
Percy Jackson: Betrayal

Two times savior of Olympus was betrayed. Heartbroken, he left camp but fates had something else in store for him. He was captured and brought to Olympus. Some gods stood on his side, but the majority didn't. He was BANISHED. He becomes Chaos' right-hand man, commander of his army. The new threat rises on earth so he is sent back with his companions to help with the war. On Earth, old secrets are finally uncovered. The new prophecy is told. Will they save everybody, Or be Olympus' downfall? Read to find out. *this story is also on Wattpad

Gabyyyyy0 · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

7. We're back

''Who dares interrupt the council of gods!?'' Zeus boomed standing up from his throne.


''Answer me or I'll smite you!'' Zeus dramatically shouted threateningly raising his lightning bolt. Thunder was heard rumbling in the distance.

Percy and his team just stood there, waiting for Chaos to make his entrance. Suddenly, the whole throne room shook, winds blew and throne room doors slammed open. In the doorway stood a man both pitch-black skin. He radiated the strongest aura Olympians ever felt.

A look of realization appeared on Athena's face. She quickly bowed and said:

''Lord Chaos, for what do we owe this pleasure?'' Multiple gasps echoed through the room and all the other gods quickly bowed too.

''I heard that you're on a brink of another war with Gaea and giants. I have sent my most trusted team of soldiers to your aid.''

At this point, gods were sitting in their thrones again. Percy found Zeus bowing highly amusing.

Athena looked curious, Ares looked excited at the mention of another war, Poseidon looked depressed, Dionysus looked bored, Aphrodite wasn't paying attention, etc.

''Could you introduce yourself?'' Athena asked.

''My name is Omega,'' Percy introduced himself. The rest of the team also told their previously agreed names. Luke was called Alpha, Bianca Angel, Lee Arrow, Zoe Star, Ethan Revenge, Michael Bow, Castor Vine, Charles Forge, and Silena Beauty.

''We will be staying at Camp Half-Blood and everybody except me will reveal their identities at the campfire tonight and we would appreciate it if you'll be there,'' Percy said matter-of-factly.

''Is there a reason why you don't want to reveal your identity?'' Asked Athena.

''Yes, we don't want enemies finding out who I am.''

At that moment Percy turned around and asked Chaos:

''Could you teleport them to camp? I have to reveal myself to some of them.'' He quietly said.

Percy POV

He flashed away with my team. I turned back to the gods.

''Can Poseidon, Apollo, Artemis, Hestia, and Hades stay? I need to tell them something. I asked Zeus. He just rolled his eyes and flashed away others following his example.

Once everybody left except gods I asked for I walked forward and flicked my hood down.

Alpha (Luke) POV

As soon as Chaos flashed us to camp, he quickly left, leaving us to deal with dozens of curious and slightly scared demigods. I opened my mouth to introduce us, but Annabeth beat me to it.

''Who are you?'' She screeched pulling a knife out of her boot. Before she could say anything else, I answered her:

''We are Soldiers of Chaos and we are here to help you with upcoming war.''

''Why do you wear hoods?'' One of the campers asked.

''We don't want the enemy to know our identities, we will introduce ourselves at a campfire tonight and also reveal our identities but that information shall not escape camps borders. We are waiting for our commander to arrive.'' I said and walked towards the big house.

Once I got there, I knocked on the door and when I heard faint ''Come in!''

I saw Chiron and Rachel, the oracle, sitting at the table and talking about something. I caught a few words like ''Prophecy'', ''twins'', ''sister''.

''What are they talking about?'' I thought. ''Is there another prophecy? Percy isn't going to be pleased.''

Unfortunately, before I could hear more of their conversation, Chiron spotted me, and they immediately stopped talking.

''Ah, you're a Chaos soldier. Correct?'' He asked me. In the meantime, Rachel left the room.

''Yes, I assume that the gods told you we'll be coming,'' I said hoping that he won't recognize my voice. ''We'll reveal our identities at the campfire tonight, well all except the commander. He's still on Olympus. Maybe he'll reveal his identity to you, so you can trust him, but our enemies can't come across their information. Also, gods will be here tonight because they want to know our identities too.'' He smiled and nodded.

''Where will you be staying? There isn't Chaos cabin at camp.''

''We'll take care of that,'' I said and left the room.

--- time skip (still Lukes POV)---

''Chaos soldiers!'' I called. After not long, all of them were standing in front of me along with almost the whole camp curiously watching my next move.

''As commander still isn't here, I'm in charge. We need to make our cabin.'' The others just knowingly looked at me, but of course, that Annabeth needed to ruin the moment.

''And how are you going to do that?'' She asked in her annoying voice.

I was furious. I couldn't believe that she could live with herself after she did that to Percy. I fought the urge to punch her. It was hard and I could see that I wasn't the only one with the same problem. All of the other Chaos army soldiers looked like they're going to pounce at her any second now. Even though I'd like to see Annabeth being repeatedly punched and kicked, I stepped forward. I didn't want to lose campers' trust even before we gained it.

''With our powers of course,'' I said with a smirk on my face.

We shot balls of pure energy in front of us. On the place, they all collided stood a cabin. It was pitch black, with stars and galaxies swirling on its' facade.

I turned around and saw a bunch of teenagers with their mouths hanging wide open. As if on cue, they all 'oohed' and 'aahed'. It was a rather funny sight to see.

I turned around once more and went into the cabin with the rest of my friends on my heels.