
Percy Jackson: the avatar system

balance.... the one word that describes what the world needs most, the one word that depicts the situation as it truly is. the world has never been this unbalanced since the dark ages, where monsters vastly outnumbered mortals, and vastly out matched them.... with kronos's return, the world is thrown into a new age of darkness and unbalance... and Percy Jackson.... he's right in the middle of it. fourteen year old Percy Jackson has seen things he can't explain, alien like creatures that roam the streets and randomly eat people off of them... but no one else sees them, to everyone else... Percy Jackson is a delusional idiot, and not the cool kind either. one day, out of the blue, Percy is thrown into the middle of a battle against kronos's forces... getting hurt in the process, and awakening a god like power that sleeps within him. waking up in a mysterious camp for supposed kids like him, Percy receives a letter saying that he is the owner of the avatar system, and that he must bring balance back to the world.... by learning how to bend the elements, ALL of the elements. will his quest for balance lead to his utter demise, or will it lead to the unification of the world, or at the very least... the gods? I don't own pjo, any art, pics, or gifs used in this

too_tired_for_this · Book&Literature
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5 Chs

chapter 3: system

Percy POV--


I don't remember what happened after I blacked out, or why I did. But I remember waking up in a soft bed, and the smell of strawberries in the air, the sounds of wood clashing against wood, and the blonde girl sleeping next to my bed. Sitting up I began to look around, I was in a infirmary of some kind, that I could tell. Suddenly a chime broke me out of my thoughts, and a ocean blue screen appeared in front of me.


You have survived the tutorial.

+1 grey perk

+1 blue perk

+1 black skill

+five fate fragments

+ten tickets

+bending page


+gacha page


Would you like a walkthrough?

Y/N?' I sat there confused as I stared at the screen, wondering why this screen was appearing before me. I pondered for a moment, and I clicked yes. Five screens then replaced the old one, taking up my eyeline of sight.

'This is the store, here you can buy things with the money you earn' it said referencing the screen on the far left, then moved to the one on it's right.

'This is your inventory, here you can store essential items in limitless space' it said, then it moved onto the one on the right of it.

"This is the gacha page, here you can use the tickets to get random items or skills' it said, then it moved onto the next one to the right of it.

'This is the skills page, your skills/perks are showed here' it said, it then showed me the skills I had.

'Perk: heroes strength-grey; for every live you save, you become stronger

Perk: gamer's body-blue; you can live without any food, water, or sleep

Skill: swordsmanship-black-level 1; you can hold a sword properly

+1% attack damage with swords

+10% damage with water bending

+10% decrease in opponents speed when hit with water bending' it read, it then went onto the final page.

'This is the bending page, it states each bending style, it's sub skills, and it's mastery level. To move onto the next element, you must master the first' it stated, I then looked at the bending styles and mastery.

'Water bending: rookie





Earth bending: locked




-locked(must have fire bending and earth bending to unlock this)

Fire bending: locked



Air bending: locked



-locked' I read, disappointed in myself a little bit.

'Bending mastery levels go like this. Noob, rookie, beginner, amateur, advanced, master, and then grand master' I read, finding solace in me being a rank above a noob. A new screen appeared before me, explaining one last thing.

'Fate fragments; fate fragments can be used to improve your body, the chances of prizes in the gacha, the items in the store, skills and perks. However they cannot be used to enhance bending mastery' it explained, then it closed out of the notification and left me to my own devices. Staring at the screens in front of me I decided that this wasn't a prank, or some elaborate trick, and I decided I'd use this to the best of my abilities.

"Oh good, you're awake." A voice came from beside me, turning my head I saw the blonde girl who was previously asleep yawning and stretching. "You drool in you're sleep by the way." She told me, as I held back a laugh for the mess of hair on top her head.

"Thanks for letting me know." I said, sitting up a little more. Awkward silence conquered the room as we stared at each other, wondering what the other was going to say next.

"So... We gonna talk about what you did?" She asked, I raised a brow.

"What'd I do?" I asked genuinely confused, her eyes studying me as if I were some guinea pig in an experiment.

"You really don't know?" She asked, staring at me intensely with those stormy grey eyes.

"Cross my heart hope to die, and if I do I hope no one asks why." I said, crossing my heart with my fingers.

"I believe you, for some reason, considering you're a complete stranger... But I feel like I can trust you more than I can trust other people." She stated, still looking at me quizzically with those grey eyes that I got lost in every time I looked in them.

"Thanks... Where are we?" I asked, she was about to answer when a man in a wheelchair wheeled in along with four others.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but we'd like to speak to the young man." He said, wheeling over to me. The blonde girl nodded as stared at the sitting man, and then glared at a man with teddy bears on his belt, which striked me as odd... But I ignored it and looked over at the man beside me.

"Hello young one, what is your name?" he asked, giving me a soft look.

"Percy." I answered, he seemed to remember that name.

"Well Percy, would you mind if we ask you some questions?" He asked, and I shook my head no. "Where are you from?" He asked.

"New york." I answered.

"And how did you get to the battle three days ago?" He asked, shocking me a little as I learned I was asleep for three days.

"I don't know, one moment I was asleep in my school library, the next I was there running for my life." I said truthfully.

"Preposterous! That is most certainly a lie!" The teddy bear guy yelled, I was already starting to not like this guy.

"Calm down Octavian, he's speaking the truth." The man said, Octavian then went to say something again but stopped halfway through. "Now Percy, can you tell us how you defeated an entire battalion of monsters with no combat experience at all?" He asked, making me shocked. I defeated an entire battalion of those things? I could barely run away from one!

"I-How-What are you talking about?" I asked, generally confused shocking everyone in the room except the blonde girl... Man I really should've asked for her name.

"So you blacked out...." He came to the conclusion, man this guy is smart. "Percy, have you ever seen things... Unexplainable, miraculous things? Like anything you saw three days ago on that field?" He asked, I nodded.

"All the time, in fact I get bullied for it." I stated, making the man sigh.

"That's because you're a Half-blood, a child of the gods." He said, shocking me.

"Gods? Like, Zeus and Thor?" I asked, he nodded.

"Yes, but of the Greek or Roman variety." He explained, taking me back to Mr. Brunners classes when I was twelve... Speaking of, this man kinda reminds me of.... That's when it clicked, he was Mr. Brunner.

"I thought you looked familiar... You're Mr. Brunner my sixth grade Greek teacher." I said, making his eyes widen a bit.

"I used to teach you? The last demigod suspect I taught was..." He stated, his brain figuring it out and causing him to laugh. "you're Percy Jackson." He stated, and I nodded. "I thought I heard your name before." he said.

"You used to teach him?" The blonde girl asked, raising a brow. Mr. Brunner nodded with a smile.

"Yes, I believed he was a demigod so me and Grover scouted him... We thought we were wrong, and Zeus's master bolt was just stolen, so we decided to come back." Mr. Brunner said, making the blonde girl nod.

"Enough of this idle chit chat, we have important matters to attend to." Octavian said, glaring at me.

"Ah right, goodbye Percy." he said, wheeling to the door and stopping in the frame. "Oh and annabeth, you should probably come too, we'll need you're testimonies for the briefing." he said, causing annabeth to sigh and nod following him out the door. And just like that I was left alone in complete silence, giving me the perfect opportunity to check out a few things in the system.

"Open skills page." I said, viewing through my skills noticing the color statements on them. "What's the color for?" I asked quietly, a notification then popped up.

'It is the grade of the skill/perk, grey is the highest, while black is the lowest. Black, green, blue, red, purple, then grey.'

"That makes relatively no sense on the color spectrum at all..." I said, now noticing that the skills were highlighted in their grade color, and that my grey skill was the same color as annabeths eyes. "I wonder if that's why..." I said, closing out of the skills page. I then remembered I had the fate fragments, and wondered if I should use them. "Use five fate fragments on me." I said, feeling a small wave of power wash over me. I then eyed the cup of water on the table beside me, and decided to work on my water bending. Grabbing the cup I set it between my legs and held my hands out in front of it, concentrating on the water inside. I felt a tug in my gut as I tried controlling the water, the water began to swirl in the cup, but other than that nothing happened. I sighed as I looked at my bending page, seeing that nothing had happened with the level of mastery.

"This'll be fun..." I said sarcastically, sighing as I went back to controlling the water.