
The Adventure Begins

The original quest members glanced at each other wondering who would step up and talk first. That wondering was soon stopped by Annabeth saying

"The first line of the prophecy refers to us five travelling here, the second line has something, I'm assuming, tod with you breaking a vow as you can change into monsters and live as a thief. The next line obviously is all six of us going westward to the goddess, Artemis, trapped in some form of chains blocking her power. The line about campers and hunters combined will prevail is about me, Thalia and Grover working with Zoë and Phoebe but I don't understand where you come in, in that line."

Percy decided to partially stop her mindless blabering for now and say

"I probably will be given a choice after this quest whether to stay here or go back to camp with you, so I'll most likely be counted as a camper."

Annabeth eyes glazed over as she thought about what the monster boy? No no, more like demi-monster had said. She cursed herself in her head for not thinking about that.

Whilst Annabeth was stuck in her own thoughts Thalia got impatient and said

"Can we talk about this as we move West as I want to get this over and done with as quick as possible?"

"I second that." Zoë spoke up wanting to desperately get back to her mistress or best friend.

Grover instantly agreed with Zoë as she is a hunter and all Satyrs love The Hunters.

Phoebe agreed with her Lieutenant wanting to try and save her mistress.

Annabeth didn't respond still in her thoughts. She was rudely awoken by Percy saying

"Fine, let's go but you better keep explaining your plan and what parts of the prophecy you have figured out."

Annabeth immediately started talking again as Percy led them back through the sewers.

"We haven't figured out the Brother of the Forge as Hephaestus hates Ares so it can't be him. We don't know which titans' curse it is except it's to the west. And we don't who this supposed 'friend' is but don't trust anyone."

Percy decided to cut off her rambling there and say

"I know who the Brother of the Forge is and before you ask, it's because I am him. I have been more of a brother to Hephaestus than Ares will ever be. Hephaestus was the first and only God I met and we bonded over our similarities. I don't know about anything else though so we will figure it out as we go."

At this point they had finally reached the exit of the sewers, with a quick look around the son of Typhon ran out of the cover of the sewer into the cleaner yet still polluted air, with the other four following close behind.

The four original questers had their weapons drawn and were in their respective battle stances expecting an ambush, that never came.

Annabeth questioned "Why aren't there any monsters ambushing us, we should have drawn a small army toward our location with all the power scent we have around here."

"Yes, we should at least ten monsters waiting for us, from your powerful scents." Grover agreed.

Percy answered "Well when you smell like a strong monster, like me, you don't really get many visits from monsters. Only a few strong ones here and there. Oh yeah and some extremely stupid, dim buggers like the minotaur, he seems to like becoming different types of meet to my many powerful abilities."

There was an ear shattering roar that sounded just as the demi-monster finished his sentence. A sound like thunder approached them from their right, picking up speed as it smelt its targets.

"Ahh, come on not you again how many times do I have send you to fucking Tartarus until you actually stay there and die for the last time. I've already got live five pairs of your bloody horns!" The demi-monster monster exclaimed. While trying to figure out which of his many monster forms to use which were numbering in the hundreds.

As this was happening the demigods, hunters and saytar where trying to find cover and a place to watch the bound to be interesting fight.

A look of extreme rage crossed the bull-man's huge face and he managed to grunt out, using his apple sized brain "You dead puny boy."

Perseus looked as if someone had turned on a light in his brain as he got an idea.

Within the next few seconds something none of Percy's quest mates could fully comprehend happened. His body seemed to grow and gain muscle mass, gain fur all over his body, but the weirdest part was when his legs cracked and started to form hooves of his own and his face started to change. His mouth and nose extended into a large snout, his ears grew out and became like a bull's. As this happened horns began to grow on his head, growing from small stubs to seven inch thick, three foot long bull horns.

The others were shocked and even the minotaur looked surprised, but didn't stop its momentum. Percy calmly got into a sprinters position and charged gaining speed far quicker than the original minotaur had. Countering its sixty-eight miles per hour charge with his own seventy-three mile per hour charge. As their heads clashed it sent out a thunderous boom louder than even the pompous king of the gods could create. As this happens a sonic boom thrust out and knocked all the questers except Percy away. After the collision the minotaur started to stumble away with its hands clutching its head groaning. Meanwhile Percy just shook his colossal head to bring himself back into the real world as the minotaur's horns fell to the floor with a thud and the minotaur came shortly after disintegrating as it did.

Perseus willed his body back to the original as his fellow questers stares at him in shock. He mentally groaned at the bombardment of questions he was going to receive but instead spoke "Before you start to question me, let's find transport west and officially start this bloomin' quest."

There were mutters of agreement as they moved off to find a means of transport west.