
Percy Jackson: Guardian's Vow

Bounded by oath, a Roman legionnaire must find a home for a young Greek demigod.

Kanav_Bhardwaj_6538 · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

At night, Logan sat on the edge of the small cot, the flickering candlelight casting shadows on the stone walls of the guest quarters. Felix slept fitfully on the other bed, clutching his pet cat for comfort. The poor kid was probably sleeping on a bed after half a decade. Logan's mind raced with the events of the day, replaying the rejection at Camp Jupiter and the grim prospects ahead. He knew about the greek roman rivalry, but he just couldn't make sense of how a poor kid like Felix couldn't be helped.

A soft knock at the door startled him. He rose quietly and opened it, revealing Reyna standing there, her expression as unreadable as ever. She stepped inside, her eyes immediately assessing the room.

"Reyna," Logan greeted her, trying to mask his anxiety.

"Logan," she replied, her tone measured and calm. "I wanted to check on you. Did you meet with Kayla's family before... all this?"

Logan shrugged, trying to find the words. "No, I was just on my way."

Reyna nodded, her gaze drifting to Felix. "I see you've found yourself in quite the situation."

Logan followed her gaze, his heart heavy. "I didn't expect this. I just wanted to help him."

Reyna's eyes softened slightly as she turned back to him. "Your intentions are noble, Logan. But Camp Jupiter is not a place for Greek demigods. We're too entrenched in our ways, too wary of the differences."

She paused, choosing her next words carefully. "You know, I've heard stories. There were two demigods from my past who never set foot in Camp Jupiter. I looked into it, spoke with Lares. They hinted at another safe haven, a place where demigods trained in… more traditional ways."

Logan's interest piqued. "Do you know where it is?"

Reyna shook her head. "No. The Lares were vague, almost as if they weren't sure themselves. But I suspect it's out there, somewhere. A place where he might be truly safe. I would start my journey towards the east."

Logan looked at the sleeping child, feeling a renewed sense of hope. "You think I should leave, then? Take him away from here?"

Reyna's eyes were intense, her conviction clear. "Yes. As much as it pains me to say it, Camp Jupiter is not safe for him. Octavian's influence is strong, and many here share his views. You need to find this other haven, wherever it might be. Also, what did Octavian say about his future?"

Logan nodded, his decision solidifying. "He was shaken up but tired coming back and went to sleep. Didn't offer any explanation. 

Reyna was disappointed. 

"Thank you, Reyna. For everything."

Reyna stepped closer, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Take care, Logan. And be careful. The journey won't be easy, but you have the strength to see it through."

With that, she turned and left the room, leaving Logan to his thoughts and the flickering candlelight. He looked at the child once more, a sense of purpose filling him. They had to leave, and they had to do it soon.

"Felix," He nudged him awake, "I know it must be difficult, but we have to leave."

They slipped out of Camp Jupiter under the cover of night, their departure hastened by the threat of pursuit. Logan had friends which were on patrol and provided safe passage. But Octavian's men would find them missing sooner or later. They were on the run now, fugitives from the very place Logan had called home. Logan led Felix through the dense forest surrounding the camp, their path lit only by the pale glow of the moon.

"Where are we going?" Felix asked, his voice a whisper in the stillness of the night.

"I don't know," Logan replied. "But I'll find you a safe home. I promised."

Felix's eyes narrowed. "Isn't there a place for Greek demigods like me?"

Logan nodded. "I don't know. The old ways of the Greek are believed to be dead. But, I talked with Reyna and she suggested there may be another place. Meanwhile, we have to be careful. The Romans won't be happy about us leaving, and there are plenty of monsters out there who would love to get their claws on us."

Their journey was fraught with danger from the start. They had barely made it a mile when they heard the sound of pursuit – the clatter of armour and the shouts of Roman scouts. Logan cursed under his breath and quickened their pace.

"We have to move faster," he urged, pulling Felix along.

They ran through the forest, the underbrush tearing at their clothes and slowing their progress. Logan's heart pounded in his chest, his senses on high alert. Every shadow seemed to hide a threat, every rustle of leaves a potential ambush.

As dawn broke, they found a momentary respite in a small cave hidden behind a waterfall. Logan checked their surroundings, ensuring they were safe before allowing Felix to rest.

The boy collapsed onto the ground, exhaustion etched on his face. "Do you think they'll follow us all the way?" he asked, his voice barely audible over the roar of the waterfall.

"I don't know," Logan admitted. "But we have to keep moving. We can't let them catch us."

They resumed their journey, moving through the dense forests and rugged mountains that separated California from the East Coast. 

In the evening, as they camped beside a quiet stream, Felix looked up at the stars, a thoughtful expression on his face. 

Logan asked, "What did Octavian say at the augur's house? I have to know."

"Beware, young demigod, of the path that lies ahead,

A journey forged in shadows, where heroes fear to tread.

One shall fall by sacrifice, a protector lost to flame,

The child of chaos and revelry, the world shall know his name.

Through trials and tribulations, their bond shall be the key,

Yet their quest is never-ending, like waves upon the sea.

Ancient forces stir and clash, both Greek and Roman blend,

In darkness and in blood, their tale will never end."

The silence was palpable. The line 'One shall fall by sacrifice, a protector lost to flame' was obviously related to Logan. He might not make it out of this journey alive. And the never-ending quest? Was Felix doomed to never find a home? 

"Felix, don't be discouraged. These are always self-fulfilling prophecies. Think too much about them, trying to prevent them and you play right into its hand."

"It says one shall fall-"

"I've been training in the camp since I was your age. Trust me, I'll make it." But Felix could sense the uncertainty in his voice.

"Why are you doing this? Protecting me, I mean. Romans and Greeks are enemies. You don't owe me anything."

Logan sat beside him, staring at the shimmering water. "I made a promise. Not just any promise, but one on my lineage as a legacy of Mercury. He is the patron of travellers and it's my duty now to protect you and give you a safe home."

There was another reason too but Logan didn't want to discuss it here and neither Felix would understand.

Felix nodded, his eyes reflecting the starlight. "Thanks, Logan. For everything. About the prophecy…"

Logan smiled, ruffling the boy's hair. "Don't mention it, kid. Now get some sleep. We've got a long journey ahead of us."

As Felix drifted off to sleep, Logan kept watch, his thoughts filled with the challenges that lay ahead. They were a long way from safety, but Logan was determined to see his promise through. He would protect Felix, guide him, and ensure he found a place where he truly belonged.