In the world of Percy Jackson, named after the Demigod son of Poseidon, a new player is involved in the game of gods. The Demigod son of Hecate and a Legacy of Ares, named after his grandfather the son of Ares Constatine Drake Jr. He gained the magic of his Mother and the Strength of the War God, along with his partner Vritra The Black Dragon King.
Once Maxamillion, Carmen, and Amelia settled down from the heartfelt reunion, Constatine, Vritra, and Medusa joined them for dinner. However, Solomon did stick his head in the window as he liked meat as well.
Once everyone was seated, Constatine sat next to Medusa with Vritra coiled around his neck. The dinner consisted of Chicken Mole with rice and corn tortillas which his mother used to make all the time when he was a kid in his past life.
As he ate a traditional Mexican meal, Vritra flicked his tongue as the smell of species and meat made him lick his lips. Even Solomon with his head in the window looked to be sniffing the scent of meat.
"That smells delicious, what is it?"
Carmen explained it to Vritra.
"It is Mole, a Mexican dish."
Vritra slinked off Constantine's neck as he flew in the air. He served himself a plate before sitting at the table himself. Using telekinesis, he tried the dish himself and when he tasted it he licked his lips.
Carmen smiled a bit as she looked at Vritra. She had done her research on the name Vritra so hearing that he liked it she took it as a compliment.
"I guess even Dragons can enjoy good food."
As Amelia watched Vritra eat, she pointed at him.
Vritra turned to her as he sat coiled on his chair.
"I am not a snake, I am a Dragon."
Amelia shook her head.
"Nuh Uh, dragons have legs and wings."
Vritra turned to Constantine who chuckled.
"Amelia, that is a Western Dragon, Vritra is an Eastern Dragon. They don't need wings to fly or legs."
Amelia nodded.
"Got it."
As they continued to eat, it got silent as everyone was looking at each other. Carmen once knowing about the Greek gods had wanted to learn more so she used the name Vritra to do her research about him.
She did learn some very concerning things of his history, and now Medusa herself was acting as the bodyguard of Constatine. Speaking of Constantine, he was acting as if nothing was weird about the situation.
She took a deep breath and asked anyway.
"How was the Underworld?"
"It was good, Lord Hades and Lady Persephone were very accommodating to me. My Mother even more so as I lived for the most part in her Endless Mansion of Magic. She taught me quite a lot about my powers as a Demigod, and more."
She glanced at Vritra before asking the question.
"So, Vritra, if you are here, does this mean that Hinduism is real?"
The moment she said that Constantine shot his head toward her.
"Yes, so be respectful. If you were uninformed you would be fine, but you know what is going on behind the scenes."
Carmen touched her head.
"Greek mythology, Hinduism, what else?"
Constantine smiled.
"My friend Janet is a Demigod as well, her Father is Vidar The Norse God of Vengence. How has she been?"
The moment he said that it seemed that Carmen got even more conflicted.
"How do the Myths of Creation even work if all Pantheons are real?"
Constantine shrugged.
"Beats me, all I know is they are all true and all false. I would think it is more accurate that each creation myth applies to a race or type of human or type of mythological world. Japanese for the Shinto, Scandinavian for Norse, Greek for Greece people.
It is a complicated, but interesting don't you think?"
Max smiled as he learned some new information.
"She is fine, really mad since you left. Shows up from time to time asking about you. I have to say all the boys are scared of her. Heard she got into a fight with some high school boys, last week and kicked all of their asses.
Her Mother is stressed out as she skips school, gets into fights, steals, she is lashing out. It was 10 on 1 and she got out of that fight with merely a bruised lip."
Constantine turned to look at Medusa who spoke through telephathy.
'Your friend seems interesting.'
'I know, and she is just 14 and able to fight that many. Being Vidar's daughter has its perks since he kills Fenrir in single combat and will survive Ragnarok along with brothers and nephews.'
"I should visit her, though that can wait as there is something important for me to say. I won't be sticking around for long, but I will be visiting more often after upgrading the magical wards around the ranch.
Should keep you all safe as knowing about this stuff is dangerous. I will also enchant some necklaces to prevent you from falling into any danger."
Max nodded.
"Got it. You are free to do what you feel is best. Though, how long will you stick around?"
"A few days, I am taking a trip to the Bermuda Triangle in a bit, I just got to get my ship ready."
By that point, Constantine was done eating so he waved his hand and cleaned his plate off with magic. He then set it in the cabinet with Medusa and Vritra doing the same. Vritra slinked up his arm before wrapping it around his neck as he usually did.
"If you will excuse me, I got to set up my workshop."
Max smiled as they walked off, but before he left Constantine served Solomon a large bowl of Mole which the horse started tearing into. Watching a horse eat meat like that was weird, but it was not as weird as seeing his flat teeth turn into fangs.
As the horse tore into his meal with gusto, Carmen smiled and served him more. Even with sharp teeth, Solomon was still a sweetie, though he didn't let just anyone ride him. Mostly just Constatine or anyone who rode behind Constatine.
While Solomon got his share of food, Constantine walked out of the house and he teleported with Vritra and Medusa to where he used to do his workouts in secret. As he looked at the old stone equipment he smiled as he dialed the weight of a set of weights to 1,000 tons.
He picked it up with one hand and he started to spin it with ease. He increased the weight to 10,000 tons and he still had no issue spinning the weight in his hands. He could probably lift a skyscraper if he wanted.
More if he went all out which reminded him that he was not just a beast in the physical department, but the magical as well. As Medusa watched him show off, she shook her head.
"Constantine, we are on a time crunch."
"Women, never letting us men have fun."
He dropped the weight and he focused on his shadow. His shadow started expanding like a dark void and from it, black armored gauntlets began to grow out of it. Undead Shadow Knights began to grow out of his shadow with full sets of Knight Armor.
While in the Underworld, Hades had given him the free pick of the Souls of the Fields of Punishment and he chose the worst of the worst. Some of these souls were ancient, some were new, and all they had in common was they were unified in Undeath.
Over three years he had painstakingly raised these 1,000 Undead. They were fed the souls of the wicked and enhanced through dark rituals. Alongside these 1,000 Elite Death Knights, he had 5,000 Black Skeletons who were more so used for labor.
Some of these Skeletons were Blacksmiths, and even rarer were souls that could use magic. He had a few of these mages in his little Undead Army. He was grateful that his Mother was also known for Necromancy and she taught him everything.
Vritra was not familiar with Dragon Deus Necromancers, but they did their best with his limited knowledge. Once he released his 6,000 Undead they gathered in a battle formation. His Knights placed their fists against their chests while the Undead kneeled.
The Mages held their dark staffs tipped with skulls, while the Blacksmiths held their hammers.
"We do not have a lot of time, a matter of days. Your job is to begin digging underground where we will have my secret workshop. A temporary place to do our work. Once we get to the Triangle, we will shift its location, until then, get to work."
Constantine waved his hand and he dragged up the ground which he shaped and compressed into shovels, and pick axes. All his Undead grabbed the tools except the Mages who would use their magic to compress stone and shape dirt to prevent a tunnel collapse.
Medusa and Vritra watched as the thousands of undead, not held back by lack of air, exhaustion, or fatigue cracked open the ground, and shoveled dirt away only for that dirt to be compressed into stairs underground by the mages.
The work wouldn't take long with tireless undead as he needed somewhere quiet to work on his Battleships. As he was overseeing the construction, it seemed someone took offense.
From the tree line, a small girl with green hair, elf-like ears, and green skin ran out.
She rushed at the Undead who glanced at her and clacked their teeth in displeasure before they kept working. Medusa turned her head to look at the girl with bit of dismissal.
"A Wood Nymph doesn't appear often in mundane forests."
Vritra flicked his tongue.
"Seems how many rituals and spells we cast here caused her to awaken. She seems young, likely a seedling or a young tree."
When the Nymph saw, Medusa, Constatine, and Vritra she ran over to them.
Constantine crossed his arms as he turned to his Undead.
"Keep working."
They doubled their efforts out of spite and they quickly began to move hundreds of pounds of dirt while Undead Mages shaped, compressed, and reinforced the dirt into stone.
The Wood Nymph pouted with tears in her eyes as she looked up at the giant Constantine.
"They will kill the trees, I beg you to stop."
"The trees are fine. This is my spot, my property. Who told you to grow illegally here?"
"Nature is free, the trees grow where they want."
She said that quite snobbish so he frowned.
"Look, kid, my work won't kill the forest as you so claim. Any of the trees that need to be removed will be removed through magic to not harm them. If your tree is included in that the same will apply.
You will be moved, safe and sound. Now return to your tree and let my Undead work."
The Nymph on the verge of tears turned around and ran back to her tree. Constantine shook his head as this was his spot and Nymph grew here on her own Even now he could see her peaking through the tree line as his Undead worked.
By the first hour, they had dug nearly 100 feet deep. He ordered them to keep going until they reached 150 feet deep, then they were to hollow out the ground while the mages reinforced the ground above them so it didn't collapse.
Putting pillars or anything else would work, and then his mages and himself would set up the necessary enchantments to suck up the heat, hide his Workshop and prevent it from being entered by anyone not allowed. As they would forge and rework the mundane Iowa Class Battleships into something more.
The Wood Nymph kept watching realizing that the forest had barely been affected. Constantine turned his head as she was still around. Medusa vanished and appeared in front of her in a burst of speed so fast she left no trace.
It spooked the Nymph who fell on her backside.
"Look, Nymph, spying is rude and dangerous. You could end up dead if you spy on the wrong person."
The Nymph started to tremble as she looked up into the blindfold of Medusa. Constantine and Vritra looked at the small Nymph before they walked over.
"Hey kid, I got a proposition for you. How about I help turn your tree into a Spirit Tree."
When she looked up at him she was confused.
"A what now?"
"It means a tree with magic, while you surely have some magic, your tree for all purposes is still regular. I can help you increase that and help you grow faster and stronger. How old are you anyway?"
"It will take you much longer to grow up to a proper adult Oak Tree, so I can help you out there. All you need to do is take control of my forest here because yes, this is my forest. You use the trees and plant life to stop anyone who tries to enter my Workshop or area. In exchange, I help you out."
The Nymph thought about it as Constantine was in control right now.
"Fine, I will do it."
Constantine held his hand out as he signed his pacts through his handshakes. When she grabbed his hand the pact was signed and he now could raise a Spirit or Magic Tree soon
(If it wouldn't be a bother, can I get a few more reviews? Still don't have enough to have a proper rating.)