Percy Jackson is granted the powers of a gamer by the Fates. Follow Percy's crazy adventure through the game called life where life-death situations are treated as a common occurrence, monsters run free and the son of Poseidon is armed with new powers. Percy x Hestia x Artemis. Lemons will be there later. Eventual OP. Also posted on Wattpad, FFN, A03. Image credit: Klymenearts
Edit: I have created a discord server for this fic. It's basically for providing updates, providing feedbacks, chilling etc.
h t t p s : / / d i s c o r d . g g / P Z P b B 5 S f 7 2
(remove the spaces ofc)
As classes ended, Percy walked quickly to his room and plopped on his bed eager to find out more about this newfound 'thing'.
Notifications kept popping up during the day but Percy avoided them to avoid getting into any more trouble since he already had ADHD and if kept gesturing in the air for no apparent reason, people would think he finally cracked and well, he avoided thinking more about it. Sure, he wasn't the sharpest but occasionally he was able to read the room so to speak.
Percy had no idea how to see the screen whenever he wanted to so he just imagined one in front of him. Lo and behold, the screen popped up in its glory with a few notifications awaiting his attention.
Notification 1
You have gained 1 INT for attending classes and somewhat paying attention.
INT : 1 + 1 = 2
Notification 2
For reading a book, you have gained a new skill!
Language :
Modern English
Level 4 (-80% to all forms of English, +5% for every level gained)
Notification 3
For observing people around you, you have gained a new skill!
Information :
Observe (tap for more information)
Level 1 - MP, HP and basic information.
The plethora of information came as a surprise to Percy who honestly didn't expect all these things. He swiped the first two since they were pretty self explanatory. The third notification caught his eye. He tapped on it and the new information was then displayed.
Observe (Level 1)
Observe lets you detect a target and provides information about them.
Percy whistled as he read the information. This was certainly a useful skill for information gathering. He could use it in several situations. He dismissed the notifications and opened the main screen. His stats popped up.
Perseus Jackson
Son of ?
Perseus is the son of ? and Sally Jackson. He has ADHD and Dyslexia which helps in ? and ? He has a natural affinity with ? due to his heritage which grants him control over ? and ?
Race : ?
Level - 5
Exp - 10 / 270
HP : 250 / 250
MP : 250 / 250
STR : 5
VIT : 2
DEX : 2
INT : 2
WIS : 1
LUC : 1
Points : 0
Money : $0 / D0
Status : None
Language :
Modern English (Level 4)
Information :
Observe (Level 1)
Passive :
Gamer's Mind (Max level)
Looking at the hovering screen, a thought stuck Percy. This page looked just like one which he saw when he played a game. This meant that the system worked just like a game and that he was the 'gamer' in this case. Being the gamer meant he could have several abilities and unlock new ones, go on quests and receive rewards and the like. This also meant he could become better as a person and make his mom proud just as he always wanted and dreamt of.
For thinking in a logical manner and drawing a fitting conclusion, you have gained 1 WIS.
WIS : 1 + 1 = 2
Percy raised an eyebrow at that. Well, that was certainly interesting. A thought struck him. He quickly dismissed the screen and immediately hurried to one place that he never thought he would ever head to unless he was absolutely desperate or in a conundrum - the library.
As Percy entered the library, he walked around to one of the racks at the back and pulled out the first book in sight. It read - Myths and Stories of Ancient Greece. Just by reading the title he was bored out of his mind. Silently groaning he pulled out a chair, settled himself and started reading. After 2-3 chapters, he came across an image with Ancient Greek inscribed in it. As he watched it, the words suddenly flew to his mind and he was immediately able to read what was written.
New skill created!
Language :
Ancient Greek (tap for more information)
Max Level
Percy froze up as he read the notification. This was certainly not what he was expecting whilst reading a book. He quickly tapped the notification and his jaw dropped in shock.
Ancient Greek (Max Level)
Due to your birth, you have an inherent ability to read and speak Ancient Greek proficiently.
From reading this, he was able to decipher that this particular trait was somewhat related to his origins. That meant that his father was Greek and therefore he inherited it from him. There really was no other explanation for it since he had never read Ancient Greek before today and he had gained a mastery over it in little more than a minute and just by looking at a piece of paper with a little text on it. Moreover, the gaming system said something about him entering the supernatural though that was still up for debate. For the moment, he entertained the notion of 'supernatural' and concluded that this ability was a gift more than anything.
For masterfully breaking down a statement and arriving at a logical answer, you have gained 1 WIS.
WIS : 2 + 1 = 3
That did it. It just confirmed one part of what he wanted to know. Maybe just maybe he might finally be able to know who his father is after all these years. His mom always told him that she would tell him only when the time was right but the right time never came. Just before he could dwell more on it, he was brought out of his musings as another notification popped up.
Quest Alert!
Find your true origins and your Father's name.
Rewards -
100 XP
Information about your true origins
Information about your abilities
New Status
Passive Skill
Accept / Decline?
Percy immediately tapped yes. He would certainly not look at the gift horse in its mouth. This was huge for him and he would do whatever it took to finally know his father. Gabe certainly wasn't someone who he would ever call his 'step-dad' or a human as a matter of fact. His mannerisms were easily that of an animal if he were to be honest with himself.
Letting go of that line of thought, he continued reading the book. Soon, he finished the book and was pleasantly surprised with the notification.
Due to constant reading, your skill in Modern English has increased.
Modern English
Level 4 + 1 = 5 (-75% to all forms of English, +5% for every level gained)
Percy dismissed it and got back to reading. Soon, it was closing time and Percy had finished another book and had another 6 books ready for check out so that he could read it at night in his room. His skills increased too which was an added bonus for him.
Due to reading new books and learning more about the world, your skill has increased.
Modern English
Level 5 + 1 = 6 (-70% to all forms of English, +5% for every level gained)
Your intelligence has increased.
INT : 2 + 1 = 3
Percy was thinking as to how this increased so quickly and his brain returned with nothing. An idea popped up in his mind, who better than to ask someone who is interested in gaming? As if reading his thoughts, the gaming system immediately issued him another quest.
Quest Alert!
Discover how the gaming mechanism works.
Rewards -
50 XP
Knowledge about the system
+2 LUC
Accept / Decline?
Percy raised an eyebrow yet again. He was pretty sure it was going to be the beginning of a new habit since the system seemed to be a smartass or simply read his thoughts every time. He sighed and accepted the quest. He knew just the person for it.
Percy walked to the dormitory building and knocked on the door of the one person who could be dubbed the God of Gaming in his school. This man somehow knew everything under the sun when it came to gaming. How he knew everything was beyond him. He knocked on the door and waited.
"Come in", came the reply.
As Percy walked in, he was immediately greeted by the sight of what one would expect from a gamer's room. A messy room was putting it lightly. The walls were filled with posters from different games which he couldn't begin to name. The floor was a literal dumpyard with packets, cans and the likes thrown carelessly. Percy didn't even feel like commenting about the odor. He simply left it at that.
To satiate his curiosity, Percy tried using Observe on Mark.
HP : 150 / 150
MP : 0 / 0
Mark is Percy's friend who is very much in love with Gaming. He aims to become a professional gamer down the line and practices for it daily. He thinks highly of Percy.
Due to constant use, Observe has levelled up.
Level 2 - HP, MP, Species and other basic information.
"Hey Mark, I need a bit of help about this new game I am playing", Percy said.
"Sure, what about it?" Mark replied.
"I made a character recently and tried making him read a book. Every time he read a book, his skills increased immediately without putting in much effort into it. Why is that?"
"Well, I am assuming your stats are still low from what you just told me. This is because the requirements needed to level up that particular trait are quite low initially due to you not being good at it. As time passes and you practice the same trait over and over, the requirements for levelling up will increase and thus, you will have a harder time doing those."
"What about ability points? What are those and how do you use them?"
"Ability points are usually gained once you level up your character. Think of them as boosts that will help your character become stronger quicker. But, just like your traits, as you level up, the XP requirements will also increase. So, it is better that you store your ability points to use when it is needed and try grinding your skills as much as you can."
"Sounds right. Well, thanks for the info." With that, Percy walked out and headed back to his room.
As he walked, another notification popped up.
Quest Complete!
Discover how the gaming mechanism works.
Rewards added.
Percy entered his room and saw Grover lounging on his bed reading what seemed to be like a nature guide. Percy suddenly had an idea. He used Observe and what he saw shocked him. It seemed as though the system had opened him to an entirely new world and just about everything was going to shock him from here on out. Just before he could outwardly react or say something, Gamer's Mind kicked in and calmed him down instantly.
Grover Underwood
Species : Satyr
Title : Protector
HP : 1500 / 1500
MP : 750 / 750
Grover Underwood is a satyr tasked with protecting Perseus Jackson due to him being a ? Grover loves Percy and thinks of him as his best friend. He loves enchiladas and fruits or rather food in general. He is attracted to nature.
What the actual frick. Percy blinked. He blinked again. And again. He was having a hard time believing that his best friend was a satyr of all things. A half man and a half goat. Suddenly the pants all day long, his reluctance to wear anything else except for shoes and the crutches made sense. Percy swiped the box away. Grover was strong. Quite a bit. He saw his friend in a new light after reading the new information provided to him by the system.
'So wait. If Grover is a satyr, it means the Greek myths are not myths but very much real. If they are real, it meant that the other stuff was real too which meant that the supernatural was real' Percy thought with a start. Suddenly, the welcome message started making sense. Before he could dwell more on it, Grover's voice rang out.
"Percy?! Are those books that you're carrying with you?", Grover exclaimed. He was clearly shocked to see Percy of all people carrying books to read. Surely the end was near.
"Yes, in fact, I have realised that I need to improve myself. It is high time since I did something about my grades and reading seemed like a good place to start due to my Dyslexia", Percy replied.
All Grover could do was nod mutely, still trying to process the information dumped on him out of nowhere. After a while, he smiled. He was happy that his friend had started to take care of himself and maybe just maybe, he might be able to get this demigod safely to camp this time round. The failure of Thalia's death still loomed over him. He pushed these thoughts out of his mind as he settled down into a blissful sleep.
Percy on his part, completely forgot about his earlier thought and sat down to finally start reading the 6 books that he had gotten as he pulled an all-nighter.
By the time morning came, he was done and the notifications caused him to smile.
Your skill in Modern English has increased!
Modern English - Level 6 + 5 = 11. (-45% to all forms of English, +5% for every level gained)
Your intelligence has increased!
INT : 3 + 3 = 6
His final stats for the day were :
Perseus Jackson
Son of ?
Perseus is the son of ? and Sally Jackson. He has ADHD and Dyslexia which helps in ? and reading Ancient Greek respectively. He has a natural affinity with ? due to his heritage which grants him control over ? and ?
Race : ?
Level - 5
Exp - 60 / 270
HP : 250 / 250
MP : 250 / 250
STR : 5
VIT : 2
DEX : 2
INT : 6
WIS : 3
LUC : 3
Points : 0
Money : $0 / D0
Status : None
Language :
Modern English (Level 11)
Ancient Greek (Max)
General :
Observe (Level 2)
Passive :
Gamer's Mind (Max level)
He swiped the boxes away as he got ready for another day.