
Percy Jackson: Reincarnated with an Avatar System

Reincarnating as the eldest sibling of Nico and Bianca di Angelo, Lucifer must now do his best to keep the only family he ever had safe. Luckily, he has an Avatar System to help him.

milfloverzz · Book&Literature
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3 Chs

Avatar System

As he was heading down the stairs of their suite, Perseus heard a faint 'ding' sound. A black-gold screen was suddenly appeared in front of him with ancient Roman runes running along its borders with a simple message displayed - 'Welcome to the Avatar System, Son of Pluto'

Lucifer stood there for a moment trying to make sense of what just happened. He rubbed his eyes and even went as far as slapping himself hard just to make sure that he wasn't hallucinating or dreaming. Regardless of what he tried, the black-gold screen didn't seem to disappear and was still right in front of him.

Hesitantly, Lucifer reached out and touched the floating screen in front of him, half expecting it to not work or just disappear. But to his surprise, the screen faded and a new one soon took its place.

===Status Sheet===

Name: Lucifer Di Angelo

Heritage: Son of Pluto

Description: Lucifer is the son of Pluto and Maria Di Angelo. He has natural affinity with darkness and fire due to his heritage which grants him control over undead and flames.

Age: 17

Chi: 250/250


- Firebending(Variant) Level 1 (10/100) - Beginner

(Uses Chi to generate flames. Current Colour: Black-White)

- Shadow Travel Level 1 (0/100) - Beginner

(Can use summoned undead/shadows as a beacon to teleport to. Distance travelled depends on mastery.)

- Lineage Summon Level 1 (0/100) - Beginner

(Can only summon undead who have the heritage of either Hades or Pluto. Strength of undead summoned scales with mastery.)

'Hmm… so it's similar to a game huh.. I think I'm starting to understand..' Just then, another notification popped up.

<Gamer's Mind> (Passive) LVL MAX

Helps the user stay calm and logically comprehend the situation. It grants immunity to psychological status effects and allows for a peaceful state of mind.

'I suppose that's the reason why I'm not feeling any shock or apprehension about my current situation' Lucifer thought after reading through the new notification.

Just as he was wondering about what was considered as a psychological status effect, a cute teenaged voice rang out.

"Big Brother, are you all right? Nico said you've been acting weird since you woke up, and you've been staring into space on the stairs for a few minutes already."

Looking at Bianca's innocent expression, Lucifer realised that she could not see the screen which meant that he was the only one who could see it.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just feel slightly tired, that's all.' Lucifer decided to keep his status screen a secret for the moment. Although he trusted his new family, Lucifer wasn't stupid enough to immediately leak his biggest secret.

Closing the status screen, he followed Bianca into the kitchen for breakfast.

"Hey there big boy." Lucifer ruffled Nico's hair when he entered the kitchen, causing the 8 year old to giggle softly. Sitting down at the head of the table, Lucifer grabbed some toast and began applying butter on it.

"Brother, are you really sure you're okay? You rarely daydream like that." Bianca spoke after she wiped the butter off Lucifer's hand and took the slice of toast from him. The slice of toast was perfectly clean, indicating that Lucifer applied butter to his hands rather than the toast. "If you have a problem, you can tell us. That's what family is for right?" She smiled gently, but her eyes told a different story.

Nico looked at his sister before nodding in agreement. Sighing, in the end, Lucifer only managed to answer with one word.


But his answer only made Bianca and Nico even more concerned. They have never seen their older brother like this before, and didn't know what to do to help him.

Seeing the concerned faces of his siblings, Lucifer didn't want to ruin the mood any further and hurriedly tried to change the topic.

"Don't worry about Big brother. I'm just really tired, okay? I'll get a good rest today and I'll be better tomorrow."

He took back the toast that was taken by Bianca, reapplied butter to it and began eating. As he was mindlessly chewing on his toast, his mind was racing thinking of solutions to prevent Bianca from dying.

From what Lucifer had figured out, they had just arrived at the Lotus Hotel 2 days ago. This meant that he had about a month's time to become strong enough to protect his siblings from Dr Thorn, and escape to Camp Jupiter before they were found by Percy and Annabeth. Or, try to prevent Bianca from joining the Hunters of Artemis. But that would be unlikely, since it wasn't guaranteed that Bianca would listen to him when a literal goddess tries to persuade her into joining their cause.

'A month huh…' Thanks to his <Gamer's Mind> passive, Lucifer had already thought of a training regime to undergo in the one month he had at the Lotus Hotel.