
People in Honkai Impact 3rd, Power Leveling.

Pots and pans, listen to my command: Whenever I get close to her, she teleports instantly, and I can't even touch her. What can I, a close-combat player, do? There's simply no way. The strongest player, Bu Langya: ...As soon as I went in, they confiscated my driver's license, and then the screen went black. One life, one love: Oh, the Terminus Dominator, truly the darling of Honkai Impact! You are too "baby." That Yae Sakura's spear almost poked my soul steel waist out. Universal Little Substitute: Isn't the Terminus Dominator given for free? Just chase and hack it, and it's done. One life, one love: Right, you are the high-level player I mentioned. Pots and pans, listen to my command: Ah, right, right, right. The strongest player, Bu Langya: Ah, right, right, right. Invincible Big Goose: Ah, right, right, right. ... Universal Little Substitute: 【Prohibiting Honkai, Armor Immune, Solo Clear of Terminus Dominator】 Universal Little Substitute: @One life, one love, @The strongest player, Bu Langya, @... Universal Little Substitute: Anyone here? Universal Little Substitute: Does anyone need a substitute player? Any fight, 20% off for orders placed now, just deduct 1. One life, one love: 1 The strongest player, Bu Langya: 1 Invincible Big Goose: 1 Terminus Dominator: ? Terminus Dominator: 1... A Translated Chinese Fanfic Author: 汪叽 (Woof/Bark)

TypeMercury · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter Ten: Unexpected Outburst of Flames


"Ding ding ding."

"Received 98 yuan from XPay."

"Received 98 yuan from XPay."

"Received 98 yuan from XPay"...

The urgent and continuous sound of a phone ringing on the table caught the attention of everyone around, including the noodle shop owner. Even the young man burying his head in his bowl of noodles was startled.

What kind of job does this young man have?

"Ding ding."

"Received 9.8 yuan from XPay."

This time it was the noodle shop owner's phone that made the sound.

Facing the curious gazes of onlookers, the noodle shop owner felt embarrassed.

Lei Cang coughed awkwardly and quickly turned off the phone's notification sound.

The constant stream of notifications continued to flood his screen. Dozens of transactions were taking place within moments. Lei Cang was puzzled about what was happening.

He checked the platform and saw that "Kallen Fantasy VII" had surged to the top of the new bestseller list.

That's not right.

Lei Cang was confused. The game had been released for several days, and there was no activity until today. Why did it suddenly take off?

When he opened the store page, he understood the reason.

A very famous gaming blogger had recommended the game and praised it as a "game-changer," attracting a lot of players.

I Want Milk!: The difficulty is indeed high, but after dying a few times, you can master the skills. It's quite satisfying after overcoming the challenges.

Teenage Frontline: It's fun! I'm already addicted.

Crazy Gamer: No way, is it possible for someone to struggle with this game?

lsp: Kallen is my waifu! White legs prprprpr!

Char Aznable Can Be My Mother: Have you noticed that the story is also intriguing? The little theaters hidden in various books and item descriptions are quite interesting. I wonder when we'll get to meet the other eleven school dominators.

!$^&@$%^: So much fun!

Not a Mediocre Person: U1S1, the development team did a great job. I haven't been so engrossed in a game in a long time. Thanks to the blogger for the article; I almost missed this game.


The comment section was overwhelmingly positive, and Lei Cang felt pleased seeing the green sea of praise.

Praise more! Give me more praise!

He specifically checked out the blogger named "Alloy Gear Bolverk" and was surprised to find that she had hundreds of thousands of followers and was famous for her high-difficulty no-damage and grind-oriented playstyle. She was a top streamer in the gaming community.

Lei Cang thought for a moment and left a comment under the article "Kallen Fantasy VII, a New Era Game."

Hard Work Pays Off: Thank you, blogger, for supporting the game. Although the development team consists of just one person, I will work hard to make the game better. (Heart)

This comment quickly got buried in the sea of comments, and Lei Cang didn't mind. He turned off his phone and paid at the counter after finishing his noodles.

While paying, the noodle shop owner seemed to want to say something, but he hesitated and didn't speak.

Leaving the noodle shop, Lei Cang overheard a conversation between two people by the bus stop.

"I heard the city is planning to expand again?"

"Where did you hear the news from?"

"My brother-in-law works in the department. It took me a bottle of good wine to find out."

"Hmm... Since it's your brother-in-law, there might be some credibility."

"...Did he mention which area they plan to expand to? I happen to have some extra money."

"To the west... I think. I wanted to discuss this with you. Let's pool some money and invest..."

At this point, the man halted and looked warily at Lei Cang, pulling his companion away to discuss in private.

Lei Cang furrowed his brow.

To the west?

Isn't that where the orphanage is located?

If they expand, the value of that piece of land, which was once worthless, might increase by several hundred times.

After some thought, Lei Cang shook his head.

Regardless of how much it appreciates, he has no intention of letting the orphanage move.

For him, that place held not only memories of his past but also... the burial place of his mother and the old orphanage director.

In this world, there was no concept of countries; it was divided into the East and the West. The East was similar to the country in Lei Cang's previous life, but the laws varied slightly in each city.

The West was more religious... and relatively more liberal.

The city where Lei Cang currently resided was located at the border between the East and the West. It was the junction point between Asia and Europe, and the atmosphere was quite liberal and relatively lax on regulations.


It wasn't until evening that the sales growth gradually stabilized.

And Lei Cang's savings had reached nearly 600,000 yuan.

He had sold more than 6,000 copies.

This made him feel a bit emotional.

In less than a week, his savings had gone from a few thousand to nearly 600,000 yuan. This was like getting rich overnight.

Once again, he thanked the game blogger named "Alloy Gear Bolverk."

Without her promotion, even if the game had excellent quality, it would probably take several months to become popular. Lei Cang would have to wait until he finished the game.

Thinking about this, Lei Cang opened the blog and sent a private message to "Alloy Gear Bolverk."

Hard Work Pays Off: Thank you. Without your promotion, this game would probably have died out.

Hard Work Pays Off: (Game backstage image)

After sending the message, Lei Cang put down his phone.

Generally, the private messages of big bloggers were very numerous, and if his message was seen, it would take a day or two.

He flexed his wrist and prepared to continue working on the game.

He would start school the day after tomorrow, so Lei Cang needed to progress quickly. Otherwise, he wouldn't have much time after starting school.

Moreover, he needed time to practice the "Tai Xu Sword Qi," and his time was a bit tight. It would be great if he could manage his time better.

"Ding ding ding..."

Just as his fingers touched the keyboard, his phone rang again.

Lei Cang opened his phone and saw that it was a message from "Alloy Gear Bolverk."

Alloy Gear Bolverk: No need to thank me. Even without me, this game would have become popular sooner or later.

Alloy Gear Bolverk: By the way, when will the next part be released?

Alloy Gear Bolverk: (Image) I've already collected all the current content. Now I'm attempting no equipment, full clear, no damage, and I'm at 70% progress.

Alloy Gear Bolverk: When will the next update be?

Alloy Gear Bolverk: When will there be more content?

Alloy Gear Bolverk: How much progress have you made?

Lei Cang wiped his sweat.

Whoa, it feels like I'm under an editor's deadline.

Hard Work Pays Off: ...I'm working on it,

I'm working on it.

Alloy Gear Bolverk: Alright, hurry up. I'm going to fight the boss now.

Alloy Gear Bolverk: Let's add each other on personal communication. Let me know when the game has new progress.

Following the number provided by "Alloy Gear Bolverk," Lei Cang added her on LINE, and her name was "Demon Lord Howm."

To Lei Cang's surprise, "Alloy Gear Bolverk" on LINE was listed as female and only 16 years old.

Unfortunately, her space was locked, so Lei Cang couldn't see what she usually did.

After sighing at the terrifying reality, Lei Cang once again immersed himself in endless coding.