
People with Superpowers Don’t Want to Be Popular

Question: What would you do if you had omnipotent superpowers? To dominate the world? Or do whatever you want? Or maybe... Kamikawa Ren’s answer was that he wanted to be an ordinary person. As a creature with true superpowers, he always tries to be like ordinary people. During class, listen carefully to Mafuyu’s Sensei lecture like a normal student. After class, he patiently lectured the Nakano quintuplets about the topic like normal students. After school, like ordinary members, worked hard to help President Shinomiya solve her problems. After returning home, he friendly played games with Gabriel like normal friends. In this way, he has worked hard to become an ordinary person. However, what made him a little confused was, would the lives of ordinary people be the same as his?

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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754 Chs

Must Learn!

"Eh? Have you decided now?" Yotsuba seemed a bit surprised. "Isn't Itsuki still coming?"

"That's not important. Besides, Itsuki can eat anything."

Ichika is confident in Itsuki's taste.

"It doesn't seem to be the point." Yotsuba sighed quietly.

"If Miku is ready, you can try it instead of Itsuki."

Nino turned and changed her suggestion.

"In that case, let Itsuki come."

Even now, Yotsuba still doubts Miku's cooking skills. Unless necessary, she wouldn't help.

Of course, if Miku specifically asks, she might give it a try.

"It seems like you're talking bad about me."

Currently, Miku comes out of the kitchen carrying a plate and speaks to them with dissatisfaction.

They don't lower their voices at all when talking; she can hear them clearly in the kitchen.

"No, we're just discussing who will help you taste it." Ichika said with a chuckle.

"Have you discussed it?"

Miku places the plate on the coffee table and asks them.

Unlike before, the croquettes she made this time at least have a quality appearance, golden and appetizing.

"We've talked about it, and Itsuki said she wants to try it." Nino said seriously.

"Itsuki hasn't returned yet."

Miku won't believe this lie, audible to anyone not foolish.

"When Itsuki returns, we'll help you convince her."

Yotsuba chooses to betray Itsuki at this moment.

After sitting in her chair, Miku refuses, "You don't need Itsuki's help to taste it; this is for Ren."


Staring at the five croquettes on the plate, Nino suddenly understands something.

Miku had given up on learning to cook before, but suddenly changed her mind.

At that time, she didn't understand why Miku changed her mind.

Upon reflection, the answer to this question is clear.


Ichika can only sigh.

She wonders why Miku is interested in cooking without a reason.

"Yes, so I don't need Itsuki to help me taste it. I am very confident."

Now, Miku can be said to be confident and not worried at all if she doesn't do her job well.

"Let me help Kamikawa-san taste it."

After a few moments of silence, Yotsuba makes a decision and takes the chopsticks placed on the plate.

If this is for Ren, then it is crucial to help taste it.

If something unexpected happens, there is still room for recovery.

"No need to taste it."

Miku symbolically shouts without making any move to stop Yotsuba with her hand.

Although she is very confident, it still feels safest if someone else tastes it.

After sorting out her somewhat complicated emotions, Yotsuba takes a piece of croquette and gives it to her.

The presentation is very good; it's good.

Then Yotsuba smells it and finds no strange odor, so she might not need to worry about its safety.

Then, she takes a small bite and starts tasting it.

"How does it taste?"

Seeing her put it in her mouth, Miku can't wait to ask.

"It's okay... hmm, wait!"

Before Yotsuba finishes speaking, her expression changes. She puts down her chopsticks, rushes to the trash, and spits out the croquette.

"What's wrong?" Ichika asks worriedly.

"It's not cooked, the inside is raw."

After rinsing her mouth, Yotsuba comments.

Nino asks in confusion, "Miku, have you been practicing for a few days?"

Not frying a croquette properly is a mistake only a beginner would make. After learning for so long, how could she still make such a mistake?

"Maybe it's the oil."

Miku also tries it and is sure it's not properly cooked, so she tosses the pan into the oil.

"You clearly don't cook well." Nino can't hold back her complaint.

Miku doesn't argue because she realizes she might have overestimated herself a bit.

"We're back."

At this moment, the door opens, and Itsuki's voice is heard.


Hearing this sound, Miku panics immediately.

She promised to make croquettes for Ren, but now she can't throw away the half-cooked croquette.

"Eh? Miku, are you making croquettes again?"

Fumino walks over and finds the croquette on the plate.

"Do you need help tasting it?" Asumi also comes, "I can still help with this kind of thing."


Ren had just opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Miku.

"No need, Yotsuba helped me taste it. I still haven't mastered it, sorry."

After saying this, Miku stands with her plate and walks to the kitchen.

Seeing her figure leaving, Ren thinks.

Putting down his school bag, Ren suddenly feels his phone vibrate.

Before the lesson starts, he takes it out and looks at it.

Nakano Miku: [Sorry. I lied earlier today. I still don't know how to make croquettes. I can't make them for you. I broke my promise.]

Kamikawa Ren: [It's okay. If you fully master it, it's not too late to cook it for me. I'll keep waiting.]

After thinking for a moment, he replies.


Seeing the message he sent, Miku leans against the wall and slowly closes her eyes.

She will definitely learn to cook!


After teaching them, on the way back.

Fumino and Rizu leave one by one, leaving only Ren and Asumi.

"Do you have any plans for the summer vacation?" Asumi looks at him. "I remember you don't need to help them with lessons during the summer vacation, right?"

"No arrangements. No need to help them with lessons."

Ren answers each of her two questions.

"Then, how much is your monthly salary?" She asks nervously.


Ren slowly types a question mark.

What does she mean?

"No, I mean, how much would it cost to hire you for lessons for a month?"

Realizing the shocked expression in his eyes, Asumi realizes she said something wrong and quickly defends herself.

Ren confirms, "Who would want to invite me for lessons?"

"I do!"

Asumi points to herself and says directly, "If I want to ask you to teach me for a month during the summer vacation, how much would it cost?"

"If it's you, it's free." Ren answers gently.