
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The lost Child

Shirou Emiya had won, he had destroyed the Grail and he now stood in front of his lover who is about to disappear, but then something unexpected happens, how would he deal with this new world and the revelations that come with it?

ancientdragon · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

a peaceful life

Vermont, Earth,2002

In the small town near the forests, a young man and woman can be seen walking towards a large house at the end of the street,

as the couple was walking by, many people who lived in the neighborhood would greet them with happiness to which the couple would respond in kind,

Once the two entered their home, the young man walked into the kitchen with the things that they had bought in the market as the woman headed towards the living room to relax a bit,

"Shirou, I want an Italian dinner today!" the woman shouted in a spoiled way to which the man called shirou chuckled and replied with a yes,

This was none other than Shirou Emiya, the Wrought Iron Magus and the one who defeated Gilgamesh, and the woman was Arturia Pendragon, the King of Knights,

Over a year ago, the two had fought in the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki and had managed to use the Excaliber to destroy the Grail, but what the two had not expected was that a fragment of the Grail would survive and be purified of the Evil God known as Angra Manyu, thus, it had deduced Shirou to be the winner of the war and had tried to fulfill his unspoken desire,

Because of this wish, they had ended up in this strange world which was very similar to their world,

The reason why they called it strange was because of a single fact, it would seem that the age of gods had never ended on this world and the reverse side of the world did not exist as all kinds of different creatures existed in the world hidden from the eyes of the normal people, it was quite similar to a planet-wide marble phantasm, only difference was that it did not overwrite reality but instead coexisted with it,

But the greatest shock that the two had received was when they had examined themselves,

Shirou had somehow become very similar to Archer whom he knew to be his alternate future version, but the biggest problem for him was the different sets of memories that were present in his mind, each set of memories belonged to different versions of himself,

A version of him who abandoned his ideals for the sake of his love, (author notes: Heavens Feel)

A version of him that had decided to go on the path of becoming a Hero of Justice and in the end had proven Archer wrong (author notes: Unlimited Blade Works)

A version of him that had reunited with Saber in Avalon after his death and his ascension to the Throne of Heroes (author notes: Fate route)

A version of him that had sacrificed his everything for the sake of his sister (author notes: Kaleid Liner Miyu's Brother)

A version of him that had become a Devil and was bound by servitude to a Devil King from a different world (author notes: from the fanfic 'A demon Lords Hero' because I loved that version of him)

He also had a few other memories but they were not as clear as the ones that he mentioned, the same thing had also happened Saber as well,

She remembered a version of herself who had exposed her Identity as a woman a long time before she became a King (author notes: Saber Lilly)

She remembered a version of her who ended up becoming a tyrant that carried justice with cold ruthlessness (author notes: Saber Alter)

She remembered a version of herself who never used Excaliber, instead, she used the manifestation of the pillar that connected the Reverse Side of the world with the normal realm, the holy lance Rhongomyniad (author notes: Lancer Arturia)

She remembered a version of her that wielded the lance and completely abandoned her humanity to become a Devine Spirit (author notes: Goddess Rhongomyniad )

She had also physically changed to resemble the Lancer version of her with a beauty that would cause even the gods to be stupefied,

But thankfully, these memories and personalities of their alternate selves had not changed their original personality too much, although Shirou became a little more pessimistic and sarcastic while also slowly losing his obsession with his Ideals which were slowly being replaced with his love for Arturia while Arturia herself had given up on her wish for the Grail and accepted reality, she had also become slightly arrogant and spoiled like a princess while in front of Shirou, but in front of others, she would be the same King of Knights that was unbending and unstoppable,

Soon after that incident, Shirou had traded a few of the jewels that he had on him thanks to Rin and attained a sizeable sum of money, the first thing that they had done was attain a house that they could live in comfortably which proved to be very easy in this peaceful town, he had then managed to locate a few underground dealers whom he 'convinced' to help him attain an ID for himself and Arturia,

He had then opened a small restaurant in the town which became a great hit because of his cooking,

Just like that, a year had gone by since they had arrived in this world and truthfully speaking, the couple was enjoying their time in this world, there was no war for them to fight, no enemy to face, aside from a few stray monsters now and then, no Magus Association to come after them,

This was a dream come true for the two of them,


Mount Olympus, New York

On the mountain where the Gods of the Greek Religion lived, we can see two Gods gathered in the chamber, one of them had a sad face while the other one had a solemn expression,

"But what you said is impossible Zeus, I have seen him being thrown into the Voids of Chaos myself, even though Chaos if our Ancestor, there is no way he would spare a Demigod alive," said the woman with the Solemn expression to which Zeus replied,

"I know sister, but as I said, there is no mistaking this power, you know as well as everyone else that the day he was born he had somehow inherited the power of pure thunder that I had lost long ago in the Titan War, he also had an extremely powerful divinity, almost on par with Heracles from all those years ago, and I am telling you, I sensed his power once again, somewhere in this country"

"sigh, brother, I know that you are in grief, first you lost your Demigod son 17 years ago, then you lost your daughter Thalia yesterday, I think that the grief is causing you to hallucinate, after all, If he is really alive, then I would know before anyone else because of my connection to him, he is my favorite mortal Nephew after all"

"sigh, maybe you are right Hestia, I just wish that I was there for him all those years ago, If only I had managed to get to them faster, maybe I would have been able to save them from that bastard son of Atlas from throwing Miya and Shirou into the Chaos"

"I too wish the same Zeus, but for all our power, we cannot go back in time, after all, none of us had ever inherited the power of time from Kronos, and I am pretty sure that Khonsu will not give us any help ever, his pantheon is not exactly on a friendly relation with ours after all," she said to which Zeus nodded tiredly and relaxed on his throne,

Unknown to the Greek Gods, however, Chaos did care for his descendants, well, for one particular demigod at least, and the said Demigod would soon show himself