
World Of The Divines

I ran and ran but to no avail, The worst had happened but I knew that it would there was no escaping from....That....

A hand found itself place on my shoulder, gripping it tightly preventing me from moving.

My heart beat quickened.

My breath got more intense.

Fear gripped my mind.

It took control of my actions.

I was couldn't move.

I felt her breath on my neck.

Both my soul and body trembled uncontrollably.

I knew I was gonna die, It was my last and first day in this world.

This, This was how the girl felt when I threw her.

This is karma I guess.

And Then It Happened.

"Hello Little Demigod"

She.....No-It, it was right there, right behind me, it was giggling maniacally

"Well It was fun chasing young Demi-God, Your time is now over"

Her fist cocked back, fuming with power and ready to destroy me, the fear in me was palpable but I had to fight, I had to win. Maybe she had not killed the girl yet, I could beat the....thing and then go rescue her. She kept calling me a Dem-God, I had to be strong.

I have to survive, I have too!

Narrator POV:

'I have to survive, I have too!' the young boy thought, He now understood what to do, His eyes shone with coldly and he watched her arm with extreme focus, reading himself so that he could catch her off guard as soon as she let her fist go and that's what he did.


And them something inside of me snapped, I didn't care if I was a saiyan, I didn't about anything, I didn't care about beating kakarot, I didn't even care if lived!!! And then it happened.

My breath turned normal again, I no longer shivered, I started thinking straight again and as soon as I turned normal again she released her hand and it flew towards me fast as lightning but I saw it as soon as she snaked her hand out, I noticed it even before my body started working as if my body wasn't up to date or something but it didn't matter. With my right hand I grabbed wrist and twisted it with every ounce of my strength erecting crack and wale of pain from the she-monster but I wasn't done yet, there was still more coming.

"This Is For That Girl!!!" I yelled my hand snaking towards her chin so fast it was as if my arm was a whip and the she-monster the slav-I mean victim. and another bone-chilling scream came out of her, Finding the screams amusing and loving the euphoric feeling being in stage of power gave me I twisted her already broken wrist even harder, but in my state of un-focus and euphoria I hadn't noticed her trying to punch me and that state of euphoria allowed her attack to connect with my jaw.

"Aghhh!!!" I screamed feeling raging pain in my jaw successfully dislocating it causing me immense pain. 'No way she just touched me.....' The pure rage in my body was inexplicable, Instantly I dashed towards her and mindlessly released a barrage of punches toward her while ducking every now and then most were blocked with her non broken hand but the raw blunt force was starting to catch up with her as her arm movements were starting to get sluggish, her entire body was starting to become sluggish showing that the damage was accumulating,

But It wasn't just her I was starting to get slower to due to the constant barrage of punches I had been letting out and so I kicked back to regain some energy and regain some distance.

Both of us eyed each other hatefully, We both knew that to do, all that mattered for us both was survival, after all it was survival of the fittest now, That was something I now understood, There were bound to more of these creatures and I had to learn to fight them, what if this was the weakest what if there are stronger ones,

Thoughts like that started to assault my mind but I still had a job to Finnish and so with a dashing start I rushed to the she-monster with my fist cocked back ready to deliver the worst punch she'd ever felt and that I did.

Instantly my knuckles a came in contact with her nose slightly caving it in and crushing it completely before landing one clean strike to her throat so hard that my fist was momentarily stuck in her neck, though I brought it back out after a second of struggle.

A bit exasperated from the intense fight I just sat down and observed the dead body and contemplated a way to bury her so that nobody found her body.

"Man what should do now?" I sighed to myself however another unexpected event occurred before me and trust me, I did not expect this of all things.

[System neural download complete]

[Tutorial Deactivated, Reason: User is aware of the capabilities of a system]

[Question: "Man what should I do now?" Response 1: System is not male nor female so man is not right, Response 2: User should try to get stronger as this world will only tougher]

"I knew I would get a system or something like that!"

[Incorrect, Host did not know of such information] the robotic voice came again.

"Meh tamato tomato same thing"

[Incorrect, there is a difference between a tamato and a tomato]

"Wait tomato's are a thing in this world?" I said a bit perplexed at this new information and a bit aggravated due to how the system was bullying me.

[Negative, System was just toying with host]

"Oh, I see....."

Although I was intrigued to converse with the system some more, I had to get stronger and the system would help me with that.

'Stats' I thought and a black transparent screen with sparks of electricity wrapping around it appeared before me, this is what it had to say.

[Name: Milo Hakai Asteropaios

Race: Demi-God(Blood Of Zeus)

Age: [You age and age until 25 and then you stay looking 25 for ever though you can modify your looks, also for every 2 years after age 11 your strength goes up by 5 until you are 25 years of age]

Rank: C Rank[Ranks are a basically a warning it also noted that you should not engage in combat with anyone more then 2-3 ranks above you unless you are suicidal and if you are here is suicide hotline:

1800 273 8255(Author here, This is the real number if any of you really do need it),

These are ranks and their requirements: E Rank, Req: 0 PL(PL: Power level), F Rank, Req: 20 PL, D Rank, Req: 40 PL C Rank, Req: 120 PL, B Rank: 480 PL, A rank: 2,400 PL, S Rank, Req: 14,400 PL, SS Rank, Req: 100,800 PL, SSS Rank, Req: 806,400 PL, Z Rank, Req: 7,257,600 PL]

Level: 5

Exp: 100/500

Power Level: 230 [Power level Is combined stats for ex(Ex means example): 10 in every stat if you were to have 3 different stats gives makes your power level 30]

(With 10 strength points you can let out 460 pounds of punch strength and able to bench press 135 pounds one time so rn he can: punch with 1,610 pounds of force and bench press 472.5 pounds. And every 1 stat in strength equals 1 mile per hour so he can run 35 mph)

Strength: 35[The raw strength you are capable of releasing this is also speed related due because if you low strength you won't move as fast as someone with high strength as it makes zero sense for people with no strength to move at high speeds]

Speed: 35[The speed of perception, so basically the speed your body can react to attacks]

Neural Efficiency: 45[The speed your brain can perceive attacks and things in general]

Dexterity: 10[The Flexibility and raw control of one's self, for ex: someone with low dexterity could not could not naturally create a big space between the index and middle finger and the ring and pinkie finger]

(note from author this is based on pain chart, every 5 stats in vigor is equal to one increase in pain entire pain state for example there is pain mild pain level which from level 1 pain to level 3 pain it goes by three every time so if he were to have 5 vigor that would be equal to everything in mild pain so 50 vigor is level 10 on pain scale. and btw level 10 on pain scale is so much pain that you go unconscious in a couple seconds)

(He can take Vigor: 60 [The amount of damage your body can take before shutting down, this would have been how much damage before you die however you are immortal, however after a certain amount damage the body is shut down so that body can recover though this will be stopped if user wills it to,]

Intelligence: 45 [Intelligence is the combined stats of Wisdom, Intellect and will, Wisdom: 10(Young Adult), Intellect: 30(College Graduate) Will: 5(Will the ability to force people to do what you want, the higher their will the lower the effect your Will has on victim]

Skills: Basic Hand to Hand Combat level 1[The ability to fight using only your legs and your hands]

Observe[The ability to look at someones stats]

Evaluation: [You can destroy the hell out of mike Tyson basic hand to hand combat or not, your raw strength will utterly obliterate him though you will get bodied by the strongest man in the world, your 60 vigor is not helping you out if you take a punch to the nose from the man PS: he bench pressed 1,350.3 pounds and although you are C rank you are quite strong for a C rank due to your PL being way beyond 120 but below 480(PL Req for B rank)

Average Man man(33 years of age) stats:

Rank: D Rank

Level: 0

Exp: 0/0

Power Level: 81

Strength: 10

Speed: 10

Neural Efficiency: 15

Dexterity: 1

(every 10 health stat is equal to 100 health points)Health: 10[Once a hundred health points are lost it's game over nigg-Nice friend]

Intelligence: 35[ 30 intelligence, 15 wisdom(Not to old not to young) Will: 0

Skills: What ever a grown man can do.

Evaluation: [Literally anything other then another human will destroy you, like my chiwawa can run your ones]

"Holy Crap, I'm Strong"

"By the way system I've been meaning to ask"

"What world am I in?"

[The World Of Percy Jackson, The World Of The Divines]

"Oh....Oh fuck"