
Chapter 30

[Third Person's PoV]

Annabeth was shivering, laying her head on Lucian's lap with a blanket over her. Lucian was running his finger through her hair while simultaneously using his magic which he was now able to use to warm her up even further.

Meanwhile Luke and Hermes were seen sitting down on a coach slightly away from everyone but not that far as Lucian who was close by was able to hear them.

"So you finally decided to show yourself, huh. Why now? Why not in all those years where I prayed to you to come and take me away? You didn't do anything and just left me with her" Luke said, pointing a finger towards his mother, still unable to even look at her.

Hermes' face hardened slightly, "Don't disrespect her, she's still your mother, she… She did the best that she could. As for me, I could not interfere with your path, the children of the Gods must find their own path, their own ways of doing things."

"Yeah okay so it was for my own good that I grew up in the streets, fending for myself, fighting monsters, fighting to just live another day" Luke clenched his fist with every word that came out of his mouth.

"You are my son, I knew you were talented, I knew that you would be fine on your own, When I was just a baby…"

"I'm not a god! For once, you could have just said something, YOU COULD HAVE HELP WHEN—" Luke stopped himself noticing that his friends were staring at him.

He lowered his voice to the point that only Hermes was able to hear, "You could have helped me when she was having one of her fits, shaking me, saying crazy things about my fate. When I used to hide in the closet so she wouldn't find me with those… glowing eyes, did you even care that I was scared?"

Luke's voice started shaking the more he spoke, "Did you even know when it was that I ran away?"

Luke turned his head as he couldn't even look at his father and saw Thalia waving at him to look, she tilted the cup and mouthed, "She gave me hot water saying it's hot chocolate, what the fuck?"

"Luke" Hermes called out, "I care about you very much, but gods must interfere directly in mortal affairs, it's one of the most Ancient Laws. Especially when your destiny…" Hermes' voice trails off and his face hardens once again as if he remembered something he wishes to forget.

"What?" Luke's asked, 'what about my destiny"

"You really shouldn't have come here" Hermes mutters but before he could say anything Luke gets a confused look on his face.

"Wait… why did I want to come here? Why did I immediately think of this place and make my decision to come here when I have been avoiding this place…" Luke muttered to himself.

"What?" Hermes asked, narrowing his eyes, "What are you talking about?"

Upon hearing his father Luke face grimaced in annoyance, "Don't act like a caring father now, after all these years of neglect, my few months have been hectic I'll probably remember in a while but that doesn't give you the right to come in and start caring about me"

Hearing this Hermes just sighed, "It must have been a stressful journey. You might have been feeling homesick" Hermes said, trying to justify Luke's strange behavior but all it ended up doing was angering Luke further, this is the last place Luke would consider a home.

Before Luke could say anything else Hermes continued where he left off,

"You coming here only upsets both of you, you really should have come, but it also helps me realize that you are too old to be on the run without help. I'll speak to with Chiron at camp half-blood and ask him to send a satyr to collect all of you"

"Forget about that for now. Just tell me what you were going to say about my destiny"

Hermes' shoes and hat then started to flutter slightly as if agitated and trying to memorize all of Luke's features.

"My son" Hermes softly called out, "I am the god of travelers and roads, if I know anything it's that you must walk your own path, even if it tears my heart"

"You don't love me" Luke stated as if it was a fact.

"I Promise Luke, I do love you, I love you dearly. Go to camp, get there safely, I will see that you get a quest soon, Perhaps you can defeat the Hydra or steal an apple of Hesperides. You will get to be a great and brave hero before…"

"Before what?" Luke said his expression turning angrier by the second, "What did my mom see that made her like this, What's going to happen to me? You said that you loved me right, then prove it, tell me"

Hermes sighed as his expression tightened, "I can't…"

"THEN YOU DON'T CARE!" Luke yelled startling May.

"Luke! Luke! Is that you? Quick come home, I'm worried about you, it's dangerous outside. Have you returned?" She rambled on.

Luke turned to hide his face from his mother so her fit wouldn't be triggered.

Tears started filling his eyes, "I'm fine without any of you! I already have a new family! Thalia, Lucian, Annabeth, Let's go, we're leaving!"

"WAIT YOU CAN'T LEAVE YET!" Luke was surprised when he heard his father yelling and reached out his hand grabbing him.

He expected his mother to be the one saying this not his father, "You can't go, you'll die, all of you will"

Thalia, Luke, Lucian, and Annabeth, who was feeling better and staying close to Lucian, all looked at Hermes in surprise.

"What are you talking about! And didn't you say that you couldn't intervene in mortal affairs! why are you stopping us now, aren't you contradicting yourself" Luke yelled and pulled his arms away from Hermes not wanting to be touched by him.

Hermes was now looking worried, "What I can't intervene with is your path and Fate as that is only yours to take but this is different. This isn't only a mortal affair it's a godly one as well"

Hermes then looked at Thalia and Lucian, "My Father and Uncle are each trying to kill you at any chance they get. If you leave like this you would all die suffering from their wrath"

Hermes then looked Luke in the eyes as he said, "You previously said to prove it to you that I love you right? So here's my prove"

Hermes summoned his divine weapon, his caduceus, and spread out his arms, "I'm alone allowed to give you a temporary one but:

I, Hermes, God of travelers and Roads, give you all my blessing to reach your destination safely together.

Although the journey ahead won't be easy and you will experience a lot of challenges you will always find the right path that leads you where you need to go"

They all felt Hermes divine power sweep over them but they didn't feel much different.

"There, I have give you my blessings. Now you would have a much better chance of survival."

Hermes turned towards Lucian and Thalia and with a sigh said, "Don't worry, I don't blame you two for what's going on. You two were just born at a time that you shouldn't, which isn't fair for either of you… I've done all I could"

And with that Luke walked out without saying anything to his father while the others started following close behind.

Lucian looked back towards Hermes and May closed the door behind him…

May suddenly held onto Hermes as he eyes glowed a green color, "The Fates beloved is in our presence, destinies which where coming have changed paths, oaths are broken, and a challenge is issued that changes everything"

Hermes' eyes widened in shock and Horror as he looked at May, whose eyes returned to normal, started crying out of nowhere, "My baby Luke is gone! Where is he? He needed mommy! I bake you some cookies, honey!"