
Percy Jackson and The Olympians : Thunder.

Tyler stared blankly into the infinite cosmos on the thrýlos III. The fates stared at the earth in trepidation Kronos was destined to win the war there was nothing they could do. Zeus went out to party with Hermes in the mortal realm , a new demigod would be the result. Meanwhile the abyss stared right back at Tyler for the last time. It smiles The start of a story that never ends.

Goatnetistinism_ · Book&Literature
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Itachi 'helps' his brother out.

I spent my days in Olympus mostly training with Artemis and Apollo. I had tried to get in contact with Athena but she was avoiding me.

It was almost like she was upset with me. I tried to ignore it but deep down I knew that it was possible. I just doubted myself. Artemis was also acting dangerously casual with me but she was just a friend. For now.

Artemis and Apollo would regularly spar with me shifting between all manner of weapons and abilities.

I would use the blade of Olympus as my main weapon. It possessed incredible Godly Powers, which allowed those who wielded it to kill Deities or those who were infused with Godly Might. The Blade could also release blasts of energy that were powerful enough to destroy armies in one swing. It also increased the potency of my mana when I held it resulting in a qualitative boost in my attack potency, reaction time as well as my overall stats.

I grew at a rapid pace being able to go one on one with Apollo despite our difference in combat experience yet I knew this wasn't enough when I was going to face beasts like Son Woukong who was known to have supported the axis of the universe on one shoulder. I was getting distressed especially with the next portion of the tournament coming in a month's time. I needed to do something fast.

 Apollo had taken his roll as a big brother very seriously. His idea of doing so was teaching me how to do things like pick up girls or rule kingdoms. Some of the things he taught me were very questionable like his version of what consent is or how it was easier to murder all the former leader's political allies if I ever took over a kingdom. He was clearly going to make me cuddle with my dark side at some point.

Apollo basked his golden skin in the sun. He was laying on a tanning chair next to him was Artemis. I lay next to her.

Artemis had been very strict with the time I spent with Apollo. It was only because of her I had not been corrupted to insanity. They were like two voices in my head. The angel and the demon.

"Hey Mike you wanna go on an adventure?"


"What ? I'm just asking him a question. So Mike what do you say it be."

"Sure I'm down."

"Great! I just need to get that spare portal to hell and..."

"Apollo you are not sending him to Tartarus."

"Why so clingy." Artemis looked at him like he was the scum of the earth not worth anything but the grime under a beast's heel.

To be fair I don't think anyone but Apollo would think of sending their friend to Tartarus. Hell only the worst of Olympus' enemies went there.

Suddenly Artemis' fingers intertwined with mine. She had been getting agitated lately. My open relationship with Demeter was not helping things between us. I just hoped she didn't transform into a yandere.

Back to Tartarus. I was actually entertaining the idea. My growth wasn't fast enough. We all knew that. Which is why Apollo had offered it as a real solution. It had some merit in that demigods grew stronger under pressure. Look at Percy before and after the Titan war. Bro was a beast capable of goimg toe to toe with a major god like Hades. Its the same thing with me. I went from strugling with the Nemian lion to fighting on even footing with Apollo because of all the stress Apollo and Artemis put on my body while we trained. So yes I was willing to go on a side quest.

"You aren't actually thinking about this are you?" Artemis had a dark expression on her face. Her energy from what I could sense was extremely agitated.

"Relax little sis. He needs this. Besides when did you start caring about what the male population was up to." This caused Artemis to turn toward him her face twisted in rage and disbelief. I could tell there was some history with something he said but I didn't have time to speculate. This was the only moment I would be able to escape as Artemis had temporarily let go of my hand.

"I don't care for any petty exchange with you Apollo. The point is..." Amidst their argument Apollo's suttle gestures functioned as bro speech telling me where to go. After some gestures he stopped talking and just allowed Artemis to finnish her long winded speech that emphasized that she had bro zoned me. Before she could notice my absence I pulled a Houdini and teleported silently out of there.

I appeared in a cave located at Yellow stone's base. It contained a runic circle made from blood. Surrounded by bodies I recognized as demigods from camp half blood. Mostly Apollo's children. I don't knew whether it was my time spent among gods or I was always apathetic toward human life but I didn't even blink more focused on the runes. Designed to take me to Tartarus and return me after 24 hours from when I came. I didn't think nor hesitate as the portal light up with a purple hue. Didn't consider that Chronus wasn't in charge of time in Tartarus nor whether he could dilate it to near infinity.

Arrogance. It was always pride. This sin that the universe scoffed at. It always had to humble the the little sentient specs of sentient dust that wanted to gloat.

There was a reason Olympians didn't move freely between Tartarus and Gaea.

A reason old Rick should have emphasized for my safety.

Tartarus would become my home for the next 2000 years.

Tartarus wasn't its own dimension.

It was another universe.

~~~~~~~~~~5 hours later~~~~~~~~~~

Mike was falling head first into Tartarus unaware of how badly he f**ked up.

-Meanwhile with Nyx.-

 Nyx looked on in amusement as the young demigod did the one thing that would trigger a primordial being. He triggered Tartarus.

Tartarus had always taken pride in being a being of unfathomable power. A force higher than nature itself. An existence separated from causality. Mike's actions were basically a statement saying that Tartarus was just a tool for the gods. They threw their enemies in there and now he was their training grounds. It was the last straw. In Tartarus he was the only being with absolute control over everything. Space, time and reality.

"The foolish demigod isn't geting out of here anytime soon." She started chuckling. Then her chuckle turned into mad laughter , her eyes widening in madness.


Mike is f**ked and he doesn't even know it.

Give me your stones. Its the motive behind my goatnestistisim.

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