
People with Superpowers Don’t Want to Be Popular

Question: What would you do if you had omnipotent superpowers? To dominate the world? Or do whatever you want? Or maybe... Kamikawa Ren’s answer was that he wanted to be an ordinary person. As a creature with true superpowers, he always tries to be like ordinary people. During class, listen carefully to Mafuyu’s Sensei lecture like a normal student. After class, he patiently lectured the Nakano quintuplets about the topic like normal students. After school, like ordinary members, worked hard to help President Shinomiya solve her problems. After returning home, he friendly played games with Gabriel like normal friends. In this way, he has worked hard to become an ordinary person. However, what made him a little confused was, would the lives of ordinary people be the same as his?

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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754 Chs

Use Yourself to Repay Debts?

"Another payment method?"

Ren didn't quite understand what she meant by a change.

"Well, didn't you always give me money directly before?" Asumi explained, "So, replace giving with lending."

"Lending?" Ren paid attention to her choice of words.

He knew the meaning of this word. Did she intend to borrow money from him?

"Yes, give me a daily salary of 10,000 yen, and you can lend me 10,000 yen a day." Asumi said with a smile, "When I have money in the future, I will return the money to you. During this period, I will continue to be your teaching assistant and treat it as interest on the money you lent me."

"Isn't it better to give than to borrow?"

After thinking about this issue for a moment, Ren asked question.

For someone as poor as Asumi, it's better to give money that doesn't need to be repaid, no matter what his opinion is, than to borrow money.

"That's true, but if you give it to me directly, I can't accept the money calmly, just like now." Asumi spread her hands helplessly, "It's better if you lend it; I don't need to feel guilty and can accept the money you give me."

This was the solution she found after thinking for a long time, and it was also the best solution in her opinion.

Firstly, if she truly quit her job as a teaching assistant, it would be difficult for her to deal with Mafuyu; she couldn't continue working at the maid cafe as before. If discovered, Mafuyu wouldn't be easily fooled.

The second was the issue of salary. If Asumi couldn't work at the maid cafe and get a regular job, her salary would surely drop drastically, and the cram school expenses would definitely not be enough.

Lastly, there was Ren's issue. Because of his excellent lectures, when she became a teaching assistant, her math level skyrocketed just by sitting. The effect was much better than cram school.

After considering thoroughly, she chose to let Ren lend money.

Compared to the anxiety of getting 10,000 yen for such an easy job, she still felt the peace of mind obtained by borrowing money was better.

As for whether she would be able to pay it back in the future, she was still confident. She was heading to medical school. As long as she could become a doctor in the future, the money she borrowed wouldn't mean anything.

But it might take a long time to become a doctor, and she had to wait a long time.

"Let me state beforehand that if you choose to lend me money as a payment method, I won't write any IOU, but I will remember the money you lent me and return it to you when I have money." Asumi's request was a bit excessive.

She couldn't write something like an IOU. Moreover, she didn't know when she would get that money, and she couldn't write a specific repayment date. Instead, it would be more accurate not to write it.

If Ren didn't agree to her request, Asumi would quit her job as a teaching assistant, and that would be her reason.

After thinking, Asumi added, "Also, being your teaching assistant is already considered interest on the money you lent me. Even if I return the money at that time, I will only pay back what you lent me."

If there was still interest, then she might not be able to afford to pay it back.

"How long will it take to repay it?" Ren was slightly interested.

"Yes, it might take ten or twenty years to repay it."

One of Asumi's requests couldn't be relied upon. Not only did she not write an IOU, but she also didn't have a specific repayment date. It was up to her to decide whether to pay back the money or not.

Of course, she would definitely return the money; otherwise, she wouldn't be able to pass the exam in her heart.

Furthermore, she said so much just so she could accept the money from him calmly.

She really needed money now.


After thinking for a moment, Ren agreed.

Now, give the money to Asumi, and when she returns the money later, he won't want it.

"Then it's settled; the salary you gave me before can be considered a loan."


Ren had decided not to let Asumi pay back the money, not caring about it at all.

"It's so strange. I'm still a high school student, but I'm burdened with such a large debt. Truly tragic." Asumi couldn't help but complain to herself.

Ren was clearly willing to give her the money, but she chose to borrow it. She was the only strange one, right?

"What if I give you 10,000 yen a day?" Ren asked.

"In that case, forget it."

"For you."

Ren took out his wallet again, took out ten thousand yen, and handed it to her.

This time, Asumi happily accepted it.

"By the way, what should I do if I can't pay you back in the future?" Putting away the money he gave her, Asumi suddenly brought up a possibility.

"In that case, there's no need to pay it back." Ren gave his advice.

"No, I'm not that kind of person."

Asumi looked at him for a moment, sat towards him, leaned towards his ear, and said softly, "If I can't pay you back in the future, why not use myself to repay the debt?"

"What does that mean?"

Asumi's answer was a bit beyond Ren's understanding.

Did using herself to repay the debt mean that if she couldn't pay back the money, she would belong to him in the future?

"It doesn't mean anything."

Not seeing the desired reaction, Asumi stood up uninterested.

"I'm done talking about my job; I'm leaving."

After saying that, she left.


Ren replied, but he had no intention of getting up and continued to drink his unfinished coffee.


The next day.

"Another letter?"

Ren who had just sat down in his seat, saw an envelope placed in the slot of his desk.

He remembered that he had received a letter like this before.

After putting down his school bag, Ren took out the envelope and looked at it.

There was no writing on the outside of the envelope, but since it was placed in the slot of his desk, it must be intended for him.

Then, he opened the envelope and took out the letter inside.

[Kamikawa Ren/Kamikawa Naoki, please come to the lake this afternoon. There's something I want to tell you.]

The signature was [Nakano Ichika].

After reading it, Ren folded the letter and put it back into the envelope; unavoidably, he pondered a question.

How did Ichika know that he was Kamikawa Naoki?