
The Mythical Gamer

Percy is given the gift of the Gamer turning his life into a video game with levels, dungeons and skill points. Now Percy, armed with this amazing ability, sets out to prove himself to the world of the gods and humans by becoming the best at he can be and fulfilling his destiny. And eventually maybe even find love. Swearing, OP Percy, oh and REVIEWS! Not my story.........

Reyna_Lavesque_381 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
72 Chs

Chapter 43

Chapter 43:

Percy sighed as he stood on the bridge of the boat. He sipped from his mug of hot cocoa looking out at landscape before him. The damage he caused during his battle with Alcyoneus was immense. The mountain to the left was broken in half with the broken piece floating in the bottom of the ocean. The Hubbard Glacier was broken down at the side, luckily nothing was broken on the top, else Percy would have had to dive into the water to retrieve all that imperial gold weapons.

Thalia walked up to him wrapped up in a blanket sipping from her own cup of coco, "you feeling better?"

Percy nodded, "much," he coughed out. His voice had finally cracked, it was becoming deeper and deeper day by day. So a dip into the ice cold waters of Alaska seemed to have finally pushed it over the edge. Percy honestly couldn't tell the difference, but Thalia kept telling him his voice sounded deeper.

Percy had healed completely when inside the water. After healing, Thalia took him back to the boat to rest. He fell unconscious the moment his head hit the pillow. But now he was up and about.

The only sign that he even was in a battle was the large scar that now rested on his chest. Apparently attacks done by haki coated weapons caused lasting damage that Gamer's body couldn't heal from.

Percy looked at his watch, it was 9 in the morning, they had been here for more than half a day. Percy turned to Thalia, "did you get enough sleep last night?"

"I got enough," Thalia said rubbing her eyes. Percy saw the bags under her eyes, 'she must have stayed up to make sure nothing happened to me.'

Percy wrapped his free arm around her kissing her. She tasted like chocolate and pine, "you're such a bad liar."

Thalia smiled, "so are you." They stayed silent for a while. Now that Alcyoneus was no longer a problem this place was pleasant, romantic even.

"Hell of a first date huh?" Percy said smiling.

"Really? You consider this our first date?"

Percy nodded, "yeah, why? What do you call your first date?"

"Well there was a concert, if you remember."

"Yeah, but we weren't actually dating back then."

Thalia nodded, "yeah, I suppose. Well I can't really complain," Thalia said sipping her drink, "I mean this is probably what a demigod couple can consider the perfect first date. We got to travel, fight a monster, destroy the landscape, cook dinner. You know, the normal things that couples do."

Percy chuckled, "Thalia, you know that we are weird, even for a demigod couple."

Thalia nodded, "that is very true."

Percy sipped his drink, "how long do you think the mortals will take before they find out what happened here?"

Thalia shrugged, "this is a very secluded area. It may take them a week, or maybe even only a few days. After all you did destroy the top of a mountain."

Percy nodded, "yeah. I guess that was a little bite to loud."

Thalia chuckled and nodded her head, "yeah, a little."

Percy smiled kissing his girlfriend again. They sat down on the sun beds and just cuddled up close enjoying the view of the calm water. Percy honestly loved this place, he wanted to come again, if Thalia wanted to that is.

"How are you not freezing?" Thalia asked.

Percy shrugged, looking at himself. He had throw away the jacket, it was useless now. It had been ripped into pieces, luckily the pin of protection he had was still usefull, maybe he could use it on something else. All he wore now was an orange camp Half-Blood t-shirt and a pair of jeans, "I don't feel it. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I can control ice."

Thalia nodded, "right."

They spent an hour just staying together before Percy spoke up, "why don't you go inside and get some sleep. It will do you some good."

"You sure?" Thalia asked.

Percy nodded, "yeah. I'm back to 100%. Plus if I need to I can always call my buddies for assistance."

Thalia nodded, "right. Oh and Percy I have been meaning to ask you something."

Percy hummed, "shoot."

"Marcia," Thalia began causing Percy to immediately become nervous, "you said she was trying to seduce you."

Percy nodded, "yeah. Remember that demon I told about in Boston?"

"That was Marcia?"

Percy nodded, "yeah. Her real name is Marchasias. I just call her Maricia. She can transform between a woman and a wolf. When I fought her she tried to seduce me and take over my body, luckily I managed to break free."

Thalia nodded, "I see..."

Percy could hear the worry in her voice, "relax Thalia," he kissed her forehead, "you have nothing to worry about. I'm don't have any intentions to screw a demon. You don't' stick your dick in crazy, everyone knows that. Well, everyone except Edward, but that's not important."

Thalia chuckled, "I not worried about you cheating on me Percy. I'm worried about what would happen is she succeeded in taking over your body. Do you think you can fight her off again?"

Percy smiled, "Thalia, look at my forehead," Thalia did so and suddenly she saw a diamond shaped blue gem appear on Percy's forehead, "this thing is the reason I can control them. It basically is like a net that captures the souls of those I have defeated and binds them to me. As long as they are bound to me they will listen to what I have to say."

Thalia touched the stone, "how did it suddenly appear?"

"It's because I willed it to," Percy explained, "it's magically bound to me, I can hide it if I want to, and I generally do. Don't want people to keep asking my why I have a gem stuck into my forehead."

Thalia nodded as she felt the edges of the stone, "it feels like it's perfectly cut."

Percy nodded, "yeah, I know. Now," he broke their cuddle, "go to bed. You need the rest."

"Fine," Thalia grumbled as she got up, "what are you going to do?"

Percy turned to the glacier, "the Eagle and a lot of imperial gold is still up there on top of the Glacier. I intend to collect it all. I'll give the Legion some and sell the rest. Maybe I can even find that diamond sword Alcyoneus used to cut me with if I try hard enough."

Thalia raised an eyebrow, "what's with your obsession over money recently? You practically drooled when Alecto mentioned Alcyoneus was made out of gold."

Percy smiled, "it's a secret sparky."

Thalia grumbled, "your luck I'm sleepy, or else I would have blasted you for calling me that."

Percy smiled cheekily as Thalia took his empty mug and walked back into the boat. Percy walked up to the front of the ship and activated his speed perk.

Percy zoomed towards the Hubbard Glacier and climbed along the side. He pulled himself to the top of the glacier and saw the Eagle standing tall and proud, right where Thalia left it. Percy took the Eagle and put it inside his inventory before he zoomed towards the camp.

Percy looked around as he started to systematically search and plunder all the imperial gold he could find. This was honestly the best part of the job, the free stuff. Well not free, but definitely not owned by someone living at the moment, so what the hell right?

Percy first visited the barracks and saw lines of weapon racks each half filled or full filled. Percy didn't even bother to look as he just threw everything he could find into his inventory. He put in shields, swords, pilas, even a bloody boomerang.

Percy searched every knock and conner of the barracks. He found mostly clothes, some personal effects of the roman soldiers who died here and a few drachma stored around. Percy also found what looked like a solid gold tiara studded with a single sapphire, guess he knew what to give Thalia as a souvenir.

Percy then went around camp, he found a solid gold chariot, the entire thing was made out of imperial gold, Percy should probably return this to the Romans, it was too big a thing to keep for himself.

Percy also found solid imperial gold suit of armour. He found around 20 suits or so, each were heavy as hell and looked ridiculous, after all who wanted a fake set of abs imprinted on their chest piece?

Percy eventually walked into the Principia form before and now that he wasn't in a hurry he took his time to look at the books and scroll rolled on the floor.

Percy couldn't understand most of it, they were all in latin. But from the look of things they were all just reports from people in camp, nothing to important. But a few Percy could understand thanks to them being in english.

Based on the way that the books had been stored inside a glass case told Percy they were important. They were bound in leather with golden words written on top, 'The construction techniques of Romans.' 'Basic Roman leading skills.' 'Construction of settlements and the like.' 'War strategies and techniques.'

Percy picked the book on the construction techniques of Roman and suddenly a box popped up;

You have obtained the book containing the skill : Construction techniques: Roman

Would you like to learn?


Percy smiled as he pressed yes. The book vanished into thin air as the knowledge went directly into his head. He suddenly knew everything about roman architecture, the way arches distributed weight. The way the walls were to be stacked so that it would be time efficient and hard to push down.


You have obtained a new skill!

Architecture, Lv- 1 (0%)

The ability to build building and other man made structure meant for housing.

All buildings you build have a 80% chance of falling over

All buildings you build have a 15% chance of looking good

30% of product wastage.

You know;

Roman construction- Lv MAX Can understand and skillfully create roman buildings

Percy blinked as he started to process the information in his head. It told him how to create buildings, Roman buildings. And not only that but also how to destroy them. 'Damn, Jason wasn't kidding when he said every roman camp could be broken down a rebuilt in a few days. With this knowledge I could destroy every building here piece by piece. It would be child's play.'

Percy then went to the second book of war strategies. This one ended up the same as the first;

War strategies, Lv- 1 (0%)

The way you command your troops or team mates.

Effectiveness- (½ Int)%

Bonus - +(½ Wis)%

And when Percy read the book on basic Roman leadin skills he got a sub skill for the same skill;

Different war strategies you know;

Roman, Lv- 1- 20% chance of properly executing a battle tactic.

And the last book was kind of an add on for the first skill he got;

Construction of settlements- Lv- MAX

Percy searched the room for more books but found nothing useful. Just to be sure he checked the barracks again and came up empty. Percy then went to the bath house, but sure enough there was nothing there.

As he was looting the place Percy realised just how many dead bodies there were in this place. Some still had meat on their bones, the cold must have kept it preserved. Percy honestly couldn't' stand the sight of it, he didn't really have the stomach for corpses. After all every time he killed something it just disappeared into golden dust, no blood no gore. But he pushed through using Gamer's mind.

They deserved a properly funeral, even if they were Romans and would probably hate the idea of a Greek performing their last rights. So Percy swallowed his disgust and started to moves all the corps and skeletons he found and gathered them all in the center of the Roman camp.

He broke off several pieces of wood from the camp's wooden walls and built a small pyre. He didn't really know how the Romans treated their dead, but he assumed they did the same thing the Greeks did and burn them in a shroud.

Percy didn't have a shroud, so he simply took one of the hanging banners and wrapped it around the crops. It was big enough for them all, and somehow it seemed appropriate. Percy then used his water powers and drew all the moisture from the banner and the wood making it very dry.

The demigod snapped his fingers and summoned a fireball. He threw it into the makeshift pyre and watched the flames slowly rise up burning the corpse. Percy knew it didn't really make sense, but he still felt they the Roman who died here would finally find peace because of his actions. And who knows maybe this might get him some good karma points when it came to dealing with Camp Jupiter again.

Percy was just about to leave the cleared out camp when suddenly a thought came to him. 'Where did Alcyoneus live?'

This place was freezing, and yes Alcyoneus was a giant, he might have been immune. But that didn't meant he wanted to stay up here in the cold. Hell, Percy was also immune but he would rather be inside the boat snuggled up against Thalia in that warm bed of thiers.

Percy looked around for a secret passageway or something that would lead to Alcyoneus's lair. Percy searched everywhere but couldn't find a thing.

'Hmm, if Alcyoneus created a lair for himself then he must have used his powers to do it. Maybe if I use my mana scene I can detect it.'

So Percy closed his eyes and did just that. He sent wave after wave of his mana out and felt for Alcyoneus's presence. Suddenly he picked up on a faint signal. It was somewhere below him, below all the ice and the snow.

Percy walked to where the signal was the strongest and then used his ice control to create a hole in the ground. Percy jumped into the hole, it was seven feet deep, but he needed to go deeper.

Percy pushed the ice below him to the side as he lowered himself deeper and deeper into the ground. He had perfect control over the ice around him, he didn't fear it collapsing on him.

Soon the signal felt like it was right below his feet, Percy reached out and felt around and discovered a huge cave like cavity inside the ice.

Percy pulled away the last layer of ice and dropped down. It was a 50 foot drop, but Percy managed to land on his feet. He crouched down and looked around. It was pitch black in here. Percy clicked his fingers and formed a fireball in his hands lighting up the room.

This place was more like Alcyoneus's man cave than his lair. There was bear skins laid out in the corner to serve as a bed with a work station on the side. Percy saw several weapons that Alcyoneus likely created for himself.

There was a sword made out of iron, a spear made out of lead, which was very heavy. Percy even found a small diamond dagger, probably the giant's first attempt to create a weapon like this.

Percy took the dagger and turned to try and find more things to loot in this room.

The walls of the room felt like they had been carved into. Percy could see several words etched into the wall. 'Hades', 'Revenge', 'Hercules' and 'Mother'. All the words were written in ancient greek, Percy figured this was Alcyoneus's way of remembering who he was meant to be.

Percy eventually moved on and found a couple of gold and silver ingots to loot off. After doing a final sweep of the cave Percy noticed something, the mana he was sensing, it was still there, but not around him, below him.


A skill of yours has leveled up!

Scencesing mana, Lv- 2 (90%)

Allow you to sense mana around you giving you a brief description of the type.

Range- 30 Feet

Percy looked down and found something buried deep within the ice. Percy pulled the object out by using the ice surrounding it. The object came up on a pedestal of ice, it was a ring, well it was meant to be anyway. For Percy it looked more like a bracelet than anything else. Percy focused on it;

Ring of Alcyoneus,

Allows the wearer to manipulate precious stones, metals and minerals. Also can be used to detect said precious materials and give the exact location to the user.

Special power: Once the wearer says the term, 'Mother I call to you' the wearer will be able to directly talk of Gaea.

Percy was surprised to say the least. He honestly didn't know what to think. Right now he was looking at a device that would allow him to talk to a Primordial being. A PRIMORDIAL BEING!

That's like having a hot line to the Fates! And Gaea isn't just some goddess, she's the fucking Earth itself!

For a moment Percy wanted to call her. He wanted to talk to the Goddess, after all how many times do you get the chance to speak to planet Earth itself? But Percy refrained himself, it wouldn't be right, after all if there was one thing Percy could understand it was the bound between a mother and a son.

Percy took the 'ring' and put it on his right hand. He wasn't going to use it to call Gaea, but that didn't mean he wouldn't use it to search for treasure! This thing basically a treasure detector!

Percy eventually spent the next hour or so looking around in the deep depths of the cold ocean next to the glacier. He was searching for that diamond sword that Alcyoneus used to cut him with. After searching everywhere, the ring of Alcyoneus found it beneath the huge chunk of mountain Percy threw into the sea.

Percy then used his Body Form and also released his seals. Percy grabbed the base of the rock and manipulated the water around it to slowly help him lift it up. Percy managed to grabbed the sword using a mixture of telekinesis and water control and soon found himself back on the boat.

Percy sat down on the living room couch and took out a note and a pen. He began to take an item entry of everything he grabbed;

300 Drachma (For myself)

41 Spears (Camp?)

32 Gladius (Camp?)

1 boomerang (Camp?)

48 shields (Camp?)

1 princess tiara (For Thalia)

1 golden chariot (For camp Jupiter)

24 suits of armour (Camp?)

1 diamond dagger (For myself)

4 gold ingots (For myself)

8 silver ingots (For myself)

1 diamond sword (For myself)

Percy looked over everything he got. He had taken a few items for himself straight off the bat. Things like the sword or the ingots. But things like the chariot Percy knew he had to give back to Camp Jupiter.

Percy was also debating with himself about what to do regarding the armours he found and the weapons. Technically they belong with Camp Jupiter, but they had lost it, they had no right to it. It technically belonged to Thalia and Percy as a spoils of war.

Percy could use these items to create an imperial gold armoury for the greeks, but at the same time if the Romans found out they were doing that….well it obviously wouldn't end well.

"What are you doing?" Thalia asked as she came into the living room. Her hair was all messed up due to bed head and she wore an over large purple t-shirt that she bought in camp Jupiter with words 'My daddy is a God, so he can kick your daddy's ass' written in bright gold.

"Had a good rest?" Percy asked as Thalia snuggled against him on the couch. Percy put his arm around her as Thalia put her head on his chest closing her eyes.

"Yeah," Thalia mumbled, "did you find anything else up there?"

Percy nodded, "yeah. Some imperial gold weapons, and even Alcyoneus's man cave."

"I see," Thalia hummed, "so what are you stressing about now?"

Percy chuckled as he kissed her head, "what makes you think I'm stressed?"

"Your heart is racing like crazy," Thalia replied back.

Percy lowered his voice to a whisper, "well that's because I currently have the most beautiful girl in the world snuggled under my arm."

"Hm, 'the most beautiful girl in the world,' I like the sound of that," Thalia rubbed her head on Percy's chest, "god damn your voice is so much deeper now, it's like it's made out of honey. And chocolate. Like a mix of them both…..like…..hocolate."

Percy chuckled, "you know I really can't tell."

Thalia shrugged, "doesn't matter. But seriously, why so glum?"

Percy sighed, "it's just...I'm wondering what we should do with all the imperial gold weapons."

"What do you mean? Just give it to the Romans, they need it."

"Yeah, but so do we," Percy said.

Thalia lifted her head off of Percy's chest and looked at him. Percy looked at her, the way that shirt hanged off her body allowed Percy to look under her shirt at her bra. Percy blushed and immediately looked away as Thalia chuckled realizing what had happened.

"You do realise as my boyfriend it's basically your job to look at my boobs right?" Thalia asked.

Percy coughed, "r-right. Anyway we were talking about weapons?"

Thalia chuckled, "right. Well yes, what you're saying is true. Compared to the Romans the Greek camp has basically no proper armour. If we use the weapons we got here it could mean the difference between life and death for a lot of Greek demigods. But at the same time, it's not the right thing to do."

Percy sighed, "yeah. I know… I just needed someone else to say it. Guess sometimes my greed can take the best of me."

Thalia nodded, "well at least you're only greedy about certain things," she kissed him on the cheek and just then noticed the ring of Alcyoneus on Percy's hand, "and apparently some of those things are braclets."

Percy smiled, "it's actually supposed to be Alcyoneus's ring. But considering his size it ended up being a bracelet."

"And you didn't get anything for me," Thalia huffed, "tisk tisk Mr, your on the track to becoming the worst boyfriend ever."

Percy smiled, "well we can't have that." He opened his inventory and pulled out the golden tiara and got on one knee.

"For you my lady," Percy said presenting the tiara to Thalia.

The demigoddess blinked, "P-Percy, that's a crown!"

Percy smiled as he stood up, "yup. And I think I know just the head it belongs to," Percy pulled Thalia up as he carefully placed the crown on top of Thalia's head.

The sapphire was a few shades darker than her eyes, but other than that it suited Thalia. Simple, yet unique and beautiful.

Thalia turned to left where there was a small profile size mirror hanging on the wall. She looked at crown on her head as she slowly started to cry.

"Ah, Thalia are you okay? I didn't do anything stupid did I?" Percy asked as he was nervous. He wanted to think that Thalia was crying tears of joy, but he really didn't want to be that optimistic when it came to his girlfriend.

"No," Thalia said as she smiled, "you didn't do anything wrong fish head."

Percy smiled, 'great, tears of joy. I knew it all along.'

"Well I'm glad that you liked it," Percy said with a smile, "I figured the jewel matched your eyes and-"

That was as far as Percy got as Thalia jumped on him, pushing him back onto the couch and pressing her lips on top of his.

"Hmm," Percy hummed as he wrapped his arms around Thalia and her massive shirt. Percy pulled her close, he felt her breasts pressed up against his chest as Thalia wrapped her arms around Percy's head.


Percy didn't even bother looking at the box, he already knew it was an notification tell him his kissing skill had leveled up. Percy swiped the box away as he slowly traced Thalia's back.

Percy felt the perky molds of Thalia's ass just below his hand's reach. Acting on instinct and desire, Percy grabbed an ass check in each hand and pulled Thalia's body up deepening the kiss and getting a good feel of her perky behind.


Thalia's tongue licked Percy's lips for entrance and the demigod gladly gave it. Percy felt Thalia's tongue in his mouth as it tried to dominate his own, but Percy quickly managed to get the upper hand as he squeezed Thalia's ass again surprising her long enough to send his tongue into her mouth.

The two demigods started to feel hotter and hotter. They wanted each other right now, Thalia's hands were under Percy's shirt as she traced her fingers slowly upwards.

Percy let go of Thalia's ass as he slowly started to reach up the side of Thalia's well toned body. Suddenly Thalia removed her hands and broke the kiss. She got back up and straddling Percy's groin with her perky ass .

"Not here," Thalia said in a husky tone as she got off of him and pulled him up. Percy just walked dumbly as she lead him down to their room.

It seemed like those notifications alerts Percy had gotten before was in fact for his kissing. The first was informed him about increasing a level in said skill while the second one explained the invention of a new move;

Kissing, Lv- 13 (50%)

It is what it is. The higher level you are the better kisser you are. And remember practise makes perfect.

Your level is kissing leaved the person feeling happy for the 10 hours

10% chance of turning them on.


The double grabber- Grab the behind of your lover and pull them upwards and closer deepening the kiss while spicing things up. +5% Chance of turning on someone.

Percy honestly didn't like the name, it kind of made it out to be a perverted move more than anything else, but beggars can't be choosers.

Once inside Thalia closed the door and threw the tiara to the side.

"You're certainly eager," Percy whispered as he grabbed her hips pulling her into another kiss.

Thalia kissed him deeply before pushing him back and onto the bed, "what can I say, you have a way to turn a chick on."

Percy grinned as Thalia jumped on top of him straddling him with her hips, grinding her pelvis on top of his dick.

Percy grabbed her hair and pulled her down kissing her deeply while Thalia raked her fingers along his shirt. She then ran her fingers through his hair as Percy's hands grabbed Thalia's behind squeezing into her perky behind as her ass threatened to spill out of his arm.

"Damn Percy," Thalia said breaking their kiss, "squeeze them any harder and you might make a permanent impression on them."

Percy grinned, "good," he spanked Thalia's ass with an audible smack. Thalia shrieked in pleasure as she grinded her pelvis harder into Percy, which in turn made the demigod as stiff as an iron rod.

"I can't wait anymore," Thalia said in a huff as she grabbed the helm of Percy's shirt and threw it up. Percy took off the rest of his shirt while Thalia started at his body, sinking her nails into his abs, "god damn these are amazing."

Percy threw his shirt to the side of the room as he got up and kissed Thalia, reaching around and grabbing her behind.

Thalia reached down and pulled her shirt over her head throwing it to the side. Percy looked down and saw that Thalia wore a plain black bra that hugged her chest tightly. It seems a size to small for her C-cup size breasts, but Percy honestly didn't care.

"What do you think?" Thalia asked in worried tone.

Percy simply looked at her with his jaw open, "y-you're perfect."

Thalia blushed as she pushed Percy to the ground wrapping her arms around his neck as Percy did the same. They kissed heatedly as Thalia shoved her tongue into Percy's mouth battling with him for dominance.

Percy ran his hands along Thalia's body , feeling every single curve and every inch of her skin. He could tell she was cold by the way she tried to wrap herself around him, pulling as close as she could.

Percy used his telekinesis to lift the blanket and put it on top of them, causing Thalia to sigh into his mouth at the feeling of the cover.

Percy's hands went down and squeezed Thalia's ass as she continued to grind on him, by now his dick was big enough to not be ignored, and Thalia was definitely aware of it.

Slowly Percy's hands went from her ass and rubbed along Thalia's body. He reached her bra strap and waited for her to say or do something in objection. Thalia instead moved one of her arms down as she traced across Percy's abs going down to his belt.

Percy couldn't hold back anymore as the lust he felt was at a breaking point. Thalia's hand was right above his erect dick and quite frankly Percy was tired of holding back.

Percy's fingers worked the bra strap, and with a simple flick of his fingers he had it off of her. Thalia removed the bra and threw it to the side as Percy rolled them over, pinning Thalia down. He looked at her chest, they were bigger than he thought, big enough to hold, like two grapefruits.

Her nipples were smaller than Percy thought they would be as he bent down and slowly blew on one, sending a shudder through Thalia's body. Percy didn't know what he was doing, he was relying purely on instinct, and sent a silent prayer to Aphrodite for guidance.

Percy kissed her neck and slowly started to move down, passed her shoulder blades and finally her breasts.

He cupped them with both hands as he turned to the left one, swallowing it's nipple whole as he began to suck on it.

"Percy," Thalia moaned as her hands pushed him deeper into her chest. Percy ran his tongue over her nipple, every flick sent a shudder through Thalia. Percy moved over to her other breast as Thalia wrapped her legs around Percy's body holding him tightly.

Percy could feel Thalia's hold on him, he knew what she wanted. He started moving his body up and down as he rubbed her clit harder and harder. Thalia moaned as Percy began circling her nipple while grouping the other with his firm hands.

Thalia moaned, "enough Percy," Percy grabbed her nipple between his teeth and pulled, letting it go with a slurp. Thalia moaned again, "it's my turn."

Percy wondered what she meant when Thalia rolled them around again, sitting on Percy's hip with the blanket over her shoulders. Percy saw her breasts on full display and he breathed a sigh of wonder, of belonging. There was literally nowhere else he would have rather be than right here with her.

Thalia's hands traced Percy's body as they found themselves around his belt as they quickly took it off, causing Percy's dick to finally poke out the helm of his jeans.

Thalia traced her hand along his jeans as she pressed up against his hard member. She bent down and kissed Percy as she whispered into his ear, "it's harder than iron Percy," she then tightened her grip, "and so fucking hot."

Percy couldn't do anything except breathe shallow breaths as unbuttoned his jeans and slid her hand into his pants feeling his dick covered by his boxers. Thalia unzipped his jeans and slowly slid them down as she rubbed her hand up and down his length.

Percy's breath was paced as he grabbed Thalia's ass with both hands trying his best not to immediately cum. Percy and Thalia kissed as he shoved his tongue into her mouth and smacking her ass.

Thalia in return tightened her grip around his dick and slowly traced a finger along the elastic of the boxers. She circled around the tip of his dick as it twitched in her hand, begging to be set free. Thalia slid one finger into the boxers feeling his skin prickle at her touch. She then pulled it down in one swift motion freeing his dick the immediately found itself in her open hand.

"You're bigger than I thought," Thalia said as she wrapped her fingers around his member. She couldn't see it, but she could tell that it was at least 6 inches and very very thick. Thaia could feel it's veins underneath her soft palms as she moved her hand up and down kissing Percy for all he was worth.

Percy however wasn't going to let Thalia do all the work as he pushed her down, causing both of them to lie on their sides. Thalia still had one hand around Percy's dick, while Percy had one hand pinned around Thalia's hips pulling her closer.

Percy's free hand slowly went to Thalia's jeans as he unbottled it with a simple motion before grabbing it by the helm and pulling it down over her ass and juicy thighs.

One of his hands now laid on her bare panty clad ass while the other rubbed her thighs. Thalia's hand were moving faster now as she put the other one around Percy's neck pulling him closer. Thalia's tongue danced in his mouth, wrapping around Percy's own.

Percy's hand slowly moved away from her thighs and towards her hot center. Percy traced a finger along the helm of her pantiies, he coudlnt' se them, but they felt brand new. He pressed his palm against her stomach and slowly slid it down and into her panties feeling her trimmed bush right underneath.

Percy didn't stop until his fingers graced over her moist lips sinking his fingers deeper still until he could feel her entrance against his hand.

Thalia moaned into his mouth and Percy could feel her hand slow down as her grip around his dick started to shake in excitement. Percy could feel her quiver for him as he smacked her ass with the hand around her hips while the other slowly inserted his middle finger into her.

It felt like warm and wet. Percy didn't expect anything else as he slowly drew back his finger before sliding it back in. He moved gently as Thalia moaned again breaking their lip contact to mutter, "faster Percy."

Percy nodded as he pressed his thumb against her lips feeling around for the clitoris. It was small, but Percy found it, and he then slowly started to circle it as his finger continued to move in and out of her.

Thalia's hand around Percy's neck dung into his skin drawing blood as she continued moving her hand up and down his dick doing her best to make him cum.

The two slowly got into a rhythm as Percy started to increase his speed. He wasn't going his fastest, but this was enough to cause Thalia to pant hard.

Thalia also increased her hand motions as she moved her palms up and down Percy's erect dick as a small amount of pre-cum rose to the tip of his shaft.

Percy moaned at the pleasure, but he wasn't going to just stop. He suddenly had a wild idea, but instead of fight it, he trusted his instincts. Percy then slowly put the tiniest amounts of earthquake mana into his finger sending a wave of vibrations through Thalia.

The demigoddess gasped as her eyes widened into the size of dinner plates, "don't stop!" She begged him as she quickly wrapped both hands around his dick, using his own pre-cum to lube him up increasing the pace of her hand job.

Percy sent another wave of vibrations through his thumb right into Thalia's clitorus causing her to tighthen her grip around his dick and gasp in shock. Percy smiled as he continued to finger her while sending wave after wave of vibrations through her body.

"Percy-I'm going to cum!" Thalia moaned into his ear as she felt his dick twitch, "make me cum!"

Percy groaned as he used his hands around Thalia's ass to slap it hard as he increased the pace of his finger sending Thalia into a look of ecstasy as she crossed her eyes in pleasure.

Percy grunted as he felt his own release coming, he couldn't hold it back anymore. He grabbed Thalia's face with his free arm and kissed her. The sudden action caused Thalia to lose control as her pussy tightened around Percy's finger drenching his whole hand as she orgasemed.

Percy grunted as he finally came covering Thalia's hands while sending a spurt of cum into her stomach painting it white. Thalia groaned as the hot liquid covered her abdomen, she released her grip around Percy's dick letting it finally relax in it's release.

Percy took his hands out of Thalia's panties, which were drenched from her organsim. The couple looked at each other as Percy kissed Thalia holding her tightly as they both drifted off into a deep slumber. Their bodies were relaxed from their organsims. Their worries and problems, forgotten for the time being.

The Next Day;

Percy and Thalia had decided to spend one day in the frozen wasteland cuddling up inside their boat. They didn't go any further, the two of them agreed that 'that' would happen only when they both were ready for it. In all honestly they only realised what they had done afterwards. Maybe it was the heat of the moment, or maybe it was the fact they almost died the other day, but whatever the reason, they didn't regret doing it.

Percy had started the boat early in the morning, around 5. He placed Waverider back on the tip of the ship and carefully guided it out of the bay of the Hubbard Glacier. Once they were back out in open waters Percy let the trident take over as he went inside.

The skill he gained during their…'private time' was something Percy didn't really expect;

Foreplay, Lv- 2 (50%)

The actions you perform before sex.

20% skill bonus towards partner's orgasim.

Fingering, Lv- 2

The technique in which you use your fingers to make your lover orgasim,

Chance of orgasim- (½ Vit%)

Special technique-

Vibrations!- +40% bonus towards chance of Orgasim!

It was around late evening time, the sun was slowly setting on the horizon and Percy now sat on the sun beds reading a gossip magazine. What? He was still a teenager, he liked gossip. Sue me.

"I honestly didn't think you to be the gossip type son."

"I got bored," Percy responded without missing a beat. He looked up and sure enough there was Poseidon standing at the tip of the ship next to Waverider.

"So this is your weapon," Poseidon said looking at it, "I see you got your inspiration from my own trident."

"Well I am your son," Percy said as he threw the magazine to the side and got up standing next to his dad, "what do you think of it?"

"Impressive," Poseidon traced a finger down Waverider, "What's it made out off?"

Percy shrugged, "not sure. I'm assuming Celestial bronze."

"Didn't your Gaming powers tell you anything?" Poseidon asked stepping away from it.

"Not anything too specific," Percy replied, "just gave a brief summary. But is does have a lot of features to it, even I don't know all of it."

"I see," Poseidon mumbled as he turned to Percy raising an eyebrow, "since when did you have tattoos?"

"What?" Percy asked surprised as he looked down at the strength seals around his forearms, "oh these. No, they aren't tatoos, their strength seals, helps me control and enhance my power."

Poseidon chuckled, "didn't know you had so much power to control."

Percy grinned, "you know that's not true. How else do you think I managed to fight off a giant?"

Poseidon nodded, "yes you're right. Is that where you got that?" the God pointed to Percy's new scar underneath his shirt. One of its edge was around Percy's left shoulder and could be clearly seen near the edge of his shirt collar.

Percy sighed, "it seemed Haki can negate Gamer's body and cause actual harm to my body. It was….surprising to say the least."

Poseidon sighed, "how did you even survive?"

"Luck and skill," Percy told his dad, "that and my armoured jacket. Though it kind of got shredded into a million pieces in the process of saving my ass."

Poseidon nodded, "better it than you. If you want I can have some of my forgers create some new armour for you."

"Really? You would do that?"

Poseidon chuckled, "of course, you are my favorite sun after all."

Percy hissed, "yeah, don't let Triton hear that."

Poseidon laughed out loud at that while Percy just smiled. Silence fell between them as Percy spoke up again, "okay that's enough stalling. Why are you here dad?"

"I was just making sure nothing happened to you and your...girlfriend."

Percy sighed, "dad are we going to have a problem here?"

Poseidon blinked, "problem? Why?"

"Because I'm secretly a Sith Lord, duh," Percy rolled his eyes at the highly sarcasm laced comment, "obviously I mean because I'm dating Thalia."

Poseidon sighed, "she was right. I am a bad liar. Look Percy it's not because she's a daughter of Zeus but because right now she is the chosen one of the prophecy. And I don't need to tell you what is meant to happen to that chosen demigod."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "I'm not going to let that happen to her. Never her."

The God of the Sea sighed, "sometimes Percy we don't have a choice."

"There's always a choice dad, you just have to have the will and courage to pick it."

The God chuckled, "you're only 13 and yet you speak like a God. Sometimes Percy even I underestimate just how amazing you can be."

Percy nodded, "thanks dad."

Poseidon nodded, "and if you're determined about being with Thalia, sign, like I know you are. Then good luck son, you will need it."

Percy laughed, "dad they way you say that is like your expecting her to turn into a demon or something."

"Daughters of Zeus have been known to have...unique personalities," Poseidon smiled, "speaking off, where is Thalia?"

Percy pointed upwards and the sea God looked to the sky. There flying high above the boat like a bird through the sky was Thalia. Ever since she had dived after Percy and unlocked her powers over the wind, Thalia had been using every chance she got to test out her new abilities. She was still a little scared of falling, but for now her fear of heights had been beaten.

"Ah, so she finally accepts her domain over the sky," Poseidon said with a smile, "that's good."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "you knew she couldn't use her wind powers didn't you?"

Poseidon nodded, "yes. It was obvious to anyone who looked. Her powers, though great, was still limited. Like a fire hydrant that had only been half opened. Many of the Gods believe that this was because Thalia rejected the powers to spite Zeus, thought no one is sure why."

Percy nodded, 'well maybe it has something to do with the fact that she's afraid of heights. But now that she had finally gotten over that fear, just by a narrow margin, she can access more of her powers.'

Thalia slowly came back down towards the boat and glided down. She landed gracefully and smiled at Poseidon, "hello."

Poseidon smiled, "hello Thalia."

"So….ah, why are you here?" Thalia asked.

"Because he wanted to make sure we were still alive," Percy told her as he kissed her on the cheek.

Thalia blushed, "Percy your dad-"

"-Oh it's alright," Poseidon waved her concern off, "I have seen and done plenty worse. Just...be careful with your displays of affection. You never know who is watching you."

Thalia and Percy nodded. Percy then began to speak, "so….did you need anything else?"

Poseidon blinked, "oh, right. Well I'll ah, I'll just be on my way. Oh! And before I forget, there is meeting on Olympus around 4. Come there after you return to Eagle to the Romans and bring Alcyoneus, we need him if we are going to convince Zeus."

Percy and Thalia nodded, "got it dad."

Poseidon nodded as he turned to Thalia, "niece."

Thalia bowed back. Percy suddenly remembered something, "oh dad and before you go, remember that thing you said about forgoing me some new armour?"

Poseidon nodded, "yes, what about it?"

"Wait one second," Percy opened his inventory and quickly looked through it. "Here," Percy said as he reached in and pulled out one large heavy looking black armoured chest piece that was dented in the center in the form of a fist;

Galvron chest piece;

A piece of armour that is made out of Galvron and is considered nearly indestructible.

+20% to MP

+10% to HP

+ 70% to elvish magic

Durability- 720/800

Poseidon's eyes widened, "P-Percy, is that….Galvron?"

Percy nodded, "yup, got it as a reward in one of my dungeons. But it's obviously too big for me to use, not to mention that dent in the center. I couldn't' really ask any of the Hephaestus kids to reforge it, they aren't skilled enough. I was hoping you could try and see if your forgers would be better suited to the task."

Poseidon nodded dumbly, "I'll certainly try. I must say, you never seize to surprise me Percy. Did you make this dent?"

Percy nodded, "yeah, and let me tell you it was a pain in the ass to do so."

Poseidon agreed blankly, "I would imagine so. This thing is just a few levels down from celestial bronze, which is unbreakable, well by the normal means anyway. Galvron is a very….mana sensitive metal, unlike celestial bronze. We can create a wide variety of use for it. And with this much, one can only imagine the variety of charms one can weave into it."

Percy was surprised, "I didn't realise it was that amazing."

"Oh but it is," Poseidon grabbed the chest piece, "I'll personally make sure you get the best piece of armour you can Percy, even if I have to call in a favour from Hephaestus himself."

Percy smiled, "thanks dad. See you at Olympus I guess."

Poseidon nodded and waved his trident disappearing in a flash of light.

Percy groaned as he blinked away the temporary blindness, "I have got to learn how to do that."

Thalia laughed as she kissed him on the check, "I think your over powered as it is honey."

Percy smiled, "did you just call me honey?"


Percy smiled, "I kind of like it….Sparky."

Thalia groaned as she turned around to walk back inside, "just get in there cook me some dinner."

Percy smiled, "well then turn on the TV, let's see what Nigella's cooking tonight," Percy smacked her ass, "honey." Thalia smiled and kissed Percy as they walked back in.

The Next Day Early Morning;

The Trident Mobile arrived in the San Francisco bay at 6 in the morning. The entire area was clear of all types marine traffic as Percy easily found port 8 and docked the ship with ease. He retired the boat to the dock and quickly the two demigods got out of the ship.

"I'm going to miss this boat," Thalia said with a sigh.

Percy smiled, "yeah, it was awesome. It sailed like a dream. I'm going to miss the peace and quiet we got in there. Plus all the macking out."

Thalia giggled, "well that last thing we can do anywhere, but yeah, it was a nice trip. We got three days to ourselves. Maybe we should do this again sometime."

Percy smiled, "yeah. Maybe I'll buy my own boat and we can go on a weekend cruise or something. Just the two of us. No demigod problems, no threat of war or stupid prophecies hanging over our heads."

Thalia smiled, "that would be nice. But...can you afford a thing like this?"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "Thalia, I have a dagger made out of diamonds in my inventory. My first gift to you as a boyfriend was a fucking gold tiara. Alcyoneus was a pain in the ass to defeat, but at least he gave us a pretty good reward for doing so."

Thalia nodded, "yeah, but do you even have anyone who could cash in all that? Last time I checked trying to sell a dagger made of solid diamonds isn't really all that common. I mean it's not like you can just go into a jeweler and and demand he buys it from you."

Percy nodded, "yeah, but I have a plan in mind for that, don't' worry. Now, let's get you back into camp, I'm sure Jason has been waiting for you day in and day out."

Thalia nodded as Percy picked her up and carefully slid her into his inventory. Percy put on his goggles and took off into the city.

Percy passed the Oakland Bay bridge and entered Berkley in seconds. As Percy was running he realised that he was feeling colder. Without his jacket to protect him Percy's skin started to feel the wind hitting him. It didn't hurt, but it was annoying.

Percy eventually reached the Caldecott Tunnel and sure enough two roman guards were positioned outside the entrance.

Percy stopped in front of them startling but the guards. The lowered their spear, "who are you?!"

Percy up his hands up, "I'm a friend."

One of the guards blinked, "Percy?"

Percy turned and smiled recognizing the gaurd, "hello Donny."

Donny looked at Percy once over, "you-you came back?!"

Percy smirked, "did you really think I wouldn't?"

Donny took off his helmet and looked at Percy, "did you even go to Alaska? You were go for what? 3 days? And where's Thalia? And why do you sound so different?!"

Percy smiled, "I did travel to Alaska, and yes, I did manage to finish the quest. And I sound different because my voice finally cracked. Oh and as for Thalia," Percy opened his inventory and took Thalia out.

Thalia looked around, "I'm still not used to that," she then noticed Donny and waved at him, "oh hey Donny."

"Wait, if you both are back then...did you do it? Did you get the Eagle?"

Percy smirked as he reached into his inventory and pulled out the golden Eagle on the 12th Legion. Donny and the other gaurd started at the sight of the Eagle. It was magnificent in their eyes. The two Romans bowed deeply at the sight of the Eagle.

Percy gave the Eagle to Thalia, "here you take it inside."

Thalia blinked, "why?"

"Because you're the daughter of Jupiter. It's your duty." Percy then looked up at the Eagle, it was still covered with ice particles around it's beak and wings. It was slowly melting now, thanks to the San Francisco weather, but Percy didn't want to wait.

Using his ice powers Percy destroyed the ice on the Eagle making it shine like a brightly in the morning rays of the sun. Percy smile and for a second he swore the Eagle smiled back.

"I will lead you back inside," Donny told them as he opened the entrance for them.

Thalia looked to Percy and the demigod nodded. Thalia walked first followed by Percy and then Donny. They walked across the tunnel until the valley came into view.

The sun had just risen over Camp Jupiter and the people inside the camp were busy starting the day. Suddenly every roman in the camp felt something inside them stear. Something powerful. They all turned as one and looked to the entrance tunnel and sure enough they saw something that most never expected to see ever again.

Slowly more and more people gathered at the the entrance to the Roman Encampment as they saw the golden Eagle of the 12th Legion approach them. Holding the Eagle high up was Thalia, her eyes were focused and sharp like the Eagle. Behind her was Percy looking calm and collected and behind him was Donny looking ahead in pure disbelief.

As they approached the Little Timber Thalia stopped and Percy stepped up. He froze the surface of the water and then used his water powers to make the icy platform stay in the same position. Thali walked on top of the ice without hesitation, she trusted in Percy's powers. Donn looked less confident but didn't want to be left behind.

They entered the roman camp and slowly the gathered crowd split down the middle giving way for them to enter the camp. Donny stayed back as Thalia and Percy walked to the center of the camp. They reached the crossroads in the middle of the Roman encampment and stood there.

"Remember, just like we planned," Thalia whispered.

"Romans!" Percy shouted out, "we were given an impossible task by the Senate. A task that was no doubt meant to lead us to our deaths! It seems that the tendencies of Senate to kill the messengers of peace hasn't changed since the time of Caesar, only now instead of daggers they use impossible tasks!"

A wave of murmurs went through the crowd, Percy's deeper tone of voice caused a lot of people to take him more seriously. So he continued.

"But we have succeeded! Where you have failed we did not. And now, we give this back to you, this Eagle was a symbol of your Legion's power, you lost it only to be returned to you by two Greek demigods! Think of this not as a gesture of to Elitist, but as a symbol of brotherhood. We only ever wished for one thing, peace between our camps!

"The Titans are coming and only united can we find victory," Percy said in a low tone, everyone had to strain to hear, but that just made everyone far more interested in what Percy was saying.

"Greek," a voice in the crowd said. Percy and Thalia turned to see the one who had spoke was Jason.

Soon another person spoke, "Greek."

Slowly more carried the chant, "Greek. Greek! Greek! Greek! GREEK! GREEK! GREEK!"

The entire legion started the chant, every cohort, every legion, every Larus even the unicorns. That day the people of New Rome woke up to the chant of 'Greek' coming from the roman Legion, and they knew something big had just happened.

Percy and Thalia smiled at the sound of the Romans chanting. Percy walked up to her and held on to the Eagle, "follow my lead."

Thalia nodded. Percy then raised the Eagle high into the sky, "Twelfth Legion Fulminata!"

Suddenly thunder roared out of the Eagle shooting upwards into the sky.

Thalia and the others quickly chanted the same, "Twelfth Legion Fulminata!"


Quest completed!

Go to Alaska, find and retrieve the Golden Eagle!


You will be considered as a friend of the 12th Roman Legion forever

Honorary membership

200,000 Exp

10 points



You have leveled up twice!

Percy Jackson

Health- 12,650/12,650 (+1000) = 13,650

Mana- 7,100/7,100 (+1000) = 8,100 (+20% more mana, +1,620) = 9,720

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-44 Exp- 65,860/121,000


STR-100(+20)=120 (Multiseal – 6- 1.5(+20)=21.5)







MONEY- 688,043$/ 856D

That day was the day the roman camp realised that though the Greeks were different, they were still some part of them to similar to deny. Every Legionnaire there that witnessed the lighting called forth by the Eagle knew that even though it was a Greek that did so, it was a Greek worthy of their respect.

"Percy! Percy! PERCY!" One group of people chanted.

"Thalia! Thalia! THALIA!" Went another.

Soon the people all died down and Julia and Rob, both looking like they had just managed to get their Praetor cloaks on time, walked up to Percy and Thalia. The two Greek handed the Eagle to the Roman Praetors to the cheer of the camp.

Jason ran up and hugged his sister muttering about how much he missed her and how worried he. Hason then turned to Percy and smiled, "thanks for keeping your promise."

Percy grinned, "anytime little bro."

Eventually the cheering all died down. The Praetors ordered everyone back to work as the lead Percy and Thalia to their Principia. This one reminded Percy very ,much of the one back in Alaska, except not that dead. He looked around and sure enough, inside a cupboard were similar books like the ones he found and absorbed back in the Hubbard Glacier, guessed they were standard issue.

"How did you even find this?" Julia asked once they were alone in the Principia. Rob stood next to his fellow Praetor as they both admired the golden Eagle.

"A giant named Alcyoneus was guarding it," Thalia told them, "he killed the Romans that went to the glacier. He also tried to kill us, but we got to him first."

Julia nodded as she gave the Eagle to Rob. The son of Mars carefully opened a display to the back wall and put the Eagle inside it closing it shut.

Percy narrowed his eyes, "I don't' think it belongs in there."

Julia raised an eyebrow, "why do you think that?"

"Because of how I found it," Percy said, "I found it being held up by the dead bodies of the roman soldiers. They were dead, but they used their bodies to support the Eagle, holding it up despite all the years. I and Thalia have made sure it never touched the ground to honour the memory of those who gave their lives to protect it. And now, seeing it locked away...it just doesn't seem right."

Rob chuckled, "you're talking more and more like a Roman Jackson. We might make a capable warrior out of you yet."

Julia nodded, "yes. You are right. Maybe we can create a flag post or some kind of memorial in the middle of the camp site with the Eagle standing in the center. It's sight will inspire the soldiers and serves to remind us of what was lost."

Rob smiled, "that's a great idea Julia!"

The big breasted girl nodded, "yes. It is. Rob is right Percy," she looked at him, "you are thinking more and more like a Roman."

"How so?"

"That speech you gave, it was very….deceptive, to say the least. In just a few words you managed to turn those who previously hated you into allies and turn their eyes onto the senate who will no doubt try and worm their way out of the spot light. I have it on good authority that the Senate was planning on calling you and Thalia as thieves claiming that you wished to steal the Eagle. They wanted the Eagle back, but didn't want to ally themselves with you. They were willing to go against the Gods in order to make sure that New Rome was not involved in the war. But with your little speech….you basically put a wrench into their plans."

"We know," Thalia said smirking, "that's why we planned that speech out well in advance."

Rob looked surprised, "what?"

Percy smiled, "we had a lot of time kill on the way back. So we got to talking, and then one question came up. 'Why would a Roman Senate try allow two Greek demigods to try and obtain their greatest symbol'? Things just didn't add up. So we put our heads together and we realised what their game plan was."

"We didn't know the exact details about how they were going to stab us in the back, we just knew they would," Thalia said, "so Percy came up with the speech and the rest was history."

"I see," Julia said after taking a moment to process the information, "you two would do well in politics."

"Not really," Percy said, "we both would rather fight them on the battlefield than in a closed senate building."

"But that also doesn't mean we are stupid," Thalia said.

Julia nodded, "that's good. Well...I suppose it is time to go see the senate. No doubt those old farts have already called a meeting to discuss what has just happened."

Rob nodded, "one bad thing that I will admit about Roman, we take a long as time to get things done. Oh and Percy, you ah, you sound kind of….different. Your voice is like super deep."

Percy chuckled, "yeah, I know. My voice cracked."

Julia raised an eyebrow, "I must say this is…..different. Your voice has gotten much deeper, thought not to the extent that you become unrecognizable."

Percy shrugged, "you say that, Thalia says that, but I honestly can't tell. Oh, and one more thing. While there I found a few things you all might want to get back."

Rob raised an eyebrow, "like what?"

Percy smiled.

Inside the armoury;

Several Roman soldiers looked through the door and windows of the armoury and watched with disbelieving eyes and open mouths at the sight before them.

Percy kept reaching in and pulling out several imperial gold weapons from his inventory. Julie and Rob's stood next to him and watched as the mountain of gold just kept coming out.

"H-how much did you find?!" Rob asked as he sees all the new imperial weapons and armour that the legion now owned.

"A lot," Thalia replied with a yawn.

"How can you do that?!" Rob asked with a yell.

"What? I was sleepy. I was up all night...ah, doing stuff."

"Not that! I mean just stand there and pretend to not see the mountain of weapons that Percy is bringing out of nowhere?!"

Thalia shrugged, "I have seen him do it before, it's no big deal."

Rob tugged on his hair in anger, he wanted to pull them out in frustration, "you Greeks are crazy!"

Percy took out the last of the imperial weapons and smiled, "damn that's a lot of weapons."

Julia gulped, "i-is that all?"

Percy blinked, "no there is just one last thing." Percy then increased the size of his inventory box and pulled out the solid imperial gold chariot he had found. "There, with this it's done."

Even the stoic Julia had her jaw on the floor. The Romans began to talk as word got around about all the returned weapons and tools that Percy had brought back. Once more the popularity of the Greeks and the son of Poseidon only increased.

After the matter of the weapons deposits were resolved Julia and Rob brought them back to New Rome. After an unbearable criticism of Thalia's hair and clothes by Terminus they entered the city once more.

This time when they entered the senate Percy found that is was full to the brim. It seemed like every legion and every high ranking member of New Rome was in there. From their titles Percy knew that they were big shots. He saw the principal and the dean of the New Rome college setting somewhere in there along with the mayor of New Rome and the members of the Senate.

Percy and Thalia were lead to the front row and the moment the Romans saw them they burst into cheers. Everyone called out their names, the Laurs, the Legionnaires even a couple Senators. Percy smile and waved leading them on while Thalia simply smiled, she still didn't like so much attention on her.

Julia and Rob got up in stage and began the senate. Slowly everyone quieted down as Julia began, "we all know why we are here today. This is the day that the symbol of the camp was returned to us."

The crowd exploded into cheers again while Julia waited patiently for them to stop. After they did she continued, "the Eagle was returned to us by two Greeks who had come to us on a mission of peace and brotherhood. This was the will of the Gods, to unite the camps. But despite that we needed to be certain of their genuinity. So they were sent on a quest none thought they would return from or let alone complete," Julia glared at the Senators. Her actions were mimicked by several other people in the room putting all the Senators on the hot seat.

"But now they have returned," Julia said earning her another cheer, "and as such they have given us the final proof we need to know that we can trust them. The Titans are amassing their army. It is time we demigods did the same."

The room burst into cheers of approval as Julia motioned for Percy and Thalia to come on stage. The demigods did just that as the crowd cheered even louder. Percy looked at Thalia and she motioned him to speak.

"Hello," Percy began, "most of you may already know, but I'd like to introduce myself properly. My name is Percy Jackson, and I am the son of Poseidon." The crowd slowly quieted down as every listened to what Percy was saying, "I was born in Manhattan and I have basically lived my life as a person from the outside looking in. I'm sure everyone here can relate."

Everyone there nodded in agreement, "but then I found camp Half-Blood, the Greek Camp. There I had a home, a family, people I cared about. But now Saturn has returned and with him the forces of the Titans gather. We Greeks are powerful, but few in numbers. If we could fight this by ourselves we would, but we can't, nor should we. All this while I though my family stretched only to the Greek camp, but no. I was wrong. Even if you all are Romans, you are my family as well. And though I may not have spent much time here to have much right to say so, but I truly believe that each and everyone of us are willing to die for each other."

The crowd cheered and Percy waited for them to die down, "The Greek camp is in Montauk. It is on a place called Half-Blood Hill right next to a field of fresh strawberries and the sea. We know where you all live, so I feel it is only fair that you know where we live. So tell me, will you stand by us and fight for Olympus?!"

The crowd yelled out in one voice, "Etiam!"

Percy knew that meant yes, "will you fight by my side as we drive Saturn as his army back to Tartarus?!"


"Will you fight by our side to gain glory and victory?!"


Percy nodded and turned to the senators, "what say you members of the senate?"

They looked at each other as Edgar slowly got and looked at Percy. He did the roman salute, "Twelfth Legion Fulminata!"

"Twelfth Legion Fulminata!" the crowd repeated.

Percy smiled, "a yes would have sufficed."

The crowd chuckled at Percy's joke while Edgar spoke up, "before you leave there is one last matter to attend to."

Percy and Thalia looked to each other and Thalia spoke up, "what?"

"Technically no one other than a member of the Twelfth Legion is allowed to touch the Eagle. If they do it is required by law for us to kill them."

The crowd erupted in outrage as every started to boo them left and right.

"How dare you even suggest that Edgar?!" an angry Larus shouted out.

"Fools!" Another roman shouted.

"They are not traitors!"

"Fuck the rules!"

"Enough!"Edgar shouted, "I do not plan on killing them! If you all had let me finish I would have told you that we in the senate have come up with a solution for this problem."

The crowd quieted down as Edgar sighed in relief, "thank you. Now, yes, technically no one other than a member of the Twelfth Legion is allowed to touch the Eagle. Hence why we make them honorary members."

Julia raised an eyebrow, "what would that entail Senator Edgar?"

"They would be considered member of the Twelfth Legion, but they would not be assigned to any cohort or any position in the Roman army. They will be considered as free lancers and nothing else. It isn't a glorious position or anything of the sort, but it will prevent them from getting killed."

"Bull shit!" the crowd cried out.

"Make them into Legionnaires at the least!" Some yelled.

"Legionaires?! They should be made into Centurions! Or even the Praetors of their camp!"

"Yeah!" another agreed! "If they are the leaders of the Greek camp then they should be considered as the Praetors of their camp!"

Percy and Thalia looked at each other and shrugged.

"Enough!" Julia shouted silencing everyone. She turned to Percy and Thalia, "Percy, Thalia, would it be right to assume that you two are the de facto leaders of your camp?"

"Well I don't know about me but-" Thalia began only to be cut off by Percy.

"Yes. Yes we are."

Julia nodded, "very well. Then as far as we are concerned you two are the Praetors of the Greek camp, meaning you deserves that level of respect," she turned to the collected senate, "Roman shall recognize Percy Jackson and Thalia Grace as the Praetor's of the Greek Camp! Does anyone have a problem with that?!"

"NO!" the room shouted in one voice.

Julia nodded, "good. Now where the Pluto is Octavian?!"

"Here ma'am!" The thin legacy of Apollo spoke up standing up from the crowd.

"Get up here! We have two new legionaries to induct!"

"Yes ma'am!"

Octavian ran up as fast as he could and stood next to Percy and Thalia. The blonde boy cleared his throat, "do you both swear to serve the Senate and Rome with your lives?"

"They aren't Roman you moron!" somebody from the crowd screamed causing everyone to laugh at the legacy of Apollo.

Activation blushed but said nothing. He couldn't do anything but stand there and take it. Percy looked at young boy and saw hatred brewing in his eyes. Percy knew Octavian would be someone to look out for in the future, with that much blind hate inside him….he might just try something in the future.

"Olympus," Percy spoke up silencing everyone, "we pledge to serve the demigods of Olympus and Olympus itself."

Octavian saw his way out and took it. "Right," he nodded, "present your right arms."

Thalia stepped up first. She rolled her jacket's sleeve and presented her forearm to Octavian. Percy watched like a hawk as Octavian passed his hand over Thalia's forearm.

Suddenly Thalia winced in pain, Percy went to try and stop whatever Octavian was doing but Julia held him back, "it's part of the process."

Percy nodded and watched with rapt eyes as several symbols were burnt into Thalia's arms. The first was an Eagle with it's wings spread open looking like it was going to catch something with it's talons. Below that were the words OLYMPUS with one horizontal black line below the words.

Octavian stared suprised at the words, "that's never happened before."

"What's never happened before?" Percy stepped up and asked.

"Her words are different," Julia murmured as she held Thalia's hand, "it seems since you swore yourselves to Olympus and not Roman your words are different. No matter, it is not a problem."

Octavian nodded, "right. Next please."

Percy nodded as he stepped up. He presented his arms and Octavian blinked in confusion. Percy raised an eyebrow, "something the matter?"

Octavian looked up, "you already have a tattoo on your forearm," Octavian points to the chain seals that Percy had around his hand, "the mark will not be clearly seen."

"I see," Percy hummed, "is there anywhere else you can put it?"

Octavian hummed, "well in ancient Rome many would put the mark on their chest but it extremely painful to do so and-"

"Do it," Percy interrupted him.

Octavian blinked, "are you sure? It is a very painful process and-"

"Just do it," Percy repeated himself as he took off his shirt presenting his chest to Octavian.

The effects of Goblin's growth was clearly seen as Percy's muscles were bulging with power. They weren't big like a weightlifter, but they contained a lot of power within them. Thalia blushed along with some of the other female romans at the sight of his body.

"Damn boy give me some of that!" a female demigod called out causing the rest of the female population to cat call Percy. Thalia frowned at but said nothing, after all it wouldn't do for the daughter of Zeus to blast a bitch in the middle of a Senate, no, that wouldn't do at all.

"I must say that I jealous you get to have that," Julia sighed, "if only he was available."

Thalia blinked as she snapped her head towards Julia, "how did you-"

"-How did I know? Pretty easily actually. The way you two act around each other and the way you two look at each other gives plenty of evidence to the status of your relationship. If you didn't want anyone to know I would recommend you hide it better."

Thalia didn't know what to say. She just looked on at the Praetor and noded with a surprised look on her face.

Octavian pressed his hand over Percy's chest and slowly the skin started to burn. Octavian looked up to see whether this was causing Percy any pain, only to find the son of Poseidon look at him with emotionless eyes.

"Doesn't this hurt?" Octavian asked.

Percy chuckled, "you underestimate me Octavian. It is rare that I feel any pain. Many have tried, Hyperion tired to burn me, the minotaur and Alecto herself have tried to kill me. I have fought demons and even Gergosas. I have faced a God of the Sea and I left him nothing but ashes spread along the ocean floor. Two days ago I fought the Giant who is born to fight and kill Pluto. And do you know what I did to him?"

Octavian was growing paler and paler, "n-no."

"I threw a mountain on him," Percy said as his skin finally stopped burning, "that is the enemy you wish to make Octavian. Now tell me, do you think that is a wise choice?"

The Legacy blinked, "I I'm not your enemy Percy I-"

"-Shut up," Percy hissed, "I can see it you eyes. The anger, the hate. Don't lie to me Augur, you won't like what happens next."

Octavian nodded as Percy stepped away. He looked down at the make he obtained. It was a trident on top with the words OLYMPUS written below. And underneath those words was one bar.

Percy quickly put on his shirt, much to the disappointment to the ladies gathered, and Julia stepped up. "Romans! I present to you, the Praetors of the Greek camp! Percy Jackson and Thalia Grace!"

The Romans cheered as most got on their feet. The cheering lasted for a while, and soon the alliance between the Greeks and the Romans was finalised.

A couple of Hours later,

"Do you have to go?" Jason asked. Thalia, Percy and the romans all stood at the entrance to the service tunnel. After a heavy lunch everyone gathered here to say their goodbyes.

"I don't want to leave little bro, but I have to," Thalia told him wrapping him in a hug, "I am needed back in camp Half-blood, plus that's my home. Just like camp Jupiter is yours."

Jason nodded sadly, "yeah. I guess."

Thalia smiled, "don't look so glum chum! I promise to visit often! In fact if I have to I'll have Percy bring me here every week!"

Jason blinked, "is that even possible?"

Thalia shrugged, "like I care. That's his problem."

Percy in the meanwhile stood to the corner with Julia and Rob talking about the new alliance.

"So I'll send a few of the cabin members here," Percy told them, "could you guys teach them how to lead? If there is one thing I am willing to admit the Romans do better is that you guys can fight as one. We need that."

Julia nodded, "agreed. Send the demigods in a week's time. We shall have something ready for you by then."

"And what do we get in return?" Rob asked lifting an eyebrow.

Julia elbowed him in the gut, "Percy has given more than enough to us in exchange for a simple lesson that we give to every roman Legionaire. I think it is us who still owes him a few favours."

Rob pouted as Percy chuckled. "No, Rob's right. In exchange I am willing to help train your fighters in different battle scenarios. Heard from Jason that you guys have war games?" Julia nodded, "well then what I'm going to give is my own personal version of said games."

"What's it going to contain?" Rob asked.

Percy winked, "that's a secret." Julia chuckled while Rob groaned. "By the way Julia," Percy turned to the female Praetor, "that law Edgar mentioned, about killing anyone who touched the Eagle who isn't roman? That was how they were planning on betraying us wasn't it?"

Julia sighed but nodded, "yes, that was."

Percy nodded, "glad we avoided that then. Who introduced the idea?"

"I can't say for sure….but many believe that Octavian did it."

Percy sighed, "then it's a good thing I warned him off."

"Percy!" Thalia called him over.

"Coming!" Percy called back. He turned to his new two friends, "we'll, see you in a week's time I guess."

Rob and Julia nodded. Percy then joined Thalia and said a final goodbye to Jason. After waving goodbye at the gathered crowd the two greek demigods turned and walked into the tunnel.

"I'm going to miss those guys," Percy commented.

"I'm going to miss Jason," Thalia sighed sadly.

Percy hugged her, "don't worry sweetheart. You can visit him anytime you want."

Thalia nodded, "yeah. Wait….did you just call me sweetheart?"

Percy grinned, "yup."

Thalia smiled, "I like it. Anyway….next stop, Olympus."

Percy nodded, "right." Percy looked to the side and saw the blue glowing symbol of the labyrinth on the side of the tunnel. Percy stopped in front of it and approached the symbol.

"Percy?" Thalia asked, "what are you doing?"

"I'm taking a short cut," Percy explained to her as he stood next to the symbol;


You have spotted the entrance to the Labyrinth: Dungeon Lv-20

Do you wish to enter?



Do you wish to fast travel to another known Labyrinth location?


Percy pressed yes for the second option and another box appears;

Please chose the location you would like to travel to;

1. Yancy Academy

2. Camp Half-Blood

3. Central Park

Percy pressed the last option, Central Park, and suddenly the wall on the side of the tunnel opened up revealing a set of stairs leading upwards.

Thalia stood next to Percy, "what the hell is that?"

"It's the Labyrinth," Percy explained, "well, at least the american version of it."

"How did you know how to do that Percy?"

"Because I have seen these before. There is one in camp, one here, one in Central Park and even one in my school. I can somehow control the tunnels to a certain degree and move through it. Using one of these things I can go to any location that I already know off. So technically speaking I can use this tunnel to go directly to-"

"-To Camp," thalia realised, "Percy, can you teach me how to do this?"

Percy shrugged, "I honestly don't know how I'm able to do it Thalia. Maybe we can try later, but for now we have a meeting with the Gods to get too."

Thalia nodded as she followed him into the tunnel. They walked hand in hand for five minutes through the deep multi turning tunnel. It honestly felt like this thing was going on forever and it didn't obey any of the laws of physics.

Fist when they entered it there was a set of stairs that lead upwards and then a small slide that some hor brought them into what looked like the sewers of a city. Then that ended leading into a garden of sorts before a long halfway replaced it.

Thaai was worried they were lost, but Percy didn't look scared at all. It was almost like he knew where he was going. And that confidence of his and her trust in him was the only reason Thalia wasn't freaking out.

Soon however the long tunnel they were in ended and the very end was a ladder that lead up to what looked like a metal hatch.

Percy smiled, "I remember this. My dad took me here for my birthday. The park should be right up here, why don't you go first?"

Thalia nodded and climbed the ladder first followed by Percy. Percy looked up and saw his girlfriend's large ass sticking out as she climbed further and further up. Percy kept pace but made sure that he wasn't close enough that he would end up face first into her behind is for some reason Thalia stopped. Because that would be bad…..yeah….bad.

The daughter of Zeus threw open the hatch and climbed out. Percy followed suit and closed the hatch behind them and covered it with leaves, don't want anyone to find that by accident.

Thalia patted down her clothes as she looked around at the afternoon sky. "Damn," Thalia said as she noticed the people walking around, "we really did manage to go across the country in five minutes."

Percy nodded, "yeah. Cool right?" Percy walked onto the pathway and held out his hand. Thalia smiled as she grabbed onto it as the couple started walking hand in hand.

They drew a lot of curious eyes but for the most part Percy and Thalia were left alone. The two teens eventually reached the Empire State Building where, after Percy threatened the gaurd, they got into the elevator and went to the 600th floor.

The door of the elevator opened up revealing Olympus in all it's glory. Thalia looked around in wonder at the place, she had been here before, but that was at night. It was now in the middle of the afternoon and the entire mountain was abuzz with activity. There were nature spirits and minor gods running all over places, eating, playing and generally having a good time.

Percy and Thalia walked straight up the mountain until they came in front of golden door leading into the throne room. Percy stopped and turned to Thalia, "you ready?"

Thalia nodded, "ready as I'll ever be."

Percy nodded as he pressed his hand against the door and pushed it open. Inside the Olympian council was in full session as every single one of the Gods were argueing with someone else. Ares was fighting Hermes, Apollo was dodging arrows from Artemis while Dionis just sat down next to the hearth with Hestia drinking his soda.

"Enough!" Zeus shouted silencing everyone in the room, "they have returned."

The Gods all stopped what they were doing and slowly turned to see Percy and Thalia standing by the door. Percy looked at them all, Arteis gave Percy a brief node while Poseidon smiled at his son. Hermes waved at him while Ares glared.

"Thalia," Zeus shouted startling the girl, "come forth daughter of mine."

Thalia nodded as she came forward with Percy right behind her. Zeus looked at her and smiled, "have you united the camps?"

Thalia nodded, "yes Lord Zeus, Percy and I managed to find and return the Eagle back to camp Jupiter. " Zeus didn't like Thalia calling him that but he hide it well.

"And I also hear you two have been declared as the Praetors of the Greek camp, yes?" Zeus asked.

Thalia nodded as she took off her jacket presenting her right arm while Percy pulled down his shirt collar low enough to reveal his own marking on his chest.

"One strip?" Zeus said looking applaud, "why for the things you have been through you deserve three!"

"Three brother?" Poseidon asked raising an eyebrow, "what for?"

"One for this quest, one for saving camp Half-blood by sacrificing her life and the other one is the standard one everyone gets when of probation. In fact," Zeus turned to Apollo, "make it so Apollo!"

"At once father," Apollo said as he got off his chair and shrunk down walking towards Thalia.

Apollo was a handsome God, Percy couldn't deny that. The man wore a simple set of loafers, jeans and a sleeveless shirt. He had golden blonde hair with eyes that burned like the the sun, along with a very tanned complexion that complemented his muscles. If there was anyone who could charm himself out of being arrested Percy would bet it would be this guy.

"Hello beautiful," Apollo said with a dashing smile, "may I have your hand?"

Thalia blushed and Percy felt angry take root in his heart. Apollo ran his hand over Thalia's skin, "my, such smooth skin, truly Aphrodite has blessed you with-"

Apollo stopped in his tracks as suddenly a feeling of dread came over him. He slowly turned and saw Percy glaring at him with blood red eyes. Apollo could almost feel the waves of Bloodlust targeted at him, and what's more no one else seemed to notice, even Thalia who he was standing right next to him looked confused as to why Apollo suddenly stopped. It was like all that anger was focused only on him.

Apollo gulped, "ah, I award you with two more lines of duty." Thalia's hand glowed gold and two more black bars appeared on her hand. Percy however didn't stop glaring at the God. Apollo moved to sit back down when Poseidon spoke.

"Wait!" The sea God said, "if Thalia deserves more strips then so does my son."

Apollo paled, "w-what?"

"Well….I suppose you are right," Zeus grumbled, "he did do many a service for us."

"Yes he did," Artemis nodded, "he returned the lightning bolt and the helmet of darkness. He fought back Hyperion and revived the souls of the dead demigods. He destroyed Argo's base, defeated Janai'ngo-"

"What?!" Zeus roared, "he defeated what?!"

"Yes brother, he defeated a Great Old one," Poseidon said with a smirk, "didn't I tell you that?"

Zeus looked like he wanted to argue further but Artemis cut him off, "as I was saying," she glared at her father. "He defeated Janai'ngo, helped return the Golden Fleece and brought back information regarding Kronos's revival. By my count that's a total of six stripes, not including the one he has."

"Wait," Athena frowned, "do you not count as returning the helm and warning us about Kronos as noteworthy tasks?"

Artemis frowned, "I wasn't sure. Both of them were considered bonuses than anything else."

"Let's add it," Athena said, "plus let us not forget the standard one everyone gets when joining camp."

Zeus paled, "9...9 stripes?!"

Poseidon grinned at his brother, "yup. Apollo, make it so!"

Apollo turned to Zeus who gave him permission to do so, albeit after Poseidon sent a blast of water into his face.

Apollo approached Percy and smiled, "hey little cousin."

Percy glared but didn't say anything. He lowered his shirt collar and let Apollo hover his hand over his chest.

"I award you 8 more strips of duty!"

Percy's skin glowed as the marks appeared. Percy formed, 'so the process is painless. Octavian, that little worm!'

Apollo carefully moved away as Percy continued to glare at him. It wasn't until the God was back in his giant form and on his throne that Percy looked away.

"Now," Zeus said returning to duty mode, "did you find the giant?"

Thalia nodded, "we found him guarding the Eagle. We fought Alcyoneus and Percy managed to capture him."

The Gods began to argue again. "I told you he could do it!" Poseidon shouted.

"War! War! War!" Ares yelled out in happiness.

"Troublesum," Dionisis muttered.

"How did a Giant reform without our knowledge?" Athena asked to no one in particular.

"And yet again you go and do something stupid Perseus," Artemis muttered as she looked down at the boy, "when will you learn to not bite off more than you can choose?"

Percy chuckled, "glad to see you too Artemis. How have the Hunters been? Killed any monster's lately?"

"They are all fine, thank you for asking. What happened to your voice Percy?" Artemis asked in a worried tone, "did the cold get to you?"

Percy chuckled, "not really, I think this is just how it's going to sound form now on. Puberty you know?"

Artemis shrugged, "I really wouldn't. Gods don't go through puberty, well we do, but not like you humans."

"ENOUGH!" Zeus yelled as he rose up and threw a lighting bolt into the marble floor.


Percy and Thalia covered their ears. The lighting cause a dull ringing in their ears which eventually went away.

"We shall discuss this after we see evidence of Alcyoneus's revival," Zeus said quieting everyone. He turned to Percy and narrowed his eyes, "bring him forth"

Percy nodded, "right." Percy opened his inventory and increased it's size. He then activated his Body Form and reached into his inventory and grabbed Alcyoneus. He pulled the metal limbless giant out of his inventory and laid him out on the floor of the throne room.

The Gods gasped.


Quest Completed!

Bring Alcyoneus to Olympus, alive!


100,000 Exp

Skill disk- Level 10


You have leveled up!

Percy Jackson

Health- 13,200/13,200 (+1000) = 14,200

Mana- 7,400/7,400 (+1000) = 8,400 (+20% more mana, +1,680) = 10,080

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-45 Exp- 44,860/123,000


STR-100(+20)=120 (Multiseal – 6- 1.5(+20)=21.5)







MONEY- 688,043$/ 856D

A skill disk spread in mid air, but Percy quickly grabbed and pocketed before anyone noticed. It helped that the Gods were all staring at the Giant on the ground.

"Hephaestus restrain him quickly!" Zeus ordered his son. The God of the forge nodded as he snapped his fingers causing chains made out of celestial bronze to appear around Alcyoneus binding the giant.

"Where are his limbs?" Apollo asked.

"Didn't want to risk him get away," Percy said with a shrug.

Apollo bleached, "damn dude. That's ice cold."

Percy glared, "yeah I know."

"Hey! Why are you giving me that look?!"

"It's because he knows your a moron, moron," Artemis said with a girn.

'Actually it's because you cursed me and every other child of Poseidon with poor aim, but yeah, also the moron thing,' Percy thought that but kept quiet.

"Apollo wake him up," Zeus said, "we need to question him."

Apollo nodded as he snapped his finger as Alcyoneus startled awake. He started to squirm and look around in a panic as he suddenly realised that he had no limbs and that he was currently on the floor of his enemies base.

Alcyoneus growled as he looked at Percy, "you!"

"Hey Megatron," Percy waved, "nice to see you again."

"I swear on the Styx boy! I swear I will have my revenge on you! You and everyone you care about will die! So says Alcyoneus! Son of Gaea and bane of Hades!"

Thunder rumbled but no one was fazed by the threat. Percy was worried, but he knew that the giant was harmless now. Well, at least he hoped he was.

"Alcyoneus," Zeus grumbled, "so it is true. You have returned."

Alcyoneus spat out a wad of oil, "fuck you!"

"Have any of your brothers returned?" Zeus asked ignoring that outburst, "is Gaea awakening again?"

Alcyoneus laughed, "as if I would ever tell you!"

"Why are you alive?!" Zeus slammed his fist down, "tell me!"

"To destroy Olympus!" Alcyoneus roared, "the Giants will return! And we will kill you all!"

"Are you allied with the Titans?" Athena asked.

Alcyoneus laughed, "as if I we would ever join those weaklings! When we giants rule we will destroy all other pretenders, meaning you Gods and Titans will fall to us!"

Percy chuckled, "pathetic."

The Olympians turned to him as Alcyoneus struggled to look back at Percy.

Percy continued, "I'm a demigod, and I kicked you ass. What hope do the rest of your brothers have?"

The Gods all smiled while Alcyoneus looked pale. The Giant growled, "when we return we will have an army out our side and Gaea will help lead us to victory! Then we shall see who the pathetic one is Jackson!"

Percy shrugged as Zeus continued, "Gaea is steering? How is this possible?! Why is she waking up now?!"

Alcyoneus grinned hearing the panic in Zeus's voice, "she raises because of the Titan's return. She may not be here when the titans kill you all, but she will be there to help us destroy the Titans and the world!"

"That means she will not return until the Titan war is over," Poseidon assured Zeus, "we have time to prepare brother."

Zeus nodded, "I know. Fine, we shall deal with her when the time comes. For now….for now we focus on the battle at hand. The titans first, then the giants."

"Then what do we do about him?" Hermes asked pointing at Alcyoneus.

Zeus summoned a lightning bolt and sent it at Alcyoneus destroying him like he was nothing. The Giant slowly started to fade away leaving behind his golden skin, platinum bones, silver muscles, several pieces of precious stone and a solid heart made out of diamonds that was as big as Percy's head.


You have gained 300,000 Exp from assisting to kill Alcyoneus!

Ping! Ping!

You have leveled up twice!

Percy Jackson

Health- 14,300/14,300 (+1000) = 15,300

Mana- 7,700/7,700 (+1000) = 8,700 (+20% more mana, +1,740) = 10,440

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-47 Exp- 96,860/127,000


STR-100(+20)=120 (Multiseal – 6- 1.5(+20)=21.5)







MONEY- 688,043$/ 856D


Perk- Chimera's blood has been activated! Which trait of Alcyoneus's do wish for?

Precious metals and stones manipulation

Controlling the dead

Percy was surprised at this as he quickly selected and read up on the tow. To the Gods it just looked like Percy's eyes were roaming around the room and chalked it up to his ADHD acting up. But Thalia was worried about her boyfriend.

Precious metals and stones manipulation,

Allows user to summon precious stones and metals from underneath the Earth. The amount of mana needed will depend on the rarity of the metal being summoned.

Controlling the dead,

All the undead will obey includes zombies, ghost, vampires and anything which has ever felt the cold touch of death.

Both perks were so powerful and useful Percy didn't know which to pick. But the answer was obvious from the start. Commanding the dead was cool and all, but it was still too much of a Hades thing for him. And while controlling metal and all that was also a Hades thing Percy didn't really care, after all he saw the precious metals and all more as Pluto's domain than Hades's.

Percy selected the precious metals perks and the boxes vanished. Percy decided to use his crystal to enslave Alcyoneus later, after all if the Giant suddenly reformed in front of the Gods and then bowed to Percy and called him 'Master'...well you get the picture.

Percy then looked around and saw the metals left behind by the destruction of Alcyoneus's body.

"Ah, guys," Percy said turning the attention of the gods to him, "do you mind if we take those? They are technically ours by conquest."

Zeus shrugged, "sure, but make sure Thalia get's her half. After all she played important role in defeating Alcyoneus."

"Actually I didn't really do anything," Thalia admitted, "Percy was the one who threw a mountain on him."

The gods were taken back by that statement as Percy took of in super speed gathering all of the stones and precious metal and throwing them in this inventory.

"You have gotten faster," Artemis commented, "again."

Percy nodded, "yeah, I'm been working on it."

"Percy," Poseidon spoke up, "what's this I hear about you throwing a mountain?"

Percy shrugged, "I didn't really throw it. More like broke off a piece from the top and then slide it down the side of the mountain."

The Gods were mostly amazed while Zeus looked worried but said nothing.

"I guess then that it was a good thing we noted the camps," Hera said in a smug tone, "else we would not have known about Alcyoneus or Gaea."

Zeus sighed, "yes dear. You were right."

Hera smiled, "as usual."

"Hera," Thalia spoke up, "can I ask you something?"

Hera glared at Thalia but nodded.

"Why didn't you kill Jason?" Thalia asked bluntly, "my mother told me that she had to give up Jason for our safety, that you took him as revenge on Zeus."

Hera sighed, "that is obviously not true. Your mothers was a -" Hera stopped herself as Thalia glared at her. The Queen of the Gods cleared her throat and spoke again, "-she wasn't perfect. She could barely raise you. Add to the fact that Jason was Roman and you were Greek meant that you two had to be separated."

"But why didn't you hurt him?" Thalia asked.

"Are you asking me why I didn't hurt a baby?"

Thalia shrugged, "you kind of hate all children of Zeus don't you?"

Hera rolled her eyes and looked at her husband, "do you see what sort of reputation I get because of you?! Do you?!"

Zeus cringed as he held his head in his arms, "sorry dear."

Hera huffed and turned to Thalia, "for your information, no. I don't hate all children of Zeus. Just most of them. Jason however is an exception. The boy is kind and caring," Hera said with a smile, "very much unlike Zeus."

The King of the Gods sighed as Thalia spoke up again, "do you hate me?"

Hera nodded, "a little bit. As much as I would like it, you are still the embodiment of my husband's infidelity. Though you have earned my respect for dieing to save your friends and family, you also are a constant reminder to me that Zeus cheated on me."

Thalia nodded as she looked down in shame. Hera saw this and felt sorry, "plus your hair and attitude are applying," Hera said with smile, "why if you keep going on like this you will never get someone to date you."

Percy knew Hera was trying to be funny, but that didn't really help Thalia feel better about herself. Though she did smile at dateing comment, though for a completely different reason that what Hera assumed.

"You don't really have to worry about that," Aphrodite suddenly spoke up. Everyone turned to her as the Goddess was adding on her makeup, "she already has a boyfriend."

"WHAT?!" Zeus roared, "WHO?!"

Percy and Thalia paled as they tried to stop Aphrodite. But before they could do or say anything she goddess of love spoke up, "Percy, duh."

Suddenly all eyes turned to Percy and Thalia who looked like they had just got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Slowly their cheeks began filling with a red hue as they faced down all 13 pairs of eyes in that room, including Hestia.

Poseidon had a look saying, 'I told you so' pointed at them. Hera looked a mixture between surprised and happy while Artemis had a mask of neutrality blocking all signs of her emotions. Hermes looked shocked while Ares didn't care. Dionysus looked surprised while Hestia just smiled.

And Zeus….well…..

"WHAAATTTT?!" Zeus roared.

Super important Note!: I recently haven been thinking a lot about the PercyXArtemis pairing and I have began to wonder if I should change it. In all honest I was going to only have Thalia and Percy be together for some time before things went South, but the demigoddess got to me, so I have put up a poll on my profile, please go to it and vote. It will be open for at least a month, so be sure you vote.

So I had some free time here and there so that turned out great for me, and you guys!

This was more of a rewards chapter, and some sexy time.

I know some of you think they are going to slow, probably expected them to do it or something, and to that I say, dude/dudet, they have been dateing for only a month! You can't expect them to have sex right off the bat!

And I also know some of you think they are going to fast, and to that I say, dude/dudet, they have been dateing for more than a month! You can't expect them to not try something!