In the world of Percy Jackson, named after the Demigod son of Poseidon, a new player is involved in the game of gods. The Demigod son of Hecate and a Legacy of Ares, named after his grandfather the son of Ares Constatine Drake Jr. He gained the magic of his Mother and the Strength of the War God, along with his partner Vritra The Black Dragon King.
When he was on the ground, he made sure to stay a respectful distance as he didn't want to have to reveal his Dragon Powers in case this bitch of a goddess tried to turn him into a girl or a rabbit.
"It seems we were after the same game."
Artemis nodded as she approached the buck they had killed. She pulled out her arrow before turning to him.
"It seems we were, I hope you don't mind if I take it."
That was not a request, just a command disguised behind a question. Constantein inside felt angry, but he was not strong enough just yet to challange the gods. He and Vritra would bide their time.
"I do not if you. I can hunt another if need be. If you will excuse me, I think I will make my leave. I know men are not welcome among The Hunt or your presence."
As he walked toward Solomon, the Stallion walked over to him. Constantine jumped a bit and got one of his legs in the straps. He then pulled himself up onto the saddle, but before he left Artemis called to him.
"Hold on a minute, Demigod. I do have a question to ask you."
Since he was already saddled he turned to the goddess.
"Should I dismount once more? I would not want to disrespect you."
Artemis shook her head.
"Do not, I will not keep a hunter from his hunt. However, I would have liked it if you had used a bow rather than a gun. Shows the skill of the hunter. No, my question is why you have never gone to the camp. Your mortal parent could have sent you any time.
Yet, you are aware of your true nature, carry a Celestial Bronze sword on your back. Nonetheless, you have yet to ever-present yourself even for a summer."
"Oh, my great-grandparents have been in charge of my training. They are the Demigod children of Lord Ares and Lady Nike. My Mother is Hecate so I know what I should and should not do when out in the wilds.
I have not gone to the camp because I feel quite secure in my abillities to keep myself safe."
Artemis nodded.
"I see. Well, I won't keep you two much longer. You have a beautiful mount. You must be proud."
"I am quite proud of my partner, Solomon. He is my pride and joy."
Constantine squeezed Solomon's ribs causing the horse to stand on his back legs bellowing a loud neigh before he galloped off causing his heavy steps to echo through the field. When Constatein was gone, next to Artemis, Zoe Nightshade herself walked toward the deer.
She lifted it over her shoulder before turning to Artemis.
"What does thee think of that one? The horse too?"
"I could tell the rider wanted to be as far away from us as possible. As if being in our presence was putting him in danger. As for the horse, he has a contract with the Demigod. As children of Hecate so often do. A beautiful mount, shame it was male."
Zoe smiled.
"Would thee have taken his horse if it was female? Or turneth the boy into a Jackalope?"
Artemis shook her head as she was not a thief. At least, she wouldn't separate a rider from his mount like that.
"No, of course not."
The rest of the Hunt began to laugh, but Artemis just ignored it. As for Constantine, he was quite angry that his kill had been taken from him by the bitch goddess herself. Vritra didn't reveal himself just yet as that could be dangerous with a goddess nearby.
'Relax my friend, gods are like that. Doesn't matter the world.'
'I know, I will be happy when I can make those cunts kneel before me. Especially the bitches.'
With his order, Solomon neighed before he began to run at his top speed. Despite his massive size, Solomon quickly enough picked up the pace to 120 MPH. That was just his speed without enhancing his abillities with magic, and he was faster than any cheetah.
Constantine smiled to himself as he felt the wind blow past his face. While he was here, he began to mutter in Ancient Greek as he cast a spell to lead him to more prey.
With magic in hand, he found the leads to another herd of Axis deer. He and Solomon quickly enough managed to get far away from the Hunt and got to the location of the herd.
Once he brought Solomon to a stop from his gallop, he used magic to once again hide his scent, and sound and obscure his sight. He managed to sneak up on the herd once more before he took another shot at a buck this time with no goddess to steal his kill.
With a smile, he put his gun back into its holster before having Solomon ride out to the dead deer.
"A good one if I do have to say so."
Solomon snorted as the one they lost was bigger.
"Yeah, yeah, what do you want me to do about it, take it from the Hunt?"
Solomon began to neigh making Constantein snort.
Constantine picked up the deer before placing it on Solomon's back. After tying it in place with rope, he then jumped back into the saddle before he began to ride home. His dad had been buying large plots of land expanding the ranch and giving them access to some very good hunting land.
Constantine often went hunting himself so their freezer was stocked for a while. Just that they were getting low on deer so he went out to replenish it. When he finally got back to his house, he saw his dad washing his Mustang stallion, Sherrif.
He was a chestnut that was 22 years old, his dad bought him for him when he was 10. Now that Max was 32 years old, he was starting to get older. However, when he saw Constantine riding in on his massive Stallion Solomon he smiled.
"You got one?"
"Course I did, Dad. Hard to not succeed with magic."
Hearing that Max seemed panicked.
Constantine snorted as he jumped off Solomon. Ever since Carmen moved in, he had to keep his training secret. He liked her at the start, but she was starting to get in the way of his training which is why he often stayed out rather than stay in the house.
"You're still scared of telling her? Hust tell her the truth."
"No, she is not like us. She can't know. It will put your sister in danger."
"If you don't I will."
"Please, don't. I am begging you."
Constantine shook his head as two years ago, Carmen got pregnant and gave birth to his half-sister Amelia. The girl was two and according to what he knew, was as mortal as they came.
However, according to him and Vritra, the girl would be able to learn magic quite easily if taught.
He untied the deer off Solomon before he dragged it off to gut it. Solomon followed behind him before giving a side eye to Max. As Constantine did that, Max sighed as before Carmen moved in, he and his son were close.
After she moved in and Constantine had to act 'normal' he became much more bitter. He loved using his abillities openly and being told to not do that was irritating. The good thing was that Constantine was not too bothered by it.
When Constantine found a good spot, he pulled out his hunting dagger, not the one Ares gave him as that only worked on monsters. As he got to work gutting the deer, Carmen came out of the house with her and Max's daughter Amelia.
The little girl had black curly hair, with bright brown eyes that would seem red in the sun light.
"Is Constantine back? How did his hunt go?"
Max nodded as he combed out the mane of his horse.
"Yeah, he came back with a Deer, he is gutting it right now."
Carmen nodded as she walked over with Amelia. She had noticed how ever since she got pregnant and moved in, Constantine seemed to have stopped talking to her as much as he used to. She could feel he didn't want her around him all that much and it hurt since she wanted to be considered a mother figure to him.
"He doesn't like me anymore? I think he was happy when I came to visit, me living here irritates him."
Max wanted to say that was not the case as he was being unfair. He was making his Demigod son hide his true nature which he had never done.
"He is becoming a teen, it is normal for him to get distant. Even to me."
Meanwhile, Constantine gutted the deer and cleaned it out to prepare to let it hang in the walk-in freezer. Once it was ready, he dragged it off to the walk-in freezer where they left what they hunted or cows and pigs that got slaughtered.
Once he hooked it up, he left it there before washing his hands with magic. Once he was clean, he walked outside where Solomon was waiting. The first thing he saw was Carmen placing Amalia on Solomon's back.
Constantine smiled as no one else got to ride Solomon. Of course, Amelia was an exception as the horse knew she was little and his sister.
Carmen smiled as she got her daughter off the horse's back. He walked forward and grabbed Solomon's reigns before leading him to the pasture. Carmen walked alongside him, but Amelia was starting to fuss.
"She loves horses, Solomon in particular."
"Yeah, I can tell. She is lucky the big lug likes her."
Solomon snorted as Constantine opened the gate to the pasture where the other horses lived. As they walked toward the barn, Amelia started straight up crying as she started reaching out with her hands to Solomon.
Carmen tried to get her to settle down, but she was restless. Solomon snorted as now he didn't want Amelia anywhere near him. When they got to the barn, Constantine removed his Winchester 70 from the saddle before leaning it on a wall.
He then started removing the large saddle before hanging it up on the wall. Once Solomon was unsaddled, the large horse walked off to the pasture. When he was gone, Carmen did look at the large sword on his back.
"Trying to slay any dragons?"
"That would be fun, but it is more for cosplay."
After he checked his rifle for any bullets, he hung it off his shoulder. Carmen suddenly got a good idea.
"Hey, do you want to go on an Elk or Moose hunt later in the year? We can make it a trip with your dad?"
Now that got his attention as he would like to eat one of those animals.
"Good idea. Would get me out of school. Sad to think that school starts soon, until then, I got to make the most of the summer. I should get back."
"Of course."
Once he left Carmen and Amelia, Carmen smiled that he at least talked to her. These days he was rather distant or always out riding for nearly the entire day. When he entered his house, he went to his room before he removed Spine Splitter from his back and hung it on the wall of his room.
He then sat on the bed after locking his door. He took a deep breath as he was still annoyed at Artemis. Even in the books she was annoying and Zoe was even worse.
"Vritra. Tell me, you have been getting stronger along side me right?"
At his words his partner, materialized around him.
"Correct. What I have learned of Demigods is that you have mortal souls with some Divine Energy fused into them. Your bodies of course are Demigod, making you many times stronger than regular mortal humans.
Thanks to my presence, all of your special features, your Divine Blood, your Soul, and your magic all are increasing thanks to me and vice versa. By hanging around your soul, I have begun to take on some of those properties which then flow back into you.
At this rate, I might manage to evolve into a a Divine Dragon."
Constantine nodded.
"Wouldn't that be a Dragon God?"
Vritra shook his head.
"No, a Dragon God requires a concept like Infinity or Dreams like Ophis and Great Red. A Heavenly Dragon needs a Principle like Domination and Supremacy, like Ddraig and Albion.
When I say Divine Dragon, I mean a Dragon without those two things with some divine energy. We both will be much stronger than we achieve that."
Constantein nodded.
"Speaking of that, do you think the time is right?"
They had been talking about turning Constatein's Demigod Heart into a Dragon Heart. Vritra would use his Draconic Magic to forcefully fuse as much Draconic Mana, Aura, and Demigod blood simultaneously to form a unique Dragon Heart.
Vritra and Consntatein had been preparing for that for years to find a way to not just give him a Dragon Heart, but a Dragon Heart infused with Divine Blood. That way, not only would he receive a massive boost to his draconic abillities, but to his inherected godly abillities.
He would gain the dragon's strength, resilience, and indomitable spirit, and even Vritra's unique abillities would also become his. But the abilities he gained by being the son of Hecate would grow.
Hecate was a Titan, while Ares and Nike were gods meaning through all of that he would become a unique creature in this world. If he played it right, he would become a threat none of the powers of this world could ignore.
"Let's start, Vritra. The key to our dominance."
Vritra nodded.