
Percy Jackson: Mortal

Alexander knew he was special since the moment he saw his first monster. However it wasn't until he met his step-sister Annabeth Chase, did he truly discover the world behind the mist. How does a mortal survive getting involved with deities, monsters and demigods?

ChaosExceed · Book&Literature
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The Satyr

Alex's life in the Chase house was as normal as it could be. Except for the occasional monster sighting, things were heading in a good direction.

There family was pretty harmonious since Alex stopped the monster attacks and Annabeth stopped complaining.

Annabeth was now 12, and attending middle school like a normal person, while Alex was now 17 and attending high school.

Although Annabeth had a hard time studying since she had ADHD and Dyslexia, Alex had helped her study in exchange for tutoring on Ancient Greek.

Now things were going swimmingly, until one day, a mysterious visitor had visited their home.

He was wearing a baseball cap, a bright orange polo shirt, nylon workout pants, white Nikes, a whistle that wrapped around his neck. He was 5'0, with beady eyes, really buff, and had a wispy goatee.

He looked like a P.E Teacher, and looked normal, however, Alex could see patches of fur poking out between his disheveled clothing. Alex immediately put up his guard, but was interrupted by his stepfather, Frederick Chase, who looked like he recognized the man

His stepfather had told Alex to leave with a solemn face. Alex pretended to leave, before covering himself with 'Mist', and returning.

Seeing the monster hadn't noticed him at all, Alex smirked. Alex listened closely as they began to talk.

"Frederick, we already warned you of this when we first discovered Annabeth. She isn't a normal human. She deserves to be with her own kind, where people will accept her!"

"Our family is fine, Gleeson! She doesn't need to go to Camp Half-blood!"

"Look Frederick, we both know she has to go. She has reached adulthood, and will attract monsters even more than usual. She will die without our protection!"

'Camp Half-blood?'

Alex frowned.

From the information he had gained from their conversation, it seemed like this man was a Satyr, and was going to take Annabeth to a sanctuary for other demigods.

Seeing that both participants of the conversation were going to explode, Alex decided to intervene.

"Why don't we leave this decision to Annabeth? She has the right to decide her own future."

Gleeson and Frederick both looked at Alex who appeared out of nowhere and seemed to have heard their whole conversation.

"Wait, Alex, you knew this whole time?"

Alex chuckled.

"Off course. Why do you think the number of monsters that were attacking decreased so suddenly?"

Alex had two reasons for revealing himself in this current situation. First was to scare of Gleeson by showing of his capabilities. The second reason was to show Gleeson that they could protect Annabeth even without there help.

They all agreed to wait for Annabeth, and the atmosphere became awkward as they awaited Annabeth's return.