
People with Superpowers Don’t Want to Be Popular

Question: What would you do if you had omnipotent superpowers? To dominate the world? Or do whatever you want? Or maybe... Kamikawa Ren’s answer was that he wanted to be an ordinary person. As a creature with true superpowers, he always tries to be like ordinary people. During class, listen carefully to Mafuyu’s Sensei lecture like a normal student. After class, he patiently lectured the Nakano quintuplets about the topic like normal students. After school, like ordinary members, worked hard to help President Shinomiya solve her problems. After returning home, he friendly played games with Gabriel like normal friends. In this way, he has worked hard to become an ordinary person. However, what made him a little confused was, would the lives of ordinary people be the same as his?

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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754 Chs

Gabriel's useless physical strength

"Ah, by the way, Kamikawa, this is for you."

At this moment, Vigne suddenly remembered something and took out a cyan guardian from pocket and handed it to Ren.


Looking at the guardian in her hand, Ren fell silent.

What is happening today? Why did they give him a guardian?

"This is just a guardian good luck in exams. Please accept it."

Afraid he would misunderstand, Vigne gave a special explanation.

After explaining this holiday, the exam would be held soon, so she specially bought some guardians to wish them success in the exam, and planned to give them as blessings, and Ren was of course among them.

"Thank You."

In fact, even if Vigne didn't explain that sentence, Ren would still accept it, after all he always accepted the gifts given to him.

After getting this cyan guardian, he used to glance at the writing on it, the words 'Good luck in the exam' were embroidered on it with gold thread which was quite beautiful.

Seeing Ren accept it, Vigne took out two cyan guardians and walked towards Gabriel and Raphiel.

"This is yours."

After confirming that the two of them had finished chatting, Vigne handed the guardian to the two of them respectively.

"Thank You."

Seeing the guardian she handed over, Gabriel immediately took it without hesitation.

In fact, when Vigne gave Ren a guardian just now, she noticed it.

Now that she had given it to her and Raphiel, Gabriel knew that Vigne should have given it to everyone.

Seeing the words Exam went good' written on the guardian, Gabriel became even more confident in her guess.

"Thank You."

Raphiel took it, then continued: "I just saw you buying a lot of guardians. It turns out you were planning to give it away."

"Un, I just took it as a keepsake," Vigne smiled and nodded, "I just hope everyone can get good exam results."

"This really suits Vigne's style," Gabriel brushed aside the guardian casually, "You doesn't look like a demon at all."

"Eh? Don't I look like a demon?" Vigne felt a little surprised by this.

"At least in my opinion, almost no demon takes the initiative to give gifts to others," Gabriel said with certainty.

Vigne lowered her head in shame: "I couldn't help it. Once I see this kind of thing, I start to think from everyone's perspective."

"How about you come to our heaven? I feel like an angel suits you."

After looking at Vigne very carefully, Gabriel suggested.

"Is this your new way of recruiting people in heaven?" Vigne used to complain, "Also, I'm a devil and can't be an angel."

"Can you try it? I can lend you my angel halo," Gabriel suggested.

"Can I still borrow something like the angel halo?" Vigne continued to complain, "It always feels so unreliable!"

"I don't know if you can lend it to me," Gabriel shook her head, "Why don't you try?"

However, she could get the angel halo, but she didn't know if she could borrow it from her.

"Just forget it." Vigne waved her hand, "Besides, I think it's good for me to be a demon. No need to be an angel."


"Okay, it's almost time to rest. It's time for us to continue climbing."

After looking at the time, Raphiel reminded them.

"Ahem… I feel still a little tired. How about we rest here for a while?"

Hearing this, Gabriel took a few steps back.

"No, we have to climb the mountain," Vigne said mercilessly, "We've been resting here for a long time."

After saying that, she turned around and shouted to Satania and Ren over there: "Kamikawa, Satania, it's time for us to go."


The two responded one after another and walked over.


Seeing that they were all ready to continue climbing the mountain, Gabriel had no choice but to agree.


Top of the mountain.

"This is the top of the mountain."

Vigne said excitedly after climbing the last step.

"Yeah, I finally reached the top of the mountain, but I'm exhausted."

Jumping off Ren's back, Gabriel couldn't help but sigh.

"Gab, you are the least qualified to say this!"

Seeing Gabriel looking like she was working hard, Vigne said loudly.

During the process of climbing the mountain just now, basically every time they climbed a section of the mountain, Gabriel would become exhausted and cry out to rest, which greatly slowed down their climbing progress.

Therefore, in order for them to reach the top of the mountain within the planned time, they had to agree to Gabriel's request that Ren always wanted to take her to the top of the mountain.

Initially, they thought that when Ren couldn't hold on any longer, they would naturally let Gabriel continue climbing the mountain alone.

But what one never expected was that Ren actually carried Gabriel on his back without any signs of fatigue.

This almost refreshed her understanding of Ren, and it was precisely because of that that she said this about Gabriel.

Gabriel dared say she was tired after letting someone else carry her to the top of the mountain?

"I've done a lot of climbing myself," Gabriel smiled awkwardly, knowing she was being unreasonable in this matter.

Vigne warned: "When you go down the mountain, don't let Kamikawa carry you."

It's fine to go up the mountain, but it's very dangerous to carry people on your back when going down the mountain.

"I know," Gabriel agreed.

She could still do simple things like go down a mountain.

"Is this the top of the mountain? It feels like nothing special."

After Satania arrived at the top of the mountain, the first thing she did was to find a commanding position, stood there with her hands on her hips, and said very arrogantly.

"After all, it's just a hill, nothing."

After slowly reaching the top of the mountain, Raphiel walked towards Gabriel, but her eyes continued to stare at Ren.

"That's right." Satania agreed with her statement, "However, no matter how high the mountain is, it is useless to mention it in front of me."

This time Raphiel didn't answer her words, but quietly observed Ren.

When Ren was climbing the mountain with Gabriel on his back, she watched the two of them.

Then, she realized something was wrong.

Isn't Ren's physical strength too good?

It was obvious that he was climbing a mountain with someone on his back, but he didn't even sweat at all, it was impossible to tell that he was climbing a mountain.

Then it could be said to be a special constitution, but he never even experienced shortness of breath or heavy breathing, wasn't this too much?

And this happened while carrying Gabriel on his back.

Thinking about Gabriel's physical strength being like trash, and thinking about Ren's physical strength being like a monster, Raphiel always felt that if the two of them were together, under certain circumstances, Gabriel would be in big trouble.