
People with Superpowers Don’t Want to Be Popular

Question: What would you do if you had omnipotent superpowers? To dominate the world? Or do whatever you want? Or maybe... Kamikawa Ren’s answer was that he wanted to be an ordinary person. As a creature with true superpowers, he always tries to be like ordinary people. During class, listen carefully to Mafuyu’s Sensei lecture like a normal student. After class, he patiently lectured the Nakano quintuplets about the topic like normal students. After school, like ordinary members, worked hard to help President Shinomiya solve her problems. After returning home, he friendly played games with Gabriel like normal friends. In this way, he has worked hard to become an ordinary person. However, what made him a little confused was, would the lives of ordinary people be the same as his?

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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754 Chs

Itsuki wants Ren to meet her father

"It seems so."

Yotsuba ran to the entrance, saw it was closed, then ran back.

"Just dad said something so simple, I'm really not used to it."

Ichika stretched and said easily.

At first she thought her father would scold them harshly, but in the end he just asked a few questions about Itsuki's results and left.

"Of course it's nice not to talk about it. Anyway, I don't want to be talked about," Said Nino with a chuckle.

With Maruo gone, the atmosphere in the living room became active again.

"This is all thanks to Itsuki. If she doesn't do well on the exam this time, we will definitely be criticized." Ichika hugged Itsuki with a smile and lay on her shoulder.

Nino nodded in agreement, then asked her: "That's right. As a major contributor helping us get through this crisis, is there anything you want to eat? I will cook it for you tomorrow."

"Is it true?" Itsuki quickly thought of several dishes she wanted to eat.

"Of course it is," Nino emphasized, "But don't order too many troublesome dishes, it will take a lot of time."

"Okay, just make it…" Itsuki was about to order, and suddenly realized something was wrong, "Wait a minute, why are you making it tomorrow? Didn't we have dinner today?"

After saying that, Itsuki turned her head and looked towards the dining table. After confirming that the table was empty and there was nothing there, she became even more confused.

"No." Nino denied her guess and continued, "That's because the results were announced today and I was in a bad mood. I need Naoki's comfort before I can cook, so I don't plan on cooking those troublesome dishes today."

It would be a shame not to use it as a perfect excuse for bad grades and a bad mood to ask for Naoki's comfort.

Itsuki: "😐"

Is this a sister?

Miku remembered what Maruo said before he left, and asked in doubt: "But why does dad want to meet Kamikawa-san?"

"I don't know, maybe it was to thank him. After all, thanks to him, Itsuki's results were so good," Ichika guessed casually.

Nino and Ichika shared the same view, and agreed: "It's possible, but it has nothing to do with us."

"I always felt that father's purpose in finding Kamikawa-san was not that simple," Yotsuba muttered in a low voice.

Seeing Yotsuba looking a little worried, Nino comforted her: "Don't worry, what could happen?"

"At worst, I'll ask father what he said to him after he met Kamikawa-san." Itsuki also thought of a solution.

"Anyway, that's all for today. Everything is alright."


At the same time, Shinomiya Residence.

"Kaguya-sama, these are Kamikawa-kun's grades and the grades of the school you want. I have marked suspicious areas."

Hayasaka dressed in maid clothes, handed several grade transcripts to Kaguya at the table.

With the strength of the Shinomiya family, it is very easy to achieve such results.


Kaguya took the transcript and started reading it.

At first glance, Ren's grades are ordinary, nothing special at all.

But with Hayasaka's red pen mark, she immediately discovered something was wrong.

"Are you sure this is the grade?"

After being silent for a while, Kaguya slowly raised her head and looked at Hayasaka.

"That's right," Hayasaka answered with certainty.

As for the specialness of Ren's results, she only realized it after studying it for a long time. She also confirmed it several times to ensure there was no possibility of making a mistake.

"He won, but I'm not as good as him."

Kaguya put down the grade transcript and took a deep breath.

Obviously she ranked first in the school in the exam this time, but after seeing Ren's results, she felt a deep sense of helplessness.

The grades for each subject are exactly the same as the average grade for the subjects in the entire school, is such a grade really possible for humans?

Asking herself carefully, she absolutely couldn't do it.

The average score across the exams was much more difficult than being ranked first in school, especially if there were 200 students in the 1st year of high school.

There are so many situations to consider that this is an impossible task.

But Ren did, which is enough to show how terrifying his strength is.

Thinking that before the exam, she considered Ren as her competitor, afraid that he would steal her first place, Kaguya felt sad.

If Ren legitimately surpassed her in terms of grades and ranked first in school, then Kaguya would admit it. After all, her skills were inferior to others.

However Ren uses this method to tell others that he doesn't care about being ranked first at all, or that he doesn't consider anyone else as competition at all, including Kaguya.

If his purpose was not to attract attention, then he could take any other score he wanted, no matter lower or higher, no need to get an average score.

But Ren wanted to take the test with average scores, if he said he didn't have any other ideas, Kaguya would never believe it.

As for the purpose, she probably guessed it, it was just to show it to certain people.

Those who don't care about Ren definitely won't care about his grades, let alone finding out what's so special about his grades, but those who care about him will realize that his grades are unusual.

Kaguya felt like she understood what Ren was thinking.

Because Ren was a genius, although she understood the meaning of his special achievements too much, it was not an exaggeration.

A genius like her had to think a lot when doing things, and it was impossible to do something once her brain was hot.

Therefore, Kaguya didn't think her guess was wrong.

"I will win him back another way."

She couldn't compare to Ren in terms of grades, but that didn't mean she couldn't compare to him elsewhere.

Put Ren's transcript in a drawer and save it. Kaguya wanted to use it to remind herself of the gap between herself and Ren, and that she must not let her guard down.


The next day, lunch break time.

"Um... Kamikawa-san, are you free this afternoon? My dad wants to meet you."

Itsuki put her hands together and asked Ren who was sitting in front of her.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Gabriel, who was sitting next to Ren and was drinking, accidentally choked when she heard this.

"Are you okay?"

Vigne patted Gabriel's back gently and expressed her concern.

"I'm fine."

She thought more about what Itsuki had just said than herself.

Putting her drink aside for a moment, Gabriel asked: "What did you just say?"

She doubted whether she heard correctly.