
People with Superpowers Don’t Want to Be Popular

Question: What would you do if you had omnipotent superpowers? To dominate the world? Or do whatever you want? Or maybe... Kamikawa Ren’s answer was that he wanted to be an ordinary person. As a creature with true superpowers, he always tries to be like ordinary people. During class, listen carefully to Mafuyu’s Sensei lecture like a normal student. After class, he patiently lectured the Nakano quintuplets about the topic like normal students. After school, like ordinary members, worked hard to help President Shinomiya solve her problems. After returning home, he friendly played games with Gabriel like normal friends. In this way, he has worked hard to become an ordinary person. However, what made him a little confused was, would the lives of ordinary people be the same as his?

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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754 Chs

Unwanted Discovery


Although it's somewhat unclear why Itsuki and Chika are together, judging by their posture, at least there's no need to worry about any danger he might be facing.

"Let's sit over there."

Nino and Yotsuba noticed Itsuki sitting with Chika. After surveying the restaurant's layout, Nino chose a spot closer to their table, intending to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Since this is a ramen restaurant with no dividers between tables, it's easy to be noticed if they get too close.

Fortunately, Itsuki is sitting with her back to the door. Both Nino and Yotsuba are wearing masks and sports attire they rarely use – a simple disguise. Just be cautious and don't pass in front of Itsuki.

The only one more easily recognizable is Ren, especially since he just met Itsuki. His attire and other details would undoubtedly be remembered, making him easily noticeable.

However, there's nothing they can do; they can't ask Ren to take off his clothes.

Now, it's summer, and Ren is only wearing a T-shirt; there's nothing left if he removes it.

"Go and sit inside. Yotsuba, sit with Kamikawa and block her. He might get easily recognized."

As she was about to sit, Nino saw Yotsuba planning to sit with Ren, so she pushed her to Ren's side and asked them to sit together.


Yotsuba wanted to say something, but it turns out Nino's attention was mainly focused on Itsuki, not on her and Ren at all.

"Quick, sit down."

After hesitating for a moment, Yotsuba accepted the arrangement and chose to sit with Ren, but for some reason, she felt nervous.

She had sat like this with him before, but at that time, she didn't know that he was actually the boy she met ten years ago, so she didn't feel anything.

But now it's different; she not only knows that he is the boy she met ten years ago, but she also knows that Ren is actually Naoki, the person Nino likes.

Moreover, Nino sitting in front of her feels very strange.

Yotsuba felt a bit overwhelmed.

Nino regained awareness and saw that they were actually sitting together when she said that, nodding satisfactorily.

The reason she let the two of them sit together is not just because she's worried Ren will be discovered by Itsuki, but also because she wants to help Yotsuba.

She knows that Yotsuba likes Ren.

After making sure Itsuki is not in danger, there's no need to be too nervous, and she can do other things.

"Kamikawa, please take off your glasses."

Her eyes swept over them, and Nino stared at Ren's glasses.


Ren was surprised and didn't understand why he should take off his glasses.

Could it be that Nino knows he is actually Naoki?


Yotsuba's reaction was similar to Ren's, also very surprised.

"After you take off your glasses, your appearance will definitely change. Maybe Itsuki won't recognize you."

Nino explained that she is still a bit worried that Itsuki will find Ren.

For a long time, she has never seen him take off his glasses, so Itsuki surely hasn't seen it either. This way, the risk of detection can be reduced.

"No, I'll just lower my head." Ren refused.

He didn't want to take off his glasses in front of Nino because it would cause a big problem.

"It seems like your nearsightedness is quite serious."

Nino didn't force him but just pointed out that the other party is farsighted and can't take them off, like having to wear contact lenses.

She took off her contact lenses, but she couldn't see anything clearly.


Ren didn't answer that question but just lowered his head quietly to reduce his presence, not to be noticed by Itsuki, and to prevent Nino from mentioning the glasses again.

Seeing that Nino had been fooled like this, Yotsuba immediately felt more relaxed.

Just now, she was preparing for Ren to take off his glasses, and Nino was surprised.

Fortunately, it was in vain.

"Nino, Kamikawa-san, what would you like to eat?"

After looking at the menu, Yotsuba changed the topic to make the atmosphere less awkward.

Even though they came to follow Itsuki, since they were all already sitting in the restaurant, they still needed to order something.

"I'm not hungry; just order for yourself."

Nino doesn't know anything about ramen; she's not used to oily food.

"What about Kamikawa-san?" Yotsuba looked at Ren and asked.

"I just had lunch."

He had just finished lunch with Ichika earlier, but he had no desire to eat ramen again.

"Am I the only one eating?" Yotsuba was slightly surprised.

"No, you still have Itsuki to accompany you." Nino pointed to Itsuki, who was talking to Chika over there, "It seems they want to eat too."


Yotsuba accepted this reality, casually ordered a bowl of ramen, and began to wait patiently.

Leave the eavesdropping to Nino. Now Ren is right next to her, making it very difficult for her to concentrate.

Nino took out her phone and pretended to play with it, but in reality, she was carefully listening to the conversation between Itsuki and Chika over there.

"Fujiwara-san, why do you want to treat me to ramen?"

Looking at the ramen in front of her, although deeply moved, Itsuki was very careful not to move her chopsticks.

Originally, she would use her identity as M·A·Y, a food critic, to go to some famous restaurants to taste food today.

As soon as she left the house, she received a message from Chika saying that she wanted to treat her to something.

Then, she agreed.

That's why she's here.

"I think this ramen shop is quite good and want to share it with you." Chika said with a smile.

"Is that all?" Itsuki didn't quite believe her.

The relationship between her and Chika is not too good, but it's not bad either. Sharing a shop is not something they can do in their relationship.

Chika had an unexpected smile on her face, "Of course, it would be nice if I could get closer to Itsuki-san and become friends."

"Do you want to be friends with me?"

Itsuki understood her thoughts a little.

"Yes, is that okay?" Chika asked hopefully.