
People with Superpowers Don’t Want to Be Popular

Question: What would you do if you had omnipotent superpowers? To dominate the world? Or do whatever you want? Or maybe... Kamikawa Ren’s answer was that he wanted to be an ordinary person. As a creature with true superpowers, he always tries to be like ordinary people. During class, listen carefully to Mafuyu’s Sensei lecture like a normal student. After class, he patiently lectured the Nakano quintuplets about the topic like normal students. After school, like ordinary members, worked hard to help President Shinomiya solve her problems. After returning home, he friendly played games with Gabriel like normal friends. In this way, he has worked hard to become an ordinary person. However, what made him a little confused was, would the lives of ordinary people be the same as his?

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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754 Chs

Furuhashi Fumino’s Gift for Kamikawa Ren

"You're welcome."

After responding casually, Ren sat in front of Fumino.

"This is a gift I've prepared for you."

Setting aside glass of water, Fumino pushed the gift she brought towards him.

"Thank you. Can I open it now?"

Seeing the gift box placed in front of him, Ren asked her eagerly.

"Of course." Fumino nodded, "As long as you don't dislike it."

"No. No matter what gift you give me, I'll happily accept it."

Saying that, Ren began to unwrap the gift she gave him.

"Don't say that, or else I'll think you don't like my gift and are trying to comfort me intentionally."

Fumino seemed very concerned about this matter. After a pause, she continued, "Just tell me your true feelings honestly. It will let me know if the gift I gave you matches your desires."

"Then I can improve it when I give you a birthday present."

She had made various psychological preparations to face Ren's various reactions.

"Have you already thought about my birthday present?"

At this point, Ren removed the outer wrapping paper, revealing the box inside.

"Yes, besides your birthday is just a few days away, so I had to prepare it in advance." Fumino said seriously.

He had helped her a lot, and in return, his birthday gift couldn't just be given casually.

"You really don't need to prepare something special for me, it's just my birthday."

Ren didn't want her to worry too much about his birthday.

"Birthday is an important day for everyone! How can you say it's just a birthday and say that's just a birthday?"

Fumino was very dissatisfied with Ren's attitude towards his birthday.

"It's good enough if you're willing to celebrate my birthday, no need for more."

In the past ten years, although those people prepared birthday cakes and birthday gifts for him every year, there was only birthday cake and birthday gift.

No one would sing him a birthday song, and no one would share a birthday cake with him.

For the past ten years, Ren had always celebrated his birthday alone.

Therefore, in this regard, he set a very low requirement for his birthday, it would be great if someone was willing to celebrate it for him.

As the saying goes, if there are no expectations, there will be no disappointments.

Regarding gifts or anything, it didn't matter.

"Eh? Um... Kamikawa, what do you mean by this?"

Fumino was a little embarrassed by his words.


Honestly, Ren really didn't know how to explain what he said.

Because every sentence was the best answer he could think of based on his language ability, and there was no way to explain it even if he wanted to.

"So that's it. It seems like I accidentally overthought it."

Fumino awkwardly tidied her long hair and quickly changed the subject.

"Don't talk about that. Kamikawa, please open the gift as soon as possible and see if you like it!"


Ren opened the last layer of the box, revealing the actual face of the gift.

"Is this a crystal ball? Huh? Is this...?"

Taking out the item inside, Ren was stunned for a moment.

Although it looked like a crystal ball at first glance, it was actually a transparent protective box in the shape of a semi-circle with a base, and inside the protective box was a mini figure wearing casual clothes. It was his appearance without glasses, and looked about 70-80% similar to him.

The only difference was his eyes.

Whatever the background behind it, there seemed to be thin tubes, somewhat messy.

"Is this me?"

After taking out the gift and placing it on the table, Ren confirmed it with her.

"Yes, does it look like you?"

Fumino naturally observed his reaction and answered with a smile.

After turning the base so that the mini statue faced Fumino, he asked somewhat puzzledly: "Very similar. Why are my eyes like stars?"

Anyway, his eyes couldn't possibly be starry eyes, right?

"There's nothing we can do... When I ordered it, I could only bring it back to this level."

Seeing Ren sitting in front of her without glasses and his eyes sparkling like stars in the sky, Fumino said helplessly.

She wanted to make a mini version with the same eyes as him, but the answer she received was the other party couldn't do it.

Therefore, the only choice was to take a step back and change his eyes to starry eyes.

But in a way, this was quite cute.

At least it looked very cute, exactly like Ren.

"I see."

Ren accepted her explanation and continued to examine the mini statue of himself.

Honestly, Fumino's gift was this, which he didn't expect at all.

It could be said that this was a big surprise for him.

"What's the function of this switch?"

At this point, Ren noticed there was a button on the base.

Pointing to the curtain in his room, Fumino said mysteriously: "This... You'll find out after you close the curtain and open it again."


So Ren got up and closed all the curtains in his room, making the room suddenly dark.

"Is this okay?" He confirmed.


Fumino answered softly.

Ren returned to seat and sat down, gently opening the base.

Soon, the light tube in the background of the mini figure suddenly lit up, twinkling like stars.

"Is this the background button?"

Ren understood the function of this switch.

"Yes, and Kamikawa, you can take a closer look at the twinkling stars." Fumino reminded.

"Any questions?"

After staring at the stars for a long time, Ren really couldn't see anything.

"It's the constellation chart of Virgo."

Regarding not seeing anything, Fumino had already estimated it and explained softly.

"Why is it the constellation chart of Virgo?" Ren didn't quite understand this.

"Because Kamikawa is a Virgo! Isn't your birthday on September 11th? You're a Virgo."

After Fumino explained, he suddenly realized there was a problem.

"Kamikawa, don't you even know your zodiac sign?"

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