
Percy Jackson : Greater Mysteries

Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood. I didn't wish to be yanked out of my home to this not-so-fictional world filled with Gods and Monsters, Primordials, and whatnot, to become a demigod on top of all that. Yet, here I am. But hey, at least I got magic, so it's not all that bad. Oh, where are my manners? My name is Jayden, the Son of Hecate.

Lucien_Morningstar · Book&Literature
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7 Chs


As they followed the flustered host into the opulent restaurant, Luke's eyes fixated on the staff. Their gazes were glued to Jayden, a strange eagerness simmering beneath the surface. How much was real, fuelled by magic, and how much was by the way Jayden carried himself? He couldn't help but wonder.

Right now, as Jayden strutted in with the air of a seasoned VIP, any trace of the vulnerable kid was gone. Confidence rolled off him in waves, and he owned the room like it was his personal castle. Luke's gut twisted – seven years old shouldn't feel this intimidating. Yet... he swallowed the bitter sigh that threatened to escape. Gods and their indifference.

The host led them to a lavishly set table, a symphony of crystal and gleaming silverware enough to make Luke wince. Had he ever been anywhere this fancy? His childhood memories were a messy blur, with his mother always a hazy figure in the background. Still, he focused on the present, a small smile curving his lips as he settled into the plush chair.

As the host walked away to bring them the menus, Thalia whispered to Jayden. "How do they see us?"

Either the host or driver, they are not really seeing us for what we were, that much is pretty certain. Luke considered along her words. Is Jayden manipulating their perception? Or are we surrounded by illusions?

​And Jayden's magic seemed silent and invisible. The only visible indication so far was how the host became unfocused for a moment at our entrance. Still, it could be extremely useful and deadly in combat…

"Bunch of rich and entitled assholes who could not only totally own this place but also him." Jayden whispered back, and Thalia smiled slightly, her mood seemed to have finally improved.

Still, Luke chided, trying to sound as stern as possible. "Language."

Jayden shot him a look that seemed both apologetic and confrontational as well. Luke smiled back at the walking contradiction he saved.

"Does this always work?" Thalia continued her probing.

"Mostly." Jayden didn't elaborate further.

The host returned with the menus, and they flipped through the items. Luke didn't really know many dishes on the menu. Some of them had prices enough to give him a heart attack. This was day-light robbery!

"Their eyes..." Annabeth mumbled, her menu remained unopened before her. "They were misty and unfocused."

"What?" Thalia raised her brows.

Luke immediately tried to recall. Did the driver become unfocused like the host when he saw us? He ultimately didn't notice anything, as Jayden at the time was going on and on about Richmond attractions.

"Both the host and drivers, when we met them, their eyes turned misty and unfocused like they couldn't see us for a moment." Annabeth mumbled thoughtfully. "Like… like…"

Luke deduced the line of truth Annabeth had found. "Like mortals." He finished for her. "When they encounter anything extraordinary." So it is the mist! Jayden can control the mist! He added silently in his mind, not wanting to spoil Annabeth's moment.

"Yes!" Annabeth nodded in excitement, pointing at Jayden. "You can control whatever that makes normal people ignore and makeup imaginations for the monsters. It's how you fooled the driver into thinking you're a businessman. And also the host into thinking we are rich assholes!"

"Language." Luke emphasised again. Seriously...

"You shouldn't use such words, Annabeth." Thalia added sternly.

"Sorry.." Annabeth nodded obediently before impatiently looking back at Jayden again. "Am I right?"

Luke and Thalia looked at Jayden as well in anticipation and curiosity. Luke was always curious about the mist that concealed everything from mortals as well.

"Finally found it." Jayden nodded in contentment, like a teacher pleased with a student's work. "It is called the Mist. It separates the mortal world from the real world. A manifestation of magic. A global-level enchantment. I don't know who created it, though.." his brows furrowed in consideration. "Could be my mother, since she is also the Goddess of the Mist, but I am not so sure. Regardless, it is from her I gained the powers to manipulate the mist to fool the world."

So this power came from his mother? Luke thought in disappointment. It is a pity then. This is useful beyond measure.

"Your powers come from your mother?" Annabeth's shoulders slumped. "So we can't learn this mist power?"

Luke wanted to comfort Annabeth, but Jayden nodded much to his surprise and elation. "Well, you can learn."

"Really?" Thalia beat both of them to the question.

"Yes, but it's not easy." Jayden cautioned. "Enough about my powers. We will talk about this afterwards." He concluded as the waitress arrived to take their orders.

Despite his immense curiosity, Luke focused on the menu as he was starved as well. Beginning something on an empty stomach wouldn't do much good, anyway. He looked at overpriced and exotic dishes once more before sighing in defeat. "Suggest me some." He asked Jayden and Thalia as they already ordered their foods while Annabeth was changing her orders repeatedly, like she wanted to try everything.

Thalia and Jayden took over for him and Annabeth. And Thalia stressed upon the fact of no drinks. The waitress noted down their orders diligently before storming off to the kitchen.

As they waited for the dishes, the conversation dissolved mostly except for Annabeth who couldn't contain her curiosity and kept pestering Jayden on more questions on Mist, but Jayden didn't seem to mind except for the fact he wasn't giving any solid answers, just more riddles for Annabeth to enthusiastically solve.

Meanwhile, Luke admired the restaurant. The coziness of the environment and the spectacular view of the full-sized window presented; everything was so beautiful, everything was so surreal. His gaze met Thalia's, their emotions mirroring their eyes.

The dishes were served. Luke looked at the appetisers in silence, not picking up the silverware. Neither did Thalia and Annabeth—though little Annabeth was just following their examples—all looking at fancy and expensive dishes.

"What?" Jayden furrowed at them, picking up the spoon and knife. "Is there a problem with the dishes?"

"No, no.." Luke shook his head with a small smile. "It's perfect."

"Then, dive in, kids!" Jayden grinned. "It's my treat, remember."

"You treat, indeed." Thalia nodded in much concurrence. "Kiddo."

Luke and Annabeth laughed as Jayden rolled his eyes at Thalia. Everyone picked up the silverware and delved into the dishes immediately. Annabeth ate her Tartare with abandon. Thalia seemed to take her time with her Risotto. She was more content than he had seen her in a long while. Annabeth was definitely happier too.

As a piece of meat particularly melted in his mouth, Luke closed his misty eyes. If this is a dream, I hope it never ends…

But the end came inevitably, however, it was content. As the Host flustered with Jayden's camera, they all posed together in front of the magnificent river view from the balcony. Annabeth threw her arms around Jayden, a bright smile on both of their lips. Thalia made a peace sign, leaning towards them with a slightest of smiles. Luke, with a goofy grin, threw bunny ears behind Thalia.

The host clicked the camera, a bright flash capturing the blissful moment forever more.


A few hours later, the demigods stood in front of the Virginia State Library, refreshed and primed. After the sumptuous breakfast at the Michelin Restaurant, they continued their adventure. They hijacked a lavish motel, taking long and comfortable hot showers. Then they hit the local mall, where they restocked their supplies. With the Mist, everyone and everything bent to their whims, more precisely, Jayden's whims. But he did introduce them to the mysteries of the Mist.

"The trick is," Jayden had said, "Making others see what they want to see, not what you want them to see. This way, your act or illusion will become solid. When we entered the cab, I saw the newspapers lying in the front seat with many business ventures circled messily, so I took on the form of a skilled entrepreneur. As for the host, he just started his shift and obviously didn't want to disappoint a group of wealthy customers. So, I presented us as rich and entitled individuals, fulfilling his desire for recognition and generous tips. The 'want' here is a very loose requirement; you can bend it as you wish."

It was very enlightening words. But none of them could sense the Mist yet, let alone trying to manipulate the world through its fog. Regardless, they burned his words in their minds since they could tell how precious his advice was.

However, Thalia volunteered to lead in the boutique within the mall. As Jayden manipulated the mist around Thalia, she approached with the scrutiny and pose of a rising fashion icon that judged everything and everyone. She killed her act as the rest of them picked up the clothes they wanted. Jayden and Luke didn't forget to take all the goth and punk dresses that Thalia specifically demanded.

After changing into new dresses—Jayden still wore the same black jacket for some reason—they grabbed themselves ice creams before heading towards Virginia State Library. The library was a huge and squared grey building with large glass windows at the entrance. There was a red banner with bold words that said, "Library of Virginia since 1823."

"What are we stopping here for?" Luke asked, surveying the buildings and surroundings for any threat. Thalia was surveying too. Jayden had said that Mist could hide them from monsters mostly but they had focused only on the word "mostly".

"To study, of course," Annabeth answered for Jayden, snickering at Luke.

"Somebody's growing a tongue, I see." Luke raised his brows.

To his words, Annabeth obviously stuck out her tongue.

Jayden smiled lightly. "We're here to study, indeed." He looked at them with a puffed chest, proclaiming. "But also to beat dyslexia that blocks our path to power. We shall now claim the knowledge that rightfully belongs to us!"

Annabeth completely bought into his act, jumping around him in excitement. "Yes, knowledge is power!"

"Totally." Jayden gave her a high five with a grin matching hers. "You truly get me!"

Luke sighed at their antics. "What is it?"

"What?" Jayden raised his brows at Luke.

"What Luke actually wants to say is," Thalia leaned to Jayden, meeting him at face-level with narrowed eyes. "Drop your Charlatan act and tell us the real reason why we are here."

"We are a group now." Luke added gently. "There is a need for transparency, isn't it, Jayden?"

Jayden looked between them, at their anticipation and expectation as well as trust. "Well," he shrugged nonchalantly. "I didn't lie."

"Yes, yes." Thalia nodded as if it was the most given thing. "We know that, kiddo. Get on with the rest of truth."

Jayden glared at Thalia. "We are indeed here to beat dyslexia." He continued reluctantly. "But also to find the identities of the monsters that attacked me."

"Good." Luke spoke with a smile. "Then come on, let's continue our adventure."

They climbed the stairs with Luke and Jayden in front, Thalia and Annabeth behind. Annabeth held the hands of Thalia tightly. "Will everything be okay?" She whispered hopefully.

Thalia looked at the back of Jayden as they entered through glass doors into the wide reception hall. "Yes," she nodded in finality.


They were sitting in the mythology and history section within the Library of Virginia. Jayden liked the library as its collections were extensive with accurate sources mostly available right there. It made his search all the more easy. Thalia, Luke, and Annabeth were carrying books of Greek Mythology. They were summarized versions of the myths, though, not the renowned classics. Better to start from simplicity, especially when there was the barrier of dyslexia.

With dyslexia, the letters and words often flew, jumbled, combined, and separated on the pages as he read. But it didn't completely hinder their reading ability; it was just they needed extreme focus to understand what they were reading. It may not seem that hard, but there was the fact that every demigod's senses were on drugs. Truly ironic, isn't it? How could demigods with ADHD and dyslexia go forward on the path of knowledge? Not everyone could be like the children of Athena pushing through the barriers. It almost seemed like this was done on purpose to stop demigods from gaining much knowledge and recorded history. Or maybe Jayden was just being paranoid.

Regardless, Jayden was set on beating dyslexia. He placed the books he grabbed on the table and asked others to do as well. He then instructed them to move away from the table.

Thalia, Luke, and Annabeth stood away from him, watching him intently. They obviously wanted to see his magic in action; all of his previous magics were subtle and invisible, after all.

Jayden would have really liked to put on a show for them, to perform some cool rituals he learned if he had the materials, but nah, Jayden liked acting as a charlatan.

Under their anticipatory eyes, Jayden walked before the gathered books, their titles flying and jumbling off before his eyes. He readied his magic, for it was time to create a new spell.

You see, the thing about magic was making reality your bitch, quite literally, through your Will and Intent. As for incarnations, magic circles, runes, and such, they were just conduits to help you focus your will and enforce it on reality. So indeed, that meant these conduits were not ultimately needed, if you reached a level of mastery in magic that was. A level of mastery that was so beyond him at the moment. He suspected only Gods of Magic like his mother could manipulate reality with magic as they willed.

Now when creating a spell, Intent and Will mattered above all. You needed to be extremely precise in what you wanted, unlike the abstract spell he used against the Cyclops Offshoot. That kind of spell was a whole different category; let's not delve into that for the moment.

What he needed was a spell that was linked to languages, since ultimately the problem of dyslexia that demigods faced stemmed from language. It should be a simple and normal spell. For that kind, Will and Intent should be precise if there was to be any chance of success.

Jayden recalled the word for language in Ancient Greek—Ancient Greek was always better for incantations since it was a language of power—then he set his will to shatter the barriers of Dyslexia. His intent was clear: to make the distorted languages become clear and understandable.

With a focused mind, Jayden looked at the books, at the English language, whispering in Ancient Greek. "γλῶσσα."

What should have happened immediately was the chaotic words becoming clear, the language realigning itself to become understandable under his gaze, the barriers of dyslexia broken utterly. He would ended up having created another simple and normal spell. Then he, Luke, Annabeth, and Thalia would have continued on their smooth-sailing adventure, probably spreading this spell in the future for all demigods to live happily ever after without dyslexia.

But, curse his luck, that didn't happen. As soon as he uttered the incantation, everything around him froze, from wide-eyed Annabeth to a dark-haired and blue-eyed boy watching them with a strange look from his reading table to the librarian enjoying her coffee break to the teens kissing in the dark corner of shelves to a cautious girl putting a book in her bag secretly—everyone froze in their places, everyone but him. And he felt a weight on his shoulders, a metaphysical presence filling his surroundings.

It was... language. Not just a language. There were the languages of power to languages of nature. There were the languages created by humans to languages created by…

Jayden immediately bowed his head, not daring to understand the metaphysical presence any further. His magic literally recoiled in warning to stop him from comprehending the metaphysical presence descending around him. For death awaited him on the other side.

The metaphysical presence receded from him to concentrate together as one, and he heard a gentle and feminine voice, like the sweetest lullaby in the world. "You can look up now, child."

Jayden obviously did not look up, his mind streaming with thoughts or plans or anything in face of this situation.

The gentle voice sighed, seeing through him. "If I really meant you any harm, then you won't be still standing there intact."

Jayden snapped his eyes to look at the form that metaphysical presence chose to present itself as. It was a woman with inhuman beauty, with that otherworldly perfection. Her flowing silver hair cascaded down like waterfalls of moonlight. Her azure eyes were sharp yet gentle, her red lips seemed to set on a perpetual smile. She was wearing a glowing white gown of shifting hues that flashed with words, symbols, letters, pictures, scripts, music notes. He could understand the meaning of everything clearly, even try to peer behind the history each of them sprung out from. But he did none of that, forcing himself to focus solely on the face of the woman—no, Goddess. She seemed to be the closest thing to the embodiment of languages and not just that, much more as well.

"Greetings, Jayden, Child of Hecate." The divine woman introduced herself generously. "I'm Mnemosyne, the Titaness of Memory and the Creator of Languages and Words."

At that moment, Jayden understood his mistake. He should have heeded to his paranoia. Of course, dyslexia of demigods wasn't normal. Of course, gods had some hand in it. Of course, they would descend in front of him when he wanted to break it.

Stupid, stupid, Jayden!


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