
Emily Carter chapter 1

____________ .....Chapter one..._______________

20 august 2018 7:00 am

So it was the first day at work a little bit of nervousness and excitement was within her .she was taken to the police station by her father- Michael carter, a former officer,he was kind and generous but didnt seem the kind of person who would be a cop ,always greeted people with a big smile and never got angry, he retired from the service 5 years ago and had grown a round belly since then .when they reached he gave her a little father-daughter talk, he always told her a story of his past occasionally with hidden morals and today he told her the story of his first day at work( space for the story )and then went home .Emily then visited the head's office .officer Brad peters attended her, he had a big mustache and thick eyebrows and had a crew cut ." Ms carter (....space fir the chat....) " and then he gave her today assignment, she was assigned petrol duty with Kevin peters who was son of none other then officer Peters .he was a tall person probably 6'3, curly brownish hair ,thick eyebrows just like his father ,blue eyes and a fair skin he had also joined the police a month ago so Emily was releaved a bit that she was not the only New commer. Everything was a calm and nothing happened this afternoon only a petty theft and car jacking.

In the evening they both had a coffee break ."so why did you joined the police" asked Kevin while sipping the coffee ."well why wouldn't i "answered Emily."I mean" he shrugged "Was there a pressure from Mr Carter my father always told me stories about how strict and tough guy he was during his days at the station" Kevin said , Emily chuckled at this for a while" what happened" asked Kevin with a confused expression."well..(still smiling)..none of the traits match my father in fact he is just opposite "said Emily ."Well good for you cause that's not the case with my father you know ...i am 24 and still i need permission to go for a night with my freinds there are so many restrictions that i can't even tell!" Said kevin with a sad expression, he was a bit cute Emily noticed infact Emily had a crush when she first saw him

"Things will change don't worry" she said with a sympathetic smile at that point radio started cracking "all units are informed....( A robbery had happened near maple Street robbers had ran away with two hostages both women, in two vans one person was shot) Emily and Kevin were just ten blocks away from where robbers were heading she started driving and within few minutes they reached the destination there were two roads but only three units had reached at that time so the wider road was covers by two units and the other one with one unit . The emily's was on the other road.they quickly spreaded the tire shredders and took position behind the car with a gun ,kevin was right next to her, Shredders were 15 foots away from the car. soon the car started to appear the were distant from each other . Emily was nervous ,why wouldn't she ,it was her first day.As soon as she prepared herself there was a sound of bullet Emily looked at her left the were shooting the other two units the were blazing the bullet non stop at the two cars she was shocked , she couldn't move two cops were dead one was injured now the car was only few yards away Kevin nudged her strongly bringing her back to her senses . Kevin was shocked too ,the second car was still at a distance ,not knowing what to do she also started shooting Kevin followed her partner's action . Emily had a great aim ,it was the result of her father's training and her love for guns . Emily aimed for the driver's seat and as soon as she pulled the trigger the driver was down the car started turning violently and her the railing of the road. Kevin was surprised by the Emily's shooting skills but there was no time for this ,second car was just at a few distance as they were going back to take position, car squiled towards them getting past the tire shredders .It lost its control and crashed on the police car Kevin and Emily both were thrown away .Emily was on the ground , she faintly saw Kevin holding his bleeding arm,and moaning. she some how stood up holding her gun pointed at the crashed car ,her vision was almost blurr .she slowly started moving toward the car her leg was hurting due to the injuries.she opened the gate the ladies were in the back face straped with cloth they were not moving Emily checked , they were alive! But unconscious due to the accident. while Emily was contacting police department.a man appeared from behind the seat, gun pointed at her .there was loud sound , Emily was on the ground and slowly everything became dark


21 August 2018 2:00AM

There was a faint sound of some one crying. it was her father but she couldn't see anyone, it was dark maybe the lights were not turned on . "Dad..." Emily said in a weak voice "Emily ! " Michael said with a cracking voice, "where am I....." Emily asked. "You are in the hospital sweety"said Micheal. "why can't I see anything ?why is everything so dark !". Micheal couldn't say anything as his voice was cracking due to his tears ." Dad!,tell me you're freaking me out !"exclaimed Emily. Before he could say anything doctor had came " Emily I am doctor Shaun Murphy ....."doctor what has happened I don't understand !" interrupted by Emily."yeah...about that , Emily... the accident that happened yesterday has impacted your brain adversely and then the bullet that you took made condition even worse .I am sorry Emily but you will not be able to see anymore.." said Dr Shaun "No.....no...no Emily started crying loudly and more loudly " she started acting violently trying to get off the bed .Shaun gave her injection and soon she became motionless still tears felling through her eyes. ________________________________________________
