
People with Superpowers Don’t Want to Be Popular

Question: What would you do if you had omnipotent superpowers? To dominate the world? Or do whatever you want? Or maybe... Kamikawa Ren’s answer was that he wanted to be an ordinary person. As a creature with true superpowers, he always tries to be like ordinary people. During class, listen carefully to Mafuyu’s Sensei lecture like a normal student. After class, he patiently lectured the Nakano quintuplets about the topic like normal students. After school, like ordinary members, worked hard to help President Shinomiya solve her problems. After returning home, he friendly played games with Gabriel like normal friends. In this way, he has worked hard to become an ordinary person. However, what made him a little confused was, would the lives of ordinary people be the same as his?

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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754 Chs

So, How Much Does It Cost?


Gabriel didn't think she had that ability.

She was just an ordinary angel, meaning similar to Ren.

"In other words, even though I have this teleportation bracelet, I can't use it to teleport to the human world?"

After calming herself, Gabriel was ready to accept this reality.

"Theoretically, that's correct." Raphiel didn't argue.

"Theoretically? What about in practice?"

Gabriel noticed that her choice of words was a bit peculiar.

Raphiel said very calmly, "Actually, I have a way for you to temporarily block the surveillance of the heavenly and demonic worlds."


Gabriel's eyes sparkled, finding it a bit unbelievable.

"Of course, it's true. I won't lie to you about this crucial matter." Raphiel said very seriously. "However, even though there's a way to block it, it can only last about one hour."

"One hour is too short. A fireworks show alone takes an hour, not to mention strolling around."

One hour is very brief, and she can hardly do anything.

"But the one hour I mentioned is still in the most ideal condition. If really used, it might be four to fifty minutes, or even less." Raphiel sighed deeply. "This is if you want to block the surveillance from both the heavenly and demonic worlds at the same time; one hour is good enough."

"Sorry, I'm greedy."

As she said this, Gabriel realized how difficult this problem was.

In this case, one hour is definitely acceptable.

"But what's the cost for doing this?" Gabriel raised an issue. "With your abilities, you can't use protective magic as strong as that."

The kind of magic that can protect from the surveillance of both the heavenly and demonic worlds simultaneously cannot be used even by her and Raphiel together.

"The cost is these teleportation bracelets."

Raphiel removed the bracelet from her wrist, placed it in front of Gabriel, and explained how to use the teleportation bracelet.

"Will the bracelet break?"

Seeing the teleportation bracelet she had long desired handed to her, Gabriel didn't feel any joy in her heart.

"Yes, you can only use it once. After it's used, the bracelet will be damaged." Raphiel happily said. "Fortunately, I've never used the teleportation function of this bracelet to find you before; otherwise, the time might be a bit shorter."

"Can this bracelet be consumed?" Gabriel confirmed.

"It can be said so. Anyway, each transmission will deplete the energy of this pair of bracelets, and the surveillance used to protect from the heavenly and demonic worlds will only last for a breath."

Raphiel explained to her as casually as possible.

Gabriel continued to ask, "If you only use the teleportation function, how long can this bracelet be used?"

"Thousands of years? I'm not sure, but it's enough to last a long time." Raphiel was uncertain.

"This is indeed a high-level magical item."

Seeing the silver-white bracelet in front of her, Gabriel sighed.

Using a magical item that can last for thousands of years as the price, it's no wonder it can temporarily block the surveillance of the heavenly and demonic worlds.

"So, you're giving me this extremely valuable magical item in exchange for the chance to come to the human world for one hour. Is this really okay?"

Gabriel felt that this magical tool was too expensive, and she couldn't afford it.

"This pair of bracelets is my birthday gift to you. I just want to return it to its original owner." Raphiel said. "The decision is in your hands, and it has nothing to do with me."

"I didn't expect the birthday gift you gave me to be so expensive." Gabriel complained. "Also, didn't you just say that these bracelets only have two functions: teleportation and danger detection?"

"Isn't it considered teleportation if you can block the surveillance of the heavenly and demonic worlds?" Raphiel asked with a smile. "By the way, even though surveillance can be blocked, magic can't be used easily."

It is still impossible to use the protective function of this bracelet to escape from the surveillance of the heaven and demon worlds and bring disaster to the human world.

Only the simplest magic can be used reluctantly, and self-protection remains not an issue.

"What you're saying means I will definitely use this protective teleportation bracelet."

Gabriel took the pearlescent white bracelet placed in front of her and examined it carefully.

This was the first time she looked at an accessory so seriously.

"Because the shield's time is only one hour or less, my suggestion is to use it around 9 PM on August 25th." Raphiel gave a very wise suggestion.

"9 PM? Isn't the fireworks show starting at that time?"

Gabriel clearly remembered that the fireworks started at 8:30 PM.

"Because at this time, you can still watch the fireworks for half an hour after teleporting there. After watching the final part with Kamikawa, you can stroll around with him for about ten minutes, then teleport back quickly."

Raphiel explained why she chose this time.

"Of course, if you want to choose another time, I won't stop you. Anyway, the decision is yours."

"If you say so, it seems like 9 PM is the best time to teleport there."

After thinking carefully for a moment, Gabriel agreed to her suggestion.

If she teleported there at 8 PM, she could only watch the opening fireworks with Ren, and she had to leave in a few minutes.

At 8:30 PM, she couldn't even watch the opening scene, maybe even at 8 PM.

The main reason is that it takes a certain amount of time to find Ren in the fireworks show, and this has to be considered.

She couldn't ask him not to go to the fireworks show and just wait for her, right?

After such calculations, the initially insufficient time becomes even more scarce.

"Wait, I haven't said that I want to use this shield for teleportation?"

Gabriel realized that she seemed to have been misled by her.

"I just gave you some advice if you want to use it." Raphiel chuckled and said, "There's still a month until the fireworks show, so you have enough time to think about it."

"Alright, I'll think about it carefully."

After hesitating for a moment, Gabriel put on the pearlescent white bracelet on her wrist.

"Anyway, thank you, Raphi."

"You're welcome." Said Raphiel. "Remember to leave one of the bracelets in the human world and bring the rest to heaven. Otherwise, there will be no way to bring it down."

"I still know this; don't worry."