
Percy Jackson in Skyrim OP

Great story

Jordan2 · Video Games
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26 Chs

Imperial capital

At the Imperial capital in a ancestor or better to say all ancestors and above

Sensed power but they didn't know where from.

Rain fell upon Tamriel for one minute

No one found suspicious but the rain was everywhere but no one knew the cause.

Every ancestor spoke to people like the Like the emperor of The Empire.


I got up looked around and saw snow all around deep and cold.

I looked and saw a path of stone and a sign that says?

Winter hold - windhelm

I then go into the directions of winter hold 1 hour I then make it and go into the inn warming up by the fire. I thought I would stand out but I look like a warrior because I am.

I all way carry 100 gold coins things that are needed asking for a room pay 10 gold.

Get in cooked beef then to bed

1 Day 25 gold

Percy Jackson