

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

A/N: Hey guys, so I have some bad news regarding the time range from June 11th to July 30th. I will be on a mission trip outside of the U.S. with no internet access for at least that set time period. I wanted to give you all a heads up beforehand.


My boy is not the same young man that he was when he left five years ago. I expected him to be changed, but not by this much. Perseus stayed in the training area slicing through dummies with his blades in a rage-filled fury. He never said a word during his time here since getting home 3 days ago. It was honestly starting to scare me a little bit. I walked into the room where he was notching an arrow, aiming at a target close to 50 yards away. "Perseus." I called into the room.

He lowered the bow and placed it onto the ground and made his way over to me. He stood before me quietly, waiting for me to speak. That set me off. I slapped him across the face once and grabbed his cheeks with my fingers, making him look at me.

"Now I don't know what you've done to my son, but my Perseus knows better than close himself off from his mother. You have been acting rude to both your father and I for the past couple of weeks and I have had enough. You will tell me what is going on right now, Perseus." I commanded him sternly.

"I'm still me…mom." He muttered, trying to get out easily. But I wasn't falling for it.

"No you're not. You have changed Perseus, and not for the better. I may not have met Thora, but I know that she would hate to see you in this state. She will always love you, but seeing you like this would make her slowly start to hate you." I replied evenly.

Perseus looked down and I could see tears start to fall from his eyes and pulled him into my arms. "I will never be able to see her again mother. That's what's killing me. She's Norse, not Greek or even Roman. I loved her with everything I had, and now I can never see her again." Perseus cried into my shoulder as he let himself fall apart in my grip.

"It will be alright, my son." I whispered into his ear as we sat down on the ground and I held him to my chest until he fell asleep.

After tucking him into bed, I walked back to the living room where Erebus was. "He's hurting really bad. And there's nothing we can do about it to make it easier for him. He really loved Thora, and I fear that her death may break his soul." I told him as I held onto his shirt in worry.

Erebus pulled me into a tight hug and rested his chin on top of my head in comfort. "I do have some good news. Tomorrow, our boy gets his domains. The fates are coming by tomorrow to give him his birthright and to make him immortal like us. That will surely cheer him up some. Plus, his duties will keep him distracted from his grief and he will heal over time." Erebus promised and I sighed in relief.

Next Day

Perseus POV

The light faded around me and I came face to face with the Lady Fates. They all nodded at me and shouted into the open sky. "All hail, Lord Perseus, Primordial God of Animals, Assassins, Darkness, Swordsmanship, Loyalty, and Senses. He will not be bound by the Ancient Laws." Then the fates disappeared, leaving mother and father along with Thanatos and Hermes were shocked at hearing my titles.

I could tell that my father was beaming with pride and my mother were practically shining despite being the primordial of darkness. Hermes was giving me a thumbs up and Thanatos was smiling warmly.

Then a flash of light appeared in front of me, the auras showing Artemis and the Lady Fates. That surprised me and I took a defensive stance, pulling out my swords from my sheath on my back. "Relax yourself, Lord Perseus." The fates intoned to me. I nodded my head and sheathed my swords.

"Lady Fates, what is it you would require of me?" I asked respectfully, giving them a bow.

"We forgot to mention a title of yours. You will be the Guardian of the Hunt with Lady Artemis, when you are not dealing in accordance with your domains." The fates told me before flashing away leaving both Artemis and I in uncomfortable silence.

Nyx and Erebus wrapped me in a hug. "Contact us when you can son. We can't wait to hear about your new adventures, Perseus." They said before shadow traveling back home. Thanatos gave me a firm handshake and took his leave.

Hermes walked up to Artemis and whispered in her ear. She gasped suddenly when he told her that I was a primordial and what my domains were. Hermes then walked up to me and pulled me into a hug. "Hope to hear from you soon." At my nod, he flashed out leaving Artemis and I alone to ourselves.

"Lord Perseus, we must go my campsite with my hunters for you to get acquainted." Artemis broke the silence.

"Please do not call me Lord, Artemis. I am not like your father, and will not require any type of bow or formal greeting. We are going to be companions for the end of time, thus, we are equals." I asked of her politely.

"But you are a primordial." Artemis argued.

"That is merely a title to me." I assured her as I walked closer to her. "I will not ask of you to ever call me by the title of lord. Just Perseus."

"Then I will not allow you to call me by my title as well. Just Artemis, Perseus. I may be a man-hater and a virgin goddess but I have changed from our last encounter five years ago." Artemis replied to me as we shook hands.

I instantly felt myself being pulled with Artemis as she flashed us over to her camp. When we stopped moving, I could hear the crackle of a fire and the chirps of birds around me. I guess my domain over all animals was making its appearance.

Artemis moves her hand to my back. "Girls! Gather up! I have some news!" Artemis shouts. Before I know it, the arrow hits my left arm. It thuds into it.

That's nice.

But I can 'see' why, I'm a dude dressed in all black including a facial mask, standing next to Artemis. "Thanks." I mutter as I pull off my mask, showing my face to the girls. They all gasp and draw back their bows, loaded, and point them at me. I just pull the arrow out and use the surrounding shadows to heal my wound.

"My lady, who is this male?" A girl asks.

"Our Guardian of the Hunt." Artemis answers. "Will you introduce yourself and give them your vows?" Artemis turns to me.

"Of course, Artemis." I look at the hunters. "My name is Perseus. I have vowed to protect the Hunt and their patron from any harm. At the cost of my own life if need be." I say.

"Is this true, milady?" The lieutenant asks, probably a little stunned.

Artemis was smiling softly. "Yes my lieutenant. He was chosen by the Fates themselves."

The hunters gasp, but one of them asks another question. "What is wrong with your eyes?"

"I was born without eyesight. I have lived my life without much trouble as my ears and nose cover up my disability pretty well. It just takes me a couple of days to get used to new surroundings." I explain.

"Are you going to tell them of your titles, Perseus?" Artemis asks.

"What titles?" The lieutenant asks confused.

"I am the Primordial God of Animals, Assassins, Darkness, Swordsmanship, Loyalty, and Senses. But please do not call me lord or anything of that nature. Just Perseus. May I ask for your names?" I ask politely.

"My name is Atalanta." I nod as she is the first huntress to introduce herself.

"Nice to meet you, Atalanta." I say.

"How old are you?" The lieutenant asks next.

"I am eighteen years old. I turned immortal today." I reply.

"Girls, finish introducing yourselves." Artemis tells them. There is Zoe, Atalanta, Phoebe, Lucy, Jocelyn, and about thirty more names.

Artemis POV

"My lady? Do you know of his story?" Phoebe turns to me.

"You can ask him yourself as I do not know." I tell my girls.

"Why does he seem to hold pain at such a young age?" Atalanta asks.

"Ask him if you want. In my opinion, I believe he has been through enough and I think he had another thing in mind other than his duty as our Guardian." I answer.

"Like what, milady?" Lucy asks.

"To make you girls more comfortable around him. He only wishes to guard you. I believe it's his only purpose in life that he now possesses. I believe that soon he will speak of his story. Back to your chores now. Dinner is in one hour. Atalanta, will you inform Perseus?" I tell them.

"Yes, milady." Atalanta runs off to the tent.

Perseus POV

"Perseus?" Atalanta asks.

"Yes?" I reply.

There's a pause before she speaks again. "Dinner is in an hour." She says.

"Thank you." I say and the girl runs off.

My tent has a bed, a wardrobe, a desk, and a chest. The outside is black with all my parent's symbols on it. Weapons line the walls of the tent, it's magically interior is a black sky with a couple other constellations on it. I missed the sky from Kattegat. I could help but wonder how my brothers are doing.

I am sitting in a tree outside the camp when Phoebe comes to get me. We enter the dining tent and I ask them what they want for dinner.

"Steak and mac and cheese." Phoebe says after the girls argue for a few minutes. I snapped my fingers and the food appears for them. "Enjoy your meal, hunters." I walked away to leave.

I ducked as a knife whizzes past my head and sticks to the wall in front of me.

"Where are you going?" Artemis asks, I can hear her pull out another knife from her side.

"To patrol the perimeter." I say, I stopped in my tracks when she threw the knife.

"Eat first." Artemis orders.

"I have no desire to. I lost my appetite long ago." I tell her, without turning.

"How long has it been since you last ate? Had a drink?" Artemis asks, her voice strained.

"Since two weeks ago Artemis." I answer stoically as I attempt to turn away from her.

"Then you need to have dinner with us. Your body needs substance. You might be immortal like I am, but you need to eat something that way you have energy." Artemis argues.

"I have a feeling I am unwelcome among your followers."

"Sit down and eat or I'll force it down your throat, primordial god or not." Artemis threatened, her tone sounding amused but firm.

Updated: 08/18/2018