they came. She looked unhealthily skinny and her body looked like it had been washed for days.

"Why hello there dear," I said. I snapped my fingers and the girl was now cleaned up and I put her in one of the tables.

The girl's eyes were frantic and I could sense she was looking for an escape or even a weapon.

"Come on child," I said. I snapped my fingers and food appeared in front of her.

You could see her eyes widen but she continued to stare at me suspicious as she ate the food.

I sat on my chair and spun around on it since there wasn't much to do anyway. I began thinking of what the price would be for the child to pay.

I decided that I would make her my future helper. I mean I wouldn't need help necessarily but it could be helpful if I needed to personally go into a world to fulfill my request.

Yeah, it's all coming together swimmingly.

"Soo... What's your name kid," I asked still spinning in my chair. I only stopped to look at her after asking.

Her face was messy, in a cute way, as she ate the food with eyes that told me she was clearly on guard and untrusting of me.

I chuckled and blew into my hand, and then a small and gentle snowstorm formed.

(What I didn't know since I was preoccupied was that hell froze over for a bit when I did that. Sorry luci)

Childlike curiosity won over esdeath as she stared and the snowstorm inside the room.

While she was distracted I reached under my desk and pulled out a work uniform and put it on the counter.

"I have a proposition for you esdeath," I said as I slid to the other side of her table in my rolling chair.

She flinched as I said the name she hadn't even told me, before meeting my eyes.

She looked at me with her cold eyes like she did when she arrived. She stayed silent and I took that as confirmation to continue.

"I'll give you a place to lay your head at night, food in your stomach, and everything else you'll need. In exchange, you'll work for me.

"Simple work. Serve food, drinks, and if people get rowdy in my absence, kick them out. You're free to do as you see fit," I said leaning on my knuckle like a king would.

She looked conflicted before looking at her body once more. Her small body was on the verge of malnourishment and you could see her ribs.

Then she looked at the only food she'd had in weeks, and... Well the choice was obvious.

"Okay," were the first words she ever spoke in this place.

"Perfect, then your room is over there, and there's a shower and bath inside. Of course, there's also a work uniform, and work starts Monday," I said. Today was Friday.

Of course, that's just the first day, soon more and more people will join the cafe. Some workers, some customers.

Some were human, some demigods, hell even some of the Eldritch Gods joined in. Of course, if they wanted to enter their powers and body were sealed to a normal human.

Life was great.

(The end)