
People Found Out About The Base I Built On the Moon

Zhao Yu came to the deserted planet to build a base, create an underground city and hide in it. Worried about the threat from the unknown civilization, Zhao Yu dug out a small half of the planet and built star destroyer cannons capable of destroying the planet, as well as tens of thousands of fully intelligent mechanical dogs in various forms. The defensive robotic dog, the Gate God, would disguise itself as a small mountain and fortify around the base. Detection and gathering robot dog - Tsotan, would disguise as a rolling stone and wander around the planet to collect useful resources. Combat robot dog - Nezha, would disguise as a crater, scattered around the base, ready to be able to attack the enemies that may come. Around the base, they were ready to attack the enemies that might come. On this day, his gathering robot dog - Tsotan, dragged back a spaceship. It captured three alien creatures, claiming to be from Earth. Zhao Yu was confused. "Didn't I travel to the deep space of the universe? How come I'm on the back of the moon and being treated as an alien by humans?"

Silver Lining · Sci-fi
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826 Chs

Do You Work at Blue Moon Technology Company?

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Zhao Yu turned his head and saw a young girl who seemed about fifteen or sixteen. She wore two ponytails, her hair was glossy black, and her skin was tender, as clear as snow. Her eyes sparkled with life, and her lips were rosy against her white teeth. She was adorable.

"No, thank you!" Zhao Yu waved his hand and refused.

Being thirty already, he was aware that he shouldn't accept drinks from strangers, especially when he's out.

Particularly if it's from a woman, he had to be extra cautious.

Even if the cap looked perfectly sealed, who knew if the other party had tampered with the bottle, perhaps injecting something inside.

"Wow, you were so amazing at basketball just now!"

Despite being rejected, the twin-tailed girl wasn't disheartened. She positioned herself in front of Zhao Yu, her face filled with admiration.

Zhao Yu took a moment to size her up.