
The Mythical Gamer

Percy is given the gift of the Gamer turning his life into a video game with levels, dungeons and skill points. Now Percy, armed with this amazing ability, sets out to prove himself to the world of the gods and humans by becoming the best at he can be and fulfilling his destiny. And eventually maybe even find love. Swearing, OP Percy, oh and REVIEWS! Not my story.........

Reyna_Lavesque_381 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
71 Chs

Chapter 62

Chapter 62:

Percy pushed himself up, the battle field was destroyed, everyone were on their knees. The only ones standing were Kronos and the shadow monsters.

"Attack them, don't like a single demigod live," came Kronos' simple order.

Percy looked back the demigods were still recovering, he needed to buy them time. He jumped up and ran towards the approaching shadow monsters.

Percy slamned the but of the staff of Neptune into the ground summoning a tidal wave of water. Percy knew the small wave wouldn't harm the shadows much, but luckily he had a move that could.

"Heavenly Ice dragon!" Percy spung Waverider turning it into its sword form, he brought it over he head making it glow with by storing ice mana in it. He then brought it down hard, "dragon's wings!"

Dragon's Wings- a wide wave of ice sent out of the blade. This can be used to take out a large group of enemy easily. Total damage- 200, divided per enemy.

Cost- 120 MP per use

The ice slash meet with the tidal wave of water midway, clashing together, fusing, turning it into a wave of ice. It flew forward into the oncoming shadows, piercing them to shreds. The first wave fell, but the ones behind them didn't.

"Romans! Form lines!" Rob called out making everyone get together to face the oncoming tide of shadow monsters and the now regrouped titan animal soldiers.

Percy got ready to strike again, but before he could launch another tidal wave, a large shadow came over his form. Kronos had his blade drawn bringing it down on top of Percy.

The demigod growled, bringing Waverider up, Kronos' blade struck his sword, the power behind the blow sent out a shock wave around them causing the ground to crater below their feet in a ten foot radius.

"You're stronger than a normal demigod," Kronos complemented with a smile as he pushed down on Percy with his blade.

"Thanks, and you're uglier than a normal Titan," Percy growled pointing the staff of Neptune at the Titan's gut sending out a jet stream of water knocking Kronos back.

Percy took the advantage by swinging his blade forward with fury, Kronos quickly got back his footing and dodged the strike. The two began to parry one another, swinging at each other's fatal areas, dodging near fatal blows by inches and moving around their battlefield crater, completely focused on killing the person before them.

"Why does Hyperion fight for you?" Kronos asked.

"He had a change of heart," Percy smirked, "he finally realised how crazy you are."

"Highly unlikely," Kronos' blade clashed with Percy's sending spark flying, "what have you done to my brother?!"

"I made him realise the truth, that you're nothing but a sad old man who care for nobody but himself. It honestly didn't take much convincing." Kronos flew into a fit of rage at Percy's taunt, fighting back harder than before.

It was like a dance, and Percy had never had a more fitting partner. Every move Kronos made was calculated, every step was for two purposes, to dodge a blow while gaining to upper ground for an attack. Kronos' movements were flawed though, Percy could see the shadows of a missing length, like the weapon he was used to fighting with was much longer. But it didn't matter, the Titan was a master, and fighting him took every ounce of Percy's attention.

Percy was forced to rely on his unpredictability, jumping out of the way to create space between them while getting a second to regroup his thoughts. Blocking with the staff of Neptune before thrusting forward with Waverider.

Kronos found it difficult blocking two weapons at the same time, but he often took the blunt hit from the staff in order to counter attack and to get into Percy's defence.

The sight of the two fighting was like a scene from legend. The story of David and Goliath often came to mind, Percy's size however never put him at a disadvantage as he used it to duck under swings from the titan's weapon.

The armies of the monsters ran around the crater, afraid that a single step into that field would cost them their lives. They stayed clear of it, instead charging right at the demigod army.

"Ready!" Rob called out as he stepped behind the front lines holding the Golden Eagle tightly. The monsters charged and the demigods buckled behind their shields.

The first wave of monsters crashed into the shield and pulled the defense upwards, exposing the demigods behind it. The second wave tried to use the advantage and strike, but demigods were quicker as they cut into them with their spears before slamming the shield back into place.

Again and again the monsters crashed into the demigods, but the shield wall held tight. The shadow armies grew in size near the front lines, the archers began to fall back, knowing they would be the first to be targeted. They were replaced by the support squads of the Greek camp, comprising of demetre kids, Dionysis children, Athena kids and the children of Hermes.

Craig stood in the middle of the battle field, cutting anything and everything that came next to him with his mighty blade. He was a swordsman worthy of the title, and he sowed it. It didn't matter if he was cutting down shadows or monsters, Craig was unstoppable, holding his ground.

The left flank of the army was slowly gaining ground as they curved inwards. It featured the first cohort and squads filled with children of Ares, the best fighters in both camps. The monsters and shadows that came at them faced the quick and efficient death offered by the first cohort and the gorilla tactics of the Ares children.

And what the demigods failed to kill, Zed, Marcia and Leo didn't. Marcia leaped over the first cohort turning into a fog that killed everything it touched. Zed used his immense strength to pummel beat the monsters into submission, crushing their bones, leaving behind a trail of bodies as he followed Marcia into the monstrous army.

Leo however was smart about it, he knew never to face greater odds unless it was guaranteed you would survive. So instead he shadow traveled all around the battlefield, from one corner to the next, attacking in random patterns. He jumped out of the shadows killing monsters with a swipe of his claws or his teeth. Sometimes he would jumped out of the body's of the shadow monster's themselves killing them in droves. Apparently using a dark creature to kill dark creatures was very effective.

Seeing his army in danger Hypnos pushed the carcass of the shadow dragon off of him, crawling out and getting on his feet.

He looked around at the chaos, the demigods were holding their own, and Kronos was busy fighting Jackson. The monsters were forced towards the right flank of the battle, focusing their attack on them.

It was up to him to rally their army. He bent down and pressed both hands on the dragon carcass and closed his eyes. Black lines began to flow into the minor god's hands as slowly the nightmarish creature began to be absorbed into his body.

Suddenly his very form changed, Hypnos' body became dark, his fingers in claws as dragon horns grew out of his skull and wings out of his back. He grew in tune with the shadow monsters, understanding their hatred of the ones who created them.

"Monsters! Press onto their right! Break through their defences!" Hypnos growled as created a tear in space with his claws summoning forth another portal from which shadow monsters streamed out off.

The new forces came crashing down in a wave of destruction. They combined with the remaining army like two streams combining, creating a river strong enough to force the demigods to take a step back.

Hypnos smirked he flapped his wings ready to fly into the air to create more portals when a white sword came flying at his head.

Hypnos stopped flapping, dropping to the ground. "You aren't going anywhere," Morpheus stepped forward with his black blade in hand. The white one he threw at Hypnos came flying back to him like a boomerang. Morpheus caught it and leveled them at Hypnos.

"This is going to be," the minor god growled, "I always wanted to rip off those pretty little wings of yours."

"Bite me," Morpheus charged, swinging at Hypnos' head. The god moved back, dodging the attack before he swung furiously with his claws, attempting to claw Morpheus's face off.

Morpheus jumped out of range and swung his blade, a crescent moon of energy blasting Hypnos back into his army of monsters.

Hypnos landed on a heap of broccoli shadow monsters, he got back up, wiping away the ichor flowing out of his chest. He growled staring Morpheus down as he grabbed the monster below him absorbing them into himself.

Hypnos grew bigger now, his hair now taking on the form of broccoli, apparently a lot of people had nightmares about broccoli.

He charged Morpheus again and the two gods of the subconscious crashed. Morpheus and Hypnos fought obsessed with the idea of killing the other, one for betraying him and the other for power.

Morpheus swung both blades at Hypnos' head, the god ducked before swiping at Morpheus with his claws. The God flapped his wings, floating back before he charged forward, jumping over another of Hypnos' strikes and bringing his blade down on the god's back cutting of one of his wings.

"ARGH!" Hypnos roared as he turned around, smashing Morpheus' face with his hands, sending him flying away.

Morpheus grunted as he got back up, Hypnos held his back in pain. He looked up with hate as Morpheus chuckled, "looks like I was the one to tear off your wings Hypnos."

The god of sleep growled in fury as he turned around grabbing a shadow monster in the form of a bull by the horns and pulling its head from it's body. He then absorbed the monster into himself growing larger and gaining more muscles on his thin frame.

He then grabbed a shark and a xenomorph alien, absorbing them as well. He gained the teeth of the shark and the second mouth of the xenomorph. He snarled at Morpheus wiping his ichor covered wounds, "round two."

The shadow monster that could fly were being shot down quickly by the archers. Timmy and Alecto helped, providing air support, Timmy with the literal air while Alecto's arm sent arrows out like a machine gun.

The second cohort was being pushed back. The monster were slowly gaining upper ground. The first cohort and the attack squads were doing what they could, but there was only so much they could do.

The archer stood behind the second cohort and sent arrow after arrow flying. The monsters were slowly dying, but they just kept coming.

And then the shield wall cracked. A shadow monster in the form of a lion roared causing one of the second cohort legionnaires to flinch. This allowed the monster attacking him to push through and bite open his neck, surprisingly though there was no blood. He simply disappeared from sight in a flash of light. He was the first death in this war, bt he wouldn't be the last.

The roman behind him moved to take his place and close the breach, but the harm was done. The monster broke through the shield wall, through that little crack and the true battle began.

Hypnos saw the demigod flash away and turned to Morpheus growling, "you won't always be there to protect them."

"Watch me," the god taunted, "as long as I live no demigod will die here today."

"Killing them here or the real world makes no difference," Hypnos spat, "they will all die soon enough."

"We shall see," Morpheus lunged forward aiming at Hypnos' chets, missing. The god of sleep swiped across Morpheus' back injuring the god.

Hypnos smirked as he licked his ichor stained claws, "that's the problem with doing two things at once, lack of focus. And believe me, you will need your focus for me!" The two began clashing once more, Morpheus on the defensive as he focused on removing any demigod that seemed like they were about to be killed. It costed him a lot of blood, but it was worth it.

The monster leaped into the battle field, the trained romans stood their ground and fought them off, but without the help of their cohort it was difficult for them to fight them off. The plan was always to fight as a single unit, not individually. But it was a good thing they meet Percy Jackson, because he trained them for just this moment.

The Romans dropped their spears, something they were taught never to do, they then reached around and took out their swords, engaging with the monsters one on one. Percy's training over the summer taught them how to adapt, how to fight monsters. And fight they did.

Cries of war came loose as they fought fought alone or back to back. The first cohort managed to hold themselves together, but the second was in disarray as flashes of light blinked in and out signaling several demigods being sent away from the Dreamworld. They were being crushed under the feet of the titan's river of monsters, when the greeks came to their aide.

The support squads didn't just have children of Apollo, they also had demigods with various abilities.

The Demetre kids and the Dionysis kids stepped up, using their magic over plant life the took control of the creepers and vines around the battlefield. Their parents had sent the plants over as gifts and the kids intended to use them.

Giant creepers began to climb up, trashing monster to all sides of the battle field. They grabbed monsters and crushed them alive, throwing some into the air only to have them made into pin cushions by the archers in the back.

They quickly made a wall of protection before the second cohort, allowing the romans to catch their breath.

"Tank! Fire!" Thalia yelled out as the double barreled tank sent out shells into the monsters on the other side of the vine wall. They were all gathered like fish in a barrel, and the demigods had a very big gun.

They grounds exploded, even the vine wall was leveled in half, set aflame. But that didn't matter, it bought them enough time to regroup and face the monsters. The Demetre kids sent Thalia evil glares as she set the plants ablaze, but they made no comment. Instead they used their powers to manipulate the blazing vines to break apart and start attacking the shadow monsters, snapping at them like whips.

"Aim at the archers!" came the booming command of Hypnos. The order did cause him a tooth as Morpheus punched his jaw before cutting off one of his horns with his swords. The two began to fight once more as the monsters moved as commanded.

The flying monsters soon overpowered Timmy, a large broken down airplane with a mouth filled with fangs came after the goblin. It swallowed him whole before flying down to crash in the middle of the second cohort.

"Fire at the plane!" Thalia commanded, seeing no other choice. The tank's shell exploded the plane into nothing, and along with it Timmy. Thalia cursed seeing the servant turn into smoke and travel back to Percy, she like that goblin, he taught her how to use her powers.

Alecto was forced to move away from the front line, the flying monsters, such as large bats and ugly looking parrots, began to overpower her. They spotted the archer near the back and came flying down to crash into them.

The tank couldn't help with so many targets, "Julia get to the guns! Jason with me!" Thalia jumped onto the tank with Jason right behind her. Julia got behind the machine guns and pointed towards the ending monsters, shooting bullets into them.

"Now!" Thalia cried out as she and Jason thrusted their spears forward sending out blasts of blue and yellow lighting respectively. The two streams of energy danced around each, intertwining as they blasted into monster after monster, destroying a large portion of the monsters above.

A cloud of smoke came over the skies of the battle field, the fourth and fifth cohort looked up in waiting. And suddenly a large shadow broke through the clouds.

"GRAA!" a giant two armed snake with wings came flying through the smoke. It crashed into the middle of the fifth cohort in the back sending demigods flying away while several more flashed away just in time to avoid being crushed by it. The serpent coiled into itself looking down at it's opponents.

"Fifth cohort attack!" a brave legionary called out, rallying the men around her. The snake which hissed as it opened it's mouth ready to attack.

"Look out!" Thalia yelled, she tried to zap that thing but had used all her mana in the previous attack.

The monster was about to strike when suddenly a volley of silver arrows came flying out from between the fourth and fifth cohorts piercing the snake's head, ripping it into shreds. The girl who rallied her troops watched in awe as the headless snake's corpse fell before her.

Everyone turned to see who had rescued them and standing there with a proud smile on their faces were women dressed in silver parkas with a bows and arrows on hand.

A girl with dark hair and dark skin stepped up, "hunters of Artemis will protect any noble maiden who fights for Olympus! For the glory of our lady Artemis!"

"AYE!" the hunters called out.

Thalia blinked in surprise, she had no idea who these girls were, she didn't see them before, but there again there were so many people to track she wasn't really surprised she missed a few. But so many?

She had of course heard of this group, Artemis spoke very highly of them, and the way they took down several flying monsters with their arrows told Thalia all she needed to know, they were good and on their side.

The second cohort was being pushed back, luckily the third cohort came to their aide keeping the monsters occupied while the fourth replaced the second.

All the injured members of the second were brought to the back where the healers were ready for them. But unfortunately the healers couldn't do much without their equipment, just stop the bleeding and keep them stable. It seemed Morpheus didn't bother sending them away unless there was no other choice. So the demigods were forced to experience the pain of their injuries.

The monster kept pushing down the right flank as the Demetre kids and Dionysus kids attacked with their giant vines. The larger monsters that charged forward was quickly taken down by the tank in the middle of the battle field while Thalia, Jason and Julia shoot down any monster that was flying too close for comfort.

With Percy:

Waverider flew past Kronos' gaurd and cut the titan deep.

"ARGH!" he grunted in pain as he held his shoulder. Ichor seeped down between his fingers, he looked at the wound and smirked, "you are getting slower."

Percy clicked his teeth in frustration, he didn't know how he figured it out, but it was true. Percy was getting slower. Demigods were being sent away, meaning there was less people for him to draw power from for the Wolf's pack perk.

"I'm still fast enough to hurt you," Percy spat back as they engaged in combat once more.

The blades danced against each other, Kronos' hands shook as he was forced to use a single hand while his other held his wound.

Percy heard him mutter something under his breath as a grey aura surrounded his shoulder. The demigod grew cautious, he tackled Kronos back and grabbed his sword sending a kick for his head.

But before the foot connected Kronos' other hand grabbed it, Percy looked to the wound, it was healed. Growling the demigod jumped up and spun, releasing his foot from the Titan's grip, Kronos grew enraged as he spartan kicked Percy in the chest sending him back a good three feet before the demigod regained his composure and began attacking again.

"You fight like your father," Kronos spat, "always throwing yourself at your opponents."

"The Golden Fleece must come in handy when you need healing huh?" Percy asked looking at the shroud tied around Kronos' back.

The tian smirked, "yes, it does."


Lie detected!

Percy smirked, 'gotcha!' "Liar, it's not the fleece, it's something else. The thing is probably too busy holding you together to heal any other wounds you have."

The lord of time had one hell of a poker face. He didn't even flinch when he got called out by Percy. "Oh? And what is that?"

Percy brain quickly generated ideas upon ideas before he came to a conclusion. "You're the Titan of time, you simple rewound time around your wound."

This time the Titan did smile, "I'm assuming you get your smarts from your mother."

"Yeah, most people do," Percy pushed his sword forward breaking the stalemate, he sent a kick to the ribs which Kronos caught. But Percy expected that. He tapped his heel on the ground and jumped up.

He brought his foot up towards Kronos' neck, the titan smirking as he prepared to throw Percy around like a beach ball, when suddenly a celestial bronze knife popped out of the hidden compartment in Percy's shoe.

Kronos was surprised, he wasn't in a position to get away. By the time his feet moved backwards and his hand came to push Percy's leg away the knife was already inches away from Kronos' throat.

Percy smirked seeing it slowly break the skin, when suddenly Kronos disappeared. The sound around him skipped several beats, it felt like the world around him had just jumped as Percy's feet flew upwards with no resistance. He fell down on his behind but quickly got on his feet and found Kronos standing far away from him with one hand on his throat, already healing it.

Percy narrowed his eyes. This didn't make sense, one moment he was there and the next he wasn't. Percy felt his blade push into his neck with just a tiny amount of resistance, Kronos was even bleeding so there was proof that something did happen. But what?

It wasn't super speed, if he could move that fast then why didn't he before? Kronos didn't play with his food, and Percy didn't think he was such a weak opponent that the Titan of time could afford to hold back. So it was an ability he could only rarely use.

Percy observed Kronos, he was panting, exhausted, the power he used taxed him. And then there was the sound skipping a beat, Percy remembered hearing people yelling in the background serving as white noise, but when Kronos disappeared it stopped abruptly. It wasn't teleportation, no fancy bright flashes of light and it wouldn't be fast enough. Percy's mind came to only one conclusion, time manipulation. Again. This was so not fair.

Percy spun his sword clockwise before he brought down over Kronos' head. The Titan blocked the flat side of his blade before pushing Percy back as the two began fighting once more.

Percy pressed his hand down on the ground causing it to rumble. Kronos began to charge at Percy when suddenly large spike shot out of the floor nearly piercing his chest. In the last moment Kronos moved back but before he could gain his foot a snake made out of the floor came bursting out, latching it's fangs into Kronos' sword arm.

"ARGH!" the tiant yelled in pain, his hand glowed in pure grey energy as he pulled his hand free, breaking the snake structure. Percy created more and more snakes using his molecular manipulation and Kronos quickly found himself surrounded.

The Titan swung madly, cutting off snake heads as they laughed at him. This was a form of attack Percy had been working on, it allowed for him to use the environment around him to attack while he came up with a plan. And boy did he ever.

As Kronos struck down the last snake he turned to face Percy only to find him gone. He looked around in a panic and suddenly a shadow came over his shoulders. Kronos turned just in time to see Percy bring Waverider down over his head.

Kronos brought his right hand up catching Percy's blade in the armour, he then thrusted his sword forward, hitting Percy in the chest sending him flying back.

The demigod of the sea coughed up blood, he looked up at his defense points and groaned;

Defence remaining: 40,000,000

He had nearly a hundred million last time. This wasn't good. He got back on his feet and found Kronos charging at him. Growing the demigod moved to face the Titan once more, and their battle continued.

The Battle:

In the middle of the swarm of shadows and animals was the titan Hyperion and the giant Alcyoneus. They were an army of themselves. They moved towards the weekend right flank and began tearing monsters in half.

Their presence alone made sure the casualties of the battle were less than they were. They could have taken on the monsters alone, but with two of them it became near child's play.

"I wish for a challenge!" Hyperion cried out, "this is pathetic! These fools can never hope to gain Lord Kronos the victory he deserves."

"Will you do me a favour and shut the hell up?!" Alcyoneus roared, "I am trying to kill monsters here and your constant whining isn't helping!"

"Why don't you make my stone face?!"

"You know why fire butt!"

"GRA!" a giant shadow T-Rex roared as it charged at them, aiming to kill them both with one bite.

"SHUT UP!" they roared as one, turning to the monster and punching into it's gut's tearing it open from the inside out.

The drew back their fists and as the giant T-Rex fell a second wave of monsters came out of the portal, these ones scarier than the others. Each looked like a monster found in the minds of mad men and killers. Dead bodies with limbs cut out, monsters as a big as buildings and shadowy ghouls with no faces that just oozed fear.

Hyperion cheered, "now this is more like it!"

Alcyoneus grinned as he cracked his knuckles, "finally, a challenge!" They charged into the crowd, taking on the giant monsters first. Alcyoneus took on a giant gorilla while Hyperion fought what looked to be a giant leopard.

"Second wave!" a scout yelled out alerting the demigods to the new set of shadow monsters.

"Shit," Rob cursed, "everyone get ready! Something tells me this one is going to be even harder!"

Suddenly the battlefield was covered with a shroud of darkness. The demigods looked up and saw a swarm of giant bees flying through the air right for them.

Thalia groaned, "oh you have got to be kidding me!" she opened the hatch to the tank and found Charles inside, "tell me we have a flame thrower on this thing!"

"Better," the son of Hephaestus smiled as he flicked a switch, "we have missiles." He pressed another button and the ground to air missiles of the tank armed themselves. They locked onto the bees and a single missile fired.

It soared into the air, shredding into the swarm of bees before exploding setting the entire swarm ablaze.

Thalia smirked, "now! Hit them with everything while they're distracted!"

The demigods obeyed. They archers threw out arrows. The romans threw their spears up like javelins, Leo appeared underneath the shadow of a bee's wings and began jumping from giant bee to giant bee, tearing off their heads. Zed used a Cow hybrid soldier as a ball and pitched into into the swarm, killing off three bees in the impact.

More and more monsters came into the battle fields, and they all died. The shadow monsters disappeared when killed, the animal hybrids stayed. And slowly a wall of corpses was made before the front line.

The few animal solider that managed to pass through the volley of arrows and other airborne attacks landed near the back trying to attack the healers, but the fifth cohort cut them off, engaging them in battle.

It was chaos, pure and utter chaos, each soldier focused on killing the monster before them and nothing else. Thalia sent out blast after blast of lightning as she yelled out orders all over the battlefield. In the heat of the battle everyone turned to her for guidance and she didn't let them down.

Leo shadow traveled out of the head of a giant shadow monster in the short of an alligator. The hybrid clawed the alligator's eyes out and tried to slip away, but just then the monster snapped its jaws shut over Leo's tail.

"EP!" the dog yelled trying to free itself only for more blood to spill.

"Darkness wave!" Marcia came tumbling into the alligator's path breaking its jaw wide open. Leo's tail managed to free itself as it ran away to lick its wound. The demon looked down at the alligator and smirked, "this is going to be fun."

Hyperion and Aclyneous toppled the giants they faced, breaking them into pieces. "Is that the best you got?!" Acyl Neous roared at the top of his lungs.

Hypnos turned to see the shadow monsters being shut down, even the titan soldiers weren't strong enough. He needed to do something, quick.

He dodged another one of Morpheus' blades and grabbed the god by the wings throwing him into the air. The god of dreams flapped his wings and stabilized himself, but the few precious moments lost allowed Hypnos to retaliate.

He plunged his hands into the ground and pulled up, his muscles bulged, like he was carrying the weight of the very world on his shoulders.

Morpheus' hands started to bleed, "NO! DON'T!" he dove down and tackled Hypnos into the ground, but the damage was done.

A large tear in space came out from where Hypnos pulled, creating another giant portal into the realm of shadows. It grew on the ceiling, moving towards the giant army covering them over, creating a pit hole above the demigods.

"There's another wave approaching!" Jason called out as everyone looked up and suddenly monsters began falling from the sky.

This was perhaps the fourth wave or the third, people had honestly lost count. The demigods took care of the monsters on the land, and now faced off against the monsters raining down on them from the sky.

"Spread out!" Thalia yelled, "give yourself room to fight!"

The demigods did just that, some feel down from being shoved to hard, but quickly got back on their feet. They monsters were focused mostly near the back, Hypnos was smart about this as he aimed for the archers and the healers near the back.

The fifth cohort already had their hands full with the flying monsters, these new ones would surely overwhelm them. The fourth and third moved towards the back to assist as slowly more and more shadow monsters came down.

There one some that looked like giant staples, some that looked like underwater monsters that could only be imagined in the minds of the terrified. They were the size of two men and they all came crashing down.

The demigods made as much space as they could for the monsters to land, but some didn't have enough causing the monsters to land on top of them, crushing several demigods under their feet causing them to vanish in a bright light.

"Nico!" Bianca called out as she charged towards the fifth cohort with her spear and the shield of Ares.

"Right behind you sis!" Nico called out as he followed with his blade. The two children of Hades looked up at the shadowy breach and held their hands up, slowly gaining control over shadows. They couldn't make the monster move, but they could hurt them.

Suddenly the darkness inside the very portals the monsters came out of started to attack them. Spikes of darkness pierced monsters before they could even land. Tentacles wrapped around their form crushing the very life out of them. They didn't get all of the monsters however, as more still kept coming.

"Fourth cohort! Form a circle around them!" Julia roared out pointing at the siblings of Pluto, "Third cohort to the fifth's aide!"

"Aye!" the romans obeyed.

"Ares attack squad help out the fifth!" Thalia commanded, "protect the healers and the archers from the monsters!"

"AH!" came the cry of the united demigods as they all began to move. The attacks squads form an insulation between the fifth cohort and the healers and archers. The fifth slowly moved away from the concentrated location where most of the monsters fell, they managed to regroup with the third that stood behind him.

The fifth had lost half their members, but they still stood tall and strong. They circled around the pool of shadow monsters and attacked from all sides, trusting their spears, killing whatever landed before it could get on it's feet.

Nico and Bianca were focused on using the shadows to strike back against the monsters while the fourth cohort protected them. The monsters were pierced by Nico and Bianca's shadow weapons, destroyed before they could even move. But the few that did survive went right after them.

That was why the Fifth and Third were there, defending them. But a legion of demonic goats shadows were particularly determined, jumping over the and charging at the Fourth Cohort around the children of Pluto.

The Fourth rallied together facing the leaping goats together. A few of the monster jumped up into the air, intent of crossing over them, but the moment they were airborne several arrows from the hunters of Artemis shoot them down dead.

The goats on the ground tackled the Fourth cohorts wall shield, pushing them back. But the demigods held true. The goats pushed and pushed, and a small crack gave through.

"BAH!" they cried out and out of the encirclement of the Fifth and Third cohorts jumped out a large three headed goat that breathed fire. It charged at the small crack in the Fourth wall, intent on knocking them down.

"Not so fast!" came a feminine yell as a baseball bat came crashing over the goat's center head, cracking open it's skull.

A red haired haired woman in a red track stood before the goat and started hitting it away and again. The metal thumps of the bat hitting the skull was loud enough for all to hear as she swung from one head to another like a pinball machine. She reduced the goat to mush,standing over it's headless corpse before it disappeared.

"GRA!" another monster yelled out as it came flying down from the sky. It was a half human half crab hybrid covered with coral shells and a giant lobster claw. It landed besides Artemis and thrusted it's claw forward around her head.

Artemis backed away and brought her bat up for protection. The crab monster shut it claws, snapping the bat in half. Artemis looked in horror at her bat before she fell on her back trying to get away.

The monster swung it's claw again, aiming to clip off her head as easily it clipped off her bat when suddenly in a flash of bronze a celestial bronze sword found itself lunged in the monster's back.

It screeched in pain, slowly disintegrating revealing a man holding the sword behind it. He had messy black hair and sea green eyes. He looked so familiar Nico and Bianca almost confused him for Percy, before they realized they had the wrong son of Poseidon.

"I told you not to run off on your own," John growled as he helped Artemis up, "this isn't like any battle you've faced before."

"Yeah, I'll say," Artemis held up her bat and growled, "I liked this thing."

"Well you're going to like this even more," John turned to a legionnaire, "have an extra blade?"

"Yeah," the legionnaire nodded a she took out the crystalline sword Percy had created for them which people kept around as spares. John thanked her and gave the blade to Artemis.

The red haired daughter of Apollo swung the blade around before smiling, "it's balanced."

"Yeah," John looked over and smiled seeing Nico and Bianca, "you two doing alright?"

"Just fine John!" Nico called out grinning like a madman.

"Focus Nico!" Bianca hissed.


John grinned, "you're sisters right, you two deal with that, we'll protect you," John promised. He and those two were at one time prisoners of the Lotus casino. They suffered the same way, only they managed to adapt while Jon struggled. He always saw them as children, not knowing what they were meant to do. But seeing them now made the old soldier realise they knew exactly who they were, they were demigods. And he swore to protect them.

Suddenly the dark portal started to bulge. Bianca winced, "there's something big coming!" she warned.

Every look up just as a giant hand slowly came out of the shadow. It's fingers had claws, it's skin moved around like hot tar with cracks glowing hot red. The hand was big enough to crush three cohorts under it's fists, and it was slowly opening up its plans to do just that.

"We need to stop it!" Thalia called out.

"I can't!" Bianca roared, "it's too big!"

"We can't stop it!" cries of despair came roaring out of the demigods as they looked up to their destruction.

Jason looked around, he saw the horror in Julia's eyes, the helplessness in Thalia's. And he hated those looked. He wasn't going to let this happen. He wasn't going to let them get him.

Thalia ordered Charles to fire everything the tank had into the hand. Missiles, bullets, tanks shells, all of the flew through the air, breaking just the skin of the giant hand.

Jason looked over the battlefield and like destiny his eyes landed on the golden eagle. It was almost like ti was calling out for him. Like it knew Jason could stop it, like it knew together they could save everyone. And so Jason did just that.

"Praetor Rob!" Jason called out holding his hand out. The Praetor locked eyes with the son of Jupiter and understood immediately. He threw the staff of Jupiter like a javelin, it flew over the heads of many legionnaires, drawing all their eyes to it as it finally landed into the waiting hands of Jason Grace.

Thalia snapped towards her brother, "Jason! What are you doing?!"

"Stopping it," he replied as he threw away his sword, he jumped off the tank and ran towards the center of the plan. The fifth and and Third cohort saw him heading their way and decided to clear a path for him. They charged into the middle of the monsters, cutting them down, creating a wall for Jason.

The son of Jupiter stood in the center, the Fifth and Third cohort stood around him, protecting him from the monsters. He looked up and looked into the shadowy portal from which the hand came from. He could see the rest of the limb yet to come out, his eyes followed the forearm to the biceps to the shoulder, until finally he found the head.

It was shrouded in shadows, but it's eyes, its orange eyes full of hate and despair looked down upon them. Jason locked eyes with it, he didn't know if the thing even realized he was looking right at it, but he didn't care.

"TWELFTH LEGION!" Jason cried out, raising the golden eagle up into the air. The Eagle began gathering power into itself, drawing from the legionnaires around it, gathering it from their fierce sense of duty and loyalty.

"FULLMETAL!" Jason brought it down hard. The ground below him cracked wide open as he held it down. The Eagle began to vibrate, harder and harder, Jason's hands shook with pain as for the first time in his life he felt electricity start to hurt him back.

The Eagle's aura of power grew and grew, it's lighting exploded outwards, destroying all the monsters on the field in a wide arc. The lighting however wasn't focused, too widely dispersed. Jason looked up, he commanded the lighting to gather and strike the monsters above.

The arcs of electricity were like the petals of a flower that was blooming. Jason forced the petals to close together, creating a bud of lighting that arced out directly upwards, breaking the very ground around it.

"Move back!" a fifth cohort legionary yelled as he felt the lighting zap his back, "it's out of control!" The fifth and Third did just that as rouge arcs of lighting poured out of the Eagle.


The lighting hit the monster's palm causing it to flinch itself close from the pain. Jason's body was being pushed down, the random sparks of electricity so intense he couldn't absorb it fast enough to render it harmless.

Jason grunted in pain, he felt the lighting being thrown out, heating the staff to unbearable heats. His eyes started to water, his grip weakened, he looked up, the hand was being ripped apart, slowly being pushed back. But not fast enough.

Fear struck Jason's heart, he didn't want to fail them. His sense of duty as a Roman wouldn't allow it, he would rather die than disappoint the people he loved. And he accepted the fact that at this rate that just might happen.

As his grip weakened and his eyes grew heavy Jason knew it would be his last moments alive. He didn't think even Morpheus would be able to save him, there was too much raw power coming it out of this thing, if Jason disappeared then there would be no one to hold onto the staff. The power would explode outwards and hurt the demigods. He couldn't do it. He wouldn't do it.

But just as he blinked what he believed to be the last sight he would ever see in his life, a second set of hands grabbed onto the staff.

Jason's eyes shot open in surprise as he saw Thalia stand besides him, grunting in pain. She looked down at him and smiled, "you didn't actually think I would let you do this alone did you?"

Jason smiled, he didn't have the strength to reply, but she knew what he wanted to say.

With the pressure lessened Jason was able to stand up again, his hold on the staff manageable as more and more power came bursting out. Jason felt his power mix with the lighting being sent up, and then suddenly he felt something else mix in with the power.

Blue lightning started to fuse with the beam of yellow, Jason turned to saw the lighting rolling of Thalia by the bucket loads, she was pouring everything she had into the attack. And slowly the hand began clench into a fist.

"Full power Jason!" Thalia roared, the ground below them cracks, the sound of thunder blasting through their ears. The siblings focused all their might into the attack and a final bulging blast of pure energy burst through the staff and collided with the hand.

The hand was sent flying back, it's skin scorched and burnt as it went behind the shadow portal. The demigods looked up in wonder, they had been saved. Thalia and Jason san to their knees holding the staff straight as they looked into the portal above. It looked to be over, when it started to move towards them again.

"It's coming back!" cries of horror roared out. Thalia tried to get to her feet to launch another attack but she found herself unable to even get back up.

"Nico! Close the portal!" Bianca called out as the children of Hades manipulated the shadowy portal. They felt a primordial connection to the darkness before them as they forced it close. The hand came inches from crossing over again when the large tear in the sky sealed itself shut, closing off for good.

The demigods was tunned in disbelief. Bianca and Nico collapsed from exhaustion, panting hard as they smiled at their good work. Thalia finally managed to get back on her feet, supporting Jason as he did so as well.

The looked to the Eagle and slowly let go. The warm glowing golden staff was now iron cold, almost lifeless. And suddenly a small crack in the staff's spine spread as it broke in half. The Eagle came toppling down, the romans watched in horror as their symbol fell. Hope began to die, but it never touched the ground.

Thalia grabbed it with one hand, refusing to let it go. She brought it up and turned around to the faces before her. They looked so lost, they had fought for so long. Thalia of all people wanted a break, but she knew they couldn't afford one.

She cleared her throat, "we have a warn to win. And I intend to win it," and with those simple words she moved towards the tank where Julia watched her with pride in her eyes.

"Alright listen up!" Julia yelled out, "we have closed the portal over here but the monsters are still coming from the front!" she pointed to the First and Second cohort currently engaging in the animal hybrid soldiers of the Titan army, "Third cohort and Fourth cohort assist them! Fifth cohort you stay back to defend the healers! Greeks! Let's see if Morpheus needs help!"

It was a testament to how much respect the daughter of Venus commanded when the greek demigods obeyed her without a second thought. The demigods were on the move once more, the cohorts combined their forces easily pushing the titan soldiers back while the greek moved towards the side where Hypnos and Morpheus were locked in a death battle.

Hypnos locked horns with Morpheus, sending him on the defensive, always moving back to protect himself. But Hypnos was do distracted he failed to realise the swarm of demigods gathering around him.

Morpheus smoked, which just pissed Hypnos off. "Why are you smirking?!"

"Look behind you," Morpheus pointed with his blades.

Hypnos did, and suddenly was flooded off his feet by the greek demigods tackling him into the ground. They brought their weapons down on him, piercing his back with swords and spears.

"ARGH!" Hypnos yelled out as he threw them all off of him. The demigods went flying back as Hypnos stood enraged and in pain. He charged Morpheus again, intent on killing him, when a volley of arrows pierced his left side.

"What?!" Hypnos turned to see the son of Apollo and the Hunters of Artemis standing side by side with their bows pointed at him. They already had another arrow knocked in, and before Hypnos had even the chance to say, 'crap', they fired.

Ichor came spilling out of his wound as a hundred arrows stuck out of the minor god. He stumbled around, trying to clear his head. Morpheus snapped his fingers summoning shadow chains out of the ground wrapping Hypnos up before stringing him up like one of the sleeping white coffins hanging from the ceiling.

"Why didn't you kill him?" asked the leader of the Hunters as she narrowed her eyes at the traitoris god.

"I can't just kill him Zoe," Morpheus replied, "he's an essential part of human life. Without sleep people will go mad. Until A suitable replacement is found Hypnos will live."

The woman clicked her teeth but didn't argue. She didn't even ask how Morpheus knew her name.

"So what now?" Michael asked as he stepped out from the Apollo children's ranks.

"Now? I believe you still have things to kill," Morpheus turned to the now slowly growling rates of monster attacking the First and Second cohorts. Before there was only the animal hybrids, but since there wasn't any portal over the demigods, the shadow monsters were forced to attack that way as well.

"Well then," Michael nocked an arrow and took aim at a flying monkey with knives for hands, "let's bring them down." The greeks charged to help the romans as the archers and hunters stayed behind providing air support.

And as all this was happening, Percy Jackson was breaking Kronos' nose in.

Ichor came flying out as Kronos stepped back holding his face in pain, "lucky shot."

"It's skill, not luck," Percy growled out behind his impressive black armour.

"Maybe," Kronos waved his hand over his face healing himself once more, PErcy was really getting pissed off. Every time he hurt Kronos the titan just reversed time and suddenly he was all better.

Percy's movements were getting slower, there were fewer and fewer people around to give him power, and Kronos took this advantage and pushed it to the limits.

Percy was being pushed back, his blows didn't do as much damage as he had hoped. Kronos was a monster, even with Percy's boosted status the Titan of time still pressed the advantage. Percy was thankful for the improved status, without which he couldn't even hope to stand up against the titan. But now the power was slowly being reduced, Percy could feel himself becoming weaker.

Percy blocked Krono's sweep and pushed back, swinging at his head. Percy grinned seeing the blade nearing the Titan's neck, when suddenly, everything seemed to slow down. Percy's eyes widened as he saw and felt himself becoming slower, as if he was walking through jelly.

And then Kronos moved, he knocked Waverider out of Percy's hands and threw a punch into his solar plexus, sending Percy flying up into the air, blood pouring out of his mouth as he crashed into the ground.

'Shit!' Percy told himself as he pressed his hand against his face causing it to glow in a golden light;


All ailments cured!

It was a stalemate, any injury Kronos caused Percy could heal and any injury he caused Kronos could just reverse. They were two giants on the battlefield, to monsters that couldn't be defeated by anyone else, expect each other.

Percy's powers had been slowly reducing, the less people he had on his side the weaker he got. Kronos was also becoming tired, the Titan had never fought so long before since coming back to life. It was the perfect stalemate, and Kronos knew he needed to break it.

The Titan raised his sword into the air and began to chant under his breath. Percy's eyes went wide in shock as he got back on his feet and charged at the Titan, afraid of what he was planning.

He activated his super speed and charged towards the Titan with his sword swinging down overhead. But nanoseconds before Percy's blade could touch his skin time seemed to slow down around Kronos.

Percy froze, his mind couldn't comprehend what was happening, his body refused to move. Kronos however had so such issue. He smirked as he stepped back out of Percy's balde's reach and swung his sword forward;


The impact sent Percy flying backwards, the son of the sea quickly realigned himself as he floated in the air;

Defence Remaining: 20,500,000

The attack has done nearly 20 million points in damage. Percy knew he couldn't afford to get hit one more time.

Kronos charged at him once again and Percy flew backwards, sending blast after blast of condensed mana at the Titan;

200 MP!

200 MP!

200 MP!

Kronos took the hits like a tank, he didn't falter or even slow down. He stretched his hand out and grabbed Percy in his fist.

"Shit!" Percy cursed as he struggled to pull himself free.

"And now demigod, I will crush you like the insect you are!" Kronos roared as he began to squeeze Percy's in his palm.

"ARGH!" Percy cried out in pain as he felt his bones start to crack, his own armour crushing him.

Defence Remaining: 19,500,000

Defence Remaining: 18,500,000

Defence Remaining: 17,500,000

Kronos brought his fist down smashing Percy into the ground. The demigod coughed out blood dropping his weapons from the shock;

Defence Remaining: 12,040,000

And again;

Defence Remaining: 7,024,000

Kronos raised Percy up into the air, his golden eyes narrowing, "why don't you die?!"

Percy's helmet opened up revealing his beaten and bruised face that spewed out blood. He smiled as he meet Kronos' eyes, "because I have to stop you."

"Then I suppose you will fail," Kronos roared as he squeezed his fist bringing Percy up into the air, ready to pound him into a bag of blood and bones when suddenly a cry distracted him.

"Hey ugly!" Thalia came running at the Titan, she took off the charm Hera made for her and threw it at the Titans, "catch!"

Kronos didn't bother acknowledging the charm as a threat, he swatted it away with his free left hand, but the moment his skin touched the metal charm, something clicked, and an explosion of blue and green smoke came bursting out.


Kronos' grip on Percy loosened and the demigod took his chance to escape. He jumped out and landed on the ground, flying back into the waiting arms of Thalia as he fell to the ground exhausted.

"I got you Percy," Thalia whispered before turning back, "Hyperion! Achelous! Kill Kronos!"

The Titan of the sun growled, "I don't take orders from you girl!"

"Do it!" Percy roared, coughing out blood. Seeing no choice the two gigantic warriors charged Kronos, who held a bloody hand, slowly healing it with his powers. But before it could be healed properly he had to dodge Hyperion's fists, forcing him to take on two opponent at the same time.

"Can you heal yourself?" Thalia asked Percy.

"Yeah, but it's not going to help," Percy growled as his hands glowed gold as he felt his wounds heal up.


All ailments cured!

"We need a way to get past that time powers of his," Percy grumbled as Thalia helped him on his feet.

"I think I can help with that," Annabeth spoke as as she and the rest of main greek demigods surrounded Percy.

"What do you mean?" Thalia asked cautiously.

"I mean this," Annabeth presented the book before them, it was now covered with alchemic symbols and greek letters, most of which Percy couldn't understand, but a few he did.

"Do you know what it does?" Percy asked.

Annabeth nodded, "yes. Apparently it was a gift to my mother from the Primordial of time, Chronos."

"I'm sorry, but what?" Michael asked with a raised eyebrow, "isn't Kronos a titan? And isn't he right there? And doesn't he like hate the gods?"

"Not Kronos, Chronos, with a 'C'," Percy explained, "same name, different dudes. Apparently the primordial Chronos is a lot nicer than grandaddy."

Annabeth nodded, "exactly, and he gave Athena a way to temporarily stop this Kronos' powers. It won't be a permanent fix but, it should give you a fighting chance Percy."

"How long can you make it last?" Percy asked.

"I think...I think ten seconds," Annabeth said with a lowered head.

"We can't do shit with ten seconds," Thalia cursed.

"No, we can," Percy spoke up gaining everyone's attention, "I can get in and hurt Kronos...but I can't defeat him in just ten seconds."

"Can't you just reapply the charm after ten seconds are up?" Clarisse asked.

"No, it had a minute cool down period," Annabeth shook her head, "no sooner or else the spell itself will fail and can never be used against him again."

"Damn it," Michael cursed, "if only we had a way to level the playing field!"

Percy's head perked up, he smiled, he opened his inventory and pulled out a small metal ball, "actually, I think we do."

Thalia and the others looked at the sphere curiously, "what is that?" she asked.

"A way to level the playing field," Percy gulped, "I just hope it works. Annabeth, how long will you need to prepare the spell?"

"Give me a minute," she quickly poured over the book, her eyes going a mile a minutes as she memorized and practiced the words.

"Alright then, until she's ready let's provide backup to Hyperion and Aqueous form here," Percy spoke up as he reached out with his telepathic powers and summoned the staff of Neptune to his arms, and toke out Waverider, which had already appeared in his armor slot.

"Long distance only," Percy told them just as their tank came up besides the group. He smiled as he jumped on top with Thalia and the other's by his side. "You have a shoot there Charles?" he asked looking down the open hatch to see Charles giving him the thumbs up, "then when I give the signal fire everything!"

They turned to Kronos who had Hyperion in a choke hold, "you dare betray me Hyperion?! Me?!"

"F-forgive me brother!" he choked out, "I-I had no choice!"

"No one betrays me!" Kronos was about to rip his head from his body when Aceous tackled Kronos from the back, grabbing his neck and catching him in a Nellson lock. Exposing his chest to Percy and the others.

"NOW!" Percy yelled as he summoned a ton of water, freezing it into the shape of an arrow head and using his impressive strength to throw it at Kronos like a javelin.




Shells came flying out along with every ground to air missile the tank had. Thalia sent out blasts of lighting while the Apollo kids sent out volleys of arrows.

Kronos' eyes widened as shells ripped across his body, Percy's ice arrow head was sticking out of his knee and Thalia's lighting hit him in the face. The arrows didn't do much, but it still bugged the bastard.

"ARGH!" Kronos yelled as he broke out of Aceous' lock and threw him at Hyperion. He slowly healed himself giving the two servants of Percy enough time to gather themselves and launch another attack at Kronos, fist to fist with the demigods assisting whenever they got a free shot, and Hyperion and Aceous made sure they got plenty of free shots.

With Decker:

Decker had always been a child of nonviolence. He never liked hurting people, animals especially. But that day in the amusement park changed him, he understood then the reason for violence may not always be under question, that sometimes violence was needed.

He stood back to back with his best friends Nico and his sister Bianca as they fought back the animal army of the titans along with the roman cohorts.

Nico was suing his shadows to break the monster up into pieces while Bianca took them out with his sword, relying heavily on her unbreakable shield that Percy gave her.

Decker looked over the heads of his forces and saw the epic battle happening just beyond them. The titan Kronos being attacked on two fronts, by the giant servants of Percy and the greek demigods themselves.

Decker couldn't help but look in wonder at the presence of Percy Jackson, the man he saw as an older brother. He lead the charge himself, he fought for them, and he was in no mode to let that man down.

Decker closed his mind and called out to the plant life before him. He gained control of the vines and thorny branches laing to the sides and commanded them to rise.

The others paused as they saw the giant branches being lifted up into the air before the struck faster that lighting at the invading demi-animals, throwing them back with each low sweep.

Decker focused on the attack, striking again and again, wrapping branches around animals before crushing them to dust. He didn't like it, but he knew he had no choice.

"Incoming!" a roman legionnaire cried out pointing to a demi-rhino that was as big as a garbage truck currently on a collision course towards their right flank, which was significantly weaker. If they

Broke through that defence Decker knew they would all be dead as the titan army would be able to flank them from both sides.

"Nico!" Bianca cried out as she and her brother tried to raise walls of shadows to block the charging rhino, only for it to tear through the walls like it was paper.

"We need to stop it!" Nico cried out as he got ready to go out there and fight, only for Decker to place a calming hand on his shoulder.

"I'll handle this," Decker said quietly as he walked in front of Nico and made eye contact with the charging rhino. He looked into his eyes, and suddenly his mana gave a pull from his gut.

Decker felt what the rhino felt, he saw what the rhino saw, he was inside it, and he had control. Forcing it to obey his will Decker guided the rhino away, making it charge into the ranks of it's own army.

"It's going away!" the second cohort cheered as they saw the rhino attack its allies, Deck groaned, feeling the pain the rhino felt it's allies cut into its hide with their weapons. It was getting hurt and using this pain it was pushing back Decker from it's mind.

Decker grunted as he fell to his knees, Nico grew worried as he kneeled besides him, "are you okay Percy?"

"It's resisting me," Percy Decker grunted, "it's trying to break free!"

"How is that possible?" Bianca asked, "you're the son of Pan! The god of the wild!"

"I, don't know!" Decker screamed in pain as he felt the rhino's mind force him out, Decker clung on with all his strength, pushing deeper and deeper into his mind. And suddenly he hit something, it was like a mental projection in the rhino's mind, telling it what to do and giving him the power to resist Decker. And now Decker was deep enough to see it now as well.

He gasped as he saw a satyr in a green pod, wires attached into it's body, drugs being pushed into it's system. The satyr looked up, it's eyes opened revealing not the normal bark brown or leafy green of normal satyrs, but a sky blue hue that Decker himself shared.

"Dad?" Decker asked in surprise. And Pan just smiled.

"My son," Pan voice went into Decker's head, the love, the affection, it was enough to make Decker cry, "find me."

And with that final word the connection broke. Decker opened his eyes, he felt tears roll down his face. He looked up to the see the rhino dead before the cohort, it served as a barricade for the second cohort to fight behind.

Slowly the army of the titans began to die off, there were no more reinforcements coming to aide them. The Romans charged together once last time, the battle was third.

"Decker? What happened?" Bianca asked as she and Nico helped the son of Pan up to his feet.

"Are you okay? Should we get you to the healers?" Nico asked concerned.

"No, no I'm fine," Decker panted out, "I… think I saw my father." The children of Hades shared a look, this was definitely something they needed to talk about.

With Percy:

"I'm ready Percy!" annabeth called out.

"Right!" Percy nodded as he lowered his helmet visor and readied his sword and staff, "Michael! Fire the arrow! Clear a path for me!"

Michael nodded as he drew the flaming arrow his father had gifted him and aimed at Kronos, the servants battling him however kept getting in the way. "I can't get a clear shot!"

"Guys!" Percy cried out, "make some room!"

The servants heard him and jumped to the side. Kronos locked eyes with Percy and growled before he realised something else was coming his way. Michael released the arrow and it soared towards Kornos.

The titan of time grinned as he snapped his fingers causing the arrow to freeze, time had stopped around it, keeping it stationary. Kronos was about open his mouth to gloat when the arrow suddenly exploded knocking Kronos back on his ass.

"Now Annabeth!" Percy cried out.

Annabeth spoke the spell perfectly, not a word misspoken or a syllable mumbled. The more she spoke the brighter the book she held glowed. It grew in power before a ball of energy came shooting out, flying across the battlefield, hitting Kronos right in the chest.

The Titan of time got back on his feet and looked down at his chest to see what had hit him, "what the -"


Percy's super sonic punch hit him right in the solar plexus. Kronos stumbled back a good twenty feet allowing Access to ram a sword made of his platinum bones through his right shoulder.

"ARGH!" Kronos cried out, he clicked his fingers, trying to slow down time again, when he realised his powers weren't working.

'7 seconds remaining,' Percy thought to himself as he and Hyperion punched Kronos in the face sending him flying ass over head into the tunnel wall. He tried to get up but Eracleous pinned him to the ground with another blade.

'4 seconds remaining,' Percy shoved the power mimicker sphere into Kronos' chest and;


Please select the power you wish to mimic:

Time control


Percy didn't bother reading the others, he didn't have time. Making a split second decision he pressed time control and activated the power of the mimicker sphere. The ball disappeared into dust that then fused with Percy's body.


You have gained a new skill!

Time control (1/50)

Allows you to control time to various different lengths.

Cost- 500 MP per use

1% efficiency

'3 seconds remaining,' Percy raised an eyebrow at the new format of his skill, but he realised this was probably because of the update that CHAOS had given him. He dismissed the box and took out the second reward he got from his quest of finding out the real history of the divine, a level 10 skill disk. No prize for finding out what he did with it;


You have used a skill disk on a skill to level it up 10 times!

Time control (10/50)

Allows you to control time to various different lengths.

Cost- 400 MP per use

15% efficiency

'Time's up,' Percy stepped back, just as Kronos sent out a pulse of time energy. Percy felt it wash over him, it was almost like water from the sea, a wave, a physical thing that he could hold. It was a sensation Percy had never felt before, but he couldn't waste time on it.

He didn't know what he was doing, so he let his instincts take over. He reached out with his mana and felt the jelly like time sphere he was frozen under. He looked down and saw Kronos getting to his feet, removing the blades sticking out of his body before turning to Percy with hate filled eyes.

'Please work, please work!' Percy begged as he pulled the jello away from around him. Kronos lifted his blade and brought it down over Percy, and seconds before it made contact and metallic clang rang out;

-400 MP!


Waverider pushed back Kronos' blade, as the titan lost his balance falling on his behind. He looked up in shock to see a moving Percy Jackson smile down at him with his blade leveled at his throat.

"W-who are you?" Kronos asked in horror, he had never seen anything like this before in his life, never had an opponent thrown off his powers.

"You know who I am," Percy waved his arm behind allowing his own time manipulation powers to spread out, canceling out Kronos' field of control. Hyperion and Aceous could move again. Percy narrowed his eyes at Kronos, "destroy him."

The Titan of time never stood a chance. He was a skilled fighter, but Percy matched him swing for swing. Hyperion and Eracleous turned the tide, striking at Kronos' back whenever they got the chance. And when the titan turned around to deal with them Percy would do his best to remove the golden fleece tied around his neck.

Kronos could barely keep himself together let alone launch a counter attack. Percy's fist met his face, breaking off a tooth from his perfect smile. Hyperion's scorching kick burnt a footprint into his gut and Aqueous tore off the golden armour around his right hand, leaving him defenseless.

The demigods gathered around the battlefield, none dared to step into the battle. They watched as Percy beat the living shit out of the titan, breaking him down piece by piece. The Romans quickly joined them, the entire titan army laid behind them, dead, destroyed. The children of the gods watched their champion fight, they they felt remued hope fill their hearts.

High up near the ceiling though one being wasn't pleased. Hypnos watched the battle with horror, his side was losing, and he was sure if he didn't do something right now the war would be lost.

So seeing no other option he did something he swore on the Styx he would never do. Hypnos gave himself up to the nightmares below, allowing himself to absorb the shadows of every being that died on the battlefield, making him grow bigger and bigger.

Morpheus felt a chill go up his spine, he tore himself away from the sight of Percy triumphing over Kronos and spotted Hypnos cover himself up in a cocoon of darkness. Immediately he realised what the fallen god was planning to do. And fear filled him.

"NO!" Morpheus yelled out as he took off into the sky, flying towards the pulsating cocoon of darkness and misery, 'I have to stop him!'

He readied his blade, prepared to kill his once lifelong friend, but he never got the chance.

A crack appeared in the cocoon, and Morpheus knew it was over.


Percy halted for a second, everyone felt the tunnel shake. They felt the world itself rumble as suddenly everything started to shift.

"Everybody run!" came Morpheus panicked cry as he flew towards the assembled demigods, "throw Kronos away and run!"

The tunnel walls began to crack open displaying the world of emptiness behind it. Percy knew what was behind those walls, and he was in no mode to see CHAOS once again. He instead grabbed Kronos' beaten and bloody form and ripped his half of the golden fleece from his neck.

He lifted him over head and threw him towards one of the cracks in the wall. Kronos went flying towards the darkness, but moments before he passed through a giant black hand came forward from the ceiling and grabbed him.

The demigods turned towards the origin of the hands. And slowly descending upon the tunnel grounds from the ceiling was a figure one can only described as every nightmare given life.

It was a blob of flesh bigger than a two story building, sticking out of it was parts of various creatures, an arm of a clown with the left wing of a bat. A octopus tentacle with burnt flesh surrounding the appendage. It had several hundred eyes around it's figure but none of it was human.

It was a monster, and Percy knew it's name;

Hypnos, The Nightmare

Lv- ?

"That's Hypnos," Percy spoke out making everyone break out of their stunned silence. They grew nervous seeing the monster, but to Percy it was just another opponent to fight through.

"Demigods!" Percy cried out, "don't break lines!" the demigods turned to him as he flew over them standing in the front lines with his servants flanking his sides, "this will not be the day we die! We will survive! And we will live!"

"YEAH!" the demigods cried out as once again they formed ranks, facing off against the monster before them.

The Nightmare roared from it's several months, it cried out as it belched out several shadow monsters that charged at the demigods. Percy readied his blade for a counter attack, but before the monsters even came a dome of pure light surrounded the demigods serving as a barrier to protect them from the shadows that didn't seem to be able to break through.

"What the Hades is going on?" Julia asked.

"Morpheus?" Percy asked as he looked up to see the god of dreams holding the barrier up against the shadow monsters.

"You cannot defeat this Percy," Morpheus' voice was calm, almost defeated, "this is where your role ends, and mine begins."

"Morpheus what are you doing?" Percy asked when suddenly the world itself shared to shake. Morpheus raised his hands causing the entire sphere of light to raise up into the air with all the demigods inside.

The shadows slowly fell down to the ground revealing the Dreamworld before them. It was being terraformed before their very eyes. The ground was wrapping, splitting down the center around Hypnos and Kronos.

The blob that was the god of sleep reached out with one of its several hands and created a tear in space and time. He threw Cronus into the portal, closing it behind him.

"No!" Percy roared as he slammed his fists into the light barrier, "we were so close!"

"It's alright Percy, you'll face him again," Morpheus assured him, "and then, you will finish this war. This won't be the last battle you will face, so don't give up your focus. You will need it."


The floor of the world started to crack open. Hypnos fell down into the shadowy depths underneath. Thousands upon thousands of shadowy arms came up and wrapped themselves around him. The deeper Hypnos feel, the bigger he grew. Until a moon sized sphere floated below their feet, it's surface covered with shadow monsters, cheering in victory.

Percy's eyes widened in horror, "what happening?"

"Hypnos has done something we both swore never to do. He has chosen a side," Morpheus rose the sphere of light upwards and away from the dark moon below them. "He has chosen to become the avatar of nightmares, become everything that humans hate. It has granted him untold power, but forced him into becoming...that."

"Can we stop him?" Thalia asked, "can we even try?"

"No," Morpheus shook his head, "he has become a force of nature itself...I can only halt his progress, before it gets out of hand."

"What are you saying Morpheus?" Percy asked as all turned to the winged god who slowly began to glow with a bright light.

"I'm saying to fight the Nightmare, someone has to become the dream," Morpheu raised his hand up into the sky and the ceiling started to wrap.

The world started to mash together, spinning like a ball, winding in on itself, creating a large sphere of light, mirroring the dark moon below. And then the white pods moved. They contained the sleeping forms over every man, woman and child on Earth and they floated around the sphere in which the demigods were in, forming several rings around them like the rings of Saturn.

As the pod continued to spin several threads started to crawl out of them like the roots of a tree. Some were gold, some were black, they intertied with each other, slowly going towards one of the realms, the dark moon of nightmares or the golden sun of dreams.

"You're changing the world," Annabeth quickly caught on, "the entire topography of the Dreamworld is changed."

"Indeed it is," Morpheus nodded as he lowered the sphere of light. The demigods now stood on the only solid surface in the entire realm, the platform was around 200 feet long with the white pods surrounding them. Beyond them and the two heavenly spheres was nothing, absolutely nothing.

Morpheus began to break apart, pieces of him disappeared into golden dust that traveled up towards the golden sun.

"Morpheus...you're breaking apart," Percy lowered his weapons removing his helmet.

"Yes...I am," Morpheus turned to Percy and looked into his eyes, "I have decided Percy Jackson...I have decided to place my hope on the dream of the demigod. Like you told me too. But...I realise that this dream cannot come true, unless there is someone to hold up the torch, unless there is someone for the demigods to rally behind."

Morpheus lifted a finger and pressed it up against Percy's temple. To the god's surprise he found a jewel stuck in Percy's forehead, the blue jewel glittering in the light. Morpheus smiled, "this is perfect."

Light flew from Morpheus' finger into Percy's forehead. Suddenly the demigod felt something way heavy on his brow. A golden laurel grew around Percy's head, the end of its two branches circling around Percy's gem.

Morpheus' arm disappeared leaving only his body behind. He floated up above the demigods allowing them all to see him.

"Percy Jackson, you fought for the dream," Morpheus voice became ethereal, it came from all around them, "would anyone here not follow this man?"

The demigods looked at each other and then at Morpheus, none spoke up.

Morpheus floating head and torso spoke, "I ask the same now to all the demigods who woke before the end of the battle," a shining mirror appeared before them all, displaying the faces of all the demigods that had been sent away to avoid death. All of who followed Percy's command throughout the battle. Who fought as his army, those that were willing to die for the cause he championed.

And the demigods in the mirror said nothing, not even Octavian could object after seeing the power and respect Percy commanded.

"Then let it be so," Morpheus was now nothing but a head, "Percy Jackson, I declare you the carrier of the dream of demigods, that one day they can live in peace. I declare you the holder of that peace. And I declare you, the King of all demigods."

The laurel crown on Percy's head shined brightly signifying the title bestowed upon him;


You have obtained, 'The Crown of Demigods'

The Crown of demigods,

A crown signifying your dominion over all demigods and a promise to lead them to a life free of harm.


Makes your status known at all times to any demigod.

Gives the perk 'Command all'

You have obtained a new perk!

Command all- allows you to be heard by every demigod in your presence. 10% chance of them agreeing with you. Deactive

(This perk must be manually activated to be effective)

"And now it's time for you all to leave," Morpheus spoke sending every demigod one by one away in a flash of light.

The romans went first followed by the greeks. Thalia was second to last leaving Percy and Morpheus alone.

As the last traces of his body started to disappear the god of dreams whispered, "keep them safe."

And with that Percy knew no more.

In the Real World:

Percy blinked and found himself in the middle of camp armour and all. The greek demigods were all there with him surrounding the camp fire that was raging.

"Percy!" Thalia called ou as she came rushing through the crowd the moment she spotted her boyfriend.

"Thalia!" Percy smiled as he deactivated his armour and shoved the staff of Neptune into the ground holding it up as he caught Thalia in his arms, kissing her passionately.

"Did that really all just happen?" Nico asked as he and the rest of the Hermes squad found themselves in camp as well. They along with the Athena research team had all been transported back to camp instead of where they were when they feel asleep.

"We just fought the titans, and won," Michael blinked, "holy shit, I hope that just happened."

"Children!" Chiron came charging out from the Big House with Mera at his side along with the other spirits that served at camp. Chiron approached Percy who broke his kiss and looked up at the centaur, Chiron smiled, "you did it Percy. You brought them back."


Quest completed!

Enter Morpheus's realm and save all the demigods!


300,000 Exp

One random gift from the minor Gods (to be received at a later date)

The Crown of demigods


You have leveled up!

Percy Jackson

Health- 19,300/19,300 (+2000) =21,300

Mana- 10,275/10,275 (+2000) = 12,275 (+20% more mana, +2,455) = 14,730

The Gamer

Title- Leader

Level-55 Exp- 169,550/260,000


STR- [Original- 150] 0.146 (+11+20+75) = 106.146 (Layers of seals applied - 10)

VIT-150 (+12+20)=182






MONEY- 25,221,683$/ 20,856 D

Percy pushed away the notification and sighed, "I'm just glad it's over."

"What now?" Annabeth asked.

"Now?" Percy sighed, "I suppose now we get ready for the real war. Something tells me Kronos isn't going to take this defeat lying down."

"Right..." Michael nodded, "by the way Percy...you kind of look weird with that thing on your head. Are you going to keep it or…?"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "what? What are you talking-" he touched his forehead feeling the golden laurel Morpheus had bestowed upon him. His eyes widened as he turned to Thalia who then realised it was still there.

A hush fell over the crowd as they realised what Morpheus' last words truly meant. They all turned to see the golden crown on Percy's head, even Chiron gasped as he quickly connected to dots on the implications.

The golden crown sent waves of power out, everyone who looked at it knew exactly what it represented, be them a mermaid, a spirit or a centaur.

It was Mera who spoke first, "all hail Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, retrieval of the Lightning bolt and the helmet of darkness, destroyer of Janai'ngo, Alcyoneus. King of all demigods."

She was the first one on her knees, followed by Chiron and the rest of the staff. The demigods fell next, each of them willingly without question. Annabeth had a smile on her face, she knew this would make Percy nervous beyond belief.

Michael did an almost comedic bow, while Clarisse saluted Percy as if he was a general.

And Thalia stepped aside, lowering her head with respect.

Percy looked at them kneeling before him, trusting him to guide them, and he felt a familiar weight return onto his shoulders. He remembered CHAOS' words to him, 'The one who is most qualified to be given power is the one who rejects it. Only they can use it properly with the respect it deserves.'

'Did it know this was going to happen to me?' Percy wondered, 'of course it did. It knows everything.'

Percy understood now the meaning of those words. The weight he carried on his shoulders had a purpose, and for once he understood why it had to be him and no on else.

The sun rose off in the distance, it's rays promising a new day, a better day. And Percy knew one day he would have to bring a better day for all of demigod kind, and he knew it had to be him.

With Kronos:

The Titan of time came bleeding out of the portal as it dropped him in the heart of his castle.

"Luke!" he cried out in pain, "Luke!"

"Master?" Luke Castellan asked as he came running to the Titan, helping him on his feet, "master what happened? Where's Hyperion? Where's Hypnos?"

"Dead," Kronos spat as he felt his right arm tear apart at the seams, without the golden fleece his body was disintegrating rapidly, "where is he?"

"Lord Pan is inside his pod, he's asleep now, he's broken Lord Kronos, I don't think-"

"-I don't care! We need more soldiers! Take me to him! Now!"

"At once my lord," Luke bowed as he walked before Kronos clearing the way to the dungeons below. Luke noticed Kronos' beaten form, "how will you recover my lord?"

"The Styx, the curse of Achilles will bind me. We shall depart for the underworld immediately after this is done. Has our guest told you where to find my weapon?"

Luke nodded, "yes my lord, it took some time but he spilled his secrets."

Kronos chuckled, "so much for family bonding. And? Where is it?"

"The goddess Artemis," Luke spoke hesitantly, "she has it."

"Then she will be our first target. Prepare the troops Luke, the moment I make my recovery we attack the Romans. Olympus has won this battle, but we will win the war."

"Understood lord Kronos," Luke bowed while his thoughts were running a mile a minute, 'I need to tell Percy, now!'

All hail his majesty Percy Jackson! King of demigods!

Yeah bet you all didn't see that coming did you? Anyway yes, I'm finally starting the war arc, and I know I said people were going to die, but I didn't think it would go well with the theme I wanted to set up there, one about hope and dreams for the future. So I changed it.

Next chapter will be Percy's official first introduction to the woman with blue hair and the Kronos' retaliation.

And that's chapter 62. Please leave a review! Have a great day! Here, have a cookie (::), don't worry they are chocolate chip.